SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin Fall 2017


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Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin - Fall 2017 PDF

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Sole Proprietorship Returns, Tax Year 2015 PDF

By Adrian Dungan

For Tax Year 2015, taxpayers reported nonfarm sole proprietorship activity on approximately 25.2 million individual income tax returns, a 2.4-percent increase from 2014. Profits rose to $331.8 billion in 2015, a 4.7-percent increase from the previous year. In constant dollars, total nonfarm sole proprietorship profits increased 3.5 percent in 2015. Total profits as a percentage of business receipts were 23.0 percent for 2015, the second highest level in this data series which begins in 1988. The largest percentage increase in profits was reported by the real estate sector which increased 15.1 percent or $3.7 billion.

Excel Tables: 1 XLS, 2 XLS

Related Link: Nonfarm Sole Proprietorship Statistics
