Business topics
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- About taxpayer burden reduction
- Abusive trust tax evasion schemes
- Addresses (local offices)
- Addresses (where to file)
- Advocate
- Affordable Care Act tax provisions for employers
- Agriculture tax center
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Alien taxation
- Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
- Am I required to file an information return?
- American Samoa
- Amended return
- Anti-tax law evasion schemes
- Appeals
- Application for EIN, apply for employer identification number (EIN)
- Applicable Federal Rates (AFR) rulings
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Auctions of real and personal property
- Audit
- Audit techniques guides (ATGs)
- Au pairs
- Automobile standard mileage rates
- Back taxes
- Backup withholding
- Bank Secrecy Act
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy trustees
- Behavioral control
- Benefits
- Burden of proof
- Burden reduction
- Business credits
- Business deductions
- Business expenses
- Business gifts
- Business name change
- Business structures
- Business tax account
- Business tax credits
- Business tax identification number
- Business tax transcripts
- Business taxes
- Business use of home
- Businesses with employees
- CAF number
- Calendar
- Canceling an EIN - closing your account
- Cannabis industry
- Capital expenses
- Capital gains
- Caregiver
- Central withholding agreements
- Centralized Authorization File (CAF) - Authorization rules
- Changing address
- Change business name
- Characterization of income of nonresident aliens
- Charitable contributions
- Check on refund
- Checklist for starting a business
- Child care tax center
- Circular E
- Claiming tax treaty benefits
- Classification of taxpayers for U.S. tax purposes
- Clergy
- Closer connection to a foreign country
- Closing a business
- Collection financial standards
- Collection procedures for taxpayers filing and/or paying late
- Colorado
- Combined annual wage reporting employment tax problem inquiries
- Combined annual wage reporting missing Form W-2 inquiries
- Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
- Competent authority arrangements
- Competent authority assistance
- Compromise, Offer In
- Connecticut
- Conservation reserve program
- Contact the IRS
- Copy of tax return
- Correcting employment taxes
- Corporations
- Cost basis
- Cost of goods sold
- Credit card payments
- Currency and currency exchange rates
- Deadlines for businesses
- Deceased taxpayers
- Declaring bankruptcy
- Delaware
- Depositing and reporting employment taxes
- Digital assets
- Determining alien tax status
- Direct pay
- Disaster assistance and emergency relief for individuals and businesses
- Disposition of property
- Dispute
- Dissolution
- District of Columbia
- Dual-status aliens
- Earned income tax credit
- Effectively connected income (ECI)
- Election for married couples unincorporated businesses
- Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
- E-file employment taxes
- Electronic payment options
- Employee benefits
- Employee (common-law employee)
- Employees
- Employees of foreign governments or international organizations
- Employer ID numbers (EIN/SS-4)
- Employer's tax guide (Circular E)
- Employment eligibility verification
- Employment tax due dates
- Employment tax forms
- Employment tax publications
- Employment tax recordkeeping
- Employment taxes and the trust fund recovery penalty (TFRP)
- Employment taxes
- e-News subscriptions
- Enforced collection actions
- Enrolled agent
- Estate tax
- Estimated tax
- Excise tax
- Exemptions
- Expatriation tax
- Expenses, business
- ExSTARS facts
- Extension
- Family caregivers and self-employment tax
- Family help
- Farm
- FBAR (report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts)
- Federal and state levy programs
- Federal employer identification number (EIN/SS-4/FEIN)
- Federal payment levy program
- Federal tax lien
- File 941
- Filing addresses
- Filing and paying your business taxes
- Filing deadlines
- Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE)
- Filing late
- Filing past due tax returns
- Filing requirements for self-employed individuals
- Financial control
- FIRPTA withholding
- Fixed, determinable, annual, periodical (FDAP) income
- Florida
- Flow- through entities
- Form 8300 and reporting cash payments of over $10,000
- Form 941 Schedule R and Form 940 Schedule R
- Forms and instructions
- Forms and publications, small business
- Forms by U.S. Mail
- Forms, prior year
- Foreign agricultural workers
- Foreign currency and currency exchange rates
- Foreign earned income exclusion
- Foreign intermediaries
- Foreign students and scholars
- Foreign tax credit
- Fraud
- Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Fulbright grants
- FUTA credit reduction
- Hawaii
- Health care: Affordable Care Act tax provisions for employers
- Health savings accounts (HSAs)
- Hiring employees
- Hobby income
- Home office deduction
- Household employees
- How EINs are assigned and valid EIN prefixes
- How long should I keep records
- How should I record my business transactions?
- How to apply for an EIN
- I-9
- Idaho
- Identity theft
- Illinois
- Immigration
- Income subject to NRA withholding
- Independent contractors, forms and associated taxes
- Independent contractor (self-employed) or employee?
- Independent contractor, paying
- Indiana
- Individual retirement arrangements (IRAs)
- Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)
- Individuals living in U.S. possessions
- Indoor tanning services tax center
- Industries/professions
- Information return reporting
- Inheritance
- Installment agreement
- Installment sales
- Instructions
- Intangibles
- Internal Revenue Bulletins (IRB)
- Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
- Internal Revenue Manual (IRM)
- International business
- International taxpayer
- Iowa
- IRS audits
- IRS non-retaliation policy
- IRS tax calendar for businesses and self-employed
There are no topics beginning with the letter J at this time.
- Late filing
- Levy
- Lien
- Like-kind exchanges
- Limited liability company (LLC)
- Local offices
- Local standards: Housing and utilities
- Local standards: Transportation
- Louisiana
- Mailing addresses
- Make a payment (individual tax account balance due)
- Maine
- Married couples in business
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Meal allowance
- Medicare
- Michigan
- Mileage rates
- Minnesota
- Ministers
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Money services business (MSB) information center
- Montana
- Mortgage interest
- Moving expenses
- Name change, business
- National standards: Food, clothing and other items
- National standards: Out-of-pocket health care
- Nebraska
- Net operating loss (NOL)
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Non profit
- Nonresident aliens
- Non-retaliation policy
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Notices
- Offer in Compromise
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Online filing
- Online learning and educational products
- Online payment
- Online publications
- Operating a business
- Order forms and publications
- Oregon
- Outsourcing payroll and third party payers
- Outstanding taxes
- Part time or seasonal help
- Partners & stakeholders
- Partnership
- Past tax returns
- Pay online
- Pay taxes
- Payment plans, installment agreement
- Payroll
- Payroll deduction IRA
- Payroll & practitioner partners
- Payroll professionals tax center
- Payroll taxes
- Penalties at a glance
- Pennsylvania
- Personal property sales (auction)
- Post filing issues
- Power of attorney
- Practitioner local liaison meetings and seminars
- Preparer tax identification number (PTIN)
- Prior year forms, instructions and publications
- Private delivery services
- PTIN renewal
- Publications and notices
- Publications by U.S. mail
- Publications online
- Publications, prior year
- Puerto Rico
- Qualified business income deduction
- Qualified intermediaries (QI)
- Qualifying therapeutic discovery project credits and grants
- Questions and answers for the additional Medicare tax
- QuickAlerts
- Rates, standard mileage
- Real estate
- Real and personal property sales, auctions of
- Recommended reading for small businesses
- Recordkeeping
- Record retention
- Refinery control number (RCN)/Refinery location directory
- Refund
- Regulations (tax)
- Rental property
- Report fraud
- Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)
- Reporting agents (RAF)
- Reporting cash payments of over $10,000
- Reporting payments to independent contractors
- Resident aliens
- Retirement plans
- Revenue rulings
- Rhode Island
- SS-4 (EIN)
- Safeguards Program
- Sale of business
- Sales tax deduction calculator
- S corporations
- Seasonal help
- Section 7520 interest rates
- Selecting a business structure
- Self-employed
- Self-employment tax (SE tax)
- Sharing economy
- Simplified employee pension (SEP)
- Simplified option for home office deduction
- Simple IRA
- Single member limited liability companies
- Small business forms and publications
- Small business tax workshops, meetings, and seminars
- Small business taxes: The virtual workshop
- Social Security tax
- Sole proprietor
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Spanish workshops
- Spouses in business
- SSA/IRS reporter
- Stakeholder liaison local contacts
- Standard mileage rates
- Starting a business
- State government websites
- Statistics
- Statutory employee
- Statutory nonemployees
- Tangible property regulations - Frequently asked questions
- Tax calendar
- Tax centers
- Tax code (IRC)
- Tax credits, business
- Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) training materials
- Tax forms and publications
- Tax fraud
- Tax relief for spouses
- Tax levy
- Tax lien
- Tax payments
- Tax Practitioner Institute classes
- Tax refund
- Tax relief in disasters - Information for businesses
- Tax return, previous year
- Tax scams - How to report them
- Tax tables PDF
- Tax trails
- Tax transcripts
- Tax treaties, income
- Tax withholding estimator
- Tax workshops, small business
- Tax years
- Taxpayer Advocate
- Taxpayer burden reduction (TBR)
- Taxpayer identification numbers (TIN)
- Taxpayer identification number (TIN) matching
- Tennessee
- Terminal control number (TCN)/Terminal locations directory
- Terminating a retirement plan
- Texas
- Third party arrangements
- Tips
- Travel expenses
- Treaties
- Trucking tax center
- Trust
- Trust fund taxes
- Trustees (bankruptcy trustees)
- Understanding a federal tax lien
- Understanding employment taxes
- Understanding your Form 1099-K
- Unemployment tax
- Use of electronic accounting software records; frequently asked questions and answers
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virgin Islands, U.S.
- Virginia
- Virtual currencies
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)
- Voluntary Certification Program for Professional Employer Organizations (CPEOs)
- Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP)
- Wages paid to U.S. citizens and resident aliens employed abroad
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Webinars for tax practitioners
- Webinars for small businesses
- What are FTDs and why are they important?
- What is taxable and nontaxable income?
- Where to file paper tax returns - With or without a payment
- Where's my refund
- Where to send non-return forms (applications and payments)
- Where to send your individual tax account balance due payments
- Why should I keep records?
- Wisconsin
- Worker classification
- Work opportunity tax credit
- Workshops, small business
- Wyoming
There are no topics beginning with the letter X at this time.
There are no topics beginning with the letter Y at this time.
There are no topics beginning with the letter Z at this time.