IRS Health Care Tax Tip 2014-09, March 13, 2014
You may be wondering if you have to report the value of your employer-sponsored health insurance coverage, which may appear on your W-2, Wage and Tax Statement when you file your 2013 federal income tax return.
Here is what you need to know about the value shown on your W-2.
- The health care law requires certain employers to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan.
- The amount of employer-sponsored health insurance coverage appears in Box 12 of the W-2, and has the code letters “DD” next to it.
- Reporting the cost of health care coverage on the Form W-2 does not mean that the coverage is taxable or that it needs to be reported on your tax return.
- The amount is only for information, and shows the payments made by you and your employer and is not included in the amount shown in Box 1, which is the amount of taxable earnings.
See this W-2 page on the IRS website for more information.
More information
Find out more about the tax-related provisions of the health care law at
Find out more about the health care law at
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