IRS oversight organizations | Internal Revenue Service

IRS oversight organizations


Federal oversight organizations


The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an agency that works for Congress and the American people. Congress asks GAO to study the programs and expenditures of the federal government. GAO, commonly called the investigative arm of Congress or the congressional watchdog, is independent and nonpartisan. It studies how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.


The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) assists the President in the development and implementation of budget program, management and regulatory policies. It conducts in-depth regulatory review of significant rules proposed by federal agencies as well as promotes best practices management across the federal government.


The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) provides audit and investigative services that promote economy, efficiency and integrity in the administration of the internal revenue laws.

Advisory/advocacy organizations


The Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC) conveys the public’s perceptions of the IRS electronic tax administration activities, offers constructive observations about current or proposed polices, programs, and procedures, and suggests improvements.


The Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC) conveys the public's perception of IRS' activities. The IRSAC provides an organized public forum for IRS officials and representatives of the public to discuss relevant tax administration issues. The Council advises the IRS on issues that have a substantive effect on federal tax administration.

Taxpayer Advocacy Panel

The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) listens to taxpayers, identifies taxpayers’ issues and makes suggestions for improving IRS service and customer satisfaction. The TAP acts as a two-way conduit; serving as a focus group for the IRS providing input on strategic initiatives, as well as providing a venue for raising issues identified by citizens.

IRS Oversight Board

The IRS Oversight Board is an independent body charged to provide the IRS with long-term guidance and direction. Since it began its operations in September 2000, the Board has sought the views and insights of those who work regularly with the IRS.

House and Senate oversight committees

Senate Committee on Finance

Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight

House Committee on Ways and Means

Subcommittee on Oversight