Exempt organizations Form 1023-EZ approvals | Internal Revenue Service

Exempt organizations Form 1023-EZ approvals


Find information on approved applications for tax exemption submitted with Form 1023-EZ, Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Form 1023-EZ information is available in spreadsheet format. The data is based on information organizations provide on Forms 1023-EZ approved by the IRS. This includes basic identifying information such as the name of the organization, Employer Identification Number (EIN) and the names of officers, directors and trustees. It also includes information on organizing documents, state of incorporation, purpose and activities of the organization.

Form 1023-EZ approval information is extracted from the IRS Tax Exempt Determination Reporting System. The data is based on approved closures and is extracted quarterly to annual summary documents as of August 6, 2014.

For questions about tax-exempt organizations or the content of the files, call TE/GE Customer Account Services at 877-829-5500.

Form 1023-EZ approval data by year

Form 1023-EZ data is provided as an annual summary document in Microsoft Excel format (xlsx). To view a file, open it Microsoft Excel or download the Excel viewer.

Find definitions of data fields in the Form 1023-EZ Approval Information Sheet PDF.

Data notes

The Form 1023-EZ approval data reported in column BZ Qualify for exemption erroneously includes entries that indicate "0," meaning organizations do not qualify for exemption. This column should have a value of "1," meaning all entries on this list are qualified for exemption.

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