IRS employee emergency news | Internal Revenue Service

IRS employee emergency news


Information for recently separated employees

Recently separated employees may become eligible for unemployment compensation. State unemployment compensation requirements differ. Some states require a one-week waiting period before an individual qualifies for payments. In general, the law of the state in which an employee’s last official duty station in Federal civilian service was located will be the State law that determines eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits.

Agencies or employees should submit questions to the appropriate state (or District of Columbia) office. The Department of Labor’s website provides general information about unemployment compensation at How Do I File for Unemployment Insurance? and links to individual state offices at Unemployment benefits, CareerOneStop.

Documents to have ready

  • Social security card
  • Official notice of recent employment with a federal agency
  • SF-50 form of separation or notice of nonpay status (if available)
  • Earnings and leave statements or similar documents that indicate employment history

The IRS Human Capital Office automatically sends needed and appropriate verification files to state unemployment offices.

Requesting a copy of an eOPF

Recently separated employees may contact the IRS Employee Resource Center (866-743-5748) for a copy of their eOPF record if within 30 days of separation. Records older than 30 days transfer to National Personnel Records Center's (NPRC).

Important links

My Employee Personal Page (My EPP)

This page will be updated with information and instructions for IRS employees in the event of a major emergency that has widespread geographic or business impact.

For information on local office closures, IRS employees should call the 24/7 Emergency Hotline — 866-743-5748, select option 3 and then follow the prompts. For TTY access (Federal Relay Service), call 800-877-8339.

If you're involved in an emergency that may require you to evacuate your area, closely monitor your local news for evacuation plans or other instructions that may be announced.

If local officials announce an evacuation, please contact your manager to report your status. If your manager is not available, contact the ERC at 866-743-5748 as soon as it is safe and practical to do so.

As a reminder, the Employee Assistance Program is available for all IRS employees and their immediate family members at any time, day or night, by calling 800-977-7631 (TDD: 800-697-0353). This no-cost counseling service could help address stress and other issues you and your family may face.

Visit to register for an account to help you improve your work-life balance. Get access to counseling, coaching, health and wellness, financial, legal and other work-life resources. Use organization web ID: IRS112. You can also download the app at GuidanceResources® Now.