FATCA information for United States entities | Internal Revenue Service

FATCA information for U.S. financial institutions and entities


FATCA - Current alerts and other news

  • U.S. financial institutions (USFIs) and other types of U.S. withholding agents are required to withhold 30% on certain U.S. source payments made to foreign entities, if they are unable to document such entities for purposes of FATCA. Forms 1042 PDF, 1042-S, and Form 1042-T PDF are used to report amounts withheld under chapter 3 or chapter 4. See current Form 1042 instructions PDF, Form 1042-S instructions PDF, Publication 1187 PDF, and excise tax on federal foreign procurement payments for filing these forms.
  • USFIs and U.S. withholding agents must also report to the IRS information about certain non-financial foreign entities with substantial U.S. owners.
  • USFIs are also eligible to submit a FATCA registration application via the FATCA registration website for the following reasons:
    • A USFI with a foreign branch in a Model 1 IGA jurisdiction to obtain a GIIN for the branch.
    • A USFI with a foreign branch that is a qualifying intermediary (QI) to renew the branch's QI agreement.
    • A USFI may register as a sponsoring entity for FFIs and agree to perform, on behalf of the FFI, all the FATCA activities that the FFI otherwise would have to do.
  • A USFI may register as a Lead FI to manage the FATCA registration process for members of its expanded affiliated group of FFIs.