A guide to information returns | Internal Revenue Service

A guide to information returns


Any person engaged in a trade or business, including a corporation, partnership, individual, estate, and trust, who makes reportable transactions during the calendar year must file information returns to report those transactions to the IRS. Persons required to file information returns to the IRS must also furnish statements to the other party to the transaction, such as recipients of income. The requirement to file information returns is mandated by the Internal Revenue Code and associated regulations.

The most common payments reported on each form are shown below. However, it is not a complete list of all reportable payments and the absence of a payment from the list does not mean that the payment is not reportable. For information on a specific type of payment, use the links in the table below to navigate to the form and its instructions.

For more detailed assistance and help making corrections, please see General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

The table below provides the due dates for filing information returns to the IRS and to the recipient. If any date shown falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday the due date is the next business day.

Dates with an asterisk (*) are due to the IRS on March 31, if filed electronically.

Dates with a double asterisk (**) are due to recipients on March 15 for reporting by trustees and middlemen of Widely Held Fixed Investment Trusts.

Download a PDF version PDF of the table below.

General reporting

What to report Responsible party for this reporting Form & instructions Amounts to report Due to IRS Due to recipient
Mortgage interest (including points) Persons in a trade or business that receive mortgage interest

1098, Mortgage Interest Statement PDF


$600 or more February 28* (To payer/borrower)

January 31

Information about the acquisition or abandonment of property that is security for a debt for which you are the lender There are different rules for multiple owners, governmental units, subsequent holders and multiple lenders (see instructions)

1099-A, Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property PDF


All amounts February 28* (To borrower)

January 31

Sales or redemptions of securities, futures transactions, commodities, and barter exchange transactions A broker or barter exchange

1099-B, Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions PDF


All amounts February 28* February 15**
Cancellation of debt Financial institutions, credit unions, federal agencies and any organization that lends money on a regular and continuing basis

(see specific instructions)

1099-C, Cancellation of Debt


$600 or more February 28* January 31
Distributions, such as dividends, capital gain distributions, or nontaxable distributions, that were paid on stock and liquidation distributions (see specific instructions)

1099-DIV, Dividends and Distributions PDF


$10 or more, except $600 or more for liquidations February 28* January 31**
Interest income Report only interest payments made in the course of your trade or business. Federal, state and local government agencies, as well as nonprofit organizations and nominees/middlemen also must report interest payments.

(see instructions)

1099-INT, Interest Income PDF


$10 or more ($600 or more in some cases) February 28* January 31**
Payment card transactions A payment settlement entity (PSE) is a domestic or foreign entity that is a merchant acquiring entity (a bank or other organization that has the contractual obligation to make payment to participating payees in settlement of payment card transactions)

1099-K, Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions PDF


All amounts February 28* January 31
Third-party network transactions A payment settlement entity (PSE) is a domestic or foreign entity that is a third-party settlement organization (the central organization that has the contractual obligation to make payments to participating payees of third-party network transactions)

1099-K, Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions PDF


More than $600, regardless of the total number of transactions February 28* January 31

Services performed by someone who is not your employee (Box 1)

Cash payments for fish (or other aquatic life) you purchase from anyone engaged in the business of catching fish (Box 1)

Payments to an attorney (Box 1)

Example: For legal fees.

(See specific instructions)

1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation


$600 or more January 31 January 31


(Box 1)

Prizes and awards

(Box 3)

Other income payments

(Box 3)

Cash paid from a notional principal contract to an individual, partnership, or estate

(Box 3)

Medical and health care payments

(Box 6)

Crop insurance proceeds

(Box 9)

Fish purchased for resale (Box 11)

Section 409A deferrals (Box 12)

(See specific instructions)

1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information


$600 or more February 28* January 31**

(Box 2)

(See specific instructions)

1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information


$10 or more February 28* January 31**

Payments of any fishing boat proceeds

(Box 5)

Excess golden parachute payments (Box 13)

Nonqualified deferred compensation (Box 14)

(See specific instructions)

1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information


All amounts February 28* January 31**
Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest (Box 8) (See specific instructions)

1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information


$10 or more February 28* February 15**

Gross proceeds paid to an attorney

(Box 10)

Example: In a settlement agreement.

(See specific instructions)

1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income


$600 or more February 28* February 15**
Gross proceeds from the sale or exchange of real estate (see specific instructions)

1099-S, Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions PDF


Generally, $600 or more February 28* February 15
Timber royalties (see specific instructions)

1099-S, Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions PDF


$10 or more February 28* January 31

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Education reporting

What to report Responsible party for this reporting Form & instructions Amounts to report Due to IRS Due to recipient
Student loan interest received in the course of your trade or business A financial institution, governmental unit (or any of its subsidiary agencies), educational institution, or any other person who receives student loan interest of $600 or more from an individual during the year in the course of your trade or business

1098-E, Student Loan Interest Statement PDF


$600 or more

February 28*

January 31

Qualified tuition and related expenses, reimbursements or refunds, and scholarships or grants An eligible educational institution, an eligible educational institution that is a governmental unit, or an agency or instrumentality of a governmental unit, or certain insurers

1098-T, Tuition Statement PDF


See instructions

February 28*

January 31

Payments from qualified tuition programs and Coverdell ESAs An officer or an employee, or the designee of an officer or employee, having control of a program established by a state or eligible educational institution, or a trustee of a Coverdell education savings account

1099-Q, Payments from Qualified Education Programs (Under Sections 529 and 530) PDF


All amounts

February 28*

January 31

Contributions (including rollover contributions) to a Coverdell ESA (see specific instructions)

5498-ESA, Coverdell ESA Contribution Information PDF


All amounts

May 31

April 30

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Health insurance reporting

What to report Responsible party for this reporting Form & instructions Amounts to report Due to IRS Due to recipient
Health insurance premiums paid on behalf of certain individuals A provider of qualified health insurance coverage (defined in section 35(e)) and you receive advance payments from the Department of the Treasury on behalf of eligible recipients pursuant to section 7527

1099-H, Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Advance Payments PDF


All amounts

February 28*


Notice 2004-47 provides that the HCTC Transaction Center will file and furnish the Form 1099-H unless the provider specifically retains that obligation.

January 31


Notice 2004-47 provides that the HCTC Transaction Center will file and furnish the Form 1099-H unless the provider specifically retains that obligation.

Payments under a long-term care insurance contract and accelerated death benefits paid under a life insurance contract or by a viatical settlement provider Insurance companies, governmental units, and viatical settlement providers

1099-LTC, Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits PDF


All amounts

February 28*

January 31

Distributions from an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA (see specific instructions)

1099-SA, Distributions from an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA PDF


All amounts

February 28*

January 31

Contributions to an HSA (including transfers and rollovers) or Archer MSA and the FMV of an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA The trustee or custodian of an HSA, Archer MSA, or MA MSA

5498-SA, HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA Information PDF


All amounts

May 31

(To Participant) May 31

Certain information to the IRS and to taxpayers about individuals who are covered by minimum essential coverage and therefore are not liable for the individual shared responsibility payment. Every person that provides minimum essential coverage to an individual during a calendar year must file an information return reporting the coverage

1095-B, Health Coverage PDF


All amounts February 28* January 31
Transmittal form that must be filed with the Form 1095-B Every person that provides minimum essential coverage to an individual during a calendar year must file an information return reporting the coverage

1094-B, Transmittal of Health Coverage Information Returns PDF


Not applicable February 28* January 31
Each employee who was a full-time employee of the ALE Member for any month of the calendar year. An ALE member

1095-C, Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Insurance PDF


Not applicable February 28* January 31
Transmittal form that must be filed with the Form 1095-C An ALE member

1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns PDF


Not applicable February 28* January 31

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Transfers of stock reporting

What to report Responsible party for this reporting Form & instructions Amounts to report Due to IRS Due to recipient
Transfer of an employer's stock to an employee pursuant to the exercise of an incentive stock option under section 422(b) Corporations (see specific instructions)

3921, Exercise of an Incentive Stock Option Under Section 422(b) PDF


All amounts

February 28*

January 31

Transfer of stock acquired through an employee stock purchase plan under section 423(c) Corporations (see specific instructions)

3922, Transfer of Stock Acquired Through an Employee Stock Purchase Plan Under Section 423 (C) PDF


All amounts

February 28*

January 31

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Retirement reporting

What to report Responsible party for this reporting Form & instructions Amounts to report Due to IRS Due to recipient
Distributions from retirement or profit-sharing plans, any IRA, insurance contracts, and IRA recharacterizations (see specific instructions)

1099-R, Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc. PDF


$10 or more

February 28*

January 31

Contributions (including rollover contributions) to any individual retirement arrangement (IRA) including a SEP, SIMPLE, and Roth IRA; Roth conversions; IRA recharacterizations; and the fair market value (FMV) of the account (see specific instructions)

5498, IRA Contribution Information PDF


All amounts

May 31

(To participant) For FMV/RMD January 31

For contributions

May 31
