Presentations from the 2019 IRS Nationwide Tax Forums


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199A Qualified Business Income (QBI): Review and Planning to Maximize the Benefits of QBI on the Form 1040 2019 Tax Changes PDF

Advocating for a Client Who Needs to Correct Errors on a Return or Request an Audit Reconsideration PDF

Advocating for Taxpayers – How the Taxpayer Advocate Service Can Help You and Your Clients PDF

Advocating for Taxpayers Facing Passport Certification PDF

Another Look at Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) in Light of the TCJA PDF

Backup Withholding/Employment Tax Implications PDF

Business Interest Expense Deductibility under Section 163(j) - An Introduction and the Related Consequences of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) PDF

Cohan Rule – An IRS Audit Defense Tool (The) PDF

Collection Update PDF

Cybersecurity for Tax Professionals PDF

Data Compromise Playbook for Tax Practitioners PDF

Dealing with Disasters PDF

Diligence in Practice before the IRS: Conducting it Timely and Consistently PDF

E-file Identification Number (EFIN) Security Responsibilities PDF

Enhancing the Tax Pro Experience 2.0: IRS Resources and "How-tos" for You, Your Clients and Practice PDF

Foreign Tax Credit PDF

Form 1120-F, U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign Corporation PDF

Fringe Benefits and the S Corporation: The Who, What and How of Reporting PDF

Helping You and Your Clients Steer Clear of the Latest Frauds and Swindles PDF

Identity Theft Victim Assistance: How It Works for You and Your Client PDF

It's 2019: What's Going on in the Ethics Arena in This Post-TCJA World? PDF

Learn the Facts about IRS Due Diligence Contacts! PDF

One Year Later…Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Due Diligence Update PDF

Payroll Pointers for Filers of Forms W-2/W-3 PDF

Properly Substantiating the Section 199A Qualified Business Income (QBI) Deduction PDF

Reconstructing Income and Expenses - Representing the Taxpayer without Adequate Books and Records PDF

Retirement Plan Distributions PDF

Social Security and Self-Employment Tax Obligations Related to U.S. Individuals Working Outside the U.S. PDF

Taking Too Much Depreciation? PDF

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA): Things Learned During the 2019 Filing Season PDF

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Update: Qualified Business Income Deduction and Opportunity Zones PDF

Tax Security 2.0; The Taxes-Security-Together Checklist PDF

Tax Treatment of Transactions in Cryptocurrency and IRS Tax Enforcement PDF

Understanding and Combating Return Preparer Fraud – A Combined Effort PDF

Understanding the Circular 230 Disciplinary Process PDF

Understanding the Collection Appeals Hearing Process PDF

Understanding the Examination Appeals Hearing Process PDF

What Tax Professionals Should Know about Social Security PDF

When Does a Rental Generate Qualified Business Income? PDF

Who, What, Where and How of ITINs (The) PDF

EO Workshop: Compliance Basics for Charities and Other Tax-Exempt Orgs PDF