Questions and answers about reporting Social Security numbers to your health insurance company | Internal Revenue Service

Questions and answers about reporting Social Security numbers to your health insurance company


Q1. My health insurance company has requested that I provide them with my social security number and the social security numbers of my spouse and children.  Is there a reason why they need our social security numbers?

A1. Your health insurance company is required to provide Form 1095-B, Health Coverage PDF to you and to the Internal Revenue Service. You will use information from the form to prepare your individual income tax return. The law requires SSNs to be reported on Form 1095-B. 

Q2: Is there a specific Internal Revenue Service form that will be mailed to me to provide the information to my health insurance company?

A2: No. Your health insurance company may mail you a written request which discusses these rules.

Q3: How will I use Form 1095-B to prepare my return?

A3: Form 1095-B provides verification for your income tax return that you, your spouse, and individuals you claim as dependents had qualifying health coverage (referred to as “minimum essential coverage”) for some or all months during the year. Individuals who do not have minimum essential coverage and do not qualify for an exemption may be liable for the individual shared responsibility payment. You do not have to attach Form 1095-B to your tax return.

Information about Forms 1095-A, 1095-B, and 1095-C and how they affect your tax return is available in our Questions and Answers.

Q4: What if I refuse to provide this information to my health insurance company?

A4: The information received by the Internal Revenue Service will be used to verify information on your individual income tax return.  If the information you provide on your tax return cannot be verified, you may receive an inquiry from the Internal Revenue Service.  You also may receive a notice from the Internal Revenue Service indicating that you are liable for an individual shared responsibility payment.

Q5: If I do not have a Social Security number (SSN) or other tax identifying number (TIN) for myself or other covered individuals, such as my spouse or dependents, should I contact the IRS to obtain a Social Security number or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) so that I can give it to my health coverage provider?

A5: No, it is not necessary for you to contact the IRS if you do not have an SSN or a TIN.  You should advise your coverage provider that you do not have an SSN or TIN and give them the date of birth for each covered individual.