About taxpayer burden reduction | Internal Revenue Service

About taxpayer burden reduction


What is taxpayer burden?

Taxpayer Burden is defined as the time and money taxpayers spend to comply with their federal tax obligations. An example could be the average time and expense required to complete and file a tax form.

Can the public submit ideas for reducing taxpayers burden?

Yes. Form 13285-A, Reducing Tax Burden on America's Taxpayers PDF, may be used to submit ideas to the IRS. Keep in mind that ideas for reducing taxpayer burden should affect a significant number of taxpayers.

For individual taxpayer issues (e.g., receipt of a notice, account problem or question) please call the IRS telephone assistance line or use the contact information found on your notice.

How will IRS select burden reduction initiatives?

Burden reduction initiatives will be evaluated and prioritized by:

  • Determining the number of taxpayers impacted;
  • Quantifying the total time and out-of-pocket savings for taxpayers;
  • Evaluating any adverse effect on IRS voluntary compliance efforts;
  • Assessing the feasibility of the initiative, given IRS resource limitations; and
  • Tying the initiative into IRS objectives.

Not all burden reduction proposals can be implemented. For example, IRS doesn’t have the ability to change existing tax laws. Proposals involving legislative changes should be submitted directly to congressional representatives.