Understanding Your CP54B Notice | Internal Revenue Service

Understanding Your CP54B Notice


What this notice is about

Your tax return shows a different name and/or ID number from the information we have for your account. Please provide more information to us in order to receive your refund.

What you need to do

  • Review your identifying information shown on this notice and compare it to your most recent social security card or taxpayer ID card.
  • Complete the CP54 response form to explain the discrepancies.
  • Include copies of documents to substantiate your name and identifying number.

You may want to

  • Contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) to update your records if you have an SSN and any of the following occurred:
    • you recently married and are using your spouse’s last name and you did not contact SSA to update your records,
    • you legally changed your name without contacting SSA to update your records, or
    • your social security number and/or name are different from when you received your social security number.

  • Contact the IRS, ITIN Operation, to update your records if you have an ITIN and any of the following occurred:
    • you recently married and are using your spouse’s last name and you did not contact IRS to update your records,
    • you legally changed your name without contacting IRS to update your records, or
    • your ITIN and/or name are different from when you received your CP565, ITIN Assignment Letter.

Frequently asked questions

Once we receive your response form and verify the information you provided, you should receive your refund in 4 to 6 weeks, if the name and ID number you provided match our records. If you don’t hear from us after 6 weeks, you can check the status of your refund on Where’s My Refund?

Tips for next year

Make sure you file using your name and taxpayer ID number (TIN) that was updated by SSA or IRS.

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