When self-preparing your taxes and filing electronically, you must sign and validate your electronic tax return by entering your prior-year Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) or your prior-year Self-Select PIN.
Generally, tax software automatically enters the information for returning customers. If you are using a software product for the first time, you may have to enter the information yourself.
If you have an Identity Protection (IP) PIN (via a CP01A or the Get an IP PIN Tool), you must enter it when prompted by your software. It will serve to verify your identity instead of your prior-year AGI or prior-year Self Select PIN. You can opt into the IP PIN program through the online tool.
There are several ways to find your prior-year AGI:
Preferred method
You should always retain a copy of your tax return.
- On your 2023 tax return, your AGI is on line 11 of the Form 1040.
- For those waiting on their 2023 tax return to be processed, enter $0 (zero dollars) for last year's AGI to ensure the 2024 tax return is accepted by the IRS for processing.
- If you used a paid preparer last year, you might obtain a copy of last year’s tax return from that preparer.
- If you are using the same tax preparation software that you used last year, that software will likely have your prior-year tax return for you to access.
- If you’re not using the same tax preparation software as last year, you may be able to access your prior-year software and view an electronic copy of your prior-year return.
- If you are a first-time filer over the age of 16, enter zero as your AGI.
Alternative methods
If you do not have a copy of your tax return, you can get your AGI from one of the IRS self-service tools:
- Use your online account to immediately view your AGI on the Tax Records tab. If you're a new user, have your photo identification ready.
- Use Get Transcript by Mail. You can also request a transcript by mail by calling our automated phone transcript service at 800-908-9946. Please allow 5 to 10 days for delivery.