- 3.17.50 Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System (RRACS) Procedures
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authorities
- Responsibilities
- Deputy CFO
- Senior Associate CFO for Financial Management
- Associate CFO for Revenue Financial Accounting
- Revenue Systems Section
- Enterprise Computing Center, Martinsburg (ECC-MTB)
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions
- Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Database Administrators (DBAs)
- How to Use This Guide
- Main Menu Overview
- Chart of Accounts
- RACS Main Menu Displays and Operation
- General Rules for Using RRACS
- Identifying RRACS Error Codes
- Section 508 Compliance
- RRACS Security and Related Information
- Disclosure Requirements
- General Security
- RRACS Security
- RRACS Security Accreditation and Authorization
- RRACS Single Workstation Login - Access Control Policy
- Local Area Network (LAN) Server User ID/Password Procedures
- Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) User ID/Password Procedures
- RRACS Functional Security Coordinator Duties
- RRACS Access Procedures
- Workstation
- Logon
- Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC) Logon
- Logoff
- Disbursement Control Main Menu
- Miscellaneous, Non-Master File (NMF), and Cover Over Refunds
- Miscellaneous Refunds
- Refunds/Non-Master File (NMF)
- Cover Over Refunds
- Excess Collections and Unidentified Refunds
- Excess Collections Refunds
- Unidentified Refunds
- Photocopy and Miscellaneous (MISC) Revenue Refunds
- Photocopy Refunds
- Arbitrage Refunds
- Miscellaneous (MISC) Revenue Refunds
- Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Refund and Oil Spill Refund
- Enterprise Computing Center(ECC) Refunds
- Oil Spill Refunds
- User Fee Refund
- Informant Reward Refunds
- Deposit Fund Refunds
- Manual Refund Cancellations
- Deposit Fund Refund Cancellations
- Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Refund, Photocopy, Anti-Drug, Informant Reward, Miscellaneous (MISC) Revenue, Oil Spill Refund, User Fee, Arbitrage, Enterprise Computing Center Customer Account Data Engine (ECC-CADE), and Cover Over Cancellations
- Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Refund Cancellations
- Photocopy Refund Cancellations
- Anti-Drug Refund Cancellations
- Informant Reward Refund Cancellations
- Miscellaneous (MISC) Revenue Refund Cancellations
- User Fee Cancellations
- Arbitrage Cancellations
- Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Cancellations-Customer Account Data Engine (CADE)
- Cover Over Cancellations
- Oil Spill Refund Cancellations
- Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections Receipts (IPACR) and Treasury Receivable, Accounting and Collection System (TRACS) Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections Disbursements (IPAC D)
- Federal Payment Levy Program (FPLP)
- Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections IPAC Disbursement (IPACD)
- Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections IPAC Disbursement (IPACD) Miscellaneous
- Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections Disbursement (IPACD) Deposit Fund
- Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections (IPACD) MISC Revenue
- Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections Disbursement (IPACD) Anti-Drug
- Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections Disbursement (IPACD) Debtor Master File (DMF) Offset
- Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections Disbursement (IPACD) Oil Spill
- Confirmation of Refunds
- Confirmation Enterprise Computing Center Customer Account Data Engine (ECC CADE)
- Confirmation of Informant Reward Refund
- Confirmation Miscellaneous (MISC) Refund
- Confirmation Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Refund-Business Master File (BMF)
- Confirmation Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Refund-Individual Master File (IMF)
- Confirmation Excess Refund
- Confirmation Unidentified Refund
- Confirmation Photocopy Refund
- Confirmation Non-Master File (NMF) Refund
- Confirmation Deposit Fund Refund
- Confirmation Anti-Drug Refund
- Confirmation Miscellaneous (MISC) Revenue Refund
- Confirmation Oil Spill Refund
- Confirmation Cover Over Refund
- Confirmation Arbitrage Refund
- Confirmation User Fee Refund
- Net Tax Refund Report (NTRR) Line Data Table
- Miscellaneous, Non-Master File (NMF), and Cover Over Refunds
- Accounting Application Control Main Menu
- Miscellaneous Applications and Cover Over Liability
- Unidentified Apply
- Unidentified Remittance File (URF)/Miscellaneous (MISC)
- Unidentified Remittance File (URF)/Deposit Fund
- Unidentified Remittance File (URF)/Miscellaneous Fees
- Unidentified Remittance File (URF)/Refund Repay
- Unidentified Remittance File (URF)/Loss
- Dishonored Check Apply
- Dishonored Check File/Service Center Control File (DCF/SCCF)
- Dishonored Check File (DCF)/Miscellaneous (MISC) Fee
- Dishonored Check File (DCF)/Deposit Fund
- Dishonored Check File (DCF)/Loss
- Dishonored Check File (DCF)/Anti-Drug
- Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Applications
- Credit Transfer Out/In
- Account Transfers
- Treasury Receivable, Accounting and Collection System (TRACS) Applications
- Customer Account Data Engine 2 (CADE 2) Manual Input
- Confirm Transfers
- Erroneous Refunds
- Informant Rewards
- Agency Transfer Control Main Menu
- Assessment Control Main Menu
- Assessments
- Abatements / Erroneous Abatements
- Non-Tax Assessment and Non-Tax Abatement (Ogden CFO RACS Unit only)
- Deposit Control Main Menu
- Deposit
- Debit Voucher (DV) and DV Adjustment
- Debit Voucher (DV)
- Debit Voucher (DV) Adjustment
- Confirm Deposits
- Reclassify
- Service Center Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS) Reclassification
- Deposit Fund Control Main Menu
- Inventory Control Main Menu
- Inventory - Acquisition
- Inventory - Disposition/Loss or Disposition/Profit
- Inventory - Disposition/Non-Sale
- Inventory - Seized Property and Collateral (Open and Close)
- Loss Control Main Menu
- Loss Accounts
- Recovery of Loss Accounts
- Journal Steps
- Research Methods
- Journal Research
- Trial Balance
- RRACS Reports
- Mainframe Reports
- End Of Day Reports
- Month-End Reports
- Fiscal Year-End Sub Menu
- Miscellaneous Sub Menu
- External (Government On-Line Accounting Link Information Access System (GOALS)/PNC Bank) Batch Processing Reports
- Assessment Reports
- Assessment Certificate
- Abatement Report (Form 2188)
- Mainframe Reports
- Database Administration
- DBA Update Sub Menu
- DBA Modify Sub Menu
- DBA Reversal Sub Menu
- DBA Net Tax Refund Report (NTRR) Sub Menu
- DBA Collection Sub Menu
- Undeposited Collection Journals
- Deposit journals
- Year-End Process
- Exhibit 3.17.50-1 General RRACS Definitions
- Exhibit 3.17.50-2 Chart of Accounts
- Exhibit 3.17.50-3 RRACS Input Journals and Journal Numbers
- Exhibit 3.17.50-4 Account Numbers and Associated Journals
- Exhibit 3.17.50-5 Forms
- Exhibit 3.17.50-6 RRACS Menu Icons
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 3. Submission Processing
Chapter 17. Accounting and Data Control
Section 50. Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System (RRACS) Procedures
3.17.50 Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System (RRACS) Procedures
Manual Transmittal
September 11, 2023
(1) This transmits revised IRM 3.17.50, Accounting and Data Control, Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System (RRACS) Procedures.
The RRACS system is an automated system used to provide accounting control for all custodial accounting transactions. Data is entered into the system primarily at the CFO RACS (Revenue Accounting Control System) Units. The database, located at ECC-MTB, consists of general ledger accounts and a variety of internal records used for balancing and reporting.
Material Changes
(1) Obsolete references to Online 5081 were replaced Business Entitlement Access Request System (BEARS).
IRM, Program Controls
IRM, General Security
IRM, Local Area Network (LAN) Server User ID/Password Procedures
IRM, Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) User ID/Password Procedures
(2) Updated policy and program owner names to reflect CFO organizational changes.
IRM, Program Scope and Objectives
IRM, Responsibilities
IRM, Senior Associate CFO for Financial Management
IRM, Associate CFO for Revenue Financial Accounting
IRM, Revenue Systems Section
(3) IRM, RRACS Single Workstation Login - Access Control Policy:
Removed “Plan of Action and Milestone (POAM)” from IRM subsection name
Replaced obsolete reference to POAM with Single Workstation Login
Updated incorrect reference to IRM, Information Technology (IT) Security, Policy and Guidance: AC-10 Concurrent Session Control.
(4) IRM, Service Center Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS) Reclassification, Treasury Account Symbol 20X1807 corrected.
(5) Exhibit 3.17.50-2, Chart of Accounts, updated to reflect current chart of accounts.
(6) Exhibit 3.17.50-3, RRACS Input Journals and Journal Numbers, updated to reflect current status of input journals and journal numbers.
(7) Exhibit 3.17.50-4, Account Numbers and Associated Journals, updated to reflect current status of account numbers and associated journals.
(8) This revision includes changes throughout the document for the following:
Minor editorial changes have been made throughout this IRM for consistency and language clarification.
IRS account data has been converted from list to table format.
Hyperlinks have been provided where appropriate.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 3.17.50, dated September 1, 2021, is superseded.Audience
These procedures are used primarily by RACS accounting technicians who input data into RRACS.Effective Date
(09-11-2023)Michael V. Gomes
Associate CFO for Revenue Financial Accounting
Purpose: This IRM provides policies and procedures for RRACS. These procedures explain the various components of RRACS. The system reflects all accounting principles and standards prescribed by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
Audience: CFO RACS Unit.
Policy Owner: Associate CFO for Revenue Financial Accounting.
Program Owner: Financial Management Systems.
Primary Stakeholders: CFO Revenue Accounting Operations RACS units, HQ Accounting analysts, accounting technicians and database administrators.
Primary Goals: To provide efficient workflow guidance, ultimately achieving reporting accuracy for revenue and refunds.
The RRACS system is the system of record for IRS custodial accounting. The Custodial Detail Database (CDDB) is the subledger to the RRACS system. CDDB is a repository of data extracts from all master file systems which includes revenue, refunds, unpaid assessments, and frozen credits. CDDB also summarizes data traceable to specific revenue operations.
The authorities for this IRM include:
31 United States Code (USC) Chapter 11, The Budget and Fiscal, Budget and Program Information
31 USC 3512, Executive Agency Accounting and Other Financial Reports and Plans
44 USC 3309, Preservation of Claims of Government Until Settled in Government Accountability Office (GAO)
5 USC 552a, The Privacy Act of 1974
This section provides responsibilities for:
Deputy CFO
Senior Associate CFO for Financial Management
Associate CFO for Revenue Financial Accounting
Revenue Systems Section
Enterprise Computing Center, Martinsburg (ECC-MTB)
The CFO is responsible for overseeing financial policy for the management and reporting of the custodial assets.
The Deputy CFO provides direction on financial management, ensures financial products are properly presented and maintained, and ensures financial systems are compliant with federal standards.
The Senior Associate CFO for Financial Management is responsible for establishing, maintaining, and ensuring compliance with custodial revenue policy and procedures, custodial accounting operations and financial reporting.
The Associate CFO for Revenue Financial Accounting ensures proper accounting and timely reporting of IRS custodial activities and systems.
The Revenue Systems Section is responsible for ensuring custodial accounting systems remain compliant with all relevant rules and regulations, along with implementing, updating and managing new system requirements mandated and/or requested by business stakeholders.
The Enterprise Computing Center, Martinsburg (ECC-MTB) oversees and is responsible for:
Maintaining Master File (MF) and Customer Account Data Engine (CADE) records for taxpayers.
Accounting and data control for Individual Master File (IMF), Business Master File (BMF) and CADE records.
Processing systemic accounting adjustments, transactions and abstracts of revenue receipts.
Maintaining a Reciprocal Accounting Control Record (RACR) with each CFO RACS Unit.
Producing automated SF 1166 (Voucher and Schedule of Payments) or Secure Payment System (SPS) prints for the total amounts of overpayment principal and interest transcribed to BMF and IMF refund files.
Each CFO RACS Unit is responsible for functioning as a separate accounting operation, using an identifiable numeral.
Together, each unit is responsible for:
Maintaining a general ledger and subsidiary records, reconciling the general ledger accounts and subsidiary records or files each month.
Controlling all accounting documents within the CFO RACS Unit for entry to the BMF, IMF, NMF accounts and for journaling and posting to the general ledger.
Receiving or initiating control and processes for all BMF, IMF, and NMF accounting transactions involving other CFO RACS Units.
Receiving and controlling BMF, IMF, NMF accounting outputs including required journaling and posting to the general ledger.
As necessary, initiating or processing account transfers, account adjustments, debit or credit transfers, statutory clearances, etc., related to BMF, IMF and NMF accounts.
Preparing Form 23C (RACS Report 006) and Form 2188 (RACS Report 024) schedules for manual refunds, transcripts and accounting reports and other accounting documents, as required.
Program Reports: In accordance with Management Accountability Review regulations, managers are responsible for ensuring that internal controls are effective and efficient in day-to-day operations and safeguarded against waste, fraud and abuse. The following daily, weekly, and monthly reports are generated by CFO RACS units and assist with managing workflow processes.
Daily Posting Summary report generated weekly. This report is validated to ensure the preparer and reviewer have completed all journals per the checkoff list.
Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS)/RACS Reconciliation generated daily. This report identifies any out of balance account discrepancies for the current month.
CARS/RACS Reconciliation Fiscal Year to Date generated daily and monthly. This reconciliation identifies any cumulative out of balance discrepancies for the fiscal year to date.
Program Effectiveness: Managers are responsible for conducting operational or management control reviews to identify weaknesses and mitigate known risks. Managers must perform program or ad hoc reviews for accuracy and completeness. Monthly scorecards communicate critical information on the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of the overall processes.
Federal Government Accounting Requirements, 31 USC 3512, places the responsibility for establishing and maintaining adequate systems of accounting and internal control upon the head of each executive agency, and states that the head of each executive agency shall establish and maintain systems of accounting and internal control that provide:
Full disclosure of the financial results of the agency's activities.
Adequate financial information needed for the agency's management purposes.
Effective control over, and accountability for, all funds, property, and other assets for which the agency is responsible, including appropriate internal audit.
Reliable accounting results serving as the basis for preparation and support of budget requests, controlling the execution of its budget, and providing financial information required by the President or other designated authority.
Suitable integration of the agency's accounting with Treasury’s accounting in connection with the central accounting and reporting responsibilities imposed by the Secretary of the Treasury.
RRACS users must adhere to the security rules and separation of duties that exist within the system granting different types of authority/access through the Business Entitlement Access Request System (BEARS):
RRACS users apply to receive a User ID and password on the BEARS system.
The Resource Allocation Control File (RACF) password system forces password changes every 30 days.
Quarterly monitoring occurs to ensure adherence to internal controls regarding access levels of users.
Systems must conform to the accounting principles, standards, and related requirements, as prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States. The following controls are in place to ensure compliance with the financial statement audit program:
Monthly Checklist - Validation check on the business activities that should be completed for an accounting period, to ensure proper reporting of events.
Trace ID (TID) Manual Balancing reconciliation - Reconciles deposit tickets and debit vouchers from the Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP), Lockbox, and Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).
Collections Information Repository (CIR) - Calculates cumulative CARS amounts against RRACS calculated amounts to reconcile deposit differences recorded monthly.
Refund Match - Reads the TDO payment file and match them against the refund records on RRACS. This process confirms refunds disbursed from Treasury and reports the funds on the statement of transactions.
Statement of Difference (SOD) - Identifies, reconciles, and resolves differences between IRS deposits and collections as reported on the statement of transactions and Fiscal Service.
Suspense Account – Suspense accounts 20F3885/20F3500/20F3502 reviewed monthly. CFO RACS units verify account balances post correct adjustments, verify suspense accounts 20F3500 and 20F3502 contain zero balances and accounts 20F3885 meet threshold requirements.
Negative Disbursements – CFO RACS Units generate CARS/RACS Reconciliation and Fiscal Year to Date CARS/RACS Reconciliation reports to verify specific accounts on the report match. CARS and RRACS must balance.
Beginning of Day/End of Day (EOD) Balancing - Daily reports generated at the beginning and end of each day to ensure RRACS balances reconcile to tax modular transactions entered.
RACR - Reconciles daily and monthly general ledger accounts to the master file at each submission processing CFO RACS Unit.
3997 Balancing – Reconciliation of general ledger and Subsidiary Accounts imbalances that break out the difference as reconciled, aged reconciled or unreconciled monthly. This is used to highlight reconciliation issues.
Subsidiary Ledger- Provides detailed support to the general ledger accounts as reconciled for reporting accurately. It further authenticates the integrity of the general ledger accounts and assists the Service in providing accurate financial reporting to Treasury.
The following terms and definitions apply to this program.
Assessment Main Menu - RRACS Module used for service center assessments and abatements.
Client Manager - RRACS Module used to log in to RRACS. Note: A login must be performed through Client Manager prior to accessing any of the other RRACS modules.
DBA Main Menu - Module used to perform administrator level functions, most commonly to change the accounting month or reverse accounting journal entries.
HQ Reports Main Menu - Module used to print all RRACS headquarters reports.
IRS Account - General ledger account.
Journal Control - Identifying information relating to transaction activity. Note: For RRACS, transaction activity includes journals, reversals or confirmations. The journal number includes activity count, posting number and system date.
Journal Entry - A generic journal used for all RRACS transactions. This journal records the dollar amounts for a specific ledger posting to the IRS Account.
Journal Number - The unique number that identifies a RRACS journal entry. The format is XXX-MMDDYYYY-ZZZ, where X is the three-digit posting number, MMDDYYYY is the date, and ZZZ is the sequential instance of identical posting numbers that happened on the same date.
Journal Research - Module used to retrieve previously entered journals.
Maintain Local Agency Location - Module/utility that logs the user into a specific location (service center or headquarters).
MCCRACS - A terminal emulator that allows direct access to the RACS IBM host mainframe. Runs using terminal commands. Most commonly used to change RRACS password, transfer files or to run SQL queries.
RACS Main Menu - Module used to perform accounting entries and journals.
Posting Number - The first three numbers of the RRACS journal number. Represents the category of journal.
RRACS Production Menu - The main folder that contains all the RRACS icons.
RRACS Module - Also referred to as a RRACS Menu, a program within the RRACS Production Menu folder that performs a specific set of tasks. For example, the RRACS Main Menu provides journal entry and CFO RACS Unit Reports Main Menu provides options for service center report printing. An icon represents each module within the main RRACS Production Menu folder.
RRACS Production Environment - The version of RRACS that is put into operation for end users in a real-time situation.
SPC Reports Main Menu - Module used to print all RACS Service Center reports.
Trial Balance - Module used to display debit, credit and net account balances for a given service center or headquarters.
Update User Workstation ID - A module/security utility that updates current workstation and disconnects any other workstations that the user may be logged into.
The following acronyms apply to this program.
Acronym Definition # Number ALC Agency Location Code ANMF Automated Non-Master File ANSPC Andover CFO RACS Unit AORR Area Office Remittance Register ATSPC Atlanta CFO RACS Unit AUSPC Austin CFO RACS Unit BFS Bureau of the Fiscal Service, also referred to as Fiscal Service BMF Business Master File BSPC Brookhaven CFO RACS Unit CADE Customer Account Data Engine CDN Consolidated Data Network CR Credit CIR Collections Information Repository CRL Control Record List CSPC Cincinnati CFO RACS Unit CTA Carriers and Transportation Act DBA Data Base Administrator DCC Detroit Computing Center DCF Dishonored Check File DLN Document Locator Number DMF Debtor Master File DOJ Department of Justice DR Debit DT Deposit Ticket DV Debit Voucher ECC Enterprise Computing Center ECS Electronic Certification System ECP Electronic Check Processing (Lockbox) EFT Electronic Funds Transfer System EFTPS Electronic Federal Tax Payment System EO Exempt Organizations EOD End of Day EP Employee Plans FBA Fund Balancing Account FDCR FRB Day Classifications Report FPLP Federal Payment Levy Program FRB Federal Reserve Bank FSPC Fresno CFO RACS Unit FTD Federal Tax Deposit FUTA Federal Unemployment Tax Act GAO Government Accountability Office GMF Generalized Mainline Framework GOALS Government On-Line Accounting Link System GUF Generalized Unpostable Framework ID Identification IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IMF Individual Master File INT Interest IPACD Intra-governmental Payment and Collection Disbursements IPACR Intra-governmental Payment and Collection Receipts IRA Individual Retirement Account IRAF Individual Retirement Account File ISRP Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing IT Information Technology JE Journal Entry JV Journal Voucher JVDEC Journal Voucher Decrease JVINC Journal Voucher Increase KCSPC Kansas City CFO RACS Unit LAN Local Area Network LIFO Last In First Out MCC Martinsburg Computing Center MF Master File MMDDYYYY Month Month Day Day Year Year Year Year MSPC Memphis CFO RACS Unit MUCR Month End Unclassified Confirmed Report NMF Non-master File NMI Northern Mariana Islands NTRR Net Tax Refund Report OIC Offer-in-Compromise OSPC Ogden CFO RACS Unit POAM Plan of Actions and Milestones PSPC Philadelphia CFO RACS Unit RACR Reciprocal Accounting Control Record RACF Resource Access Control Facility RACS Revenue Accounting Control System RACSC Revenue Accounting Control Service Center RPS Remittance Processing System II RFC Regional Financial Center RS Reconciliation Sheet RRACS Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System SA System Administrator SCCF Service Center Control File SFDCR Subsequent FRB Day Classified Report SJ Source Journal TC Tax Class TDA Taxpayer Delinquent Account TEP Tape Edit Processor TRS Transaction Reporting System (now CIR) TRACS Treasury Receivables Accounting Collection System URF Unidentified Remittance File VI Virgin Islands WAN Wide Area Network XSF Excess Collection File YYCC Year Year Cycle Cycle
The related resources for this IRM include:
IRM 3.17.63, Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System
IRM 1.34.1 , Definitions and Acronyms
IRM 10.8.2 , IT Security Roles and Responsibilities
IRM 3.17.79 , Accounting Refund Transactions
Publication 6209, IRS Processing Codes and Information
The US Government Accountability Office Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (Red Book)
Each CFO RACS Unit appoints employees to serve as the Database Administrator (DBAs) and alternate Database Administrator. The DBA and only two (2) alternate DBAs may have access to the RRACS DBA main menu.
The DBA and the alternate DBA(s) for each CFO RACS Unit are responsible for:
Exercising caution when changing database information.
Correcting records containing identification and status errors.
Ensuring the balance and integrity of the database are maintained at all times.
Ensuring the default account period is properly set.
Ensuring all daily and weekly tapes are processed on time and prior to initiating month-end closing procedures.
Classifying an extensive variety of CFO RACS Unit accounting transactions by analyzing batched, individual documents and verifying the accuracy and completeness of accounting data.
Maintaining accounts by analyzing error messages displayed on the terminal and initiating the necessary corrective action, reviewing and analyzing the daily posting register to ensure that all IRS double-entry accrual accounting transactions have been properly posted, and initiating corrective actions, when necessary.
Analyzing accounts by reviewing and balancing the RRACS computer-generated accounting reports to ensure reports cross balance and all general ledger and subsidiary files agree with reported information.
Participating in reconciling general ledger accounts with external subsidiary records in other working units within the branch, balancing principal and interest with appropriate general ledger accounts and reconciling both accounts with the appropriate accounting reports.
Maintaining various logs for electronic data processing and database corrections.
Monitoring all RRACS electronic data input and output and making all necessary reversals.
Establishing checklists for End of Day (EOD), End of Month (EOM) and the beginning of each new accounting period. Reviewing the specific database lists for invalid entries, modifications, and reversals, and initiating corrective action when necessary. The database lists: field office records; loss and recovery records; individual detail records; confirmed Deposit Tickets/Debit Vouchers (DT/DVs); and unconfirmed DT/DVs.
Reviewing all reports and ensuring that the CARS: Collection voucher support listing balances to 017, the Form 2162 audit trail includes all manual assessments and the Net Tax Refund Report (NTRR) balances to its respective general ledger accounts.
Ensuring all accounts are in correct status in preparation for EOM processing and monitoring accounts to be maintained in zero balance.
Reviewing unpulled assessments daily.
The DBA should have a thorough knowledge of double-entry accounting principles and theory used in the IRS accounting control systems. Alternate DBAs must be thoroughly proficient with the contents of IRM 3.17.63, Accounting and Data Control, Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System and 3.17.64, Accounting Control Ledger Policies and Procedures. There is no certification for the alternate DBA. ONLY the DBA and/or alternate DBA have access to the RRACS DBA Main Menu.
This subsection and related exhibits contain information concerning the following subjects:
Main Menu Overview
RRACS System Glossary
Commonly Used Acronyms
Chart of Accounts
RRACS Menu Displays
Using journals and Dialog Boxes
General Rules for RRACS
RRACS Error Codes
Section 508 Compliance
All of the descriptions will include:
A list of options available on the RRACS Submenu. The Submenu selections are often followed by an ellipse in parenthesis (...) indicating that there are other options to select on an RRACS Intermediate Menu.
Description - A summary of how the journal and dialog box can be used.
Source Document - The documents used for input on the journal and dialog box processing.
Pre-Entry Data - Completed document preparation before going to the terminal.
Valid Accounts - The accounts that are valid for that section.
The journal input for each Main Menu option is written in a procedure table. A procedure table is a set of actions that a person performs to obtain a specific action. Each journal input page begins with "Required Information" which indicates:
The specific option
The corresponding Sub Menu option
The journals that will be affected
The information is divided into four categories on the procedure tables:
Journals - Identifies the current working journal after a selection has been made.
Prompt - Information needed to complete the current journal.
Description/Action - Identifies any pre-selection entries required and describes the prompt field.
Select - Tells you the action to take to complete the current journal.
Two additional table items are included to provide clarity when a user is faced with multiple menu choices:
Note - Additional notes that clarify the menu options.
IF - Indicates whether a choice needs to be made when specific conditions exist.
This table is an example of a Procedure Table used in this IRM.
Example of a Procedure Table Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RRACS Control Main Menu Account Period Accept the current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Journal Entry / Ledger Classification Journal Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button If<Additional Option>: Maintain Journal Entry / Ledger Classification Amount Enter the amount. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Review input data. If correct... Post Button
IRM 3.17.63, Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System, describes the general ledger accounts (IRS accounts) by account number and name. It also describes the function of each account and the RRACS main menu used for journal entries.
The Chart of Accounts is arranged by accounting classification as follows:
Other Accounts - 00XX Series
Accounts Receivable - 1000 Series
Receipt Accounts - 2000 Series
Inventory Accounts - 3000 Series
Liability Accounts - 4000 Series
Disbursement Accounts - 5000 Series
Assessment and Settlement - 6000 Series
Other Assets - 7000 Series
Work in Process Control Accounts - 8000 Series
Ledger Closing Accounts - 9000 Series
Real accounts are balance sheet accounts and do not close out at the end of the fiscal year. The balances are brought forward each month and at the end of the fiscal year.
Nominal accounts are income statement accounts maintained for a fiscal year period. Each fiscal year starts with a zero balance. RRACS Fiscal Year-End closes all nominal accounts automatically into a real account.
For a complete list, see Exhibit IRM 3.17.50-2, Chart of Accounts.
Once all pre-entry preparation has been completed and documents are ready for posting, the accounting technician is ready to complete the appropriate procedure in RRACS. The system will display a variety of module choices after login. Select the RACS Main Menu module to journal transactions. The RACS Main Menu journal will appear with the nine sub menus that may be selected by the user.
The RACS Main Menu consists of the following options:
Accounting Application Control
Agency Transfer Control
Assessment Control
Deposit Control
Deposit Fund Control
Disbursement Control
Inventory Control
Loss Control
Follow these steps to select a specific control menu:
Select the RACS Main Menu icon by double-clicking the icon. The main menu will appear. The subsequent sections of this IRM will provide specific instructions for each main menu option. For a complete list of the RRACS journal numbers along with the journal names, see Exhibit IRM 3.17.50-3 , RRACS Input Journals and Journal Numbers.
Select the needed control option and the sub menu will appear.
Select from the RRACS sub-menu the type of journal transaction being performed.
Separate journals are provided for the various types of input documents. The journals and dialog boxes are put together with field descriptions to ensure that data is input to the proper fields.
When input documents are posted, open journals must be closed before a new journal can be opened.
Following is the RRACS Sub List that shows the types of journals in each series.
1XX Batch journals
2XX Deposits and Agency Transfers
3XX Inventory, Losses, and Deposit Funds
4XX Accounting Application Control
5XX Disbursement Control
6XX Assessment Control
8XX Manual Assessments
9XX Data Base Administrator journal
The fundamental concepts for many input journals are discussed below. Users should familiarize themselves with these concepts before beginning to enter data into RRACS.
The account period is a mandatory entry for each journal. The system automatically defaults to the Current Account Month. Select a future month if necessary. Bypass if no change is required.
The prepared date is entered in the MM-DD-YYYY format using numbers and hyphens. Do not omit leading zeros.
The money amounts must include the decimal point if cents are present.
The pre-printed Treasury deposit ticket contains six numbers, and the debit voucher contains five numbers. It is not necessary to enter leading zeros.
The tab key or mouse is used to terminate an entry field and move to the next entry field.
Use the "OK" button to retain entries in a dialog box.
Press the "Post" button to validate all fields or selected fields within the journal and to post the information to the database.
The shift and tab key should be held down at the same time to move the cursor backwards to the prior input field, one field at a time.
The system date and time are displayed on the journal in the upper right hand corner. Neither of these can be changed.
All entry fields are surrounded by borders. However, "Read Only" or calculated fields do not have borders.
Originating source in the deposit journals cannot be changed using the edit function.
In the RRACS Sub Menu, only one selection can be made from the "Record" , "Confirm" or "Adjust/Reclass" list boxes. If more than one is selected, then the "Deselect" must be used before "Apply" can be selected.
Minus signs are not allowed on the journals. The database administrator will need to assist if something was entered in error.
Message lines are included on the "Maintain Transaction" journal. The message should be used for additional information to identify a record or as part of the audit trail.
All fields do not have validity checks to ensure correct entry. Therefore, it is important to enter "DOC IDs," "Type Code," "Assessment Dates," etc., correctly before posting them to the database.
The journal number should always be transcribed onto the source document as soon as it appears on the screen. The transcribed number is an important part of the audit trail. If a Form 8166, Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System (RRACS) Input Reconciliation Sheet, was prepared, it must be stamped with the journal number after input to RRACS.
Use "Refresh" from the action bar to clear the journal and start over. If the record has been posted, the "Refresh" command will open a new entry journal.
Use "Help" in the action bar to secure information to assist in using the computer.
If the RRACS Sub Menu has items listed in the record area followed by an ellipse (...) it indicates that if selected, the system will go directly to the RRACS Intermediate journal.
A State must always be selected whenever a Fund Receipt document for public debt is processed.
Information selected from the "Maintain Journal Entry Ledger Classification" list box will appear on the "Maintain Source Journal" journal in the journal entry selection list box.
When asterisks are present in the ledger classification account, click on Display Account for journal transaction details.
When scrolling to select a ledger classification account, debit accounts are listed in numeric order, followed by the credit accounts. Exception: If there is only one credit, it is listed first.
RRACS has consistency and validity checks to assure that transactions entered into the system are flagged when they do not meet certain criteria. These error codes are displayed on the screen and, in most cases, actions must be taken before the transaction will post to RRACS. Following are common error codes along with a definition of the error.
Identifying RRACS Error Codes and Definitions Error Code Error Definition * A duplicate was found, but has been accepted anyway AG Update amount is greater than the outstanding amount AM Individual amounts do not match AT Total amount does not match on document found CA Already confirmed CD Confirm date is earlier than prep date DN A duplicate was found and is not allowed DY A duplicate record was found and can be accepted anyway MF Journal control already exists NA No document was found to update NF Document was not found OA Case is open already WN The daily wire has not been pulled
RRACS is Section 508 compliant. RRACS uses Dragon Naturally Speaking, JAWS, and Zoom Text. The following main menu windows are Section 508 compliant:
DBA Main Menu
SPC Reports Main Menu
Assessment Main Menu
File Upload Menu
HQ Reports Main Menu
Journal Research
Maintain RRACS Lockout
RACS Main Menu
SGL Journal Research
Trial Balance
Maintain Local Agency Location
Update User Workstation ID
All RRACS reports are Section 508 compliant and viewable online.
This section describes various levels of security to ensure information on RRACS is not compromised.
Any IRS related information should not be discussed with unauthorized individuals. The Privacy Act, 5 USC 553b, prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of information from systems of records pertaining to individuals. The statute provides criminal sanctions under the Privacy Act of 1974. Anyone making a willful unauthorized disclosure of information covered by the Privacy Act may be charged with a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of up to $5,000.
WARNING! THIS SYSTEM IS FOR AUTHORIZED USE ONLY! This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law enforcement and other purposes. Users shall have no expectation of privacy as to any communication on or information stored within the system, including information stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use with this unit (e.g., Floppy Disk, Tapes, USB Storage Device, CD ROM, etc.)
Each person having access to RRACS will be asked to sign a statement that they will follow the above rules carefully to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of all IRS data.
The following general security rules apply to all users of any IRS computer system. The RRACS is not an exception. See IRM 10.8.1, Information Technology (IT) Security Policy and Guidance, for additional guidance.
Each RRACS authorized user will apply for and receive a User ID and password on the BEARS system.
Upon receipt of the User ID and password, a user should access the MCC RRACS system and change the temporary password assigned by MCC's (Martinsburg Computing Center's) Security Administration.
ECC password format rules are as follows: Eight characters in length and must contain at least one upper case alpha, one lower alpha, one numeric and one special character. The following special characters can be utilized: $ @ # . < + | & ! * - % _ > ? : =.
The Resource Allocation Control File (RACF) password system forces users to change their passwords every 30 days. User IDs become permanent and will not be changed.
RACF remembers the present and previous twenty-four passwords for a total of twenty-five passwords. They cannot be reused when updating passwords.
Protect your password. Do not reveal it to anyone, regardless of his or her position inside or outside the IRS.
Do not use another user's password.
Users should never allow anyone to use their password. Every action someone takes while using your password will be recorded on the system as being executed by you.
Do inform your manager immediately if you suspect your password has been compromised.
Data entered or actions taken on a workstation will be recorded as being transacted by the user who initially signed on.
Log off the system before leaving your workstation to ensure the integrity of the RRACS financial data and to prevent unauthorized access to the RRACS file server and MCC's mainframe.
In addition to the system security discussed earlier, RRACS contains the following additional physical security.
There is an initial password required when the workstation is turned on. Without a valid password, the workstation will not operate.
When the workstation initially boots up, another password is required to get to the initial security screen.
Once the system is booted up and the initial password is input, the user must "LOGON" through a security package. LOGON requires input of a valid user ID and password to sign on to the RRACS LAN on the file server.
Another level of security is provided using Desktop Observatory. As applied to the RRACS system, it allows one of the following three operational levels (profiles/user accounts) to be assigned to each RRACS user: 1. System Administrator (SA); 2. Data Base Administrator (DBA) or 3. Technician (User).
The RRACS SA has permission to start the programs for the Transmittal System but does not have access to the RRACS executables or database.
A specific display screen is authorized for each of the three operational levels. Only the authorized icons for each user are visible.
Each RRACS user must have an accepted user account, which defines the user's profile, along with unique user identification (User ID) and password.
Invalid user IDs and passwords will not be recognized by the system and access will be denied.
User accounts and profiles can only be authorized by management in each service center.
Instructions for establishing and maintaining security access to the RRACS operating system is contained in the Security Chapter of the RRACS LAN Administrator's Guide for Communications/File Servers and Workstations.
Only the DBA group has access to the DBA journal. The only icons available for selection on the desktop are the RRACS icons, an icon to start a session with MCC, and a LOGOFF option.
REMEMBER: RRACS executables are not stored on the workstation. They are brought into the memory on the workstation from the LAN when the user selects the appropriate icon.
To run the RRACS server part of the RRACS client-server system, the users must LOGON to the mainframe at MCC. The user enters their RACF User ID and Password and the system allows them to contact RACF at the mainframe. RACF permits users to begin certain RRACS server executables based on the User ID group to which they are assigned.
CFO RACS Technician:
Has update capabilities to the RRACS database through specific and selected RRACS client windows
Has access to SERVER programs
Can access all assigned service centers
Has access to RACS unit reports menu
CFO RACS Service Center Database Administrator (DBA):
Has update capabilities to the RRACS database through specific and selected RRACS Client windows
Has access to selected SERVER programs
Has access to selected functions on the DBA Main Menu (except Super Windows)
Can access all service centers
Can only update account period between the 1st and the 15th of a month, and for their assigned service center only
Has access to only CFO RACS Unit reports menu
CFO HQ Database Administrator (DBA):
Has update capabilities to the RRACS database through specific and selected RRACS Client windows
Has access to all SERVER programs
Has access to all functions on the DBA Main Menu
Has access to all service centers
Can update the account period at any time of the month, and for any service center
Has access to CFO RACS Unit reports menu and HQ report menu
Has access to RRACS maintain lockout to lockout users for all service centers, for any and all access levels, and can control when accounting periods may be updated
Maintains the RRACS user profile table
Has TSO access
Has read-only access to query the RRACS production database through QMF and SQL
Has access to the DBA main menu super windows and has access to SGL journal research functions
CFO HQ Reporting Read Only:
Has read-only access to the RRACS database through specific and selected RRACS Client windows
Only has access to SERVER programs that do not update the RRACS database
Can access all service centers
Has access to both CFO RACS unit and HQ reports menu
Has TSO access
Has read-only access to query the RRACS production database through QMF and SQL
Has access to file upload menu
RRACS Read Only:
Has read-only access to the RRACS database through specific and selected RRACS client windows
Only has access to SERVER programs that do not update the RRACS database.
Can access all service centers
Has access to CFO RACS Unit reports menu
A read-only user at the CFO has access to both CFO RACS Unit and HQ reports menus
RRACS features a Single Workstation Login - a security feature that restricts login sessions to a single user at a single workstation at any given time. With this feature, RRACS will store the user's primary workstation as the default workstation.
If a user tries to log into a new session on a new computer, RRACS will return the following message: You are logged into a different computer. Do you want to change your default workstation? (Y/N) if the user answers yes, the active session on the original workstation will terminate.
See also IRM, Information Technology (IT) Security, Policy and Guidance: AC-10 Concurrent Session Control.
Local procedures, as established in IRM 10.8.1, Information Technology (IT) Security Policy and Guidance, must be followed to request addition, change or deletion of an RRACS LAN Server User Account.
Designated management official completes and forwards BEARS, Automated Information System User Registration/Change Request, to the RRACS SA requesting addition/change/deletion of RRACS file server User ID/Password and operational level authorization for designated employee.
The RRACS System Administrator (SA) establishes the requested User Account (Operational level, User ID and Password) for the designated employee and annotates User ID and Password on BEARS.
For additions or changes, the RRACS Functional SA will provide in-unit security training and access assistance to the designated employee. This will ensure that proper access procedures are followed and a correct user account structure has been established for the designated employee.
Each CFO RACS Units general ledger resides on a mainframe housed in the MCC. The technical security controls protecting the mainframe are provided by a security package known as the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF). Each RRACS user will be required to have a defined user ID, password, and account profile on the MCC mainframe to perform assigned duties.
RACS RACF administration has been assigned to the local center's Data Security Function with the accounting branch's RRACS DBA serving as the RRACS functional security coordinator.
The RACF Administrator duties include the following (also see IRM 10.8.2 , Information Technology (IT) Security, IT Security Roles and Responsibilities for additional guidance):
Create new RRACS user based on information provided on Form (MCC)1122.
Connect new RRACS user to the default RRACS group for the local site <or> if requested from the RRACS Management BEARS, connect new RRACS user to a predefined user profile group.
Upon request from RRACS Management Official, revoke permissions for local RRACS users who leave the unit or go on extended leave or detail.
Upon request from RRACS Management Official, restore permissions for local RRACS users returning from leave or detail.
In accordance with procedures in force at MCC, provide replacement passwords for local RRACS users who forget or suspect the compromise of their password.
Generate, review and distribute appropriate security reports (audit trails, security violations, etc.) through Data Security staff channels to local RRACS management on a timely basis. If necessary, coordinate with MCC RACF Administration on incident reports.
Coordinate with RRACS LAN System Administrator to ensure RRACS user profiles on the MCC Host are synchronized with those on the RRACS LAN.
The functional security coordinator is responsible for initiating and obtaining management approval, and controlling requests for security administration actions, conducting security awareness training within the unit and providing in-unit security assistance and training to new RRACS users.
The system access procedures are described in the following subsections.
A security feature of the Desktop Observatory Security Software is a keyboard "lock" which disables keyboard functions to access the RRACS workstation. The floating lock will only appear if there has been no keyboard activity on the workstation for a period of seven minutes. A graphic floating lock displayed on the monitor indicates this lockup.
Press <Enter>. A message box will appear and identify the User ID of the person who logged on to the system. The owner of the User ID is the only individual who can use the workstation.
If the user is not available, type "LOGOFF" and press <Enter>. This will log the user off the system completely for this initialization.
An invalid User ID or Password will not be recognized by the system and access will be denied.
A valid User ID and Password will provide the user's authorized level of access which will be displayed on the workstation.
Following are the steps for logging on:
Press any key to bring up the log-in box.
Input User ID and Password.
Press <Enter> or select "OK" button.
You will receive a message that log-on is in progress.
A second message will indicate your User ID is being authenticated. Network update complete.
This brings up the RRACS logo and one icon.
Following are the steps for accessing the MCC mainframe:
Select Client Manager icon.
Enter User ID and Password.
Press <Enter> or select "OK" button.
This brings up the Client Manager box.
Status will indicate disconnected.
This will validate your MCC password.
If password is accepted, you will be connected.
You will receive the information message "Test Transaction ECHO Returned from: RACSC."
Press <Enter> or Select "OK" button.
Status on Client Manager journal will show connected.
This IRM subsection discusses the journals used to record all types of disbursement transactions. These transactions include:
Refund cancellations
Erroneous refunds
Voucher and schedule of withdrawals and credits generated through the Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System (IPAC)
Arbitrage refund
The Treasury Receivables Accounting Collection System (TRACS) Intra-governmental Payment and Collection Disbursement (IPACD) is a separate selection to allow a record to be established in the database. At the time of application, the established record will be reduced by the amount applied. The confirm journals may be used in place of refund match (115).
The RRACS journals for these disbursements are numbered in the 5XX series.
For a list of source documents and pre-entry data and document preparation, see IRM, Document Preparation.
This subsection describes the journals used to record Miscellaneous, NMF and Cover Over Unconfirmed Refund Schedules.
These are the valid accounts and account names for MISC Refunds (journal #501).
Valid Accounts for MISC Refunds Account Number CR/DR Account Name 4120 Debit RRACS Suspense for Master File, BMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for Master File, IMF 4252 Debit SPC Suspense for Master File-Individual Retirement Account File (IRAF) 4970 Debit Unapplied Refund Reversal 6400 Debit MISC Revenue Collections 6520 Debit Refund of Tax and Interest, NMF 6540 Debit Small Debits and Credits Cleared 6565 Debit Refund Cancel Credit Allowed 4801 Credit Approved Voucher Payable, Principal 4802 Credit Approved Voucher Payable, Interest
These are the valid accounts for Refund/NMF (journal #507).
Valid Accounts for Refund/NMF Account Number CR/DR Account Name 1314 Debit NMF Tax Straddles 1321 Debit NMF Notice 1322 Debit NMF Taxpayer Delinquent Account 1324 Debit NMF TDA Deferral 1360 Debit NMF INSTALLMENT AGREEMENT 1371 Debit NMF OIC 1389 Debit NMF Suspense 1830 Debit NMF Account Receivable, Inactive 6520 Debit Refund Of Tax And Interest-NMF 4420 Debit SC Suspense For NMF 4801 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Principal 4802 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Interest
These are the valid accounts for Cover Over Refunds (journal #516). (Austin and Ogden CFO RACS Units only)
Valid Accounts for Cover Over Refunds Account Number DR/CR Account Name Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) 4701 Debit Liability for Northern Mariana Islands 4811 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Northern Mariana Islands Virgin Islands 4702 Debit Liability for Virgin Islands 4812 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Virgin Islands Guam 4703 Debit Liability for Guam 4813 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Guam American Samoa 4704 Debit Liability for Samoa 4814 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Samoa -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #516.
Journal 516 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select MISC Refund, NMF Refund or Cover Over. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. When you have filled the field, the prompt moves automatically to the Items field. Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select 20X0903 Principal or 20X0904 Interest credit account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected account. OK Button Repeat for the second account if present. If only one account, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS debit account. Tab Key Amount Enter amount associated with selected account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Maintain Source Journal. OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record an unconfirmed Excess Collection or Unidentified Remittance refund schedule.
These are the valid accounts for Excess Refunds (journal #503).
Valid Accounts for Excess Refunds Account Number DR/CR Account Name 6520 Debit Refund Of Tax And Interest-NMF 6800 Debit Excess Collection 4801 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Principal 4802 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Interest
These are the valid accounts for Unidentified Refunds (journal #504).
Valid Accounts for Unidentified Refunds Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittance 6520 Debit Refund Of Tax And Interest-NMF 4801 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Principal 4802 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Interest -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #504.
Journal 504 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select Excess Refund or Unidentified Refund. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. When you have filled the field, the prompt moves automatically to the Total Amount field. Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add button Maintain Journal Entry Select 20X0903 Principal or 20X0904 Interest. Highlight and tab Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if the second account has an amount, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record Photocopy and MISC Revenue unconfirmed refund schedules.
These are the valid accounts for Photocopy Refund (journal #505).
Valid Accounts for Photocopy Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 6310 Debit MISC Fees 4801 Credit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal
These are the valid accounts Arbitrage Refund (journal #500).
Valid Accounts for Arbitrage Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4806 Credit Approved Voucher Payable MISC Revenue 4120 Debit SC Suspense for Master File-BMF
These are the valid accounts for MISC Revenue Refund (journal #510).
Valid Accounts for Misc Revenue Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4806 Credit Approved Voucher Payable MISC Revenue 6910 Debit Adj or Correction of MISC Revenue -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #510.
Journal 510 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select Photocopy,MISC Revenue, or Arbitrage Refunds. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add button Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the generated IRS accounts. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record ECC and Oil Spill Unconfirmed Refunds.
These are the valid accounts for ECC Refunds (journals #506, #512 and #513).
Valid Accounts for ECC Refunds Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4110 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File - BMF 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File - IMF 4215 Debit CADE ECC Suspense 4801 Credit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 4802 Credit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest
These are the valid accounts for Oil Spill Refund (journal #514) (Austin CFO RACS Unit only).
Valid Accounts for Oil Spill Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 6320 Debit Offshore Oil Account 6520 Debit Refund of Tax & Interest - NMF 4802 Credit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 4805 Credit Approved Vouchers Payable, Oil Spill
This subsection describes the journals used to record User Fee Refunds.
Journal 514 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select User Fee Refund. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select Misc Fee Refund. Highlight and Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button and Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Cancel Button If Photocopy Fee Refund: Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Add Button Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select Photo Fee Refund. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button, then Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Cancel Button If Original IA Fee Refund: Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Add Button Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select Original IA Refund. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button, then Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Cancel Button If Reinstated IA Fee Refund: Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Add Button Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select Reinstated IA Refund. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button, then Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Cancel Button If OIC User Fee Refund: Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Add Button Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select OIC User Fee Refund. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button, then Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Cancel Button If Reserved Refund: Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Add Button Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select Reserved Refund. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button, then Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Cancel Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record Informant Reward unconfirmed refund schedules.
These are the valid accounts for Informant Reward Refunds (journal #515).
Valid Accounts for Informant Reward Refunds Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4755 Debit Liability for Informant Rewards 4808 Credit Approved Vouchers Payable, Informant Reward -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #515.
Journal 515 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select Informant Reward Refund. Tab Key Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. When you have filled the field, the prompt moves automatically to the Items field. Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the credit amount associated with the Refund Schedule. OK Button Repeat for the second account if present. If only one account select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Trans Journal Highlight/select Informant Reward from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action, then Add Maintain Source Journal Case # Enter the case number associated with Refund Schedule. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the Refund Schedule. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, select.... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record Deposit Fund unconfirmed refund schedules.
These journals allow for multiple input of Deposit Funds, eliminating the current need for individual or "split" refund schedules.
These are the valid accounts for Deposit Fund Refund (journal #508).
Valid Accounts for Deposit Fund Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4710 Credit Offer-In-Compromise 4720 Credit Sale Of Seized Property 4730 Credit Miscellaneous Deposit Fund 6520 Debit Refund Of Tax And Interest-NMF 4802 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Interest 4803 Credit Approved Voucher Payable Dep Fund -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #508.
Journal 508 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select Deposit Fund Refund. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select 20X6879 Disbursement/Deposit Fund Return or 20X0904 Interest. Highlight and Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if the second account has an amount, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select.. OK Button If information is not correct, select... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select your next transaction from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID # Enter the Deposit Fund identification number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the Amount associated with the generated IRS account. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct... Can repeat or add ID # and amounts up to 200 OK Button After last one entered. Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record Manual Refund Cancellations.
These are the valid accounts for Manual Refund Cancellations (journal #532).
Valid Accounts for Manual Refund Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 5100 Debit Disbursement, Principal (20X0903) 5200 Debit Disbursement, Interest (20X0904) 4120 Credit SC Suspense For Master File-BMF 4220 Credit SC Suspense For Master File-IMF 4252 Credit SC Suspense For Master File-IRAF 4420 Credit SC Suspense For NMF 4620 Credit Unidentified Remittance 4970 Credit Unapplied Refund Reversal 6310 Credit Miscellaneous Fee 6400 Credit Miscellaneous Revenue Collection 6520 Credit Refund Of Tax And Interest-NMF 6800 Credit Excess Collection -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #532.
Journal 532 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Select Cancellations. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select Manual Cancellation. Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select Disbursement Principal or Disbursement Interest. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if the second account has an amount, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Highlight/select the needed IRS credit Account Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record Deposit Fund Refund Cancellations.
These are the valid accounts for Deposit Fund Refund Cancellations (journal #533).
Valid Accounts for Deposit Fund Refund Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 5200 Debit Disbursement, Interest (20X0904) 5300 Debit Disbursement, Deposit Fund (20X6879.09) 7002 Debit Deposit Fund (20X6879.09) 4710 Credit Offer-In-Compromise 4720 Credit Sale Of Seized Property 4730 Credit Miscellaneous Deposit Fund 6520 Credit Refund Of Tax And Interest-NMF -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #533.
Journal 533 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select Cancellations. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RACS Intermediate Menu Select Deposit Fund Cancellation. Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add button Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select Deposit Funds or Deposit Funds Interest Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if the second account has an amount, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select the next transaction from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action and then Add Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID # Enter the Deposit Fund identification number and prepare date. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area Office or Field Office Select/Highlight the Area Office or Field Office. Tab Key Amount Enter the Amount associated with the generated IRS account. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select. Can repeat or add ID # and amounts up to 200 OK Button After last one entered, select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record ECC, Photocopy, Anti-Drug, MISC Revenue, Informant Reward, Oil Spill Refund, User Fee, Arbitrage, ECC-CADE and Cover Over Cancellations.
These are the valid accounts for ECC Cancellations (journal #534, #535 and #546).
Valid Accounts for ECC Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 5100 Debit Disbursement, Principal (20X0903) 4110 Credit ECC Suspense For Master File-BMF 4210 Credit ECC Suspense For Master File-IMF 4215 Credit CADE ECC Suspense
These are the valid accounts for Photocopy Cancellations for Current Year and Prior Year (journal #536).
Valid Accounts for photocopy Cancellations for Current Year and Prior Year Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2340 Debit Photocopy Fee Current Year (20X5432.7) 2342 Debit Photocopy Fee, Pr Yr (20X5432) 5100 Debit Disbursement, Principal (20X0903) 2410 Credit Refund Repay Principal (20X0903) 6310 Credit Miscellaneous Fee
These are the valid accounts for Anti-Drug Cancellations (journal #537).
Valid Accounts for Anti-Drug Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 7003 Debit Disbursements, Anti-Drug (20X5099.1) 4750 Credit Anti-Drug Special Funds Liability
These are the valid accounts for Informant Reward Cancellations (journal #538).
Valid Accounts for Informant Reward Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name Informant Reward Refund Cancellations 7004 Debit Disbursements, Informant Reward (20X5433.1) 4755 Credit Liability for Informant Reward
These are the valid accounts for MISC Revenue Cancellations (journal #539).
Valid Accounts for MISC Revenue Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 5400 Debit Disbursements, MISC Revenue (20X1807) 5910 Credit Adj or Correction of MISC Revenue
These are the valid accounts for User Fee Cancellations (journal #544).
Valid Accounts for User Fee Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 5301 Debit Disbursements, MISC Fee Refund (20X5432.5) 6310 Credit Miscellaneous Fee
These are the valid accounts for Arbitrage Cancellations (journal #544).
Valid Accounts for Arbitrage Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 5400 Debit Disbursements, MISC Revenue(20X1807) 4120 Credit SC Suspense For Master File-BMF
These are the valid accounts for ECC Cancellations - CADE (journal #546).
Valid Accounts for ECC Cancellations - CADE Account Number DR/CR Account Name 5100 Debit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 4215 Credit CADE ECC Suspense
These are the valid accounts for Cover Over Cancellations (journal #548).
Valid Accounts for Cover Over Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 7005 Debit Northern Mariana Islands (20X6737) 4701 Credit Liability for Cover Over – CNMI 7006 Debit Virginia Islands (20X6738) 4702 Credit Liability for Cover Over – VI 7007 Debit Guam (20X6740) 4703 Credit Liability for Cover Over – Guam 7008 Debit Samoa (20X6741) 4704 Credit Liability for Cover Over- Samoa
These are the valid accounts for Oil Spill Cancellations (journal #540) (Austin CFO RACS Unit only).
Valid Accounts for Oil Spill Cancellations Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2600 Debit Oil Spill Receipts (20X8185) 5200 Debit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904) 6320 Credit Offshore Oil Accounts 6520 Credit Refund of Tax & Interest - NMF -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #540.
Journal 540 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select Cancellations. Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select the needed Refund Cancellation Transaction: Manual, Deposit Fund, ECC-BMF, ECC-IMF, Photocopy, Anti-Drug, MISC Revenue, Informant Reward, Oil Spill, User Fee, Arbitrage, ECC-CADE, and Cover Over. Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Cycle Select the Cycle (required for ECC cancellations only). Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Informant Reward from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Repeat if additional case, or select... Cancel Maintain Transaction journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The IPAC Receipts and TRACS IPACD are separate selections to allow a record to be established in the database.
At the time of application, (IRM, TRACS Application) the established record will be reduced by the amount applied.
This subsection provides instructions for input of journals 541, IPAC Receipts and 542, TRACS IPACD.
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for TRACS IPAC Receipts (journal #541).
Valid Accounts for TRACS IPAC Receipts (reversal accounts are opposite) Account Number DR/CR Account Name Debtor Master File (DMF) IPAC 2910 Debit IPAC Receipt (20F3885.11) 1550 Credit Injured Spouse Claims Allowed-Rec DMF Reclass (Required) 2410 Debit Refund Repay Principal (20X0903) 2910 Credit IPAC Receipt (20F3885.11) IPACR Refund Reversal 2910 Debit IPAC Receipt (20F3885.11) 4970 Credit Unapplied Refund Reversals IPAC Department of Justice (DOJ) 2915 Debit DOJ Receipt (20F3844) 4975 Credit Liability, DOJ Receipts IPACR Suspense 2910 Debit IPAC Receipt (20F3885.11) 4985 Credit IPACR Suspense
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for IPAC D (journal #542).
Valid Accounts for IPAC D (reversal accounts are opposite) Account Number DR/CR Account Name Principle 4970 Debit Unapplied Refund Reversal 5100 Credit Disbursement, Principal (20X0903) Liability, DOJ Receipt 4975 Debit Liability, DOJ Receipts 5100 Credit Disbursement, Principal (20X0903) IPAC Suspense 4985 Debit IPACR Suspense 5100 Credit Disbursement, Principal (20X0903) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #542.
Journal 542 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select IPAC Receipts or TRACS IPACD. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the schedule number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for additional accounts or select... Cancel Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select DMF Reclass from the Possible Source Journals, the next transaction (IPAC receipts only). From the Action Bar select... Action or Add Maintain Source Journal Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter amount associated with selected IRS account. OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The FPLP is processed in Memphis CFO RACS Unit (MSPC) only.
IPAC is received daily from Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service or BFS) - IPACR FMS/FPLP Levy (Journal #580) and IPACD FMS/FPLP Levy (journal #585).
MSC downloads the IPAC information onto a diskette for electronic transmittal to the ECC.
ECC then matches the IPAC information with the file received from Fiscal Service and Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) will process into RRACS with journal 114.
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for IPACR FMS/FPLP Levy (journal #580).
Valid Accounts for IPACR FMS/FPLP Levy Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2910 Debit IPAC Receipt (20F3885.11) 4765 Credit EFTPS/FPLP Miscellaneous Suspense
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for IPACD FMS/FPLP Levy (journal #585).
Valid Accounts for IPACD FMS/FPLP Levy Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4765 Debit EFTPS Miscellaneous Suspense 2910 Credit IPAC Receipt (20F3885.11) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #585.
Journal 585 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select IPACR FMS Levy or IPACD FMS Levy. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, select... the Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record disbursement adjustments from the IPAC.
These are the valid accounts for IPACD Miscellaneous (journal #547).
Valid Accounts for IPACD Miscellaneous Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4120 Debit SPC Suspense for Master File-BMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for Master File-IMF 4252 Debit SPC Suspense for Master File-IRAF 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 4970 Debit Unapplied Refund Reversals 6400 Debit Miscellaneous Revenue Collections 6520 Debit Refund of Tax and Interest-NMF 6540 Debit Small Debits and Credits Cleared 6800 Debit Excess Collection 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for IPACD Deposit Fund (Journal #549).
Valid Accounts for IPACD Deposit Fund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4710 Debit Offers-In-Compromise 4720 Debit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Debit Miscellaneous Deposit Funds 6520 Debit Refund of Tax and Interest-NMF 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904) 7002 Credit Disbursements Fund Receipt(20X6879.09)
These are the valid accounts for IPACD MISC Revenue (journal #553).
Valid Accounts for IPACD MISC Revenue Account Number DR/CR Account Name 6910 Debit Adj or Correction of MISC Revenue 5400 Credit Disbursements, MISC Revenue (20X1807)
These are the valid accounts for IPACD Anti-Drug (journal #557).
Valid Accounts for IPACD Anti-Drug Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4750 Debit Anti-Drug Special Funds Liability 7003 Credit Anti-Drug receipts (20X5099.1)
These are the valid accounts for IPACD DMF Offset (journal #559).
Valid Accounts for IPACD DMF Offset Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2410 Debit Refund Repay Principal (20X0903) 6330 Debit Debtor Master File Offsets 2910 Credit IPACR Receipt (20F3885.11) 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903)
These are the valid accounts for IPACD Oil Spill (journal #560) (Austin CFO RACS Unit only).
Valid Accounts for IPACD Oil Spill Account Number DR/CR Account Name 6320 Debit Offshore Oil Account 6520 Debit Refund of Tax and Interest-NMF 2600 Credit Oil Spill Receipts (20X8185) 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #560.
Journal 560 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Record Select IPACD Disburse and Form 3813. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select the needed disbursement type. Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule Number assigned to the refund. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Cycle Highlight/select the Refund Cycle (required for DMF Offset only) Tab Key Items Enter the total Items. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account if more than one option is available. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if an additional account has an amount, or select... Cancel Button If IPACD Deposit Fund: Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select OIC, Seizure, MISC or Deposit Fund from the Possible Source Journals Then select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID # Enter the Deposit Fund number. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area Office or Field Office Highlight/select the appropriate Office. Tab Key Can repeat ID#, Area or Field Office until last one, then... Cancel Amount Enter the Amount associated with the generated IRS account. OK Button If IPACD Miscellaneous: Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar, select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. Enter or Add Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required data inputs, select... Cancel Button For ALL journals continue with: Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of optional audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record the confirmation of a refund.
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation ECC Refund - CADE (journal #518).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation ECC Refund - CADE Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation of Informant Reward Refund (journal #519).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation of Informant Reward Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4808 Debit Approved Voucher Payable, Informant Award 7004 Credit Informant Reward (20X5433.1)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation MISC Refund (journal #520).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation MISC Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation ECC Refund-BMF (journal #521).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation ECC Refund-BMF Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation ECC Refund-IMF (journal #522).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation ECC Refund-IMF Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation Excess Refund (journal #523).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation Excess Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation Unidentified Refund (journal #524).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation Unidentified Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation Photocopy Refund (journal #525).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation Photocopy Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5302 Credit Photocopy PrYr Refunds (20X5432) 2410 Debit Photocopy CrYr Refunds (20X0903) 2340 Credit Photocopy CrYr Refunds (20X5432.7)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation NMF Refund (journal #526).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation NMF Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5100 Credit Disbursements, Principal (20X0903) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation Deposit Fund Refund (journal #527).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation Deposit Fund Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4803 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable, Deposit Fund 7002 Credit Deposit Funds (20X6879.09) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation Anti-Drug Refund (journal #528).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation Anti-Drug Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4804 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable, Drug Fund 7003 Credit Anti-Drug (20X5099.1)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation MISC Revenue Refund (journal #529).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation MISC Revenue Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4806 Debit Approved Voucher Payable MISC Revenue 5400 Credit Disbursements, MISC Revenue (20X1807)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation Oil Spill Refund (journal #530).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation Oil Spill Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4805 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable, Oil Spill 2600 Credit Oil Spill Receipt (20X8185) 4802 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Interest 5200 Credit Disbursements, Interest (20X0904)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation Cover Over Refund (journal #570).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation Cover Over Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) 4811 Debit Approved Voucher Payable Northern Mariana Islands 7005 Credit Disbursement, CNMI (20X6737) Virgin Islands (VI) 4812 Debit Approved Voucher Payable Virgin Islands 7006 Credit Disbursement, VI (20X6738) Guam 4813 Debit Approved Voucher Payable Guam 7007 Credit Disbursement, Guam (20X6740) American Samoa 4814 Debit Approved Voucher Payable Samoa 7008 Credit Disbursement, Samoa (20X6741)
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation Arbitrage Refund (journal #590).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation Arbitrage Refund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4806 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable MISC Revenue 5400 Credit Disbursement, MISC Revenue (20X1807) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #590.
Journal 590 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Tab Key Confirm Select the type of refund from the Conform list box. Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule number of the refund. The number must match the number assigned when the refund was journalized. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Low Check # Enter the beginning check sequence number. (Disregard any alpha characters from the GOALS Report) Tab Key High Check # Enter the ending check sequence number. (Disregard any alpha character from the GOALS Report) Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the Principal or Interest account from the Ledger Classification box. (Some refund types have only one option) Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if a second account has an amount, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
These are the valid accounts for Confirmation User Fee Refund (journal #591).
Valid Accounts for Confirmation User Fees Refunds Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4815 Debit Approved Voucher Pay, Misc. User Fee 5301 Credit Disbursement, Misc. Fee Refunds (20X5432.5) 4816 Debit Approved Voucher Pay, Photocopy Fee 5302 Credit Disbursement, Photocopy PrYr Refunds(20X5432) 4816 Debit Approved Voucher Pay, Photocopy Fee 5100 Credit Disbursement, Photocopy CrYr Refunds(20X0903) 4817 Debit Approved Voucher Pay, Original IA 5303 Credit Disbursements, Original IA Refund (20X5432.1) 4818 Debit Approved Voucher Pay, Reinstated IA Refund 5304 Credit Disbursements, Reinstated IA Refunds (20X5432.3) 4819 Debit Approved Voucher Pay, OIC User Fee 5305 Credit Disbursements, OIC User Fee Refunds (20X5432.4) 4820 Debit Approved Voucher Pay, Reserved Refund 5305 Credit Disbursements, Reserved Refunds (20X5432.6) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #591.
Journal 591 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Disbursement. Apply Disbursement Control Main Menu Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Confirm Select User Fee in the Confirm list box. Apply Note: If you have Misc. User Fee, click the "Cancel" Button. Choose type of User Fee confirmation from the Possible Source Journals box. Select "Edit" form the Menu Bar and then select "ADD." Now continue with the following instructions. Maintain Source Journal Schedule # Enter the Schedule number of the refund. The number must match the number assigned when the refund was journalized. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Total Amount Enter the Total Amount of the refund. Tab Key Low Check # Enter the beginning check sequence number. (Disregard any alpha characters from the GOALS Report) Tab Key High Check # Enter the ending check sequence number. (Disregard any alpha character from the GOALS Report) Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the Confirm Principal. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if a second account has an amount, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The NTRR Line Data Table is used to complete the NTRR Line Data application for any menu option within the Disbursement Control Main Menu.
Net Tax Refund Report (NTRR) Line Data Table Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter Maintain Transaction Journal Possible Source Journals Highlight/select NTRR Line Data from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Button Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area Office Select the Area Office from the list box. Highlight and Tab Line Number Enter the Net Tax Refund Report line number. Tab Key Principal/Interest Mark the Principal or Interest box. Tab Key Items Enter the number of Items. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected district and line number. OK Button Repeat if amounts are present for other districts and/or line numbers. Then select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button When you have finished the NTRR Line Data application, return to the primary instructions for your journal, or continue. Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The journals in this subsection are used to record the transfer of debits/credits between various general ledger accounts and to and from CFO RACS Units. The following transactions are included:
Miscellaneous Applications
Cover Over Liability
Misc Application II
Unidentified Apply
PFIC Apply
Dishonored Check Apply
ECC Applications
Credit Transfer Out
Credit Transfer In
Account Transfers
TRACS Applications
Confirm Transfers
Erroneous Refunds Court Case
Erroneous Refunds Non-Court Case
Non Payment of Erroneous Refund
Clear Erroneous Refunds
Informant Rewards
Informant Rewards Offset
CADE Recap Manual Input
Recover Insolvency
Revenue Clearance TRF
SC CARS Reclassification
The valid accounts are listed under each subsection.
The journals in this subsection are used to input miscellaneous applications and to establish Cover Over liability accounts.
Transfers may be within the same file or between BMF, IMF, IRAF and NMF.
Journal NMF transactions from the Service Center Control File (SCCF) to the proper NMF account or other account.
If information for NMF must be manually journalized it will usually come in on an NMF recap referred to as "second journalizing" , otherwise it will be received in RRACS as a 141/142 Batch journal.
These journals will journal small debits and credits cleared, write-off accounts, collection statute write-offs, reversal of write-off accounts and reversal of statute cleared items.
These journals will record account changes of NMF accounts (previously known as NMF status) when offers have been accepted and reverse write-off amounts previously applied, but now subject to collection activity.
These journals will also record adjustments to SCCF which may affect two separate SCCF accounts or a SCCF and other general ledger account.
The SCCF re-number list journal will be accomplished via an automated data transfer. However, these journals are used as back-up in case of processing failure.
Re-input of debit or credit nullified unpostables are journalized on these journals. Unpostables are an automated tape process. However, these journals are used as back-up in case of tape problems.
The following is a partial list of source documents for Account Adjustments:
Form 813, Document Register
Form 1331, Notice of Adjustment
Form 2424, Account Adjustment Voucher
Form 3244, Payment Posting Voucher
Form 3809, Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher
Form 4028, Service Center Control File Adjustment Record
Form 8166, RRACS Input Reconciliation Sheet
Various Nullified Unpostable Document for Input
Offer-in-Compromise (OIC) Write-off Documents
Letter of Memorandum signed by Service Center Director
Following are the valid debit and credit accounts for Misc. Application (journal #400) and Cover Over Liability (journal #401).
Valid Accounts for Misc. Application and Cover Over Liability Account Number Account Name Debit and Credit Accounts 1314 NMF Tax Straddles 1321 NMF Notice 1322 NMF Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts (TDA) 1324 NMF TDA Deferral (Queue) 1360 NMF Installment Agreement 1371 NMF OIC 1389 NMF Suspense 1510 Other Receivables, Regular 1545 Identity Theft Erroneous Refund 1550 Injured Spouse Claims 1600 Manual Assessments, Transit Account 1710 Dishonored Checks 1720 Dishonored Checks, Adj 1830 NMF Account Receivable, Inactive 1840 Other Receivable, Inactive 4120 SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4125 Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) Suspense-BMF 4130 ECC Unpostable-BMF 4205 To/From CADE 4220 SPC Suspense-IMF 4225 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IMF 4230 ECC Unpostable-IMF 4252 SPC Suspense for MF-IRAF 4253 ECC Unpostable-IRAF 4254 ECC Suspense for MFT 30 to MFT 29 4255 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IRAF 4420 SPC Suspense for NMF 4425 EFTPS Suspense for NMF 4430 Unpostable Document-NMF 4440 Assessment and Abatement Suspense-NMF 4610 Unapplied Advance Payments 4615 Section 6077 Payments 4620 Unidentified Remittances 4701 Cover Over Liability-NMI 4702 Cover Over Liability-VI 4703 Cover Over Liability-GUAM 4704 Cover Over Liability-SAMOA 4750 Anti-Drug Special Funds Liability 4765 EFTPS Miscellaneous Suspense 4810 Liability for Budget Clearing Account-Increase/Decrease 4950 IMF Unallowable Deduction 4970 Unapplied Refund Reversals 4971 Unapplied External Leads 4985 IPAC Suspense 6010 Arbitrage Assessment 6011 Arbitrage Penalty 6200 Taxpayer Accounts Transferred 6310 Miscellaneous Fees 6330 Debtor Master File Offsets 6400 Miscellaneous Revenue Collections 6520 Refund of Tax and Interest 6530 Tax Accounts Compromised 6540 Small Debits and Credits Cleared 6550 Withholding Tax Payments Credited 6560 Other Credits Allowed 6565 Refund Cancellation Credits Allowed 6570 Substantiated Credits Allowed 6575 Overpayment Interest Allowed 6600 Accounts Cleared, Statute 6700 Foreign Check Collection Cost 6800 Excess Collection 6801 Expired External Leads 6810 Unapplied Statute Expired Credit 6900 Adjustments or Corrections of Revenue Receipts 6905 Identity Theft Erroneous Refund Write-Offs 6910 Adj or Correction of MISC Revenue 6920 Disbursement Write-Off 6950 Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Debt Collection Holdback 9998 Reversals Revenue Clearance Reclass 2110 Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 2120 Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 2130 Corporation Revenue Receipts (20-0111) 2140 Excise Revenue Receipts (20-0152) 2150 Estate and Gift Revenue Receipts (20-0153) 2170 CTA Revenue Receipts (20-0130) 2180 FUTA Revenue Receipts (20-0121) 2305 Unclaimed Funds (20-1060) 2310 Treaty Country Receipts (20-3220) 2315 Arbitrage (20-3220) 2320 Miscellaneous Receipts (20-3220) 2325 Miscellaneous Forfeiture Receipts (20-1099) 2330 EP/EO User Fee (20-2411) 2335 EO User Fee Increase (20X5432.5) 2340 Photocopy Fee (20X5432.7) 2342 Photocopy Fee PrYr (20X5432) 2345 Presidential Election Campaign (20X5081.1) 2350 Public Debt (20X5080.1) 2355 Federal Court Ordered Restitution (20-3220) 2360 Conscience Fund (20-1210) 2365 LIFO (20-3220) 2370 Mortgage Subsidy Bond Receipt (20-3220) 2380 Original Installment Agreement (20X5432.1) 2385 Reinstated Installment Agreement (20X5432.3) 2395 Enrolled Agent (20X5432.4) 7001 EFTPS Unclassified (20F3820.029) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 400 and 401.
Journal 400 and 401 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Control Main Menu Record Select Misc. Application or Cover Over Liability. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal RS Number Enter the RS number from the Source Document. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required Debit inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Credit Amount from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar, select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this screen. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required Credit inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button If Reclassification is required: Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Reclass from Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar, select... Action, then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this screen. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each additional tax class. When all accounts and amounts have been entered, select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct, select... Post Button
This subsection describes the journals used to record the transfer of revenue receipts from Unidentified and the application to the proper general ledger accounts.
Reclassification of funds may be required.
The journals will also be used to journal EOD Run-16 data if problems occur with the electronic data transfer.
These are the valid accounts for URF/MISC (journal #404).
Valid Accounts for URF/MISC Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 1510 Credit Other Receivables, Regular 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 1720 Credit Dishonored Check Adjustments 1830 Credit NMF Account Receivable, Inactive 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 4252 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-IRAF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 6570 Credit Substantiated Credits Allowed 6800 Credit Excess Collection Reclass 2110 Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 2120 Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 2130 Corporation Revenue Receipts (20-0111) 2140 Excise Revenue Receipts (20-0152) 2150 Estate and Gift Revenue Receipts (20-0153) 2170 CTA Revenue Receipts (20-0130) 2180 FUTA Revenue Receipts (20-0121)
These are the valid accounts for URF/Deposit Fund (journal #406).
Valid Accounts for URF/Deposit Fund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 7002 Debit Deposit Fund (20X6879.09) 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 2120 Credit Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 4710 Credit Offers-in-Compromise 4720 Credit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Credit Miscellaneous Deposit Funds
These are the valid accounts for URF/Miscellaneous Fees (journal #407).
Valid Accounts for URF/Miscellaneous Fees Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2310 Debit Treaty Country Receipts (20-3220.19) 2315 Debit Arbitrage Receipt (20–3220.19) 2320 Debit Miscellaneous Receipt (20–3220.19) 2325 Debit Miscellaneous Forfeiture Receipts (20-1099.19) 2330 Debit EP/EO (20-2411) 2340 Debit Photocopy Fee (20X5432.2) 2350 Debit Public Debt (20X5080.1) 2360 Debit Conscience Funds (20-1210) 2370 Debit Mort Sub. Bond Receipts (20-3220.19) 2380 Debit Installment Agreement Fee (20X5432.1) 2385 Debit Reinstatement Installment (20X5432.3) 2395 Debit Enrolled Agent (20X5432.4) 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 2120 Credit Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 6310 Credit Miscellaneous Fees
These are the valid accounts for URF/Refund Repay (journal #408).
Valid Accounts for URF/Refund Repay Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2410 Debit Refund Repay Principal (20X0903) 2420 Debit Repay Interest (20X0904) 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 1510 Credit Other Receivables, Regular 2120 Credit Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF – BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF – IMF 4252 Credit SPC Suspense for MF – IRAF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 6520 Credit Refund of Tax and Interest – NMF 6800 Credit Excess Collections
These are the valid accounts for URF/Loss (journal #409).
Valid Accounts for URF/Loss Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 7610 Credit Embezzlement and Thefts 7620 Credit Unexplained Losses 7650 Credit Deposit Discrepancies Reclass 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue (20–0101) 2120 Debit Individual Revenue (20–0110) 2130 Debit Corporation Revenue (20–0111) 2140 Debit Excise Revenue (20–0152) 2150 Debit Estate and Gift Revenue (20–0153) 2170 Debit CTA Revenue (20–0130) 2180 Debit FUTA Revenue (20–0121) 2120 Credit Individual Revenue (20–0110)
This subsection describes the journals used to record the transfer of money from the dishonored check file and application to the correct general ledger account.
Reclassification of funds may be required.
The journals will also be used as back-up for End Of Day Run 16 if there are any problems with the electronic data transfer.
These are the valid accounts for DCF/SCCF (journal #411).
Valid Accounts for DCF/SCCF Account Number DR/CR Account Name 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 4120 Debit SPC Suspense for MF - BMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for MF - IMF 4252 Debit SPC Suspense for MF - IRAF 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF Reclass 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue (20-0101) 2110 Credit Withholding Revenue (20-0101) 2120 Credit Individual Revenue (20-0110) 2130 Credit Corporation Revenue (20-0111) 2140 Credit Excise Revenue (20-0152) 2150 Credit Estate and Gift Revenue (20-0153) 2170 Credit CTA Revenue (20-0130) 2180 Credit FUTA Revenue (20-0121)
These are the valid accounts for DCF/MISC Fee (journal #412).
Valid Accounts for DCF/MISC Fee Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 6310 Debit Miscellaneous Fees 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 2310 Credit Treaty Country Receipts (20-3220.19) 2315 Credit Arbitrage Receipts (20-3220.19) 2320 Credit Miscellaneous Receipts (20-3220.19) 2325 Credit Miscellaneous Forfeiture Receipts (20-1099.19) 2330 Credit EP/EO (20-2411) 2340 Credit Photocopy Fee (20X5432.2) 2360 Credit Conscience Fund (20-1210) 2370 Credit Mortgage Subsidy Bond Receipt (20–3220.19) 2380 Credit Installment Agreement (20X5432.1) 2385 Credit Reinstated Installment (20X5432.3) 2395 Credit Enrolled Agent (20X5432.4)
These are the valid accounts for DCF/Deposit Fund (journal #413).
Valid Accounts for DCF/Deposit Fund Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 4710 Debit Offers-in-Compromise 4720 Debit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Debit Miscellaneous Deposit Fund 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 7002 Credit Deposit Fund Receipts (20X6879.09)
These are the valid accounts for DCF/Loss (journal #414).
Valid Accounts for DCF/Loss Account Number DR/CR Account Name 7610 Debit Embezzlements and Thefts 7620 Debit Unexplained Losses 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks Reclass 2110 Credit Withholding Revenue (20–0101) 2120 Credit Individual Revenue (20–0110) 2130 Credit Corporation Revenue (20–0111) 2140 Credit Excise Revenue (20–0152) 2150 Credit Estate and Gift Revenue (20–0153) 2170 Credit CTA Revenue (20–0130) 2180 Credit FUTA Revenue (20–0121) 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue (20–0101)
These are valid accounts for DCF/Anti-Drug (journal #415).
Valid Accounts for DCF/Anti-Drug Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 4750 Debit Anti-Drug Special Fund Liability 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 7003 Credit Anti-Drug (20X5099.1) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #415.
Journal 415 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Control Main Menu Record Select "Unidentified Apply" or "Dishonored Check Apply" . Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select the needed application type. Apply Maintain Source Journal IDRS Run Date Enter the date of the IDRS report. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS account, if more than one is available. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if another account has an amount. If other accounts are available but are not required. Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... Enter or Add Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button If MISC -or- Refund Repay -or- DCF/SCCF: Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select DCF/SCCF from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this screen. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Highlight/select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button If Deposit Fund or Loss Accounts: Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Deposit Fund or Loss from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID # or Document # Enter the applicable ID Number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry/ Ledger Classification Journal Area Office or Field Office (deposit funds only) Select the Office. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat until finished. Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... Enter or Add Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button If Reclassification is Required: Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Reclass from the Possible Source Journals. Action, then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. For DCF, select T/C 1 Debit. For URF, select T/C 2 Credit. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each additional tax class. The reclass debits and credits must be equal. When all accounts and amounts have been entered, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button For all applications, continue with: Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct, select... Post Button
RRACS will automatically journal the data from the Generalized Mainline Framework (GMF) Run Number 15-45. This run contains the mainline and Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) credits and debits being sent to ECC for all three master files. If electronic input was erroneous, a new transmission could be processed or the data input manually from the hard copy through these journals.
Data from the Generalized Unpostable Framework (GUF) Run Number 53-40 will automatically journal. This run includes the new, nullified, corrected and reclassified unpostable transactions received from and sent to ECC or all three master files. If electronic data input is incorrect, a new transmission can be processed or the data input manually from the hardcopy through these journals. Nullified data, however, must be journalized through the account application menu.
ECC deletes must be journalized through these journals as there is no automatic data transfer.
EFTPS GMF/TEP-BMF/IMF/IRAF suspense must be journalized through these journals.
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for EFTPS GMF/TEP-BMF, IMF, and IRAF (journals 417-419).
Valid Accounts for EFTPS GMF/TEP-BMF, IMF and IRAF Account Number Account Name 4110 ECC Suspense for MF-BMF 4210 ECC Suspense for MF-IMF 4251 ECC Suspense for MF-IRAF 4125 EFTPS Suspense for MF-BMF 4225 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IMF 4255 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IRAF -
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for ECC GMF/TEP-BMF, IMF and IRAF (journals 421-423).
Valid Accounts for ECC GMF/TEP-BMF, IMF and IRAF Account Number Account Name 4110 ECC Suspense for MF-BMF 4210 ECC Suspense for MF-IMF 4251 ECC Suspense for MF-IRAF 4125 EFTPS Suspense for MF-BMF 4220 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IMF 4252 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IRAF -
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for Deletes ECC BMF, IMF and IRAF (journals 424-426).
Valid Accounts for Deletes ECC BMF, IMF and IRAF Account Number Account Name 4110 ECC Suspense for MF-BMF 4210 ECC Suspense for MF-IMF 4251 ECC Suspense for MF-IRAF 4125 EFTPS Suspense for MF-BMF 4225 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IMF 4255 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IRAF -
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for Unpostable ECC BMF, IMF and IRAF (journals 427-429).
Valid Accounts for Unpostable ECC BMF, IMF and IRAF Account Number Account Name 4110 ECC Suspense for MF-BMF 4210 ECC Suspense for MF-IMF 4251 ECC Suspense for MF-IRAF 4125 EFTPS Unpostable for MF-BMF 4230 EFTPS Unpostable for MF-IMF 4255 EFTPS Suspense for MF-IRAF -
This table describes the steps required to complete journals 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428 and 429.
Journals 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428 and 429 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Control Main Menu Record Select ECC Applications. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select the type and master file of the ECC application. Apply Maintain Source Journal Tape ID # Enter the reel number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date of the reel in MM-DD-YYYY format. Net Amount or Total Amount Enter the net total dollar amount. Tab Key Cycle Select the Cycle from the pop-up journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed Ledger Classification. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected ECC action category. OK Button Repeat if the second category has an amount, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct, select... Post Button
The Credit Transfer journals provide for the control and the journalizing of credit transfers using Form 2158, Credit Transfer Voucher. Both Revenue Receipt and Deposit Fund documents, being transferred into or out of the Service Center are recorded on these journals.
Each Form 2158 has a document number that must be entered individually. However, the journals are designed with the option of entering several Forms 2158 and using a reconciliation sheet (RS) to cumulate the application side of the journal.
Complete the following before going to the terminal for data input:
Review Forms 2158 for the proper information needed for input.
Determine if they are Revenue Receipts or Deposit Funds.
If Deposit Funds, be sure you have a Deposit Fund Document Number.
Check for valid CFO RACS Unit Codes.
Valid CFO RACS Unit Codes are:
ANSPC-08 (Andover)
ATSPC-07 (Atlanta)
AUSPC-18 (Austin)
BSPC-19 (Brookhaven)
CSPC-17 (Cincinnati)
FSPC-89 (Fresno)
KCSPC-09 (Kansas City)
MSPC-49 (Memphis)
OSPC-29 (Ogden)
PSPC-28 (Philadelphia)
These are valid accounts for Revenue Receipt-CR (2158) (journal #435).
Valid Accounts for Revenue Receipt-CR (2158) Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4900 Credit Revenue Credits in Transit to other SPC 1314 Debit NMF Tax Straddles 1321 Debit NMF Notice 1322 Debit NMF Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts 1324 Debit NMF TDA Deferral 1360 Debit NMF Installment Agreement 1371 Debit NMF Offer-in-Compromise 1389 Debit NMF Suspense 1710 Debit Dishonored Checks 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 4430 Debit Unpostable Documents - NMF 4440 Debit Assess and Abate Suspense - NMF 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 6310 Debit Misc Fees 6400 Debit Misc Revenue Collections 6800 Debit Excess Collection -
These are valid accounts for Revenue Receipt-DR (2158) (journal #436).
Valid Accounts for Revenue Receipt-DR (2158) Account Number Normal Balance Type Account Name 4900 Debit Revenue Credits in Transit to other SC 1314 Credit NMF Tax Straddles 1321 Credit NMF Notice 1322 Credit NMF Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts 1324 Credit NMF TDA Deferral 1360 Credit NMF Installment Agreement 1371 Credit NMF Offer-in-Compromise 1389 Credit NMF Suspense 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 4430 Credit Unpostable Documents - NMF 4440 Credit Assess and Abate Suspense-NMF 6310 Credit Misc Fees 6400 Credit Misc Revenue Collections -
These are valid accounts for Deposit Fund-CR (2158) (journal #437).
Valid Accounts for Deposit Fund-CR (2158) Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4740 Credit Deposit Funds in Transit 4710 Debit Offer-in-Compromise 4720 Debit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Debit Miscellaneous Deposit Funds -
These are valid accounts for Deposit Fund-DR (2158) (journal #438).
Valid Accounts for Deposit Fund-DR (2158) Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4740 Debit Deposit Funds in Transit 4710 Credit Offer-in-Compromise 4720 Credit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Credit Miscellaneous Deposit Funds -
These are valid accounts for Credit Transfer In:
Valid Accounts for Credit Transfer In Account Number DR/CR Account Name Revenue Receipt-CR (2158) (journal #441) 6580 Debit To/From Revenue credits transferred 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 6310 Credit Misc Fees 6400 Credit Misc Revenue Collections Revenue Receipt-DR (2158) (journal #442) 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 6310 Debit Misc Fees 6400 Debit Misc Revenue Collections 6580 Credit To/From Revenue credits transferred Deposit Fund-CR (2158) (journal #443) 6590 Debit To/From Deposit Fund credits transferred 4710 Credit Offer in Compromise 4720 Credit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Credit Miscellaneous Deposit Funds Deposit Fund-DR (2158) (journal #444) 6590 Credit To/From Deposit Fund credits transferred 4710 Debit Offer in Compromise 4720 Debit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Debit Miscellaneous Deposit Funds
The following is completed before going to the terminal for data input:
NMF Transfer In is assigned a Document Locator Number (DLN) and identified if a Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA) is to be issued
NMF Transfer Out is assigned a Form 514–B serial number and a date of transfer
Check for valid CFO RACS Unit codes
Valid CFO RACS Unit codes are:
These are valid accounts for Account Transfers Out.
Valid Accounts for Account Transfers Out Account Number DR/CR Account Name Transfer Out-DR (514B) (journal #458) (rejects are the opposite) 1400 Debit Tax Accounts Transferred Out 1314 Credit NMF Tax Straddles 1321 Credit NMF Notice 1322 Credit Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts 1324 Credit NMF TDA Deferral 1360 Credit Installment Agreement 1371 Credit NMF Offers-in-Compromise 1389 Credit NMF Suspense 1830 Credit NMF Accounts Receivable 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF Transfer Out-CR (514B) (journal #459) (rejects are the opposite) 1400 Credit Tax Accounts Transferred Out 1314 Debit NMF Tax Straddles 1321 Debit NMF Notice 1322 Debit Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts 1324 Debit NMF TDA Deferral 1360 Debit NMF Installment Agreement 1371 Debit NMF Offers-in-Compromise 1389 Debit NMF Suspense 1830 Debit MF Accounts Receivable 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF -
These are valid accounts for Account Transfer In.
Valid Accounts for Account Transfer In Account Number DR/CR Account Name Transfer In-DR (514B) (journal #460) 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 6200 Credit Taxpayer Accounts Transferred Transfer In-CR (514B) (journal #461) 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 6200 Debit Taxpayer Accounts Transferred -
This table describes the steps required to complete journals 458 and 459 (transfer out) and 460 and 461 (transfer in).
Journals 458, 459, 460 and 461 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Control Main Menu Record Select Credit Transfer Out, Credit Transfer In, or Account Transfers. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select the needed transaction. Apply Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the transfer document number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Prepare Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. CFO RACS Unit Highlight/select the CFO RACS Unit code from pop-up journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount of the transfer. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct... OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Select and highlight from "Possible Source Journals." Action then Add If Revenue Receipt Transfer, continue with: Maintain Source Journal Document or RS Number Enter the transfer document or RS number. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter amount associated with the generated account. OK Button If Deposit Fund Transfer, continue with: Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID # Enter the Document Number of the Deposit Fund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the prepare date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. Enter or OK Button Review input data, if correct... OK Button Repeat if additional deposit fund accounts are required. If finished, select... Cancel Button For all transfers, continue with: Maintain Source Journal Review Input Data. If correct, select... OK Button Repeat to enter additional transfers on the same journal, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
These journals are used to input the applications for the IPAC debit or credit documents. They also have the capability of recording deposit fund application and reclassification. This will allow you to do a complete or partial application for IPAC documents.
When the original IPACD (disbursements) or IPACR (receipts) was recorded through the disbursement control journals, the document was assigned a unique document identifier.
At the time of application, the amount of the original amount will be reduced with each application.
The journals are designed with the option of entering several documents and using the reconciliation sheet (RS) to cumulate the application side of the journal. Refer to IRM and IRM for additional information.
This is a list of documents that can be used for IPAC journals:
IPAC bill for TRACS
TRACS Listings
Form 813 - Document Register
Back-up Documents to Support the journal Transaction Needed
Form 3245 - Posting Voucher-Refund Cancellation or Repayment
Form 3809 - Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher
Complete the following before going to the terminal for data input:
Verify the document number of the original IPACD or IPACR.
Balance all back-up documents to the TRACS document total for a complete application.
Verify that all back-up documents are received.
Check Deposit Fund Document Number.
These are valid accounts for TRACS Applications:
Valid Accounts for TRACS Applications Account Number DR/CR Account Name IPACR (journal #469) (reversal accounts are opposite) 4110 Credit ECC Suspense for MF-BMF 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for MF-IMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Credit Unidentified Remittances 4710 Credit Offer-in-Compromise 4720 Credit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Credit Miscellaneous Deposit Funds 4970 Debit Unapplied Refund Reversals 4975 Debit Liability, DOJ Receipts 4985 Debit IPACR Suspense 6310 Credit Miscellaneous Fees 6330 Credit Debtor Master File Offsets 6520 Credit Refund of Tax; Interest 6800 Credit Excess Collections 6950 Credit DOJ Civil Debt Collection Holdback Reclass 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 2120 Debit Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 2130 Debit Corporation Revenue Receipts (20-0111) 2140 Debit Excise Revenue Receipts (20-0152) 2150 Debit Estate; Gift Revenue Receipts (20-0153) 2170 Debit CTA Revenue Receipts (20-0130) 2180 Debit FUTA Revenue Receipts (20-0121) 2340 Credit Photocopy CrYr Refunds (20X5432.7) 2410 Debit Photocopy CrYr Refunds (20X0903) 2420 Debit Refund Repay Interest (20X0904) 2910 Credit IPAC Receipts (20F3885.11) 2910 Debit IPAC Receipts (20F3885.11) 2915 Debit DOJ Receipts (20F3844) 2915 Credit DOJ Receipts (20F3844) 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5302 Credit Photocopy PrYr Refunds (20X5432) 7002 Debit Deposit Fund (20X6879) IPACD (journal #470) (reversal accounts are opposite) 4110 Debit ECC Suspense for MF-BMF 4120 Debit SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for MF-IMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 4710 Debit Offer-in-Compromise 4720 Debit Sales of Seized Property 4730 Debit Miscellaneous Deposit Funds 4970 Credit Unapplied Refund Reversals 4975 Credit Liability, DOJ Receipts 4985 Credit IPACD Suspense 6310 Debit Miscellaneous Fees 6520 Debit Refund of Tax & Interest 6800 Debit Excess Collections Reclass 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 2120 Debit Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 2130 Debit Corporation Revenue Receipts (20-0111) 2140 Debit Excise Revenue Receipts (20-0152) 2150 Debit Estate & Gift Revenue Receipts (20-0153) 2170 Debit CTA Revenue Receipts (20-0130) 2180 Debit FUTA Revenue Receipts (20-0121) 2410 Debit Refund Repay Principal (20X0903) 2340 Credit Photocopy CrYr Refunds (20X5432.7) 2420 Credit Refund Repay Interest (20X0904) 2915 Debit DOJ Receipts (20F3844) 2915 Credit DOJ Receipts (20F3844) 4801 Debit Approved Vouchers Payable Principal 5302 Credit Photocopy PrYr Refunds (20X5432) 7002 Credit Deposit Fund Receipts (20X6879) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 469 and 470.
Journals 469 and 470 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Control Main Menu Select TRACS Applications. Tab or Apply Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select IPACR Application or IPACD Application. Apply Maintain Source Journal Schedule Number Enter the TRACS Schedule Number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter appropriate date. Tab Key Cycle Select the Cycle from pop-up journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter amount associated with generated account. OK Button Repeat if another account has an amount, if not... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select necessary entry from the "Possible Source Journals" From the Action Bar select... Action then Add If Application: Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button If OIC, Seizure or MISC Deposit Fund: Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID # Enter the Deposit Fund document number. Add Button Prepare Date Enter date. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area Office or Field Office Select the appropriate Area Office or Field Office code from the pop-up journal. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button If Reclass: Maintain Source Journal Primary Add journal will appear. However, no input is necessary for this journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry / Ledger Classification Journal Select the needed IRS account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. The total debit and credit amounts must be equal. When finished with required inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button If NTRR Line Data: See IRM , Net Tax Refund Report (NTRR) Line Data for instructions When all Source Journals have been entered, continue with: Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct, select... Post Button
The CADE 2 Recap serves as the backup documentation for the CADE 2 journal.
Complete the following before going to the terminal for data input:
Verify the CADE 2 Recap did not automatically post to RRACS.
Verify with the RACR (Reciprocal Accounting Control Record) for the correct cycle missing from RRACS.
These are valid accounts for CADE 2 Recap.
Valid Accounts for CADE 2 Recap Account Number DR/CR Account Name CADE 2 Recap (journal #471) Line 121, Installment Fee 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 6001 Credit Installment Agreement Liability Line 122, Install Fee (-) 6001 Debit Installment Agreement Liability 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 175, Del, CR, STA, A 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 4520 Credit Prepayment Credit - IMF Line 175 -, Del, CR, STA, A 4520 Debit Prepayment Credit - IMF 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 176, Del, Not STA 1200 Debit IMF Accounts Receivable 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 176-, Del, Not STA 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 1200 Credit IMF Accounts Receivable Line 177, Del, DFRD STA 1200 Debit IMF Accounts Receivable 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 177-, Del, DFRD STA 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 1200 Credit IMF Accounts Receivable Line 178, Del, INST AGRMT 1200 Debit IMF Accounts Receivable 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 178-, Del, DFRD STA 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 1200 Credit IMF Accounts Receivable Line 179, Del, TDA STA 1200 Debit IMF Accounts Receivable 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 179-, Del, TDA STA 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 1200 Credit IMF Accounts Receivable Line 180, Del, UNCOL STA 1820 Debit IMF Account Receivable, Inactive 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 180-, Del, UNCOL STA 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 1820 Credit IMF Account Receivable, Inactive Line 181, Del, INACT STA 1200 Debit IMF Accounts Receivable 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 181-, Del, INACT STA 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 1200 Credit IMF Accounts Receivable Line 182, Del, OTHER STA 1200 Debit IMF Accounts Receivable 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 182-, Del, OTHER STA 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 1200 Credit IMF Accounts Receivable Line 184, Del, NON-TAX DB 1300 Debit Non-Tax Accounts Receivable 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF Line 184-, Del, NON-TAX DB 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 1300 Credit Non-Tax Accounts Receivable Line 185, Del, NON-TAX DB 4210 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF 4521 Credit Prepayment Credit - Non Tax Line 185-, Del, NON-TAX DB 4521 Debit Prepayment Credit - Non Tax 4210 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-IMF -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #471.
Journal 471 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Control Main Menu Select CADE 2 Recap Manual Input. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Document Number Enter the CADE 2 Recap Document Number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter appropriate date. Tab Key Cycle Select the Cycle from pop-up journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter amount associated with generated account. OK Button Ledger Classification Select CADE 2 Recap Line. OK Button Repeat for all CADE 2 Recap lines. Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct … Post Button
These Confirm Transfers journals control and journal the confirmation of Forms 2158 and 514- B.
The following is a list of documents used to Confirm Transfers:
Confirm copy of Form 2158, Credit Transfer Voucher
Confirm copy of Form 514–B, Tax Transfer Schedule
In some cases, a telephone confirmation can be used
Complete the following before going to the terminal for data input:
Review confirm copy for the proper information needed for input.
Determine if the confirm copy of Form 2158 is for revenue receipts or deposit funds.
These are the valid accounts to confirm Transfers.
Valid Accounts to Confirm Transfers Account Number DR/CR Account Name Confirm Revenue Receipt-CR (2158) (journal #446) 4900 Debit Revenue Credits In-Transit to Other SPC 6580 Credit Revenue Credits Transferred To and From Confirm Revenue Receipt-DR (2158) (journal #447) 6580 Debit Revenue Credits Transferred To and From 4900 Credit Revenue Credits In-Transit to Other SPC Confirm Deposit Fund-CR (2158) (journal #448) 4740 Debit Deposit Fund In-Transit 6590 Credit Deposit Fund Credits Transfer To and From Confirm Deposit Fund-DR (2158) (journal #449) 4740 Credit Deposit Fund In-Transit 6590 Debit Deposit Fund Credits Transfer To and From Confirm Account Transfer Out-DR (514B) (journal #465) 6200 Debit Taxpayer Account Transferred 1400 Credit Tax Account Transferred Out Confirm Acct. Transfer Out-CR (514B) (journal #466) 1400 Debit Tax Account Transferred Out 6200 Credit Taxpayer Account Transferred -
This table describes the steps required to complete journals 446, 447, 448, 449, 465 and 466.
Journals 446, 447, 448, 449, 465 and 466 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Control Main Menu Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Confirm Select the appropriate "Confirm" transaction from the list box. Apply Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the Document Number. The number must match the number used on the original journal. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the Confirm Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or OK Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the journal being confirmed. Enter or Add Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... Enter or Add Button Repeat for each Confirmed Voucher. When all vouchers have been confirmed. Cancel Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct… Post Button
The Erroneous Refund journals provide for the individual control and journalizing of erroneous refund case files. This occurs after specifying the necessary recovery type.
When an Erroneous Refund is established in Account 1510 and repayment is not made, additional collection procedures may be necessary.
There are several types of Erroneous Refunds: Court Case (Account 1530), Criminal Investigations (CI) Court Ordered (Account 1535), Payment Over Cancellation (Account 1543), Non-Court Case (Account 1540), and Identity theft Erroneous Refunds (Account 1545).
Each case is controlled with a unique Document Number on Form 3809. This document number enables individual case tracking from inception to completion.
These are the valid accounts for Erroneous Refund case files.
Valid Accounts for Erroneous Refund Case Files Account Number DR/DR Account Name Erroneous Refund (journal #480) (opposite is available to reverse Court Case) 1510 Debit Other Receivable, Reg 1530 Debit Court Case Erroneous Refund (Credit to clear Court Case) 1540 Debit Non-Court Case Erroneous Refund (Credit to clear Court Case) 1543 Debit Payment Over Cancellation 1545 Debit Set-Up ID Theft 1545 Credit Close ID Theft 1510 Credit Other Receivables Regular (Debit to clear Court Case) 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-BMF (Debit to clear Court Case) 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-IMF (Debit to clear Court Case) 4252 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-IRAF (Debit to clear Court Case) 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF (Debit to clear Court Case) Non-Payment of Erroneous Refund (journal #485) 4910 Debit Disbursement, Loss 1530 Credit Court Case Erroneous Refund 1535 Debit CI Court Ordered 1540 Credit Non-Court Case Erroneous Refund Clear Erroneous Refund (journal #490) Write-Off 6600 Debit Accounts Cleared, Statute 4910 Credit Disbursement, Loss Relief 6920 Debit Disbursement Write-Off 4910 Credit Disbursement, Loss ID Theft Non Payment 6905 Debit ID Theft Err Refund W/O 1545 Credit ID Theft Erroneous Refund Reimbursement (IPAC) 4970 Debit Unapplied Refund Reversal -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 480, 485 and 490.
Journals 480, 485 and 490 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Main Menu Record Select Erroneous Refund, Non Payment of Erroneous Refund, or Clear Erroneous Refund. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Document Number Enter the number assigned to the erroneous refund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the appropriate Ledger Classification. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if another erroneous refund has an amount, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button If Non-Payment of Erroneous Refund, continue with: Maintain Transaction Journal Select Court Case, Non-Court Case, or ID Theft from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal Document Number Enter Case Number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Maintain Journal Entry Select Court Case, Non-Court Case Erroneous Refund, or ID Theft Err Refund. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat if another account has an amount. If other accounts are available but not required Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If Correct, select... OK Button In all cases, continue with: Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The journals in this subsection are used to input the applications for Informant Rewards.
The following is a list of documents used to confirm transfers:
Memorandum from chief examination to chief quality assurance and management support, requesting funds transfer to 20X5433.1.
Review documents for the proper information needed before going to the terminal for data input.
These are the valid accounts for Informant Rewards.
Valid Accounts for Informant Rewards Account Number DR/CR Account Name To Set Up Informant Reward (journal #495) 6900 Debit Adj & Reclass Rev Receipts 4755 Credit Informant Reward Reclass 2110 Credit Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 2120 Credit Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 2130 Credit Corporation Revenue Receipts (20-0111) 2140 Credit Excise Revenue Receipts (20-0152) 2150 Credit Estate & Gift Revenue Receipts (20-0153) 2170 Credit CTA Revenue Receipts (20-0130) 2180 Credit FUTA Revenue Receipts (20-0121) 7004 Debit Informant Reward receipt To Offset Informant Reward (journal #496) 4755 Debit Informant Reward 4120 Credit SPC Suspense, BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense, IMF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense, NMF 6900 Credit Adj & Reclass Rev Receipts Reclass 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 2120 Debit Individual Income Revenue Receipts (20-0110) 2130 Debit Corporation Revenue Receipts (20-0111) 2140 Debit Excise Revenue Receipts (20-0152) 2150 Debit Estate & Gift Revenue Receipts (20-0153) 2170 Debit CTA Revenue Receipts (20-0130) 2180 Debit FUTA Revenue Receipts (20-0121) 7004 Credit Informant Reward -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 495 and 496.
Journals 495 and 496 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Main Menu Record Select Informant Reward or Informant Reward Offset. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Case Number Enter the number assigned to the informant reward. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Source Journal Repeat if there is another case with money, or select... Cancel Button In all cases, continue with: Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
These journals are used to record unreconciled amounts related to Disbursement Transactions received from FMS.
The journal numbers are in the 2XX series.
Following are the valid accounts for the journal voucher entries (increase and decrease).
Valid Accounts for Journal Voucher Entries Account Number DR/CR Account Name JVINC 20F3880 (journal #236) 2410 Debit Refund Repay Principal (20X0903) 4810 Debit Liability Budget Clearing 4810 Credit Liability Budget Clearing (20F3880) 4970 Credit Unapplied Refund Reversals JVDEC 20F3880 (journal #239) 4810 Debit Liability Budget Clearing (20F3880) 4970 Debit Unapplied Refund Reversals 2410 Credit Refund Repay Principal (20X0903) 4810 Credit Liability Budget Clearing (20F3880) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 236 and 239.
Journals 236 and 239 Procedure Step Prompt Description/Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Agency Transfer. Apply Agency Transfer Control Main Menu Record Select JVINC or JVDEC. Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select needed Treasury Account Symbol. Apply Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the Document number. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. Enter or OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
These journals are used to record MF and NMF manual assessments and NMF abatements.
The journal numbers used are in the 6XX series and the 8XX series for manual assessment certificates.
The valid accounts are listed under each of the following subsections.
The Assessment journals are used to record manual assessments, either for MF or NMF accounts.
These are valid accounts for Assessments (Reversals are also available).
Valid Accounts for Assessments Debit Credit 1314 NMF Tax Straddles 6110 Withholding Tax Assessments- TAX 1321 NMF Notice 6111 Withholding Tax Assessments- PEN 1322 NMF Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts 6112 Withholding Tax Assessments-INT 1324 TDA Deferral (Queue) 6120 Ind. Income Tax Assessments-TAX 1360 NMF Installment Agreement 6121 Ind. Income Tax Assessments- PEN 1371 NMF Offers in Compromise 6122 Ind. Income Tax Assessments-INT 1389 NMF Suspense 6130 Corporation Tax Assessments-TAX 1510 Other Receivables, Reg. 6131 Corporation Tax Assessments-PEN 1600 Manual Assessments, Transit Account 6132 Corporation Tax Assessments-INT 1830 NMF Accounts Receivable, Inactive 6140 Excise Tax Assessments-TAX 4120 SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 6141 Excise Tax Assessments-PEN 4220 SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 6142 Excise Tax Assessments-INT 4420 SPC Suspense for NMF 6150 Estate & Gift Tax Assessment-TAX 6550 Withholding Tax Payments Credited 6151 Estate & Gift Tax Assessment-PEN 6560 Other Credits Allowed 6152 Estate & Gift Tax Assessment-INT 6170 CTA Tax Assessments-TAX 6180 FUTA Tax Assessments-TAX 6171 CTA Tax Assessment-PEN 6181 FUTA Tax Assessments-PEN 6172 CTA Tax Assessments-INT 6182 FUTA Tax Assessments-INT -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 610-686 and 810-886.
Journals 610-686 and 810-886 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Assessments. Apply Assessment Control Main Menu Record Select/highlight the assessment type. Tab Key Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply RRACS Intermediate Menu Select the needed tax class category. Apply Maintain Source Journal Certificate # Enter the certificate number. (Manual assessments only) Tab Key Assessment Date Enter the Assessment Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. For "Regular Current" or "Regular Deficiency " assessments, next Monday's date is generated. Normal assessment dates cannot be earlier than the current date. Manual assessment dates cannot be later than the current date. Enter or Add Button (Tab for jeopardy assessments) Principal Taxpayers For jeopardy assessments only, enter the number of principal taxpayers. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Items Enter the number of Items. Tab Twice DLN / RS # Input the DLN or Reconciliation Schedule (RS) number. OK Button Highlight/select Tax, Penalty, or Interest. Tab twice Amount Enter the amount for the selected category. OK Button Repeat for each category that has an amount. The DLN/RS# is generated from the "items" record. When finished with required inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal To enter additional assessments on this journal, select... Add Button When finished, review input data. If correct... OK Button Maintain Transaction Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal RS# Enter the RS number. **This is an optional entry field. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Highlight/select the needed IRS account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount for the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. Then select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data, If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The Abatement journals are used to record Non-Master File abatements. The Erroneous Abatement journals are used to record the reversal of a Non-Master File Abatement.
These are the valid accounts for Abatements and Erroneous Abatements.
Valid Accounts for Abatements and Erroneous Abatements Account Number DR/CR Account Name Abatement (journal #691) 6510 Debit Overassessment Credited 4440 Credit Assessment and Abatement Suspense - NMF Erroneous Abatement (journal #692) 4440 Debit Assessment and Abatement Suspense - NMF 6510 Credit Overassessment Credited -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 691 and 692.
Journals 691 and 692 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Assessments. Apply Assessment Control Main Menu Record Select Abatement or Erroneous Abatement. Tab Key Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal RS / Document # Enter the RS or Document Number. For erroneous abatements, the number must match the number of a previous assessment. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Prepare Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the Amount associated with the generated IRS accounts. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data, If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button Repeat to enter additional abatements or erroneous abatements for the same journal, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The Assessment and Abatement journals are used to record non-tax revenue assessments and abatements. These accounts and journals are used to record Arbitrage Assessments and Abatements. These will not be on the assessment or abatement reports.
These are valid accounts for Non-Tax Assessments (journal #690).
Valid Accounts for Non-Tax Assessments Account Number DR/CR Account Name Arbitrage Assessment 4110 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-BMF (reverse will be opposite) 6010 Credit Arbitrage Revenue (reverse will be opposite) Arbitrage Penalty 4110 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-BMF (reverse will be opposite) 6011 Credit Arbitrage Penalty Revenue (reverse will be opposite) -
These are valid accounts for Non-Tax Abatements (journal 695).
Valid Accounts for Non-Tax Abatements Account Number DR/CR Account Name Arbitrage Abatement 6510 Debit Overassessment Credited 4110 Credit ECC Suspense for Master File-BMF Reverse Abatement 4110 Debit ECC Suspense for Master File-BMF 6510 Credit Overassessment Credited
The journals in this subsection are used to record Deposit Tickets (DT) and Debit Vouchers (DV) for revenue receipt money and miscellaneous funds, such as: Conscience Fund, User Fees, Miscellaneous Receipts, Photocopy Fees, Refund Repayments and Contributions to Reduce the Public Debt.
The recovery of losses previously documented and the discovery of any new shortages or losses and deposit fund monies are also on these journals.
The reclassification of money associated with the deposits entered is also included.
The journal numbers in this chapter are in the 2XX series.
A Source Code must be selected for each DT entered. Edit cannot be used to change once the Source Code has been selected and the journal entries entered. That DT must be deleted and re-entered using the correct Source Code.
The following is a list of valid source codes:
Source Codes Source Code Source Code Name DDIA Direct Deposit Installment Agreement EFTPS Electronic Federal Tax Payment System includes FPLP (OSPC only) IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System ISRP Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing Lockbox Lockbox RRB Railroad Retirement Board SC Manual Service Center Manual SITLP State Income Tax Levy Program -
A State must be selected for each item applied to Contributions to Reduce the Public Debt.
The Deposit journals are used to record DTs for both Revenue, Miscellaneous and EFTPS (MSC Only) Collections.
These are the valid debit accounts for Deposit(s) on journal 210.
Valid Debit Accounts for Deposit(s) 2110 Withholding Revenue Receipt (20-0101) 2120 Individual Income Revenue Receipt (20-0110) 2130 Corporation Revenue Receipts (20-0111) 2140 Excise Revenue Receipts (20-0152) 2150 Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt (20-0153) 2170 CTA Revenue Receipt (20-0130) 2180 FUTA Revenue Receipt (20-0121) 2305 Unclaimed Funds (20-1060.19) 2310 Treaty Country Receipts (20-3220.19) 2315 Arbitrage Receipt (20-3220.19) 2320 Miscellaneous Receipt (20-3220.19) 2325 MISC Forfeiture Receipt (20-1099.19) 2330 EP/EO User Fee (20-2411) 2335 EO User Fee Increase (20X5432.5) 2340 Photocopy CrYr Refunds (20X5432.7) 2345 Presidential Election Campaign (20X5081.1) 2350 Public Debt (20X5080.1) 2355 Federal Court Ordered Restitution (20-3220.19) 2360 Conscience Fund (20-1210) 2365 LIFO (20-3220.19) 2370 Mortgage Subsidy. Bond Receipt (20-3220.19) 2380 Original Installment Agreement (20X5432.1) 2385 Reinstatement Installment Agreement (20X5432.3) 2395 Enrolled Agent (20X5432.4) 2410 Photocopy PrYr Refunds (20X0903) 2420 Refund Repay Interest (20X0904) 7002 Deposit Fund Receipt (20X6879.09) 7009 Insolvency (20F3820) Accounting Application 1510 Credit Other Receivables, Regular 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 1720 Credit Dishonored Checks, ADJ 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4125 Credit EFTPS Suspense for BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 4225 Credit EFTPS Suspense for IMF 4255 Credit EFTPS Suspense for IRAF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 4425 Credit EFTPS Suspense for NMF 4620 Credit Unidentified Remittances 4765 Credit EFTPS MISC Suspense 6310 Credit Miscellaneous Fee * 6400 Credit MISC Revenue Collection ** 6800 Credit Excess Collection 6801 Credit Expired External Leads Deposit Fund 4710 Credit Offer-In-Compromise *** 4720 Credit Sale of Seized Property *** 4730 Credit Miscellaneous Deposit Fund *** Balance with 2320, 2330, 2335, 2340, 2380, 2385, 2395 Balance with 2310, 2325, 2345, 2350, 2355, 2360, 2370 Balance with 7002 Loss/Recovery 7610 Debit Embezzlement & Theft (CR for Recovery (20-0110)) 7620 Debit Unexplained Loss (Credit for Recovery (20-0110)) 7650 Debit Deposit Discrepancy (CR for Recovery (20-0110)) Erroneous Refund 1530 Credit Court Case, Erroneous Refund 1540 Credit Non-Court Case, Erroneous Refund ID Theft Erroneous Refund 1545 Credit ID Theft Erroneous Refund Unapplied Bank Leads 4971 Credit Unapplied External Leads Reclass 2110 Withholding Revenue Receipt (20-0101) 2120 Individual Income Revenue Receipt (20-0110) 2130 Corporation Revenue Receipts (20-0111) 2140 Excise Revenue Receipts (20-0152) 2150 Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt (20-0153) 2170 CTA Revenue Receipt (20-0130) 2180 FUTA Revenue Receipt (20-0121) 2305 Unclaimed Funds (20-1060.19) 2310 Treaty Country Receipts (20-3220.19) 2315 Arbitrage Receipt (20-3220.19) 2320 Miscellaneous Receipt (20-3220.19) 2325 MISC Forfeiture Receipt (20-1099) 2330 EP/EO User Fee (20-2411) 2335 EO User Fee Increase (20X5432.5) 7001 EFTPS Unclassified (20F3820) 2340 Photocopy CrYr Refunds (20X5432.7) 2345 Presidential Election Campaign (20X5081.1) 2350 Public Debt (20X5080.1) 2355 Federal Court Ordered Restitution (20-3220.19) 2360 Conscience Fund (20-1210) 2365 LIFO (20-3220.19) 2370 Mortgage Subsidy Bond Receipt (20-3220.19) 2380 Original Installment Agreement (20X5432.1) 2385 Reinstatement Installment Agreement (20X5432.3) 2395 Enrolled Agent (20X5432.4) 2410 Photocopy PrYr Refunds (20X0903) 2420 Refund Repay Interest (20X0904) 2600 Oil Spill Receipts (20X8185) 2900 Child Support Receipts (75X6288) 7002 Deposit Fund Receipt (20X6879.09) 7003 Anti-Drug Receipts (20X5099.1) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #210.
Journal 210 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Deposit. Apply Deposit Control Main Menu Record Select Deposit. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Treasury # Enter the deposit ticket Treasury Number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Trace ID Enter "X" (until further notice). Tab Key Total Amount Enter the Total Deposit Ticket amount. Tab Key Source Code Select and highlight the appropriate Source code from the pop-up journal. When the journal entry is completed the Source Code cannot be changed. Add Button Repeat for each deposit ticket. When finished. Cancel Button Maintain Journal Entry Select/highlight the needed IRS debit account. Tab Key State Select and highlight a State Code from the pop-up journal only if Public Debt has been selected. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required data input, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Repeat for each Deposit Ticket. When finished. Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select an entry from the Possible Source Journals instructions. Action then Add If Application: Maintain Source Journal RS# Enter the RS Number. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS credit account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required data input, select... Cancel Button If Reclass: Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. The sum of the debit amounts must equal the sum of the credits. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required data input, select... Cancel Button If OIC, Seizure or MISC Deposit Fund: Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID# Enter the ID Number of the Deposit Fund and Prepare Date. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area Office or Field Office Enter the Area Office or Field Office of the OIC, Seizure, or MISC Deposit Fund. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account with an amount. When finished. Cancel Button If Embezzlement and Theft, Unexplained Loss, Deposit Discrepancy, Erroneous Refund, ID Theft Erroneous Refund: Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the number assigned to the document and prepare date. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Ledger Classification Select/highlight the IRS account from the list box. Tab Key Area or Field Office Select area or field office code from list box. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account with an amount. When finished... Cancel Button For ALL Deposit journals, continue with: Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The debit journals are used to record DVs for both revenue and miscellaneous collections.
These are the valid accounts for DV (journal #220).
Valid Accounts for DV Account Number DR/CR Account Name 1710 Debit Dishonored Checks 2110 Credit Withholding Revenue Receipt (20-0101)
These are the valid accounts for DV Adjustment (journal #221).
Valid Accounts for DV Adjustment Account Number DR/CR Account Name 2110 Debit Withholding Revenue Receipt (20-0101) Application 1710 DR/CR Dishonored Checks 1720 DR/CR Dishonored Checks, ADJ 4120 Debit SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4125 Debit EFTPS Suspense for BMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 4225 Debit EFTPS Suspense for IMF 4255 Debit EFTPS Suspense for IRAF 4425 Debit EFTPS Suspense for NMF 6700 Debit Foreign Check Collection Costs Reclass 2110 DR/CR Withholding (20-0101) 2120 DR/CR Ind. Income Rev Receipt (20-0110) 2130 DR/CR Corp. Revenue Receipt (20-0111) 2140 DR/CR Excise Revenue Receipt (20-0152) 2150 DR/CR Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt (20-0153) 2170 DR/CR CTA Revenue Receipt (20-0130) 2180 DR/CR FUTA Revenue Receipt (20-0121) 7001 DR/CR EFTPS Unclassified (20F3820) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #221.
Journal 221 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Deposit. Apply Deposit Control Main Menu Record Select Debit Voucher. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Treasury # Enter the Treasury number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Prepare Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Tab Key Trace ID Enter "X" (until further notice). Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the debit voucher. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Repeat for each Debit Voucher. When finished. Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button Journal Debit Voucher Adjustment Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Deposit. Apply Deposit Control Main Menu Record Select Debit Voucher Adjustment. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Treasury # Enter the Treasury number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Prepare Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Tab Key Trace ID Enter "X" (until further notice). Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the generated credit account 2110. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Repeat for each Debit Voucher. When finished... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar, select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal Primary add journal will appear; however, no input is necessary for this journal. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required data inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The journals in this subsection are used to record the confirmations of DTs and are used as a back-up for CIR (formerly CASHLINK) match.
There are no valid accounts for Confirm Deposits. Use journal #211 for manual confirmations.
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #211.
Journal 211 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Deposit. Apply Deposit Control Main Menu Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Confirm Select Confirm Deposit from the Confirm box. Apply Maintain Source Journal Treasury # Enter the Treasury number. This number must match the number used on the deposit journal. Tab Key Confirm Date Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format. When the field is filled, the prompt automatically moves to the amount field. (Automatic Tab) Total Amount Enter the Total Amount. OK Button Repeat for each Deposit Ticket. When finished with required data input, select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The journals in this subsection are used to record the reclassification of the original classification of revenue receipts received and transferred between tax classes or other types of funds.
These are the valid debit and credit accounts for the Reclass (journal #250).
Valid Accounts for Reclass Account Number Account Name 2110 Withholding Revenue Receipts (20-0101) 2120 Ind. Income Revenue Receipt (20-0110) 2130 Corp. Revenue Receipt (20-0111) 2140 Excise Revenue Receipt (20-0152) 2150 Estate and Gift Revenue Receipt (20-0153) 2170 CTA Revenue Receipt (20-0130) 2180 FUTA Revenue Receipt (20-0121) 2305 Unclaimed Funds (20-1060.19) 2310 Treaty Country Receipts (20-3220.19) 2315 Arbitrage Receipt (20-3220.19) 2320 Miscellaneous Receipt (20-3220.19) 2325 MISC Forfeiture Receipt (20-1099) 2330 EP/EO User Fee (20-2411) 2335 EO User Fee Increase (20X5432.5) 2340 Photocopy CrYr Refunds (20X5432.7) 2345 Presidential Election Campaign (20X5081.1) 2350 Public Debt (20X5080.1) 2355 Federal Court Ordered Restitution (20-3220.19) 2360 Conscience Fund (20-1210) 2365 LIFO (20-3220.19) 2370 Mortgage Subsidy Bond Receipt (20-3220.19) 2375 Informant Receipts (20X5433) 2380 Original Installment Agreement (20X5432.1) 2385 Reinstatement Installment Agreement (20X5432.3) 2395 Enrolled Agent (20X5432.4) 2410 Photocopy PrYr Refunds (20X0903) 2420 Refund Repay Interest (20X0904) 2600 Oil Spill Receipts (20X8185) 2900 Child Support Receipts (75X6288) 2910 IPAC Receipts (20F3885.11) 2915 DOJ Receipts (20F3844) 7001 EFTPS Unclassified (20F3820) 7002 Deposit Fund Receipt (20X6879.09) 7003 Anti-Drug Receipts (20X5099.1) 7004 Informant Rewards Receipts (20X5433.1) 7005 Carryover Receipts - Northern Mariana Island (20X6737) 7006 Carryover Receipts - Virgin Islands (20X6738) 7007 Carryover Receipts - Guam (20X6740) 7008 Carryover Receipts - Samoa (20X6741) 7009 Insolvency (20F3820) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #250.
Journal 250 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Deposit. Apply Deposit Control Main Menu Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Adjust/Reclass Select Reclass. Apply Maintain Source Journal Refund Schedule (RS)# Enter the RS number. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select a needed IRS Account. Tab Key Select State from the list box (Public Debt Acct. 2350 only). Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. Enter or OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. The sum of the amounts entered for debit accounts must equal the amounts entered for credits. When finished with required data input, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct, select... Post Button
This window is primarily used to reclassify transactions that have defaulted to the 20F3500.19 and 20F3502.19 suspense accounts.
The 20F3500.19 and 20F3502.19 accounts should be monitored on a weekly basis for activity.
Transactions found in the default suspense accounts must be investigated and reclassified using the 704 CARS Reclassification window to move the funds to the correct Treasury Account Symbol (TAS).
The SC CARS Reclassification window is used to correct any problems in CARS that are correct in RRACS. The correction will be transmitted to CARS on the monthly bulk upload to reclassify the funds.
These are valid accounts for CARS Reclassifications.
Valid Accounts for CARS Reclassifications TAS DR/CR IRS Account # Reclass Receipt 20-0101 Debit 3500 20–0110 Debit 3500 20–0111 Debit 3500 20–0121 Debit 3500 20–0130 Debit 3500 20–0152 Debit 3500 20–0153 Debit 3500 20–1099 Debit 3500 20F3500.19 Debit 3500 20F3820.00 Debit 3500 20F3844 Debit 3500 20F3885.11 Debit 3500 20X0159 Debit 3500 20X0903 Debit 3500 20X0904 Debit 3500 20X0906 Debit 3500 20X0922 Debit 3500 20X0923 Debit 3500 20X0931 Debit 3500 20X0932 Debit 3500 20X0935 Debit 3500 20X0945 Debit 3500 20X0946 Debit 3500 20X0947 Debit 3500 20X0948 Debit 3500 20X0949 Debit 3500 20X0951 Debit 3500 20X1807 Debit 3500 20X5080.1 Debit 3500 20X5081.1 Debit 3500 20X5432 Debit 3500 20X5432.1 Debit 3500 20X5432.2 Debit 3500 20X5432.3 Debit 3500 20X5432.4 Debit 3500 20X5432.5 Debit 3500 20X5432.6 Debit 3500 20X5510.1 Debit 3500 20X5622.1 Debit 3500 20-0101(-) Credit 3500 20–0110(-) Credit 3500 20–0111(-) Credit 3500 20–0121(-) Credit 3500 20–0130(-) Credit 3500 20–0152(-) Credit 3500 20–0153(-) Credit 3500 20–1099(-) Credit 3500 20F3500.19(-) Credit 3500 20F3885.11(-) Credit 3500 20X1807(-) Credit 3500 20X0159(-) Credit 3500 20X0903(-) Credit 3500 20X0904(-) Credit 3500 20X0906(-) Credit 3500 20X0922(-) Credit 3500 20X0923(-) Credit 3500 20X0931(-) Credit 3500 20X0932(-) Credit 3500 20X0935(-) Credit 3500 20X0945(-) Credit 3500 20X0946(-) Credit 3500 20X0947(-) Credit 3500 20X0948(-) Credit 3500 20X0949(-) Credit 3500 20X0951(-) Credit 3500 20X5080.1(-) Credit 3500 20X5081.1(-) Credit 3500 20X5432(-) Credit 3500 20X5432.1(-) Credit 3500 20X5432.2(-) Credit 3500 20X5432.3(-) Credit 3500 20X5432.4(-) Credit 3500 20X5432.5(-) Credit 3500 20X5432.6(-) Credit 3500 20X5510.1(-) Credit 3500 20X5622.1(-) Credit 3500 Reclass Disbursement 20F3502.19 Debit 3502 20F3844 Debit 3502 20F3885.11 Debit 3502 20X0159 Debit 3502 20X0903 Debit 3502 20X0904 Debit 3502 20X0903 Debit 3502 20X0904 Debit 3502 20X0906 Debit 3502 20X0922 Debit 3502 20X0923 Debit 3502 20X0931 Debit 3502 20X0932 Debit 3502 20X0935 Debit 3502 20X0945 Debit 3502 20X0946 Debit 3502 20X0947 Debit 3502 20X0948 Debit 3502 20X0949 Debit 3502 20X0951 Debit 3502 20X5080.1 Debit 3502 20X5081.1 Debit 3502 20X5432 Debit 3502 20X5432.7 Debit 3502 20X5510.1 Debit 3502 20X5622.1 Debit 3502 20X6737 Debit 3502 20X6738 Debit 3502 20X6740 Debit 3502 20X6741 Debit 3502 20F3502.19(-) Credit 3502 20F3844(-) Credit 3502 20F3885.11(-) Credit 3502 20X0159(-) Credit 3502 20X0903(-) Credit 3502 20X0904(-) Credit 3502 20X0906(-) Credit 3502 20X0922(-) Credit 3502 20X0923(-) Credit 3502 20X0931(-) Credit 3502 20X0932(-) Credit 3502 20X0935(-) Credit 3502 20X0945(-) Credit 3502 20X0946(-) Credit 3502 20X0947(-) Credit 3502 20X0948(-) Credit 3502 20X0949(-) Credit 3502 20X0951(-) Credit 3502 20X5080.1 (-) Credit 3502 20X5081.1 (-) Credit 3502 20X5432 (-) Credit 3502 20X5510.1(-) Credit 3502 20X5622.1(-) Credit 3502 20X6737(-) Credit 3502 20X6738(-) Credit 3502 20X6740(-) Credit 3502 20X6741(-) Credit 3502 20X5432.7(-) Credit 3502 20X6741(-) Credit 3502 20X6877(-) Credit 3502 -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #704.
Journal 704 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select or Enter RACS Main Menu Select Accounting Application. Apply Accounting Application Control Main Menu Select SC CARS Reclassification. Tab or Apply Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply If Reclass: Maintain Source Journal Primary Add journal will appear. However, no input is necessary for this journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry / Ledger Classification Journal Select the needed IRS account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. The total debit and credit amounts must be equal. When finished with required inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct... Edit or Delete Button When all Source Journals have been entered, continue with: Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct, select... Post Button
The journals in this subsection are used to transfer money from Deposit Funds to SCCF accounts and other miscellaneous accounts.
The reclassification between Deposit Fund Receipts and Revenue Receipts or fund accounts is also recorded in these journals.
These journals will be accessed through the applicable process type selected from the RRACS Intermediate Menu.
The following options are available for the RRACS Sub Menu:
Apply To Offer in Compromise (OIC)
Apply To Seizure
Apply To Miscellaneous
Apply From OIC
Apply From Seizure
Apply From Miscellaneous
The journal numbers in this chapter are in the 3XX series.
These are the valid accounts for Deposit Fund.
Valid Accounts for Deposit Fund Account Number DR/CR Account Name Apply to OIC (journal 312), Apply to Seizure (journal #313), Apply to MISC (journal #314) 4120 Debit SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 4430 Debit Unpostable - NMF 4610 Debit Unapplied Advance Payments 4615 Debit Section 6077 Payments 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittances 6400 Debit Misc. Revenue Collections 6800 Debit Excess Collection 4710 Credit Offers-in-Compromise (W-312) 4720 Credit Sales of Seized Property (W-313) 4730 Credit Misc. Deposit Funds (W-314) Reclass 2110 Credit Withholding Rev Receipt (20-0101) 2120 Credit Ind. Income Rev Receipt (20-0110) 2130 Credit Corp. Revenue Receipt (20-0111) 2140 Credit Excise Revenue Receipt Direct (20-0152) 2150 Credit Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt Direct (20-0153) 2170 Credit CTA Revenue Receipt Direct (20-0130) 2180 Credit FUTA Revenue Receipt Direct (20-0121) 7002 Debit Deposit Fund Receipt (20X6879.09) Apply from OIC (journal #315), Apply from Seizure (journal #316), Apply from MISC (journal #317) 4710 Debit Offers-in-Compromise (W315) 4720 Debit Sales of Seized Property (W316) 4730 Debit Misc. Deposit Funds (W317) 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF Reclass 2110 Debit Withholding Rev Receipt (20-0101) 2120 Debit Ind. Income Rev Receipt (20-0110) 2130 Debit Corp. Revenue Receipt (20-0111) 2140 Debit Excise Revenue Receipt Direct (20-0152) 2150 Debit Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt Direct (20-0153) 2170 Debit CTA Revenue Receipt Direct (20-0130) 2180 Debit FUTA Revenue Receipt Direct (20-0121) 7002 Credit Deposit Fund Receipt (20X6879.09) -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 312, 313, 314, 315, 316 and 317.
Journals 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, and 317 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Deposit Fund. Apply Deposit Fund Control Main Menu Record Select Apply To or Apply From OIC, Seizure, or Miscellaneous. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID# Enter the ID# of the Deposit Fund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Prepare Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area Office/Field Office Select the appropriate Area Office/Field Office code from the pop-up journal. Required for "Apply To." options only. Enter, then Tab Key Amount Enter the Amount associated with the generated IRS account. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Complete the journal again and select Add for additional deposit fund transactions on the same journal, or select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal RS# Enter the RS number. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. Tab Key DLN # Enter the DLN of the Form 813. **Optional Field. Repeat for each account that has an amount. OK Button When finished with required data inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data, If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button For Reclassification (always required): Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK button Repeat for each account that has an amount. The total amount entered for debit accounts must equal the total amount entered for credits. When finished with required data inputs, select... Cancel Button For ALL Deposit Fund Journals, continue with: Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The journals described in this subsection are used to record the acquisition and disposition of Seized Property and Collateral. The journals for these journals will be numbered in the 3XX series.
These are the valid accounts for Inventory Control.
Valid Accounts for Inventory Control Account Number Account Name 3200 Collateral Held 3300 Seized Property 4120 SPC Suspense for MF-BMF 4220 SPC Suspense for MF-IMF 4420 SPC Suspense for NMF 4720 Sales of Seized Property 4980 Liability for Inventory Accounts 6980 Acquired Property Disposed of Other Than by Sale 6985 Profit and Loss on Sale of Acquired Property 7100 Property Acquired in Payment of Taxes
These journals are used to record the value of property acquired by the U.S. Government and its related application to a taxpayer account.
These are the valid accounts for Acquisition (journal #302).
Valid Accounts for Acquisition Account Number DR/CR Account Name 7100 Debit Bankruptcy 7100 Debit Property Acquired in Payment of Tax 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for Master File - BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for Master File - IMF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #302.
Journal 302 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Inventory. Apply Inventory Control Main Menu Record Select Acquisition. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the document number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Acquired Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select Acquired Property or Bankruptcy from the Ledger Classification list box. Tab Key Area or Field Office Select the appropriate Office from pop-up journal. Tab Key Amount Enter the Amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... Enter or Add Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. Tab Key DLN Enter the Document Locator Number. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. OK Button When finished with required data inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
These journals are used to record the sale of acquired property and its related profit or loss. These journals may also be used for Installment Disposition.
These are the valid accounts for Disposition /Loss (journal #303).
Valid Accounts for Disposition/Loss Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4420 Debit SPC Suspense, NMF 4720 Debit Sales of Seized Property 6985 Debit Profit and Loss Sale Acquired Property 7100 Credit Property Acquired in Payment of Tax -
These are the valid accounts for Disposition/Profit (journal #304).
Valid Accounts for Disposition/Profit Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4420 Debit SPC Suspense, NMF 4720 Debit Sales of Seized Property 7100 Credit Property Acquired in Payment of Tax 6985 Debit Profit and Loss Sale Acquired Property -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 303 and 304.
Journals 303 and 304 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Inventory. Apply Inventory Control Main Menu Record Select Disposition/Loss or Disposition/Profit. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the Document Number. The number must match the number used to establish the document on the RRACS inventory. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Disposition Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the Amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... Enter or Add Button If Application: Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this screen. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS Account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. Enter or OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. OK Button When finished with required data inputs, select... Cancel Button If Seizure: Maintain Source Journal Deposit Fund ID # Enter the Identification Number of the deposit fund. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the prepare date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. Enter or OK Button In all cases, continue with: Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... Enter or Add Button Repeat for each deposit fund, when finished, select... Cancel Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct, select... Post Button
These journals are used when acquired property is disposed of other than by sale. See IRM 3.17.63, Accounting and Data Control, Redesigned Revenue Accounting Control System for a complete explanation.
These are the valid accounts Disposition and Non-Sale (journal #305).
Valid Accounts for Disposition and Non-Sale Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4420 Debit SPC Suspense, NMF 6980 Debit Acquired Property Disposed Other Than Sale 7100 Credit Property Acquired in Payment of Tax -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal #305.
Journal 305 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Inventory. Apply Inventory Control Main Menu Record Select Disposition/Non Sale. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the Document Number. The number must match the number used to establish the record on the RRACS Inventory. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Source Document Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the Amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this screen. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. OK Button When finished, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data, If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
These journals are used to record the value of seized property and collateral inventory. The same journals will be used for closing the records. Each category is a separate selection from the Inventory Control Main Menu. Reference IRM, Seized Property and, Collateral.
These are the valid accounts for Seized Property Open (journal #320).
Valid Accounts for Seized Property Open Account Number DR/CR Account Name 3300 Debit Seized Property 4980 Credit Liability for Inventory Accounts -
These are the valid accounts for Seized Property Closed (journal #321).
Valid Accounts for Seized Property Closed Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4980 Debit Liability for Inventory Accounts 3300 Credit Seized Property -
These are the valid accounts for Seized Property Open & Close (journal #322).
Valid Accounts for Seized Property Open and Close Account Number DR/CR Account Name 3300 Debit Seized Property 4980 Debit Liability for Inventory Accounts 3300 Credit Seized Property 4980 Credit Liability for Inventory Accounts -
These are the valid accounts for Collateral Open (journal #323).
Valid Accounts for Collateral Open Account Number DR/CR Account Name 3200 Debit Collateral Held 4980 Credit Liability for Inventory Accounts -
These are the valid accounts for Collateral Closed (journal #324).
Valid Accounts for Collateral Closed Account Number DR/CR Account Name 4980 Debit Liability for Inventory Accounts 3200 Credit Collateral Held -
These are the valid accounts for Collateral Open & Closed (journal #325).
Valid Accounts for Collateral Open and Closed Account Number DR/CR Account Name 3200 Debit Collateral Held 4980 Debit Liability for Inventory Accounts 3200 Credit Collateral Held 4980 Credit Liability for Inventory Accounts -
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 330,335, 340 and 345.
Journals 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 330,335, 340 and 345 Procedure Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Inventory. Apply Inventory Control Main Menu Record Select one of the six Seized Property or Collateral options from the menu. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the Document Number. To close, the Document Number must match the number used when the Inventory was opened. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the Seizure date for account 3300 Date Collateral Accepted for account 3200 in MM-DD-YYYY format. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area or Field Office Select the appropriate Office (if applicable). Tab Key Amount Enter the Amount associated with the selected IRS account. For collateral or non equity seizures, do not enter an amount. Enter or OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... Enter or OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Repeat if another document has an amount or select... Cancel Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
The Loss journals are used to record amounts that are shortages or stolen collections while in IRS accountability and amounts for which recovery is made or relief granted. The Loss journals may also be selected anytime an entry is required for a loss "record" .
The journal numbers are in the 3XX series.
These journals may be accessed through the applicable process type selected from the RRACS Intermediate menu. For example:
Accounting Application Dishonored Check File Apply - Loss Unidentified Remittance File Apply - Recovery of Loss
These are the valid accounts for Loss Accounts.
Valid Accounts for Losses, Embezzlements and Thefts (journal #306) Account Number TAS DR/CR Account Name 7610 Debit Embezzlement & Theft Application 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 1720 Credit Dishonored Checks, ADJ 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF- BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF- IMF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Credit Unidentified Remittance 6570 Credit Substantiated Credits Allowed 6800 Credit Excess Collections 6900 Credit Adjustment or Correction of Revenue Receipts Reclass 2110 (20-0101) DR/CR Withholding Revenue Receipt, Dire. 2120 (20-0110) DR/CR Individual Income Revenue Receipt, Dire 2130 (20-0111) DR/CR Corporation Revenue Receipt, Dire 2140 (20-0152) DR/CR Excise Revenue Receipt, Dire 2150 (20-0153) DR/CR Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt, Dire 2170 (20-0130) DR/CR CTA Revenue Receipt, Dire 2180 (20-0121) DR/CR FUTA Revenue Receipt, Dire Loss Unexplained Loss (journal #307) 7620 Debit Unexplained Loss Application 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 1720 Credit Dishonored Checks, ADJ 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF- BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF- IMF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Credit Unidentified Remittance 6570 Credit Substantiated Credits Allowed 6800 Credit Excess Collections 6900 Credit Adjustment or Correction of Revenue Receipts Reclass 2110 (20-0101) DR/CR Withholding Revenue Receipt, Dire 2120 (20-0110) DR/CR Individual Inc. Revenue Receipt, Dire 2130 (20-0111) DR/CR Corporation Revenue Receipt, Dire 2140 (20-0152) DR/CR Excise Revenue Receipt, Dire 2150 (20-0153) DR/CR Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt, Dire 2170 (20-0130) DR/CR CTA Revenue Receipt, Dire 2180 (20-0121) DR/CR FUTA Revenue Receipt, Dire Loss Deposit Discrepancy (journal #308) 7650 Debit Deposit Discrepancy 7649 Debit ECP Deposit Discrepancy Application 1710 Credit Dishonored Checks 1720 Credit Dishonored Checks, ADJ 4120 Credit SPC Suspense for MF- BMF 4220 Credit SPC Suspense for MF- IMF 4420 Credit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Credit Unidentified Remittance 6570 Credit Substantiated Credits Allowed 6800 Credit Excess Collections 6900 Credit Adj or Corr. of Revenue Receipts Reclass 2110 (20-0101) DR/CR Withholding Revenue Receipt, Dire 2120 (20-0110) DR/CR Individual Inc. Revenue Receipt, Dire 2130 (20-0111) DR/CR Corporation Revenue Receipt, Dire 2140 (20-0152) DR/CR Excise Revenue Receipt, Dire 2150 (20-0153) DR/CR Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt, Dire 2170 (20-0130) DR/CR CTA Revenue Receipt, Dire 2180 (20-0121) DR/CR FUTA Revenue Receipt, Dire
These are the valid accounts for Recovery of Loss Accounts:
Valid Accounts for Recovery of Embezzlements, Thefts and Losses (journal #309) Account Number TAS DR/CR Account Name 7610 Credit Embezzlement & Theft Application 1710 Debit Dishonored Checks 1720 Debit Dishonored Checks, ADJ 4120 Debit SPC Suspense for MF- BMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for MF- IMF 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittance 6570 Debit Substantiated Credits Allowed 6800 Debit Excess Collections 6900 Debit Adj or Corr. of Revenue Receipts Reclass 2110 (20-0101) DR/CR Withholding Revenue Receipt, Dire 2120 (20-0110) DR/CR Individual Inc. Revenue Receipt, Dire 2130 (20-0111) DR/CR Corporation Revenue Receipt, Dire 2140 (20-0152) DR/CR Excise Revenue Receipt, Dire 2150 (20-0153) DR/CR Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt, Dire 2170 (20-0130) DR/CR CTA Revenue Receipt 2180 (20-0121) DR/CR FUTA Revenue Receipt, Dire Recover Unexplained Loss (journal #310) 7620 Credit Unexplained Loss Application 1710 Debit Dishonored Checks Receipt 1720 Debit Dishonored Checks, ADJ 4120 Debit SPC Suspense for MF- BMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for MF- IMF 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittance 6570 Debit Substantiated Credits Allowed 6800 Debit Excess Collections 6900 Debit Adj or Corr. of Revenue Receipts Reclass 2110 (20-0101) DR/CR Withholding Revenue Receipt, Dire 2120 (20-0110) DR/CR Individual Inc. Revenue Receipt, Dire 2130 (20-0111) DR/CR Corporation Revenue Receipt, Dire 2140 (20-0152) DR/CR Excise Revenue Receipt, Dire 2150 (20-0153) DR/CR Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt, Dire 2170 (20-0130) DR/CR CTA Revenue Receipt, Dire 2180 (20-0121) DR/CR FUTA Revenue Receipt, Dire Recover Deposit Discrepancy (journal #311) 7650 Credit Deposit Discrepancy 7649 Credit ECP Deposit Discrepancy Application 1710 Debit Dishonored Checks 1720 Debit Dishonored Checks, ADJ 4120 Debit SPC Suspense for MF- BMF 4220 Debit SPC Suspense for MF- IMF 4420 Debit SPC Suspense for NMF 4620 Debit Unidentified Remittance 6570 Debit Substantiated Credits Allowed 6800 Debit Excess Collections 6900 Debit Adj or Corr. of Revenue Receipts Reclass 2110 (20-0101) DR/CR Withholding Revenue Receipt, Dire 2120 (20-0110) DR/CR Individual Inc. Revenue Receipt, Dire 2130 (20-0111) DR/CR Corporation Revenue Receipt, Dire 2140 (20-0152) DR/CR Excise Revenue Receipt, Dire 2150 (20-0153) DR/CR Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt, Dire 2170 (20-0130) DR/CR CTA Revenue Receipt 2180 (20-0121) DR/CR FUTA Revenue Receipt, Dire
This table describes the steps required to complete journal numbers 306, 307, 308, 309, 310 and 311.
Journals 306, 307, 308, 309, 310 and 311 Procedures Step Prompt Description / Action Select RACS Main Menu Highlight/select Loss. Apply Loss Control Main Menu Record Select one of the six Loss or Recover options from the menu. Tab or Apply Account Period Accept the highlighted current month or select the future month. From the Action Bar select... Apply Maintain Source Journal Document # Enter the Loss Document Number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter the date of the loss in MM-DD-YYYY format... Add or Enter Button Maintain Journal Entry Tax Class Select the Tax Class from the Ledger Classification list box. Tab Key Area Office Select the appropriate Area Office code from the pop-up journal (If applicable for 309, 310, 311). Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each doc ID that has an amount. When finished with required inputs, select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Highlight/select Application from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action then Add Maintain Source Journal No input is necessary for this journal. Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Select the needed IRS account. Tab Key Amount Enter the amount associated with the selected IRS account. OK Button Repeat for each account that has an amount. When finished with required inputs, select… Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data, If correct, select... OK Button If information is not correct, see Introduction for "Edit and Delete" Buttons. Edit or Delete Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data. If correct... Post Button
This subsection identifies the five options available to accounting technicians to research posted journals from the journal Research Menu. The trial balance is created from the Balance Research menu.
This table lists the five research options available from the journal Research icon and the primary features of each.
Research Methods Action Bar Option Pop-Up Menu Option Description List Journal Control Use this option to list all journal activity for a designated date. Then select a journal from the list box for more detail. List Batch Posting Summary Use this option to research electronic postings and failures for day or month. List Source Journal Use this option to research all journals for a designated Source Journal type. Display Journal Control Use this option to research a specific journal when you know the journal number. Display Source Journal Use this option to research a specific journal when you know the Document Number or the FRB and Batch Date. -
The other research option included in this subsection is the Balance Research Main Menu. This is an on-line trial balance. This option may be requested at any time to obtain the balance for all General Ledger accounts for the month, through the current date, or any designated accounting month or date. From the trial balance, you can select an account number for a list of all of the journal entries that have affected the account balance.
This table details the steps that should be used for journal research.
Journal Research Step Action 1 Select the Journal Research icon. 2 From the table on the previous page, determine the type of research that you need. 3 Select List or Display from the Action Bar. 4 From the pop-up menu, select the desired research option. 5 Complete the required information as follows: Option Required Information List Journal Control Enter the requested date or accept the current date. Batch Posting Summary Enter or accept the accounting month and year and the desired run date. For postings for the month, check the Month transactions box and the date is disregarded. Source Journal Select the Process Type from the List Source Journal menu. From the Source Journal Type journal, enter or accept the accounting month and year (must not be later than most recent posting date). Select the Trans Type from the pop-up journal (This is the second Source Journal Type box). Select Open or Closed status. "Closed" is used for a confirmed deposit or a pulled assessment. Other fields may be entered to narrow the scope of the selection. Display Journal Control Enter the journal number. Tab to each part of the number. Source Journal Enter the document number. Select and highlight the Process and Transaction Type. For daily wire research, enter the Batch Date and FRB, rather than the Document Number. To use the Review journal Option, you must enter through Display Source Journal. 6 Select List or Display to execute the request. 7 Use the arrow on the scroll box on the right side of the list to page to the bottom of the list box. See next page for instructions on the More option. 8 Highlight any item on the journal list box and select Display for a complete record of the journal. 9 Select Print for a copy of any list or journal that you have obtained. As the record will remain in the database for 3 years, it may not be necessary to print your research. -
Some research options have limited capacities that will initially return a limited in the subset of journal records per request. On rare occasions, additional journal records may be present on the database, but are not sent to your computer because of the system capacity. To receive these additional records, select the More option from the Action Bar. The system does not alert you that more journal records are available. The Print Menu for the More option will generate a print starting with page 1. If only a print of the visible record is required, select the Print Screen key on the computer keyboard. The journal capacity for each research option is as follows.
Journal Capacity Research Option Journal Capacity List Journal Control 300 Journal Control Records List Batch Posting Summary 200 Batch Posting Records/50 Transaction Failures List Source Journal 110 Source Journals Display Journal Control 100 Source Journals Display Source Journal 20 Journal Control Records/150 Journal Entries
This table details the steps that should be used to request a Trial Balance.
Trial Balance Step Action 1 Select the Balance Research icon. 2 Select List from the Action Bar. 3 Enter the desired Account Period if other than the generated current month. 4 Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format if other than the generated current date. The trial balance will be cumulative for the month (or fiscal year) up to the date shown. 5 Select List to execute the request. The trial balance will take several minutes to be generated from the main computer. 6 The trial balance lists each account number along with the debit, credit, and net amounts. For a list of all of the journal entries that have posted to an account number, highlight the desired account and select the Display option. An asterisk indicates that the account balance is reversed from its normal status. 7 The response is a Display journal entries journal, listing the amount, debit or credit, item count, and journal number of each journal entry used to calculate the account balance. For a complete research record, use the Display journal Control option.
The following subsections describe the two main categories of Report Main Menu selections that can be generated - Mainframe and Assessment Reports.
This subsection identifies the four options available to RRACS accounting personnel for generating required mainframe reports used for balancing of End of Day, Month-End, Fiscal Year-End and Miscellaneous Reports. The Daily Trial Balance is created from the Balance Research menu.
This table provides a listing of reports available from the End Day Report Sub Menu.
End of Day Reports Report # Report Name 001 Daily Posting Summary (DPS) 003 Daily Trail Balance Reports 012 NTRR Trial Balance 014 Revenue Receipt Summary 037 Revenue Receipt Report 043 Future Trail Balance Report 072 DT Classification Report 125 NTRR Posting Summary -
This table describes the steps required to generate End Day Report(s).
End of Day Reports Step Description/Action Select/Enter RRACS Main Menu Select SPC Reports Main Menu. Create RACS Batch Report Enter End Day Date in MM-DD-YYYY format. (If current date, no entry required - Default is always current date) If other than current date, enter requested date. Select End Day. Enter Key Select ALL to generate each report or highlight the desired report. Enter Key -
The request will be submitted to the MCC. Once the request is received by MCC, you will receive a notification stating, "Report Request has been submitted and will print upon completion" . Check your printer periodically for generated output. (Expect an extended delay in printing time when ALL is selected.)
Once a report has been generated using the above table, additional prints of the report(s) can be obtained by following the steps listed below:
Additional Prints Step Description/Action Select RRACS Main Menu Select SPC Reports Main Menu. Print Sub Menu Select Print. Select Main Frame. Highlight desired report. OK Button -
If End of Day Reports are not generated within 30 minutes, contact the RRACS System Administrator for a potential EDrain condition. Instructions for correction of an EDrain condition are contained in the RRACS LAN System Administrators Guide.
The Month-End Sub Menu provides RRACS with reports for balancing, mandatory reporting requirements to outside entities and management information regarding the status and condition of the General Ledger.
This table provides a listing of reports available from the Month-End journal. Each of these reports can be generated anytime throughout the accounting month on an as needed basis.
Month-End Reports Report # Report Name 003 Daily Trial Balance 004 Monthly General Ledger Trial Balance (MTRIAL) 004A Consolidate (MTrial) 010 Unconfirmed Deposit Tickets 014 Revenue Receipt Summary 017 Deposit Tickets and Debit Vouchers Reported on SF 224 017A IPAC Support List 018 SF224 Statement of Transactions and Supplemental NTRR Report 020 Nationwide 020 Report - SF224 Statement of Transactions by app symbol and amount 020A RACS Direct Report by Appropriation Symbol 020B SF224 Reclassification Transactions 022 Anti-Drug Special Fund Liability Report 023 Net Tax Refund Summary Report 023A Net Tax Refund Report 025 F2162 Summary of Assessment Certificates Issued 027 List of Fund Balancing Account (FBA) Records 031 Confirmed Disbursement Report 050 Net Tax Analysis Report 051 General Ledger Account Details 072 Deposit Ticket Classification Report 100 CARS/RRACS Reconciliation by TAS 101 CARS Reconciliation 127 127 Aged Recirculating Report 128 Informant Claim Reward Report 129 Photocopy Fee Report 130 IPACR Suspense Report 131 Erroneous Refund Report 132 Unapplied External Lead Report 132A Unapplied External Leads Summary 132B External Leads Systemic Write-Offs 135 Area Office Deposit Fund Report 136 Area Office Offer in Compromise Detail Report 137 Area Office Miscellaneous Deposit Inventory Detail Report 138 IPACD Suspense Report 139 Insolvency Suspense Report 142 Credit Transfer Report 144 PFIC Suspense Reports 155F Identity Theft Reconciliation Report 576 ECP Deposit Discrepancy Report 0577 SPC Loss/Shortage Recovery Support List 1140 Deposit Activity Report -
This table describes the steps required to generate Month-End Reports.
How to Generate Month-End Reports Step Description/Action Select Create RACS Batch Reports Enter Account Period in MM-YYYY format... (If Current Account Period no entry is required - Current Account period is Default period) If other than current account period, enter requested period. Select Month End. Select desired report to be generated. Selecting Enter or ALL will generate all Month End reports. -
The request will be submitted to MCC. Once the MCC receives the request, a notification will be received stating "Report Request has been submitted and will print upon completion" . Check your printer periodically for generated output. (Expect an extended delay in printing time when ALL is selected.)
After a report has been generated using the steps listed in the above table, additional prints of the report(s) can be obtained by using the following steps:
Additional Prints Step Description/Action Select Print Sub Menu Select Print. Select Main Frame. Highlight individual report or to be printed. OK Button
The Fiscal Year-End journals generate the FY2162 Summary of Assessments Report and the FY End Trial Balance for end of year processing. Selecting "All" will generate FYE closing journal.
This table provides a listing of reports available from the Fiscal Year-End Reports option.
Fiscal Year-End Sub Menu Report # Report Name 025A FY 2162 Summary of Assessment Certificates Issued 0032 Cumulative Trial Balance -
This table describes the steps required to generate a Fiscal Year-End Report(s).
Fiscal Year-End Reports Step Description/Action Select SPC Reports Main Menu Select Reports Main Menu. Enter Key Create RACS Batch Reports Enter Fiscal Year-End Date in MM-DD-YYYY format... Select Fiscal Year-End. Select individual report or ALL to be printed. -
The request will be submitted to MCC. Once the request is received by MCC, a notification will be received stating "Report Request has been submitted and will print upon completion" . Check your printer periodically for generated output.
Once a report has been generated using the above table, additional prints of the report(s) can be obtained by using the steps in the following table.
Additional Reports Step Description/Action Select RRACS Main Menu Select Reports Main Menu. Enter Key Print Sub Menu Select Print. Enter Key Select Main Frame. Highlight individual report to be printed. OK Button
The Miscellaneous Option is used to generate the District Office Detail, Generalized Unpostable Framework (GUF) Posting Reports, Daily Wire and NTRR Reports.
This table lists reports available from the Miscellaneous Reports Menu. Each of these reports can be generated anytime throughout the accounting month on an as-needed basis.
Miscellaneous Sub Menu Report # Report Name 017A IPAC Support Listing 021 District Office Detail 023 Net Tax Refund Report (NTRR) 023B Net Tax Refund Detail Report-Month Ending 35–41 RRACS/GUF Posting Report 044 NTRR Suspense Support List Report through Fiscal Year to Date 051S Sub Account by Account Report 126 EFTPS Error Report 130 IPACR Suspense Report 134 State Net Tax Refund Report 135 A/O Deposit Fund Report 138 IPACD Suspense Report 139 Insolvency Suspense Report 142 Credit Transfer Report 143 EFTPS Activity Report 144 PFIC Suspense Report 145 SF224 Detail Report 0145A IPAC 224F Detail Report 150 ISRP Error Report 151 Lockbox Error Report 152 ISRP Activity Report 153 Lockbox Activity Report 155 ID Theft Erroneous Refund Report 156 Payment Over Cancellation Erroneous Refunds 0576 ECP Deposit Discrepancies -
This table describes the steps required to generate a Miscellaneous Report.
Miscellaneous Report Step Description/Action Select RRACS Main Menu Select Reports Main Menu. Enter Key Create RACS Batch Reports Enter Cycle in YYCC format. Select Miscellaneous. Select report to be printed. -
The request will be submitted to MCC. Once the request is received by MCC, you will receive a notification stating, "Report Request has been submitted and will print upon completion" . Check your printer periodically for generated output.
Once a report has been generated using the above table, additional prints or a display of the report(s) can be obtained by using the steps in the following table:
Additional Prints Step Description/Action Select RRACS Main Menu Select SPC Reports Main Menu. Enter Key Print Sub Menu Select Print. Select Main Frame. Select individual report to be printed. OK Button Select a report. Click print or display button.
This section describes reports generated by the RRACS Mainframe whenever an external source receives an electronic file transfer and posts to the service center's general ledger. The batch posting summary report option of the journal Research Menu reflects such files' successful posting.
CIR (Collections Information Repository) is the Department of Treasury's system for receiving and reporting information about revenue and receipt transactions.
This table provides a listing of reports that are received from external sources.
External Batch Processing Reports Report # Report Name 124A Matched Disbursement Records 124B Recirculating Treasury Records 124C Unmatched RACS Disbursement Records 124D Refund Match Error Records 035A DTDV Match Treasury Records 035B DTDV Unmatched Treasury Records 035C DTDV Unmatched RRACS Records 035D DTDV Match Error Report 1134 Matched CIR Records 1135 CIR Recirculating Records 1136 Unmatched RRACS CIR Records 1137 CIR Error Report 126 EFTPS Error Report -
This table describes the steps required to generate a batch processing report(s).
Batch Processing Report Step Description/Action Select RRACS Main Menu Select SPC Reports Main Menu. Enter Key Print Sub Menu Select Print. Print Drop Down Menu Select Mainframe. Highlight individual report to be printed. OK Button Select Online for Daily Wire, SF224, Assessments and Abatements. OK Button -
Once a report is selected, prints will be generated from the RRACS printer.
The Assessment Report summarizes the amounts of assessments of taxes, penalties, interest, and other additions to tax as provided by the Internal Revenue Code and recorded on Summary Record of Assessments. The Assessment Certificate, signed and dated by the Assessment Officer, is the legal document that permits collection activity. The Abatement (F2188) Report summarizes the total over assessment of tax, penalty and interest credited to taxpayer accounts.
This table describes the steps required to post an Assessment Certificate.
Assessment Certificate Step Description/Action Select RRACS Main Menu Select Assessment Main Menu. Enter Key Assessment Reports Main Menu Select Review. Select Assessments. List Unpulled Assessments Highlight appropriate Assessment Date; select Review from Action Bar. Display Pulled Assessment Journal display provides for a review of assessments (Regular, Quick, Prompt and Jeopardy) for accuracy. For pre-balancing purposes, select... Print Button If Data is incorrect, contact RRACS DBA for appropriate corrective action; if correct continue. Display Pulled Assessment If DLN listing review is required, select... Display DLN If data is correct, select… Post Button After posting the Assessment Certificate will automatically print. If you wish to return to Previous journal, select... Cancel Button
This table describes the steps required to post an Abatement Report (Form 2188).
Abatement Report Step Description/Action Select RRACS Main Menu Select Assessment Reports. Enter Key Assessment Reports Main Menu Select Review. Select Abatement (F2188). List Unpulled Form 2188 Highlight appropriate Abatement Type, Cycle, account period; select Review from Action Bar. Display Pulled Form 2188 journal display provides for a review of Abatements for accuracy, for pre-balancing purposes, select... Print Button If Data is incorrect, contact RRACS DBA for appropriate corrective action; if correct continue. Display Pulled Form 2188 Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. If correct, select... Post Button After posting the Abatement Certificate will automatically print. Exit Display Pulled Abatement, select exit, then... OK Button If you wish to return to Previous journal, select... Cancel Button
Access to the DBA Main Menu is restricted to database administrators and their alternates.
This subsection identifies the six options (Sub Menus) available to DBAs for maintaining RRACS database static tables. The DBA options allow changes in accounting period, year-end journalizing process, assessment date, or accountable officer; recording of Undeposited Collections or Deposits during changes in accountability; as well as modification to certain records that contain errors in identification and status which have posted to the RRACS general ledger. Reference IRM, Database Administrator (DBA) Main Menu.
The DBA Update Sub Menu provides for changes in the Default Account Period, Assessment Date and changes of accountability for CFO RACS Unit Officials.
This table lists the three activities available on the Update Sub Menu.
DBA Update Sub Menu Step Prompt Description/Action Select DBA Main Menu Select Update. DBA List Box Select Default Account Period, Assessment Date or CFO RACS Unit Director. Update Default Data New Default Account Period/Date Enter the new account period in YYYYMM format for Account Period Update: MM-DD-YYYY for Assessment Date Update journal. Review input data, if correct... Enter or Post Button Incoming CFO RACS Unit Director Enter Effective Start Date in MM-DD-YYYY format and Incoming CFO RACS Unit Director's full name. The effective end date for the current responsible official will be system generated as the day before the start date of the incoming responsible official. Review input data, if correct... Enter or Post Button Modifying responsible official start date (if needed) Enter Effective Start Date in MM-DD-YYYY format and Incoming CFO RACS Unit Director's full name. The effective end date for the current responsible official will be system generated as the day before the start date of the incoming responsible official. Review input data, if correct... Enter or Post Button To exit... Cancel Button
The DBA modify sub menu allows modification to certain records that contain errors in identification and status which have posted to the RRACS general ledger. As a general rule maintain source journal data can be modified. However, ledger classification or dollar amount cannot be modified. Erroneous ledger classification or dollar amount data requires a reversal journal action. All modifications begin with journal number series 902.
This table describes the steps required to modify a posted journal Record.
Modify a Posted Journal Record Step Prompt Description/Action Select DBA Main Menu Select Modify. List Source Journal Process Type Select process type from list box which requires modification. OK Button Account Period Current account period is default period; if other than current period, enter correct period. Tab Key Previously selected source journal type will be indicated; If incorrect, Exit to prior journal. Tab Key Highlight Transaction Type from list box, if unknown, select None. None will generate all transactions that have posted for the selected process type. (If None is used, expect an extended period of response time.) Tab Key Document Number Enter document number, if known. Tab Key Enter Area Office if known. Tab Key Status Select Open or Closed (Mandatory selection). List Select List from Action Bar. List Source Journal List source journal provides summary of activity for process/transaction type. List box will display all records pertaining to the transactions. No input Required Display Source Journal For detail of specific transaction, highlight transaction and select... Display Button Display Source Journal Displays journal entry detail for selected transaction and associated journal(s) related to the transaction in the posting (journal) number list box. Highlight journal number to be modified; to display original journal, select Review Journal. Review Journal Button To modify original journal, highlight journal number to be modified and select... Modify Button DBA Maintain Transaction Highlight process/transaction type to be modified. Action and Edit Original maintain source journal will be displayed; modifications can be made to any input field allowed for the selected process/transaction type. Make required modification; if correct select OK; if incorrect, select Cancel. OK or Cancel Button To modify journal Entry, select journal entry to be modified from list box, select... Edit Button DBA Maintain Journal Entry Original journal Entry journal will be displayed; Modifications can be made to any input field allowed for the selected process/transaction type. Make required modification; if correct select OK; if incorrect, select Cancel. OK or Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Message Review modifications, if correct select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information (Mandatory Input), select... OK Button Post If correct, select... Post Button -
CIR/CASHLINK Research option is for research only. No modifications are allowed
No modifications are allowed for Batch activities.
This table identifies attributes (entry fields) for all process types which can be modified using DBA Modify Menu.
Process Types Which can be Modified Using DBA Modify Menu Source Journal Document ID Alternate Document ID High Check Number Low Check Number External Agency Code External Appropriation Symbol Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) FRB Batch Date Cycle Prepare or Confirm Dates Journal Entry Journal Area Office or Field Office Code Items Document Locator Number (DLN) State -
Each modification is limited to one correction at a time. If multiple errors occur on one journal, one correction at a time must be performed. Prepare date must be the last item modified for multiple corrections.
If the modification is done incorrectly, correction modification must be made to original journal; system will not allow modifications to 902 journal series.
Disregard any alpha characters on high or low check numbers. Only numeric input is allowed.
District Office on inventories should not be modified. Close the inventory then reopen with correct D.O.
Erroneous Refunds should not be reversed. Close the case and then reopen.
This table lists modification notes/restrictions which apply to process types.
Modification Notes/Restrictions For Process Types Process Type Notes/Restrictions Assessments Can be modified as long as a 23 C Certificate has not been generated, printed and signed. Once the assessment has been generated, the Document ID may not be modified. Abatements Can be modified as long as the F2188 Abatement Certificate has not been generated, printed, and signed. Once the abatement has been generated, the Document ID may not be modified. Deposit Once a deposit has been confirmed, the Document Number and Prepare Date can be changed. Disbursements When the Document ID is modified, the system will automatically modify the Document ID's for all associated Process Types (Application and NTRR line Data). Deposit Funds, Loss and Inventory When a Document ID is modified, the system will automatically modify all associated journal entries.
The DBA reversal sub menu is used to reverse journal entries posted in error to the General Ledger. A reversal journal action reverses all erroneous posting to all accounts that were posted in error by an original journal entry. All reversal journal number series begin with 903.
This table describes the steps required to enter data through the DBA Reversal Sub Menu.
DBA Reversal Sub Menu Step Prompt Description/Action Select DBA Main Menu From Action Bar Select Reverse. Reverse Journal Control Journal number to be reversed Enter journal Number to be reversed by series (XXX) date (MMDDYYYY) number (XXXX) format. Tab Key Message Input message for appropriate audit control, select... OK Button Post Review data, if correct select... Post Button -
Reversal journals must be approved by a management official.
If required, reinput journal Entry into appropriate Process type using the RACS Main Menu.
To ensure adequate audit trail information (a) annotate (pen and ink) Reversal journal number and correction journal number on original journal number, (b) annotate original journal number being corrected and Reversal journal number in MESSAGE section of correction journal.
When reversing a pulled or confirmed record, the pulled or confirmed posting must be reversed first, then the original journal can be reversed.
This table provides notes/checks, by process type, while attempting to reverse a journal control.
Notes/Checks by Process Type Process Type Notes / Checks Deposits Can be reversed any time before a deposit has been confirmed. A confirmed deposit cannot be reversed. Assessments An assessment may be reversed any time before it has been pulled (confirmed). Disbursement A disbursement may be reversed any time before it has been confirmed. A confirmed Disbursement can only be reversed in the original or next account period. Inventory An inventory may be reversed at any time in the original or next account period of the original journal control.
The DBA NTRR Sub Menu is used to adjust (increase or decrease) NTRR line data. CAUTION: NTRR line data adjustments will post as entered, there are no validity checks in place to reject erroneous posting. However, an erroneous posting can be reversed through the DBA Reversal Sub Menu.
This table describes the steps required to complete journal number series 905, Adjust NTRR Line Data.
Journal 905 Procedures Step Prompt Description/Action Select DBA Main Menu Highlight NTRR. Maintain Source Journal If activity is a NTRR line data increase (INC.) adjustment, go to document ID, or... Continue or... If activity is a NTRR line data decrease (DEC.), select… Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Highlight NTRR line data DEC... Action and Add Maintain Source Journal Document # For all NTRR line data adjustments, enter Document #(optional field), select... Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area Office Enter appropriate Area Office from drop-down menu. Tab Key Line # Enter appropriate NTRR Line number to be adjusted. Tab Key Principle or Interest Check either Principal or Interest box... Tab Key Items Enter Number of Items... Tab Key Amount Enter Amount . Review, if correct select... OK Button Repeat for additional items, when finished select... Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data, if correct select... OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Enter Message for appropriate audit trail information... OK Button Post Review, if correct, select... Post Button
The DBA collection sub menu provides for the control of funds during the transfer of accountability from one CFO RACS unit official to another. The undeposited collections journals allows for the input to account 7500, memo copies of DTs marked "Undeposited Collections" and amounts from the area office listings to cover tax payments received on the transfer date of the official but not submitted to the depository that day. The deposit journals allow for the input of DTs related to previously input undeposited collection payments.
This table describes the steps required to complete journal number 906, Undeposited Collections Journal.
Journal 906 Procedures Step Prompt Description/Action Select DBA Main Menu Select Collection. DBA List Box Select Undeposited Collection. Maintain Source Journal Doc # Enter Document Number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter Preparation Data. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Area Office Code Enter appropriate area office code, select. Tab Key Amount Enter total dollar amount, select... OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review data entry, if correct, select... OK Button Repeat for additional data entry, if none, select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Application Highlight Application from the Possible Source Journals. Action and Add Maintain Source Journal RS # Enter RS #. Enter or Tab and Add Maintain Journal Entry Ledger Classification Select appropriate credit ledger classification. Tab Key Amount Enter amount. If additional credit ledger classification required, select OK; if none select cancel. OK or Cancel Button Maintain Source Journal Review data, if correct select... OK Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information. OK Button Post Review input data, if correct, select... Post Button
This table describes the steps required to complete journal number 907, Deposit Journals.
Journal 907 Procedures Step Prompt Description/Action Select DBA Main Menu Select Collection from Action Bar. Select Deposit from list box. Maintain Source Journal Treasury # Enter Treasury number. Tab Key Prepare Date Enter Preparation Date. Trace ID Enter "X" (until further notice). Tab Key Total Amount Enter total amount of deposit ticket. Tab Key Source Code Select appropriate source code from list box. Enter or Add Maintain Journal Entry Ledger Classification Select appropriate debit account. Select appropriate debit account. Amount Enter amount associated with the debit account, select OK; repeat for additional accounts if required; if none, select Cancel. OK Button or Cancel Maintain Source Journal Review input data, if correct select... OK Button Repeat for additional deposits, when done, select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Highlight/select Undeposited Collection from the Possible Source Journals. From the Action Bar select... Action and Add Maintain Source Journal Document Number Enter document number. Tab Key Preparation Date Enter prepare date. Enter or Add Button Maintain Journal Entry Amount Enter dollar amount. OK Button Maintain Source Journal Review input data. If correct, select... OK Button Repeat for additional undeposited collections. When done, select... Cancel Button Maintain Transaction Journal Message Select Message to enter up to 256 characters of audit trail information, select... OK Button Post Review input data, if correct, select... Post Button
This table describes the steps required for Fiscal Year-End Processes.
Fiscal Year End Procedure Step Prompt Description/Action Select DBA Main Menu Select Fiscal Year-End from Action Bar. Select SPC Fiscal Year-End from drop-down list. Verify Start of EOY Process Continue Button -
End of Year should only be done after all required transactions have been posted to the fiscal year and should only be done by a qualified user.
RRACS Definitions | |
Accelerator | Keystrokes that function as a shortcut to a specific task. |
Action Bar | A bar across the top of a journal entry window that displays the allowable actions for that journal. |
Active Journal | The journal which is currently being used and allows mouse and keyboard input. The journal that is active has a highlighted border and title bar. |
Authorization | The right granted to a user group to use a computer system, network or database. |
Available Choice | An item that can be selected depending upon the current state of the program. |
Border | A visual indicator of a window's boundaries. |
Button | An area that when selected will initiate an action. |
Cancel | A button that, when selected, exits the active window without performing any changes and returns to the journal window that preceded it. |
Choice | Any item that can be selected. |
Click | The act of pressing and releasing a mouse or key while hovering an arrow cursor over the choice. |
Clock Pointer | A visual cue, in the shape of a clock that indicates that the computer is performing operations. The mouse pointer changes to this shape while the computer is processing. |
Close | An action that closes and ends an active window. |
Cursor | A visual cue that shows you where the mouse or keyboard input will appear on the screen. |
Delete Button | Will clear any work in progress prior to journalizing. |
Edit Button | Used to correct an identifiable error before posting. |
Field | An identifiable area in a journal used to enter data. |
File | A collection of related data that is stored and retrieved by an assigned name. |
Help | A menu choice that gives assistance and information. |
I-Beam Pointer | A pointer that indicates that the cursor is over an area where text can be typed. |
Icon | A graphical representation of an object or function. |
Inactive Journal | An unselected journal that cannot receive input from the journal, mouse or keyboard. |
Information Box | A box displayed that provides feedback to a user after the user posts an action. |
Information Processing System | Performs data processing, integrated with processes such as office automation and data communication. |
List Box | A list of objects or settings choices. |
Log In | The act of identifying yourself as authorized to use the resource. |
Login | A menu choice that, when selected, displays a pull-up journal in which the user ID and password are provided. |
Log Out | To end a session or request that a session be ended. |
Logout | A menu choice used to request the end of a session that required a login to start. |
Maximize Button | A large, square button located in the right most corner of the title bar of a journal that, when selected, enlarges the journal to its largest possible size. |
Message Button | A button that, when selected, will bring up a dialog box where you can type in a message. |
Menu | A displayed list of available items from which you can select. |
Menu Bar | The area near the top of the journal, below the title bar and above the rest of the journal, that contains choices that provide access to other menus. |
Mini-icon | A small version of an icon located on the title bar of a journal. |
OK Button | A push button that accepts any changes made to information in a pop-up journal; then closes it. It also indicates acceptance of system messages. |
Open | To create a file or make an existing file available for processing or use. |
Password | A string of characters that you, a program, or a computer operator must specify to meet security requirements before gaining access to a system and to the information stored within it. |
Pointer | The symbol displayed on the screen that you move with a pointing device, such as a mouse. |
Pop-up Journal | A movable journal, fixed in size, in which you provide information required by an application so that the application can continue to process your requests. |
Post Button | A button on the journal that when selected will generate a journal Control Number. This button also validates all field or selected fields within the journal and posts to the database. |
Posting Number | Same as a journal Number assigned by the system, comprised of a journal number (3 digits), the system date (MMDDYYYY) and a number (3 digits) incriminated each time a transaction is posted using the journal. (e.g., 210-102201-001) |
Pre-Selected Choice | The highlighted choice that appears when a new window opens. Users can then proceed immediately to highlight any other acceptable choice. |
Primary Journal | The journal in which the main interaction between the user and the application takes place. |
Push Button | A rounded-corner rectangular control containing text or graphics, or both. Push buttons are used in journals for actions that occur immediately when the push button is selected. |
RRACS Module | Also referred to as a RRACS Menu, a program within the RRACS Production Menu folder that performs a specific set of tasks. For example, the RACS Main Menu provides journal entry, and submissions processing center (SPC) reports main menu provides options for service center report printing. An icon represents each module within the main RRACS production menu folder. |
Refresh | An action that will clear all previous input and will bring up a clean journal for the user. |
Secondary Journal | A type of sub-journal that is always associated with a primary journal. |
Select | Used to highlight or choose an item such as an object or a menu choice. When you select an item, there is a subsequent action that will apply. |
Selection Cursor | A visual indication that you have selected a choice. A dotted-box outline represents the choice. |
Selection Field | An area that offers related choices to select from. |
Selection List | A group of related options that can be highlighted and selected. |
Shutdown | Used to turn off the computer without losing data and configuration information. |
Source Journal | A generic journal used by all RRACS transactions. The first field on the Maintain Source Journal instructions is the identifying document ID for that transaction (i.e., Document #, Treasury #, Schedule #, etc.) |
Status | Identifies the debit or credit transaction. |
Tab | A key that moves the cursor to the next field. |
Unavailable Choice | A choice or object that cannot be selected or directly manipulated; indicated by greying/reduced contrast. Opposite of available choice. |
User Identification (User ID) | (1) A string of characters that uniquely identifies a user to a system. (2) The name used to associate the user profile with a user when a user signs-on a system. |
Using Help | A cascaded choice on the Help menu that gives you information about how the help function works. This choice is also available on those programs that have Help as a choice on a menu bar. |
Chart of Accounts | |||
Account Number | Account Title | Real or Nominal Account | Normal Balance |
0003 | HQ Warrant, Principal | Real | DR |
0004 | HQ Warrant, Interest | Real | DR |
0005 | HQ Warrant, COVID Stimulus US | Real | DR |
0006 | HQ Warrant, Earned Income CR | Real | DR |
0022 | HQ Warrant, Child Credit | Real | DR |
0023 | HQ Warrant, HCTC | Real | DR |
0029 | HQ Warrant, AMT - Ind | Real | DR |
0030 | HQ Warrant, Housing Credit | Real | DR |
0031 | HQ Warrant, AMT - Corp | Real | DR |
0032 | HQ Warrant, American Opp Tax Credit | Real | DR |
0033 | HQ Warrant, Make Work Pay | Real | DR |
0035 | HQ Warrant, Build America Bond | Real | DR |
0036 | HQ Warrant, COVID Response US | Real | DR |
0042 | HQ Warrant, Govt Retirees Credit | Real | DR |
0043 | HQ Warrant, Informant | Real | DR |
0044 | HQ Warrant, CDCTC | Real | DR |
0045 | Zone Academy Bonds, Warrant | Real | DR |
0046 | School Construction Bonds Warrant | Real | DR |
0047 | Renewable Energy Bonds, Warrant | Real | DR |
0048 | Energy Conservation Bonds, Warrant | Real | DR |
0049 | Prem Tax Cr, Warrant | Real | DR |
0050 | Adoption Credit, Warrant | Real | DR |
0051 | Small Business Credit, Warrant | Real | DR |
0052 | Therapeutic Credit, Warrant | Real | DR |
0059 | Disaster Rel Tax Relief, Warrant | Real | DR |
0129 | HQ Apportion, AMT - Ind | Real | CR |
0130 | HQ Apportion, Housing CR | Real | CR |
0131 | HQ Apportion, AMT - Corp | Real | CR |
0143 | HQ Apportion, Informant | Real | CR |
0159 | Disaster Related Tax Relief | Real | CR |
0203 | HQ Surplus Warrant, Prin | Real | CR |
0204 | HQ Surplus Warrant, Int | Real | CR |
0205 | HQ Surplus Warrant COVID StimulusUS | Real | CR |
0206 | HQ Surplus Warrant, EIC | Real | CR |
0222 | HQ Surplus Warrant, Child Credit | Real | CR |
0223 | HQ Surplus Warrant, HCTC | Real | CR |
0229 | HQ Surplus Warrant, AMT - IND | Real | CR |
0230 | HQ Surplus Warrant, Housing CR | Real | CR |
0231 | HQ Surplus Warrant, AMT Corp | Real | CR |
0232 | HQ Surp. Warrant, American Opp Tax | Real | CR |
0233 | HQ Surp Warrant, Make Work Pay | Real | CR |
0235 | HQ Surp Warrant, Build America Bond | Real | CR |
0236 | HQ Surp Warrant, COVID Response US | Real | CR |
0242 | HQ Surp Warrant, Govt Retirees CR | Real | CR |
0243 | HQ Surplus Warrant, Informant | Real | CR |
0244 | HQ Surplus Warrant, CDCTC | Real | CR |
0245 | Zone Academy Bonds, Surp Warrant | Real | CR |
0246 | School Construction Bonds, Surp War | Real | CR |
0247 | Renewable Energy Bonds, Surp War | Real | CR |
0248 | Energy Conservation Bonds, Surp War | Real | CR |
0249 | Prem Tax Cr, Surp Warr | Real | CR |
0250 | Adoption Credit, Surp Warrant | Real | CR |
0251 | Small Business Credit, Surp Warrant | Real | CR |
0252 | Therapeutic Credit, Surp Warrant | Real | CR |
0259 | Disaster Rel Tax Relief, Surp Warr | Real | CR |
0349 | CSR, Child Trans | Nominal | CR |
0431 | CorpAMT, Sequestration | Nominal | CR |
0435 | BAB/RZB, Sequestration | Nominal | CR |
0443 | Informant, Sequestration | Nominal | CR |
0445 | QZA, Sequestration | Nominal | CR |
0446 | QSC, Sequestration | Nominal | CR |
0447 | REB, Sequestration | Nominal | CR |
0448 | QEC, Sequestration | Nominal | CR |
0449 | BHP CSR, Child Trans | Nominal | CR |
0451 | SBI, Sequestration | Nominal | CR |
0452 | State Innovation Sequester Parent | Real | CR |
0459 | Disaster Tax Relief, Sequestration | Real | CR |
0505 | HQ Disb, COVID Stimulus US | Real | CR |
0522 | HQ Child Credit Advance | Real | CR |
0536 | HQ Disb COVID COBRA | Real | CR |
0543 | HQ Disbursement, Informant | Real | DR |
0549 | Prem Tax Cr, Receivable | Real | DR |
0605 | HQ Disb, COVID Stimulus Territories | Real | CR |
0606 | Earned Income Tax CR, Territory | Real | CR |
0616 | HQ Disbursement, HCTC 6163 | Real | DR |
0636 | HQ Disb, COVID Response Territories | Real | CR |
0647 | PTC, Liab Child | Real | CR |
0649 | Prem Tax Cr, Disb Child | Real | CR |
0651 | HQ Seized Assets | Real | DR |
0705 | HQ DISB COVIDRecoveryReb | Real | CR |
0736 | HQ Disb, COVID Emp Retention US | Real | CR |
0747 | State Innov 0949 Trans Par | Real | CR |
0749 | Prem Tax Cr, Parent Trans | Nominal | CR |
0751 | State Innov Transfer Parent | Real | CR |
0831 | HQ Disb Corp AMT, TY2018 & Future | Real | CR |
0836 | HQ Disb COVID Emp Reten Territories | Real | CR |
0847 | State Innov 0949 Trans Child HQ | Real | CR |
0849 | Prem Tax Cr, Child Trans | Nominal | DR |
0851 | State Innov Transfer Child | Real | CR |
0852 | HQ State Innov 0951 Child Oblig | Real | CR |
0853 | HQ State Innov 0951 Child Adv | Real | CR |
0854 | HQ State Innov 0951 Child Exp | Nominal | CR |
0855 | Child Allot, Realized Res StIn0951 | Nominal | CR |
0856 | HQ State Innov 0949 Child Oblig | Real | CR |
0857 | HQ State Innov 0949 Child Adv | Real | CR |
0858 | HQ State Innov 0949 Child Exp | Nominal | CR |
0859 | Child Allot, Realized Res StIn0949 | Nominal | CR |
0903 | HQ Disbursement Principal | Real | CR |
0904 | HQ Disbursement, Interest | Real | CR |
0905 | HQ Disbursements, Rebate | Nominal | CR |
0906 | HQ Disbursement, Earned Income CR | Real | CR |
0908 | Child Downward Adjustment PTC | Nominal | DR |
0909 | Child Upward Adjustment PTC | Nominal | CR |
0910 | Child Downward Adjustment CSR | Nominal | DR |
0911 | Child Upward Adjustment CSR | Nominal | CR |
0912 | Child Downward Adjustment BHP/PTC | Nominal | DR |
0913 | HQ Disbursement, DMF | Nominal | DR |
0914 | Child Upward Adjustment BHP/PTC | Nominal | CR |
0915 | Child Downward Adjustment BHP/CSR | Nominal | DR |
0916 | Child Upward Adjustment BHP/CSR | Nominal | CR |
0920 | HQ Photocopy Fee | Real | DR |
0922 | HQ Child Credit | Real | CR |
0923 | Health Coverage Tax Credit | Real | CR |
0929 | HQ Disbursement, AMT-IND | Real | CR |
0930 | HQ Disbursement, Housing | Real | CR |
0931 | HQ Disb Corp AMT, TY2017 & Prior | Real | CR |
0932 | HQ Disbursements, American Opp Tax | Real | CR |
0933 | HQ Disbursements, Make Work Pay | Real | CR |
0935 | HQ Disbursement, Build America Bond | Real | CR |
0936 | HQ Disb, COVID Response US | Real | CR |
0942 | HQ Disbursements, Govt Retiree CR | Real | CR |
0943 | HQ Disbursement CDCTC | Real | CR |
0945 | Zone Academy Bonds, Reclass | Real | CR |
0946 | School Construction Bonds, Reclass | Real | CR |
0947 | Renewable Energy Bonds, Reclass | Real | CR |
0948 | Energy Conservation Bonds, Reclass | Real | CR |
0949 | Prem Tax Cr, Disb Par | Real | CR |
0950 | Adoption Credit, Reclass | Real | CR |
0951 | Small Business Credit, Reclass | Real | CR |
0952 | Therapeutic Credit, Reclass | Real | CR |
0970 | Child Allot, Realized Res PTC | Nominal | CR |
0971 | Child Allot, Realized Res CSR | Nominal | CR |
0972 | Child Allot, Realized Res BHP PTC | Nominal | CR |
0973 | Child Allot, Realized Res BHP CSR | Nominal | CR |
0975 | HQ, State Innovation Disb | Nominal | DR |
0976 | Child Del Orders Oblig Unpaid PTC | Nominal | CR |
0977 | Child Del Orders Oblig Unpaid CSR | Nominal | CR |
0978 | Child Del Orders Oblig Unpd BHP/PTC | Nominal | CR |
0979 | Child Del Orders Oblig Unpd BHP/CSR | Nominal | CR |
1049 | BHP APTC, Child Trans | Nominal | CR |
1051 | State Innovation Sequester Child | Real | CR |
1075 | HQ, State Innovation | Nominal | CR |
1100 | BMF Accounts Receivable | Real | DR |
1106 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1200 | IMF Accounts Receivable | Real | DR |
1205 | CADE Accounts Receivable | Real | DR |
1206 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1250 | IRAF Accounts Receivable | Real | DR |
1256 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1300 | Non-Tax Accounts Receivable | Real | DR |
1301 | CADE Non-Tax Receivable | Real | DR |
1306 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1314 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1321 | NMF Notice | Real | DR |
1322 | NMF Taxpayer Delinquent Account | Real | DR |
1324 | NMF TDA Deferral | Real | DR |
1371 | NMF OIC | Real | DR |
1389 | NMF Suspense | Real | DR |
1400 | Tax Account Transferred Out | Real | DR |
1401 | Tax Receivable Accrued Interest | Real | DR |
1402 | Tax Receivable Accrued Penalty | Real | DR |
1403 | Compliance Assessments Principal | Real | DR |
1404 | Compliance Assessments Accrued Int | Real | DR |
1405 | Compliance Assessments Accrued Pen | Real | DR |
1406 | Write Offs Principal | Real | DR |
1407 | Write Offs Accrued Interest | Real | DR |
1408 | Write Offs Accrued Penalty | Real | DR |
1409 | Memo Principal | Real | DR |
1410 | Memo Accrued Interest | Real | DR |
1411 | Memo Accrued Penalty | Real | DR |
1420 | Tax Receivable Pending Principal | Real | DR |
1424 | TR CR Adj | Real | DR/CR |
1426 | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ER | Real | CR |
1427 | TR Criminal Rest ADA | Real | CR |
1428 | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts CI | Real | CR |
1429 | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts | Real | CR |
1430 | Tax Receivable Adjustment | Real | DR/CR |
1431 | TR Pending Transaction Adj | Real | DR/CR |
1432 | TR Criminal Rest | Real | DR |
1433 | TR Criminal Rest Adj | Real | DR/CR |
1435 | TR ER Adjustments | Real | DR/CR |
1510 | Other Receivables, Regular | Real | DR |
1530 | Court Case Erroneous Refund | Real | DR |
1535 | CI Court Order Restitution Err. Ref | Real | DR |
1540 | Non-Court Case Erroneous Refund | Real | DR |
1543 | POC, Err Refund | Real | DR |
1545 | ID Theft Erroneous Refund | Real | DR |
1547 | Return Preparer, Err Ref | Real | DR |
1550 | Injured Spouse Claims Allowed-Rec | Real | DR |
1580 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1600 | Manual Assessment, Transit Account | Real | DR |
1710 | Dishonored Check | Real | DR |
1720 | Dishonored Check, Adj | Real | DR/CR |
1810 | BMF Account Receivable, Inactive | Real | DR |
1815 | CADE Accounts Receivable, Inactive | Real | DR |
1816 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1817 | Reserved | Real | CR |
1820 | IMF Account Receivable, Inactive | Real | DR |
1825 | IRAF Account Receivable, Inactive | Real | DR |
1826 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1827 | Reserved | Real | CR |
1830 | NMF Account Receivable, Inactive | Real | DR |
1836 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1837 | Reserved | Real | CR |
1840 | Other Receivable, Inactive | Real | DR |
1856 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1857 | Reserved | Real | DR |
1903 | HQ Disbursement Principal (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1904 | HQ Disbursement, Interest (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1905 | HQ Disb, COVID Stimulus US(Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1906 | HQ Disbursement, EIC (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1910 | HQ Receivable, USPS | Real | DR |
1920 | HQ Disbursement Photo Fee (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1922 | HQ Disburse, Child Tax Cr (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1923 | HQ Disbursement, HCTC (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1929 | HQ Disbursement, AMT Ind (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1930 | HQ Disb, Housing Rec Cred (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1931 | HQ Disbursement, AMT Corp (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1932 | HQ Disb, Amer. Opp Tax (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1933 | HQ Disb, MWP (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1935 | HQ Disb, Build America (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1936 | HQ Disb COVID Response US (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1942 | HQ Disb, Gov't Retiree (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1945 | Non 224 Zone Academy Bonds | Real | DR/CR |
1946 | Non224 School Construction Bonds | Real | DR/CR |
1947 | Non224 Renewable Energy Bonds | Real | DR/CR |
1948 | Non224 Energy Conservation Bonds | Real | DR/CR |
1949 | Prem Tax Cr, Non-224 | Real | DR |
1950 | Non224 Adoption Credit | Real | DR/CR |
1951 | Non224 Small Business Credit | Real | DR/CR |
1952 | Non224 Therapeutic Credit | Real | DR/CR |
1954 | HQ Recl Informant (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
1961 | HQ Recl HCTC 6163 (Non-224) | Real | DR/CR |
2110 | Withholding Revenue Receipt, Dir | Nominal | DR |
2111 | HQ WITHHOLDING | Nominal | DR |
2112 | HQ Withholding/FICA (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
2120 | Individual Inc Revenue Receipt, Dir | Nominal | DR |
2121 | HQ INDIVIDUAL INCOME | Nominal | DR |
2122 | HQ Individual (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
2130 | Corporation Revenue Receipt, Dir | Nominal | DR |
2131 | HQ CORPORATION | Nominal | DR |
2132 | HQ Corporate (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
2140 | Excise Revenue Receipt, Direct | Nominal | DR |
2141 | HQ Excise | Nominal | DR |
2142 | HQ Excise (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
2145 | BPD Receipts | Nominal | DR |
2146 | Hire 911 Receipts | Nominal | DR |
2150 | Estate & Gift Revenue Receipt, Dir | Nominal | DR |
2151 | HQ Estate and Gift | Nominal | DR |
2152 | HQ Estate and Gift (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
2170 | CTA Revenue Receipt, Direct | Nominal | DR |
2171 | HQ CTA Receipts | Nominal | DR |
2172 | HQ CTA Receipts (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
2180 | FUTA Revenue Receipt, Direct | Nominal | DR |
2181 | HQ Federal Unemployment Tax | Nominal | DR |
2182 | HQ Federal Unemploy Tax (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
2190 | EFTPS Unclassified | Nominal | DR |
2199 | HQ Windfall Profit | Nominal | DR |
2210 | Withholding Revenue Receipt, FTD | Nominal | DR |
2220 | Individual Inc Revenue Receipt, FTD | Nominal | DR |
2221 | Individual Income, Credit Elect | Nominal | DR |
2222 | Individual Income, Offset | Nominal | DR |
2230 | Corporation Revenue Receipt, FTD | Nominal | DR |
2231 | Corporate Income CR, Credit Elect | Nominal | DR |
2232 | Corporate Income CR, Offset | Nominal | DR |
2240 | Excise Revenue Receipt, FTD | Nominal | DR |
2270 | CTA Revenue Receipt, FTD | Nominal | DR |
2280 | FUTA Revenue Receipt, FTD | Nominal | DR |
2305 | Unclaimed Funds | Nominal | DR |
2310 | Treaty Country Receipts | Nominal | DR |
2315 | Arbitrage Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2320 | Miscellaneous Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2325 | MISC Forfeiture Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2330 | Ep/Eo User Fees | Nominal | DR |
2335 | Miscellaneous User Fees | Nominal | DR |
2340 | Photocopy Fee | Nominal | DR |
2342 | Photocopy Fee, Pr Yr | Nominal | CR |
2345 | Presidential Election Campaign | Nominal | DR |
2350 | Public Debt | Nominal | DR |
2355 | Federal Court Ordered Restitution | Nominal | DR |
2360 | Conscience Fund | Nominal | DR |
2365 | LIFO | Nominal | DR |
2370 | Mortgage Sub. Bond Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2375 | Informant, Receipts | Real | DR |
2380 | Original Installment Agreement | Nominal | DR |
2385 | Reinstatement Installment Agreement | Nominal | DR |
2390 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
2395 | OIC User Fee | Nominal | DR |
2410 | Refund Repay Principal | Nominal | DR/CR |
2420 | Refund Repay Interest | Nominal | DR/CR |
2500 | Deposit Fund Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2600 | Oil Spill Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2700 | Anti-Drug Special Fund Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2710 | Informant Reward Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2725 | Frozen Credit Payable | Real | DR/CR |
2735 | Net Change to Payable | Real | DR/CR |
2750 | HQ Accrual Adjustment Collections | Nominal | DR/CR |
2800 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
2801 | Coverover Receipts-NMI | Nominal | DR |
2802 | Coverover Receipts-VI | Nominal | DR |
2803 | Coverover Receipts-Guam | Nominal | DR |
2804 | Coverover Receipts-Samoa | Nominal | DR |
2825 | Frozen Credit Adjustment | Real | DR/CR |
2835 | Net Change to Payable, Adjustments | Real | DR/CR |
2850 | HQ Accrual Adjustment Transfers | Nominal | DR/CR |
2900 | Child Support Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2910 | IPAC Receipt | Nominal | DR |
2915 | DOJ Receipts | Real | DR |
3200 | Collateral Held | Real | DR |
3300 | Seized Property | Real | DR |
3500 | CARS Receipt Suspense | Real | DR |
3502 | CARS Disb Suspense | Real | CR |
3875 | HQ Liability, Debtor Master File | Real | DR |
3876 | HQ IPAC Suspense (Non-224) | Real | DR |
3879 | HQ Liability Budget Clearing (DISB) | Real | DR/CR |
4048 | PTC, Contra Child | Real | DR/CR |
4049 | PTC, Contra Parent | Real | DR/CR |
4110 | ECC Suspense For Master File-BMF | Real | DR/CR |
4116 | Tax Account Transferred Out | Real | CR |
4117 | Tax Receivable Accrued Interest | Real | CR |
4118 | Tax Receivable Accrued Penalty | Real | CR |
4119 | Tax Receivable Pending Principal | Real | CR |
4120 | SC Suspense For Master File-BMF | Real | DR/CR |
4121 | Compliance Assessments Principal | Real | CR |
4122 | Compliance Assessments Accrued Int | Real | CR |
4123 | Compliance Assessments Accrued Pen | Real | CR |
4125 | EFTPS Suspense for Master File-BMF | Real | DR/CR |
4126 | Write Offs Principal | Real | CR |
4127 | Write Offs Accrued Interest | Real | CR |
4128 | Write Offs Accrued Penalty | Real | CR |
4130 | ECC Unpostable Document-BMF | Real | DR/CR |
4131 | Memo Principal | Real | CR |
4132 | Memo Accrued Interest | Real | CR |
4133 | Memo Accrued Penalty | Real | CR |
4150 | HQ Due to Treasury, ADA | Real | DR |
4152 | Criminal Restitution - ADA | Real | DR |
4160 | HQ Liability, Seized Assets | Real | CR |
4166 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4201 | Reserved | Real | DR/CR |
4205 | To/From CADE | Real | DR/CR |
4210 | ECC Suspense For Master File-IMF | Real | DR/CR |
4215 | CADE ECC Suspense | Real | DR/CR |
4216 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4217 | ECC CADE Suspense MFT30 to MFT29 | Real | DR |
4220 | SC Suspense For Master File-IMF | Real | DR/CR |
4225 | EFTPS Suspense for Master File-IMF | Real | DR/CR |
4230 | ECC Unpostable Document-IMF | Real | DR/CR |
4236 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4251 | ECC Suspense For Master File-IRAF | Real | DR/CR |
4252 | SC Suspense For Master File-IRAF | Real | DR/CR |
4253 | ECC Unpostable Document-IRAF | Real | DR/CR |
4254 | ECC Suspense for MFT30 to MFT29 | Real | CR |
4255 | EFTPS Suspense for Master File-IRAF | Real | DR/CR |
4256 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4266 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4276 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4300 | Unapplied FTD Transaction-SCCF | Real | DR/CR |
4420 | SC Suspense For NMF | Real | DR/CR |
4425 | EFTPS Suspense for NMF | Real | DR/CR |
4426 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4430 | Unpostable Document-NMF | Real | DR/CR |
4440 | Assess & Abate Suspense-NMF | Real | DR/CR |
4510 | Prepayment Credit-BMF | Real | CR |
4520 | Prepayment Credit-IMF | Real | DR/CR |
4521 | Prepayment Credit - Non Tax | Real | DR/CR |
4522 | CADE Prepayment CR Non-Tax | Real | CR |
4525 | Prepayment Credit-IRAF | Real | CR |
4530 | CADE Prepayment CR | Real | CR |
4531 | Prepayment Suspense-CADE/MasterFile | Real | CR |
4610 | Unapplied Advance Payment | Real | CR |
4615 | IRC Sect 847 Special Est Tax Paymt | Real | CR |
4620 | Unidentified Remittance | Real | CR |
4625 | Insolvency Suspense | Real | CR |
4626 | PFIC Receipts | Real | CR |
4701 | Liability for Coverover-NMI | Real | CR |
4702 | Liability for Coverover-VI | Real | CR |
4703 | Liability for Coverover-Guam | Real | CR |
4704 | Liability for Coverover-Samoa | Real | CR |
4710 | Offer-In-Compromise | Real | CR |
4720 | Sale Of Seized Property | Real | CR |
4730 | Miscellaneous Deposit Fund | Real | CR |
4740 | Deposit Fund In Transit | Real | CR |
4750 | Anti-Drug Special Fund Liability | Real | CR |
4755 | Liability for Informant Reward | Real | CR |
4765 | EFTPS Miscellaneous Suspense | Real | DR/CR |
4770 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4801 | Approved Voucher Payable Principal | Real | CR |
4802 | Approved Voucher Payable Interest | Real | CR |
4803 | Approved Voucher Payable Dep Fund | Real | CR |
4804 | Approved Voucher Payable Anti-Drug | Real | CR |
4805 | Approved Voucher Payable Oil Spill | Real | CR |
4806 | Approved Voucher Payable MISC REV | Real | CR |
4808 | Approved Voucher Pay, Inform Reward | Real | CR |
4810 | Liability Budget Clearing Acct | Real | DR/CR |
4811 | Approved Vouchers Payable-NMI | Real | CR |
4812 | Approved Vouchers Payable-VI | Real | CR |
4813 | Approved Vouchers Payable-Guam | Real | CR |
4814 | Approved Vouchers Payable-Samoa | Real | CR |
4815 | Approved Voucher Pay,MISC User Fee | Real | CR |
4816 | Approved Voucher Pay, Photocopy Fee | Real | CR |
4817 | Approved Voucher Pay, Original IA | Real | CR |
4818 | Approved Voucher Pay, Reinstated IA | Real | CR |
4819 | Approved Voucher Pay, OIC User Fee | Real | CR |
4820 | Approved Voucher Pay, Reserved Rfnd | Real | CR |
4823 | Reserved | Real | CR |
4900 | Revenue CR In Transit To Other SC | Real | CR |
4910 | Disbursement, Loss | Real | DR |
4950 | IMF Unallowable Deduction | Real | DR/CR |
4960 | Unconfirmed FTDs | Real | CR |
4970 | Unapplied Refund Reversal | Real | DR/CR |
4971 | Unapplied External Leads | Real | CR |
4975 | Liability, DOJ Receipts | Real | CR |
4980 | Liability For Inventory Accounts | Real | CR |
4985 | IPACR Suspense | Real | CR |
5029 | HQ Earmarked Trust Fund | Nominal | DR |
5030 | HQ Earmarked Trust Fund (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
5081 | HQ Presidential Election Campaign | Nominal | DR |
5082 | HQ Pres Election Campaign (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
5100 | Disbursement, Principal | Nominal | CR |
5110 | HQ Principal, SC Refund | Nominal | CR |
5120 | HQ Principal, FUTA | Nominal | CR |
5130 | HQ Principal, RRT | Nominal | CR |
5140 | HQ Principal, Customs | Nominal | CR |
5150 | HQ Principal, BATF | Nominal | CR |
5151 | State Innovation Sequester Payment | Real | DR |
5152 | HQ Undelivered Orders UP 0951 Child | Real | DR |
5153 | HQ Undeliverd Orders ADV 0951 Child | Real | DR |
5154 | HQ Delivered Orders Paid 0951 Child | Nominal | DR |
5156 | HQ Undelivered Orders UP 0949 Child | Real | DR |
5157 | HQ Undeliverd Orders ADV 0949 Child | Real | DR |
5158 | HQ Delivered Orders Paid 0949 Child | Nominal | DR |
5160 | HQ Principal, HCTC 0923 | Nominal | DR |
5165 | HQ Principal, HCTC 6163 | Nominal | CR |
5200 | Disbursement, Interest | Nominal | CR |
5210 | HQ Interest, SC Refunds | Nominal | DR |
5220 | HQ Interest, FUTA | Nominal | CR |
5230 | HQ Interest, RRT | Nominal | CR |
5240 | HQ Interest, Customs | Nominal | CR |
5250 | HQ Interest, BATF | Nominal | DR |
5260 | HQ Debtor Master File | Nominal | CR |
5261 | HQ DMF Interest Reimbursement | Nominal | CR |
5300 | Disbursement, Deposit Fund | Nominal | CR |
5301 | Disbursement, MISC Fee Refund | Nominal | CR |
5302 | Disbursement Photocopy Fee | Nominal | CR |
5303 | Disbursement Original IA PriorYr | Nominal | CR |
5304 | Disbursement Reinstated IA PriorYr | Nominal | CR |
5305 | Disbursement, OIC User Fee | Nominal | CR |
5306 | Disbursement, Reserved | Nominal | CR |
5307 | Disbursement Original IA CurrentYr | Nominal | CR |
5308 | Disbursement Reinstated IA CurrYr | Nominal | CR |
5400 | Disbursement, MISC Revenue | Nominal | CR |
5500 | Disbursement, Anti-Drug | Nominal | CR |
5510 | Disbursement, Informant Reward | Nominal | CR |
5511 | HQ Expense, PCA Fund Ind | Nominal | DR |
5512 | PCA Spec Comp Pers Rec Ind | Nominal | DR |
5513 | HQ Expense PCA Fund Withholding | Nominal | DR |
5514 | PCA Spec Comp Pers Rec Withhold | Nominal | DR |
5515 | HQ Expense, PCA Fund Corporate | Nominal | DR |
5516 | PCA Spec Comp Pers Rec Corp | Nominal | DR |
5517 | HQ Expense, PCA Fund Excise | Nominal | DR |
5518 | PCA Spec Comp Pers Rec Excise | Nominal | DR |
5519 | HQ Expense, PCA Fund Estate & Gift | Nominal | DR |
5520 | PCA Spec Comp Pers Rec Estate Gift | Nominal | DR |
5521 | HQ Expense, PCA Fund Railroad | Nominal | DR |
5522 | PCA Spec Comp Pers Rec RR | Nominal | DR |
5523 | HQ Expense, PCA Fund FUTA | Nominal | DR |
5524 | PCA Spec Comp Pers Rec FUTA | Nominal | DR |
5601 | Disbursement, NMI | Nominal | CR |
5602 | Disbursement, VI | Nominal | CR |
5603 | Disbursement, Guam | Nominal | CR |
5604 | Disbursement, Samoa | Nominal | CR |
5610 | HQ Expense, Earned Income Credit | Nominal | CR |
5611 | HQ Expense, EIC (Non-224) | Nominal | CR |
5620 | HQ Expense, Informant Reward | Nominal | CR |
5630 | HQ Expense, Photocopy Fee | Nominal | CR |
5631 | HQ Expense, Photocopy Fee (Non-224) | Nominal | CR |
5640 | HQ Expense Disbursement, Principal | Nominal | CR |
5641 | HQ Expense Disburse Princ (Non-224) | Nominal | CR |
5644 | HQ Expense, Govt Retiree Credit | Nominal | CR |
5645 | HQ Expense, COVID Response US | Nominal | CR |
5646 | HQ Expense, Make Work Pay | Nominal | CR |
5647 | HQ Expense, American Opp Tax Credit | Nominal | CR |
5648 | HQ Expense, Build America Bond | Nominal | CR |
5649 | HQ Expense CDCTC | Nominal | CR |
5650 | HQ Expense Disbursement, Interest | Nominal | CR |
5651 | HQ Expenses Disbursement, HCTC | Nominal | CR |
5652 | HQ Expense, Disburse Int (Non-224) | Nominal | CR |
5653 | HQ Expense, Disburse HCTC (Non-224) | Nominal | CR |
5654 | Renewable Energy Bonds, HQ Disb | Nominal | DR/CR |
5655 | Energy Conservation Bonds, HQ Disb | Nominal | DR/CR |
5656 | Zone Academy Bonds, HQ Disb | Nominal | DR/CR |
5657 | School Construction Bonds, HQ Disb | Nominal | DR/CR |
5658 | Adoption Credit, HQ Disb | Nominal | DR/CR |
5659 | Therapeutic Credit, HQ Disb | Nominal | DR/CR |
5660 | HQ Expense, Child Credit | Nominal | CR |
5661 | HQ Expense, Territorial Child CR | Nominal | DR/CR |
5662 | HQ Expense, Child Credit (Non-224) | Nominal | DR/CR |
5663 | HQ Expense, Terr Child Cr (Non-224) | Nominal | DR/CR |
5664 | HQ Expense, Coverover | Nominal | DR |
5665 | HQ Expense, Disaster Tax Relief | Real | DR |
5666 | HQExpense COVID StimulusTerritories | Nominal | DR/CR |
5667 | HQ Expense COVID Resp Territories | Nominal | DR/CR |
5668 | HQExpense COVID EMPRetenTerritories | Nominal | DR/CR |
5669 | American Opp Tax CR, Territory | Nominal | DR/CR |
5670 | HQ Expense, AMT-IND | Nominal | CR |
5671 | HQ Expense, Housing | Nominal | CR |
5672 | HQ Expense, AMT-Corp | Nominal | CR |
5673 | Small Business Credit, HQ Disb | Nominal | DR/CR |
5674 | State Innov Sequester HQ Disb | Real | DR |
5675 | HQ State Innov Seq Disb | Nominal | DR |
5890 | Tax Revenue Refunds - Other | Nominal | DR/CR |
5891 | Tax Revenue Refunds - Individual | Nominal | DR/CR |
5892 | Tax Revenue Refunds - Corporate | Nominal | DR/CR |
5893 | Tax Revenue Refunds - Unemployment | Nominal | DR/CR |
5894 | Tax Revenue Refunds - Excise | Nominal | DR/CR |
5895 | Tax Revenue Refunds - Estate & Gift | Nominal | DR/CR |
5900 | HQ BCA, Disbursement | Nominal | DR/CR |
5901 | HQ EXCESS FICA | Nominal | DR/CR |
5902 | HQ BCA, Disbursement (Non-224) | Nominal | DR/CR |
5903 | HQ Excess FICA (Non-224) | Nominal | DR/CR |
5998 | HQ Rev Revenue Clear Accountability | Nominal | DR/CR |
5999 | HQ Revenue Clearance Accountability | Real | DR/CR |
6001 | Installment Agreement Liability | Nominal | CR |
6010 | Arbitrage Rebate Liability | Nominal | CR |
6011 | Arbitrage Rebate Penalty Liability | Nominal | CR |
6110 | Withholding Tax Assessment-Prin | Nominal | CR |
6111 | Withholding Tax Assessment-Pen | Nominal | CR |
6112 | Withholding Tax Assessment-Int | Nominal | CR |
6120 | Individ Income Tax Assessment-Prin | Nominal | CR |
6121 | Individ Inc Tax Assessment-Pen | Nominal | CR |
6122 | Individ Inc Tax Assessment-Int | Nominal | CR |
6130 | Corporation Tax Assessment-Prin | Nominal | CR |
6131 | Corporation Tax Assessment-Pen | Nominal | CR |
6132 | Corporation Tax Assessment-Int | Nominal | CR |
6140 | Excise Tax Assessment-Prin | Nominal | CR |
6141 | Excise Tax Assessment-Pen | Nominal | CR |
6142 | Excise Tax Assessment-Int | Nominal | CR |
6150 | Estate & Gift Tax Assessment-Prin | Nominal | CR |
6151 | Estate&Gift Tax Assessment-Pen | Nominal | CR |
6152 | Estate&Gift Tax Assessment-Int | Nominal | CR |
6170 | CTA Tax Assessment-Prin | Nominal | CR |
6171 | CTA Tax Assessment-Pen | Nominal | CR |
6172 | CTA Tax Assessment-Int | Nominal | CR |
6180 | FUTA Tax Assessment-Prin | Nominal | CR |
6181 | FUTA Tax Assessment-Pen | Nominal | CR |
6182 | FUTA Tax Assessment-Int | Nominal | CR |
6190 | Previously Assessed Tax | Nominal | CR |
6191 | Previous Assessed Penalty | Nominal | CR |
6192 | Previously Assessed Interest | Nominal | CR |
6195 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
6200 | Taxpayer Account Transferred | Nominal | DR/CR |
6201 | Mirror Assessment Account TRF MFT31 | Nominal | CR |
6310 | Miscellaneous Fee | Nominal | CR |
6320 | Offshore Oil Account | Nominal | CR |
6330 | Debtor Master File Offset | Nominal | CR |
6357 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
6400 | Miscellaneous Revenue Collection | Nominal | CR |
6407 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
6507 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
6510 | Overassessment Credited | Nominal | DR |
6520 | Refund Of Tax And Interest-NMF | Nominal | DR/CR |
6530 | Tax Account Compromised | Nominal | DR |
6540 | Small Debit & Credit Cleared | Nominal | DR/CR |
6545 | BMF 100% Penalty Credit Allowed | Nominal | DR/CR |
6550 | Withholding Tax Payment Credited | Nominal | DR/CR |
6560 | Other Credits Allowed | Nominal | DR |
6565 | Refund Cancellation Credit Allowed | Nominal | DR |
6570 | Substantiated Credit Allowed | Nominal | DR |
6575 | Overpayment Interest Allowed | Nominal | DR |
6580 | Revenue CR Transferred To & From | Nominal | DR/CR |
6590 | Deposit Fund CR Transfer To & From | Nominal | DR/CR |
6600 | Accounts Cleared, Statute | Nominal | DR/CR |
6607 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
6700 | Foreign Check Collection Cost | Nominal | DR |
6737 | HQ Northern Marianna Islands | Nominal | DR |
6738 | HQ Northern Mariana Is (Non-224) | Nominal | DR |
6800 | Excess Collection | Nominal | CR |
6801 | Expired External Leads | Nominal | CR |
6810 | Unapplied Statute Expired Credit | Nominal | DR/CR |
6900 | Adj Or Correction Of Revenue Rcpts | Nominal | DR |
6901 | ECP Adjustments of Revenue | Nominal | DR |
6905 | ID Theft Err Refund W/O | Nominal | DR |
6907 | Return Preparer, W/O | Nominal | DR |
6910 | Adj Or Correction Of MISC Revenue | Nominal | DR |
6920 | Disbursement Write-Off | Nominal | DR |
6950 | DOJ Civil Debt Collection Holdback | Nominal | DR |
6970 | Small Debit And Credit Cleared-FTD | Nominal | DR/CR |
6975 | Liab for Small DB-CR Cleared FTD | Nominal | DR/CR |
6980 | Acq Prprty Disposed Other Than Sale | Nominal | DR |
6985 | Profit&Loss Sale Acquired Property | Nominal | DR/CR |
OTHER ASSETS 7000 | |||
7001 | EFTPS Unclassified | Real | DR |
7002 | Deposit Fund | Real | DR |
7003 | Anti Drug | Real | DR |
7004 | Informant Reward | Real | DR/CR |
7005 | Northern Mariana Islands | Real | DR |
7006 | Virgin Islands | Real | DR |
7007 | Guam | Real | DR |
7008 | Samoa | Real | DR |
7009 | Insolvency Unclassified | Real | DR |
7010 | Intra-Governmental Suspense | Real | DR |
7011 | HQ EFTPS Unclassified (Non-224) | Real | DR |
7012 | HQ Misc Receipt Dep. Fund (Non-224) | Real | DR |
7013 | HQ Misc Receipt Anti Drug (Non-224) | Real | DR |
7014 | HQ Informant Reward (Non-224) | Real | DR |
7015 | HQ Coverover NMI (Non-224) | Real | DR |
7016 | HQ Coverover Virgin Is (Non-224) | Real | DR |
7017 | HQ Coverover Guam (Non-224) | Real | DR |
7018 | HQ Coverover Samoa (Non-224) | Real | DR |
7100 | Property Acquired In Payment Of Tax | Real | DR |
7200 | Unclassified FTD | Real | DR |
7210 | Confirmed Unclassified Amount | Real | DR |
7220 | Unconfirmed Unclassified Amount | Real | DR |
7300 | Unconfirmed Debit | Real | DR |
7500 | Undeposited Collection | Real | DR |
7610 | Embezzlement & Theft | Real | DR |
7620 | Unexplained Loss | Real | DR |
7630 | Reserved | Real | DR |
7640 | Reserved | Real | DR |
7649 | ECP Deposit Discrepancy | Real | DR |
7650 | Deposit Discrepancy | Real | DR |
7660 | Reserved | Real | DR |
8100 | FTD Input | Nominal | DR |
8200 | FTD Deposit Confirmed | Nominal | CR |
8231 | Corp AMT, TY2018 & Future, CR Elect | Real | CR |
8236 | COVID COBRA Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8305 | COVID RecoveryReb Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8306 | Earned Income CR, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8310 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
8320 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
8322 | Child Tax CR, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8323 | HCTC, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8330 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
8331 | Corp AMT, TY2017 & Prior CR Elect | Real | CR |
8332 | American Opp Tax CR, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8335 | Build America Bonds, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8336 | COVID Response US Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8340 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
8343 | CDCTC, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8345 | Zone Academy Bonds, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8346 | School Construct Bonds,Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8347 | Renewable Energy Bonds,Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8348 | Energy Conserv Bonds, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8349 | Premium Tax CR, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8351 | Small Business CR, Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8370 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
8380 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
8400 | Reserved | Nominal | DR |
8405 | COVID RecoveryReb Offset | Real | CR |
8406 | Earned Income CR, Offset | Real | CR |
8422 | Child Tax CR, Offset | Real | CR |
8423 | HCTC, Offset | Real | CR |
8431 | Corp AMT, TY2017 & Prior Offset | Real | CR |
8432 | American Opp Tax CR, Offset | Real | CR |
8435 | Build America Bonds, Offset | Real | CR |
8436 | COVID Response US Offset | Real | CR |
8443 | CDCTC, Offset | Real | CR |
8445 | Zone Academy Bonds, Offset | Real | CR |
8446 | School Construct Bonds, Offset | Real | CR |
8447 | Renewable Energy Bonds, Offset | Real | CR |
8448 | Energy Conservation Bonds, Offset | Real | CR |
8449 | Premium Tax CR, Offset | Real | CR |
8451 | Small Business CR, Offset | Real | CR |
8510 | Reserved | Nominal | DR/CR |
8520 | Reserved | Nominal | DR/CR |
8530 | Reserved | Nominal | DR/CR |
8531 | Corp AMT, TY2018 & Future, Offset | Nominal | CR |
8536 | COVID COBRA Offset | Real | CR |
8540 | Reserved | Nominal | DR/CR |
8636 | COVID Emp Retention US Credit Elect | Real | CR |
8731 | New Corp AMT, Offset | Real | CR |
8736 | COVID Emp Retention US Offset | Real | CR |
9998 | Reversal Rev Clearance Accountability | Nominal | DR/CR |
9999 | Revenue Clearance Accountability | Real | DR/CR |
RRACS Input Journals and Journal Numbers | |
Journal Number | Journal Name |
Use for Batch Journals (generated journal records from other systems) | |
100 | Generalized Unpostable Framework (GUF) |
101 | Service Center Control File (SCCF) Adjustment Reclass |
102 | Generalized Mainline Framework (GMF) |
103 | IMF Net Tax Refund Report (NTRR) |
104 | BMF Net Tax Refund Report (NTRR) |
106 | IMF Recap Weekly |
107 | IMF Recap – Semi-Annual |
108 | BMF Recap |
110 | EFTPS Deposits |
111 | EFTPS Debit Voucher |
112 | EFTPS/FPLP Reclass |
113 | EFTPS/FPLP Tape Edit Processor (TEP) |
114 | FPLP Reclass DT/DV |
115 | GOALS Confirmed Refund |
117 | CIR (PNC) Confirmed Deposit |
119 | GOALS (FMS) Reconciled Deposit |
120 | Private Debt Collection |
133 | Regular Assessment |
134 | Prompt Assessment |
135 | Quick Assessment |
136 | Jeopardy Assessment |
137 | IMF Abatement |
138 | BMF Abatement |
140 | IDRS End of Day (EOD) |
141 | ANMF SC RECAP -Other |
142 | ANMF SC RECAP -Assessment |
143 | CDDB UA Weekly Recap |
144 | CDDB UA Monthly Recap |
155 | Unapplied External Leads |
156 | Write Off External Leads |
162 | CADE 2 Recap |
170 | ISRP Deposit |
171 | EOD ID Theft |
172 | Open Return Preparer |
173 | Close Return Preparer |
174 | CDDB IDT Write-Off 180 Lockbox |
180 | LOCKBOX Deposit |
185 | Business Income Tax Credit |
186 | Individual Income Tax Credit |
187 | CMSFILE (State Innovation) |
198 | SGL Year End Processing |
199 | Year-End Processing |
Use for Journals from Manual Input | |
001 | Earned Income Credit Advance |
003 | Presidential Election Campaign Fund (PECF) |
004 | Debtor Master File Letter |
005 | Excise (Windfall,Earmark) |
006 | Excess Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) |
007 | Excise (F4136-843) |
008 | Excise NTRR |
011 | Child Credit Disbursement |
012 | Service Center Refunds |
014 | Railroad Retirement DR |
015 | Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)-Debit |
016 | IPAC Receipt |
017 | Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)-Credit |
018 | Northern Mariana Islands |
019 | Railroad Retirement CR |
020 | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) |
021 | Customs |
022 | Child Credit Warrant |
024 | Make Work Pay, Reclass |
025 | Make Work Pay, Warrant |
027 | IPAC Disbursements |
028 | Tax Receivable Adjustment |
029 | Frozen Credit Adjustment |
032 | Refund IRC Principal |
033 | Refund IRC Interest |
034 | Earned Income Credit |
036 | IPAC Territorial Child Credit |
037 | Refund IRC Prin Surplus |
040 | Health Coverage TC |
041 | HIRE-BOND Warrant |
042 | HIRE-BOND Surplus Warrant |
043 | HIRE-BOND Reclass |
044 | PPA Act Warrant |
045 | PPA Act Surplus Warrant |
046 | PPA Act Reclass |
056 | Earned Income Credit (EIC) DMF Offset |
057 | Earned Income Credit (EIC) Disbursements |
062 | HCTC - No SF224 |
063 | Private Collection Agency (PCA) |
064 | COVID Stimulus |
065 | COVID Stimulus Warrant |
066 | COVID Stimulus Surplus Warrant |
067 | Refundable Credit |
068 | Refundable Warrant |
070 | Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)/Informant Warrant |
071 | Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)/Informant Sur Warr |
072 | Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) IMF Portion |
073 | Allowance Doubtful Accounts (ADA) |
074 | Seized Assets |
076 | Net Receivable Change Statement of Custodial Activity (SOCA) |
077 | American Opportunity Credit, Reclass |
078 | American Opportunity Credit, Warrant |
079 | American Opportunity Credit, Surplus Warrant |
081 | Refund SGL Tax Class |
084 | IRAF Allow Doubtful Accts |
087 | NMF Allow Doubtful Accts |
089 | Net Change to Payable |
090 | HQ MISC Application |
091 | Government Retiree, Reclass |
093 | Government Retiree, Surplus Warrant |
094 | COVID Response |
095 | COVID Response Warrant |
096 | COVID Resp Surplus Warrant |
097 | Build America, Reclass |
098 | Build America, Warrant |
099 | Build America, Surplus Warrant |
210 | Deposit |
211 | Confirm Deposit |
220 | Debit Voucher |
221 | Debit Voucher Adjustment |
250 | Reclass |
302 | Acquisition |
303 | Disposition/Loss |
304 | Disposition/Profit |
305 | Disposition/Non Sale |
306 | Loss from Embezzlement and Theft |
307 | Loss, Unexplained |
308 | Loss, Deposit Discrepancy |
309 | Recovery from Embezzlement and Theft |
310 | Recovery, Unexplained Loss |
311 | Recovery, Deposit Discrepancy |
312 | Apply to Offer in Compromise |
313 | Apply to Seizure |
314 | Apply To Miscellaneous |
315 | Apply from Offer in Compromise |
316 | Apply from Seizure |
317 | Apply from Miscellaneous |
320 | Seized Property, Open |
321 | Seized Property, Closed |
322 | Seized Property, Open and Closed |
323 | Collateral, Open |
324 | Collateral, Closed |
330 | Non-Equity Collateral, Open |
335 | Non-Equity Collateral, Closed |
400 | MISC Application |
401 | Cover Over Liability |
402 | MISC Application II |
404 | Unidentified Remittance File, Miscellaneous |
405 | PFIC Application |
407 | Unidentified Remittance File, Miscellaneous Fee |
408 | Unidentified Remittance File, Refund Repayment |
409 | Unidentified Remittance File, Loss |
411 | Dishonored Check File, Service Center Control File |
412 | Dishonored Check File, Miscellaneous Fee |
413 | Dishonored Check File, Deposit Fund |
414 | Dishonored Check File, Loss |
415 | Dishonored Check File, Anti-Drug |
421 | GMF/TEP - BMF |
422 | GMF/TEP - IMF |
424 | Deletes - BMF |
425 | Deletes - IMF |
427 | Unpostable-BMF |
428 | Unpostable-IMF |
435 | Credit Transfer Out Revenue Receipt Credit Document |
436 | Credit Transfer Out Revenue Receipt Debit Document |
437 | Credit Transfer Out Deposit Fund Credit Document |
441 | Credit Transfer In Revenue Receipt Credit Document |
442 | Credit Transfer In Revenue Receipt Debit Document |
443 | Credit Transfer In Deposit Fund Credit Document |
446 | Confirm Credit Transfer Out Revenue Receipt Credit Document |
447 | Confirm Credit Transfer Out Revenue Receipt Debit Document |
448 | Confirm Credit Transfer Out Deposit Fund Credit Document |
458 | Account Transfer Out -Debit |
459 | Account Transfer Out -Credit |
460 | Account Transfer In -Debit |
465 | Confirm Account Transfer Out -Debit |
469 | IPACR Application(s) |
470 | IPACD Application |
471 | CADE 2 Recap Manual Input |
472 | BMF Recap Manual Input |
480 | E.R. Court Case |
481 | E.R. Non-Court Case |
485 | Nonpayment Erroneous Refund |
490 | Clear Erroneous Refund |
495 | Informant Reward |
496 | Informant Reward Offset |
498 | Insolvency Recovery |
499 | Revenue Clearance TRF |
500 | Arbitrage Refund |
501 | Miscellaneous Refund |
503 | Excess Refund |
504 | Unidentified Refund |
505 | Photocopy Refund |
506 | CADE to ECC Refund |
507 | Non-Master File Refund |
508 | Deposit Fund Refund |
510 | MISC Revenue Refund |
512 | ECC Refund-BMF |
513 | ECC Refund-IMF |
514 | Oil Spill Refund |
515 | Informant Reward Refund |
516 | Cover Over Refund |
517 | User Fee, Refund |
519 | Confirm Informant Reward |
520 | Confirm Miscellaneous Refund |
521 | Confirm ECC Refund, BMF |
522 | Confirm ECC Refund, IMF |
523 | Confirm Excess Refund |
524 | Confirm Unidentified Refund |
525 | Confirm Photocopy Refund |
526 | Confirm Non-Master File Refund |
527 | Confirm Deposit Fund Refund |
528 | Confirm Anti-Drug Refund |
529 | Confirm Miscellaneous Revenue Refund |
530 | Confirm Oil Spill Refund |
532 | Manual Refund Cancellation |
533 | Deposit Refund Cancellation |
534 | ECC Cancellations-BMF |
535 | ECC Cancellations-IMF |
536 | Photocopy Cancellations |
538 | Informant Cancellations |
539 | Miscellaneous Revenue Cancellation |
540 | Oil Spill Cancellations |
541 | IPAC Receipts |
544 | Arbitrage Cancellations |
546 | ECC Cancellations-CADE |
547 | IPACD Miscellaneous |
548 | Cover Over Cancellation |
549 | IPACD Deposit Fund |
560 | IPACD Oil Spill |
570 | Coverover Refund |
580 | IPACR FMS Levy |
585 | IPACD FMS Levy |
590 | Arbitrage Refund |
593 | Low Income IA Reclass |
610 | Assessment Regular Current Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
611 | Assessment Regular Current Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
612 | Assessment Regular Current Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
613 | Assessment Regular Current Excise (Tax Class 4) |
614 | Assessment Regular Current Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
615 | Assessment Regular Current CTA (Tax Class 7) |
616 | Assessment Regular Current FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
621 | Assessment Regular Deficiency Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
622 | Assessment Regular Deficiency Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
623 | Assessment Regular Deficiency Excise (Tax Class 4) |
625 | Assessment Regular Deficiency CTA (Tax Class 7) |
630 | Assessment Quick Current Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
631 | Assessment Quick Current Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
632 | Assessment Quick Current Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
633 | Assessment Quick Current Excise (Tax Class 4) |
634 | Assessment Quick Current Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
635 | Assessment Quick Current CTA (Tax Class 7) |
636 | Assessment Quick Current FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
640 | Assessment Quick Deficiency Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
641 | Assessment Quick Deficiency Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
642 | Assessment Quick Deficiency Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
643 | Assessment Quick Deficiency Excise (Tax Class 4) |
644 | Assessment Quick Deficiency Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
645 | Assessment Quick Deficiency CTA (Tax Class 7) |
646 | Assessment Quick Deficiency FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
650 | Assessment Prompt Current Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
651 | Assessment Prompt Current Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
652 | Assessment Prompt Current Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
653 | Assessment Prompt Current Excise (Tax Class 4) |
654 | Assessment Prompt Current Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
656 | Assessment Prompt Current FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
660 | Assessment Prompt Deficiency Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
661 | Assessment Prompt Deficiency Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
662 | Assessment Prompt Deficiency Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
663 | Assessment Prompt Deficiency Excise (Tax Class 4) |
664 | Assessment Prompt Deficiency Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
665 | Assessment Prompt Deficiency CTA (Tax Class 7) |
670 | Assessment Jeopardy Current Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
671 | Assessment Jeopardy Current Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
672 | Assessment Jeopardy Current Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
675 | Assessment Jeopardy Current CTA (Tax Class 7) |
676 | Assessment Jeopardy Current FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
681 | Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
682 | Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
683 | Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency Excise (Tax Class 4) |
684 | Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
685 | Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency CTA (Tax Class 7) |
686 | Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
690 | Non Tax Assessments (OSPC only) |
691 | Abatement |
692 | Erroneous Abatement |
695 | Non Tax Abatement (OSPC only) |
700 | Premium Tax Credit (PTC) Warrant |
701 | Premium Tax Credit (PTC) Surplus Warrant |
702 | Premium Tax Credit |
703 | Sequestration |
704 | SC CARS Reclassification |
705 | State Innovation Breakout |
706 | Disaster Relief Warrant |
707 | Disaster Relief Surplus Warrant |
708 | Disaster Relief Trans |
712 | FTD CRL |
713 | FTD Tapes to MCC |
714 | FTD MUCR |
715 | FTD Wire |
716 | FTD Reclass |
721 | FTD CRL |
730 | FTD MUCR |
740 | FTD Adj DT |
741 | FTD Adj DV |
750 | FTD Reclass |
760 | IPAC Processing |
810 | Manual Assessment Regular Current Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
811 | Manual Assessment Regular Current Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
812 | Manual Assessment Regular Current Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
813 | Manual Assessment Regular Current Excise (Tax Class 4) |
814 | Manual Assessment Regular Current Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
815 | Manual Assessment Regular Current CTA (Tax Class 7) |
816 | Manual Assessment Regular Current FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
820 | Manual Assessment Regular Deficiency Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
821 | Manual Assessment Regular Deficiency Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
825 | Manual Assessment Regular Deficiency CTA (Tax Class 7) |
830 | Manual Assessment Quick Current Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
831 | Manual Assessment Quick Current Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
832 | Manual Assessment Quick Current Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
833 | Manual Assessment Quick Current Excise (Tax Class 4) |
834 | Manual Assessment Quick Current Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
835 | Manual Assessment Quick Current CTA (Tax Class 7) |
836 | Manual Assessment Quick Current FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
840 | Manual Assessment Quick Deficiency Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
841 | Manual Assessment Quick Deficiency Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
842 | Manual Assessment Quick Deficiency Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
843 | Manual Assessment Quick Deficiency Excise (Tax Class 4) |
844 | Manual Assessment Quick Deficiency Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
846 | Manual Assessment Quick Deficiency FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
850 | Manual Assessment Prompt Current Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
851 | Manual Assessment Prompt Current Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
853 | Manual Assessment Prompt Current Excise (Tax Class 4) |
854 | Manual Assessment Prompt Current Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
855 | Manual Assessment Prompt Current CTA (Tax Class 7) |
856 | Manual Assessment Prompt Current FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
863 | Manual Assessment Prompt Deficiency Excise (Tax Class 4) |
864 | Manual Assessment Prompt Deficiency Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
865 | Manual Assessment Prompt Deficiency CTA (Tax Class 7) |
866 | Manual Assessment Prompt Deficiency FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
870 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Current Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
871 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Current Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
872 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Current Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
873 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Current Excise (Tax Class 4) |
874 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Current Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
875 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Current CTA (Tax Class 7) |
876 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Current FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
880 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency Withholding (Tax Class 1) |
881 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency Individual Income (Tax Class 2) |
882 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency Corporation (Tax Class 3) |
884 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency Estate and Gift (Tax Class 5) |
885 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency CTA (Tax Class 7) |
886 | Manual Assessment Jeopardy Deficiency FUTA (Tax Class 8) |
905 | Adjust NTRR Line Data |
906 | Undeposited Collection |
907 | Deposit |
911 | SF224 Super Window |
912 | Non-SF224 Super Window |
914 | Period13 Non-SF224 Window |
915 | SGL Only |
916 | PD 13 SGL Only |
Account Numbers and Associated Journals | |
Account Number | Associated Journals |
0003 | 032, 912, 914 |
0004 | 033, 912, 914 |
0005 | 065, 912, 914 |
0006 | 034, 912, 914 |
0022 | 022, 912, 914 |
0023 | 070, 912, 914 |
0029 | 068, 912, 914 |
0030 | 068, 912, 914 |
0031 | 068, 912, 914 |
0032 | 078, 912, 914 |
0033 | 912, 914 |
0035 | 098, 912, 914 |
0036 | 095, 912, 914 |
0042 | 912, 914 |
0043 | 070, 912, 914 |
0044 | 095, 911, 912, 914 |
0045 | 041, 912, 914 |
0046 | 041, 912, 914 |
0047 | 041, 912, 914 |
0048 | 043, 912, 914 |
0049 | 700 |
0050 | 044, 912, 914 |
0051 | 044, 912, 914 |
0052 | 044, 912, 914 |
0059 | 706, 912 |
0159 | 708, 911, 912 |
0203 | 037, 912, 914 |
0204 | 912, 914 |
0205 | 066, 912, 914 |
0206 | 912, 914 |
0222 | 914 |
0223 | 070, 912, 914 |
0229 | 069, 912, 914 |
0230 | 069, 912, 914 |
0231 | 072 |
0232 | 912, 914 |
0233 | 912, 914 |
0235 | 099, 912, 914 |
0236 | 096, 912, 914 |
0242 | 912, 914 |
0243 | 071, 912, 914 |
0244 | 096, 914 |
0245 | 912, 914 |
0246 | 912, 914 |
0247 | 912, 914 |
0248 | 912, 914 |
0249 | 701 |
0250 | 912, 914 |
0251 | 912, 914 |
0252 | 912, 914 |
0259 | 912, 914 |
0349 | 187, 702, 912 |
0431 | 703 |
0435 | 703 |
0443 | 703 |
0445 | 703 |
0446 | 703 |
0447 | 703 |
0448 | 703 |
0449 | 187, 702, 912 |
0451 | 703 |
0452 | 702, 911 |
0459 | 703, 912 |
0505 | 064, 186, 911, 912 |
0522 | 011, 186, 911, 912, 914 |
0536 | 094, 185, 911, 912, 914 |
0543 | 911 |
0549 | 702, 912 |
0605 | 036, 912 |
0606 | 036, 911, 912, 914 |
0616 | 072, 911 |
0636 | 036, 912 |
0647 | 187, 702, 912 |
0649 | 187, 702, 912 |
0651 | 074 |
0705 | 064, 186, 911, 912, 914 |
0736 | 094, 185, 911, 912 |
0749 | 187, 702, 912 |
0751 | 911, 912 |
0831 | 067, 185, 911 |
0836 | 036, 912 |
0849 | 702, 912 |
0851 | 187, 702, 911, 912 |
0852 | 187, 702, 912 |
0853 | 912 |
0854 | 187, 702, 912 |
0855 | 912 |
0856 | 187, 702, 912 |
0857 | 912 |
0858 | 187, 702, 912 |
0859 | 187, 702, 912 |
0903 | 006-008, 011, 012, 014, 015, 017, 019 - 021, 024, 037, 040, 043, 046, 054-059, 064, 067, 077, 094, 097, 185, 186, 702, 911 |
0904 | 004, 012, 014, 015, 017, 019 - 021, 033, 911 |
0905 | 064, 065, 066, 911 |
0906 | 001, 034, 056, 057, 186, 912 |
0908 | 187, 702, 912 |
0909 | 702, 912 |
0910 | 187, 702, 912 |
0911 | 702, 912 |
0912 | 702, 912 |
0913 | 004 |
0914 | 702, 912 |
0915 | 187, 702, 912 |
0916 | 702, 912 |
0920 | 040 |
0922 | 011, 022, 036, 064, 186, 911 |
0923 | 040, 072, 186, 911 |
0929 | 067, 911 |
0930 | 067, 911 |
0931 | 067, 185, 911 |
0932 | 036, 077, 186, 911 |
0933 | 024, 911 |
0935 | 097, 185, 911 |
0936 | 094, 185, 186, 911, 912 |
0942 | 911 |
0943 | 036, 094, 186, 911, 912, 914 |
0945 | 043, 185, 911 |
0946 | 043, 185, 911 |
0947 | 043, 185, 911 |
0948 | 043, 185, 911 |
0949 | 186, 702, 911 |
0950 | 046, 911 |
0951 | 046, 185, 911 |
0952 | 046, 911 |
0970 | 187, 702, 912 |
0971 | 702, 912 |
0972 | 187, 702, 912 |
0973 | 187, 702, 912 |
0975 | 702, 911 |
0976 | 187, 702, 912 |
0977 | 702, 912 |
0978 | 702, 912 |
0979 | 702, 912 |
1049 | 702, 912 |
1051 | 911 |
1075 | 702, 911 |
1100 | 108, 472 |
1200 | 471 |
1300 | 108, 162, 471, 472 |
1314 | 400, 435, 436, 458, 459, 507, 6XX, 8XX |
1321 | 141, 142, 400, 435, 436, 458, 459, 507, 8XX |
1322 | 141, 142, 400, 435, 436, 458, 459, 507, 8XX |
1324 | 141, 142, 400, 435, 436, 458, 459, 507, 8XX |
1360 | 141, 142, 400, 435, 436, 458, 459, 507, 8XX |
1371 | 141, 142, 400, 435, 436, 458, 459, 507, 8XX |
1389 | 141, 142, 400, 435, 436, 458, 459, 507, 8XX |
1400 | 400, 458, 459, 465, 912, 914 |
1401 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
1402 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
1403 | 912, 914 |
1404 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
1405 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
1406 | 912, 914 |
1407 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
1408 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
1409 | 912, 914 |
1410 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
1411 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
1420 | 028, 143 |
1424 | 028 |
1426 | 073 |
1427 | 073 |
1428 | 073 |
1429 | 073, 912, 914 |
1430 | 028 |
1431 | 028 |
1432 | 028 |
1433 | 028 |
1435 | 028 |
1510 | 210, 400, 404, 480, 481, 6XX, 8XX |
1530 | 210, 480, 485 |
1535 | 480 |
1540 | 210, 480, 481, 485 |
1543 | 481 |
1545 | 171, 174, 210, 480, 490 |
1547 | 172, 173, 481, 490 |
1550 | 108, 162, 400, 469, 541 |
1580 | 210, 400, 407, 412 |
1600 | 400, 6XX, 8XX |
1710 | 140, 210, 220, 221, 306 - 311, 400, 404, 411 - 415, 436 |
1720 | 210, 221, 306 - 311, 400, 404 |
1810 | 108, 472 |
1820 | 162, 471 |
1830 | 141, 142, 400, 404, 458, 459, 507, 6XX |
1840 | 400 |
1856 | 085 |
1903 | 912, 914 |
1904 | 912, 914 |
1905 | 912, 914 |
1906 | 912, 914 |
1920 | 912, 914 |
1922 | 912, 914 |
1923 | 912, 914 |
1929 | 912, 914 |
1930 | 912, 914 |
1931 | 912, 914 |
1932 | 912, 914 |
1933 | 912, 914 |
1935 | 912, 914 |
1936 | 912, 914 |
1942 | 912, 914 |
1945 | 912, 914 |
1946 | 912, 914 |
1947 | 912, 914 |
1948 | 912, 914 |
1950 | 912, 914 |
1951 | 912, 914 |
1952 | 912, 914 |
1954 | 912, 914 |
1961 | 912, 914 |
2110 | 001, 003, 018, 101, 108, 110 - 114, 140, 162, 180, 210, 220, 221, 250, 306 - 317, 400, 404, 411 - 415, 469, 470, 495 - 498, 907 |
2111 | 001, 003, 018, 046, 063, 094, 120, 911 |
2112 | 912, 914 |
2120 | 006, 007, 101, 108, 110 - 114, 140, 162, 170, 210, 221, 250, 306 - 317, 400, 404, 407, 409, 414, 469, 470, 495 - 498, 907 |
2121 | 006, 007, 063, 120, 911 |
2122 | 912, 914 |
2130 | 007, 008, 101, 108, 110 - 114, 140, 170, 180, 221, 250, 306 - 317, 400, 404, 409, 411, 414, 470, 495 - 498, 907 |
2131 | 007, 063, 120, 911 |
2132 | 912, 914 |
2140 | 005, 008, 101, 108, 110 - 114, 140, 162, 170, 210, 221, 250, 306 - 317, 400, 404, 409, 411, 469, 470, 495 - 498, 907 |
2141 | 005, 046, 063, 120, 911, 912 |
2142 | 912, 914 |
2145 | 046, 911 |
2146 | 046, 911, 912 |
2150 | 101, 108, 110 - 114, 140, 170, 180, 210, 221, 306 - 317, 400, 404, 409, 411, 414, 469, 470, 495 - 498, 907 |
2151 | 063, 911 |
2152 | 912, 914 |
2170 | 101, 108, 110 - 114, 140, 170, 180, 210, 221, 306 - 317, 400, 404, 409, 411, 414, 469, 470, 495 - 498, 907 |
2171 | 063, 120, 911 |
2172 | 912, 914 |
2180 | 101, 108, 110 - 114, 140, 162, 170, 180, 210, 250, 306 - 317, 400, 404, 409, 411, 414, 469, 495 - 498, 907 |
2181 | 063, 120, 911 |
2182 | 912, 914 |
2199 | 005, 911 |
2221 | 911 |
2222 | 911 |
2231 | 911 |
2232 | 911 |
2305 | 210, 250, 400 |
2310 | 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2315 | 140, 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2320 | 170, 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2325 | 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2330 | 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2335 | 210, 250, 400 |
2340 | 115, 170, 210, 250, 258, 273, 400, 407, 469, 470, 525, 536 |
2342 | 115, 250, 400, 525, 536 |
2345 | 210, 250, 400 |
2350 | 170, 210, 250, 259, 274, 400, 407, 412 |
2355 | 210, 250, 400, 469, 470, 541, 542 |
2360 | 170, 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2365 | 210, 250, 400 |
2370 | 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2375 | 170, 495, 496 |
2380 | 108, 112, 140, 162, 210, 250, 400, 407 |
2385 | 108, 140, 162, 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2390 | 210, 400, 407, 412 |
2395 | 108, 162, 210, 250, 400, 407, 412 |
2410 | 115, 170, 210, 236, 239, 250, 256, 469, 525, 536, 541 |
2420 | 103, 104, 115, 210, 250, 256, 469, 470 |
2500 | 210, 257, 272 |
2600 | 210, 250 |
2700 | 261, 276 |
2725 | 029 |
2750 | 076, 912, 914 |
2825 | 029 |
2850 | 076, 912, 914 |
2900 | 210, 250, 262, 277 |
2910 | 114, 250, 469, 541, 580, 585 |
2915 | 250, 469, 470, 541 |
3200 | 323, 324 |
3300 | 320, 321, 322 |
3500 | 704 |
3502 | 704 |
3875 | 004, 016, 018, 027, 911 |
3876 | 912, 914 |
4048 | 187, 702, 912 |
4049 | 187, 700, 701, 702, 911, 912 |
4110 | 100, 102, 108, 113, 417, 421, 424, 427, 470, 472, 512, 534 |
4116 | 914 |
4117 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
4118 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
4119 | 028, 143 |
4120 | 100 - 102, 140, 170, 171, 180, 210, 221, 302 - 317, 404, 411, 417, 421, 424, 469, 470, 480, 496, 498, 500, 501, 532, 544, 547, 6XX, 8XX, 906 |
4121 | 912, 914 |
4122 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
4123 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
4125 | 110 - 114, 210, 221, 400, 417 |
4126 | 912, 914 |
4127 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
4128 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
4130 | 100, 400, 427 |
4131 | 912, 914 |
4132 | 143, 144, 912, 914 |
4133 | 100 - 102, 143, 144, 912, 914 |
4150 | 028, 073, 912, 914 |
4152 | 028, 073 |
4160 | 074, 911 |
4205 | 400, 402 |
4210 | 100, 102, 107, 108, 113, 162, 402, 418, 425, 428, 469 - 471, 513, 535 |
4215 | 402, 506, 546 |
4220 | 100 - 102, 140, 155, 170 - 172, 180, 210, 221, 302 - 317, 404, 411, 422, 425, 469, 470, 481, 496, 498, 501, 532, 547, 6XX, 8XX, 906 |
4225 | 110 - 114, 210, 221, 400, 418, 906 |
4230 | 100, 400, 428 |
4251 | 100, 102, 113, 402 |
4252 | 100 - 102, 140, 210, 302 - 317, 400, 404, 411, 480, 501, 532, 547, 610, 611, 613, 623, 633, 653, 663, 683, 813, 833, 843, 853, 906 |
4253 | 100, 400 |
4254 | 162, 400 |
4255 | 110 - 113, 210, 221, 400, 906 |
4276 | 085 |
4420 | 101, 108, 140, 141, 142, 162, 170, 210, 277, 302 - 317, 400, 404, 411, 435, 436, 442, 458 - 460, 469, 470, 480, 481, 496, 498, 501, 507, 532, 547, 6XX, 8XX, 906 |
4425 | 110 - 112, 210, 221, 400, 906 |
312 | 313, 314, 400, 435, 436 |
141 | 400, 435, 436, 691, 692 |
4510 | 108, 162, 472 |
4520 | 162, 471 |
4521 | 108, 162, 471, 472 |
4610 | 312, 313, 314, 400, 496 |
4615 | 312, 313, 314, 400 |
4620 | 101, 140, 210, 306 - 314, 400, 404, 407, 409, 469, 470, 504, 532, 547 |
4625 | 210, 498 |
4626 | 210, 405 |
4701 | 400, 401, 516, 548 |
4702 | 400, 401, 516, 548 |
4703 | 400, 401, 516, 548 |
4704 | 400, 401, 516, 548 |
4710 | 170, 210, 257, 272, 312, 315, 437, 443, 470, 508, 533, 549 |
4720 | 210, 257, 272, 303, 304, 313, 316, 437, 469, 470, 508, 533, 549 |
4730 | 210, 257, 272, 314, 317, 437, 443, 469, 508, 533, 549 |
4740 | 437, 448 |
4750 | 261, 276, 400 |
4755 | 495, 496 |
4765 | 110 - 112, 114, 210, 400, 580, 585, 906 |
4801 | 115, 140, 501 - 507, 512, 513, 518, 520 - 526 |
4802 | 115, 140, 501 - 504, 506 - 508, 512 - 514, 518, 520 - 524, 526 |
4803 | 115, 508, 527 |
4805 | 514 |
4806 | 115, 500, 510, 529, 544, 590 |
4808 | 115, 515, 519 |
4810 | 236, 239, 400 |
4811 | 115, 402, 516, 570 |
4812 | 115, 402, 516, 570 |
4813 | 115, 402, 516, 570 |
4814 | 115, 402, 516, 570 |
4815 | 115 |
4816 | 115 |
4819 | 115 |
4900 | 435, 436, 446, 447 |
4910 | 485, 490 |
4950 | 162, 400 |
4960 | 400 |
4970 | 236, 239, 256, 400, 469, 470, 490, 501, 541, 542, 547 |
4971 | 155, 156, 210, 400 |
4975 | 469, 470, 541, 542 |
4980 | 320 - 324 |
4985 | 400, 469, 470, 541, 542 |
5029 | 005, 911, 912 |
5030 | 912, 914 |
5081 | 003, 911 |
5082 | 912, 914 |
5100 | 115, 518, 520 - 526, 532, 534 - 536, 542, 546, 547 |
5110 | 012, 911 |
5120 | 015, 017, 911 |
5130 | 014, 019, 911 |
5140 | 021, 911 |
5150 | 020, 911 |
5151 | 911 |
5152 | 187, 702, 912 |
5153 | 912 |
5154 | 187, 702, 912 |
5156 | 187, 702, 912 |
5157 | 912 |
5158 | 912 |
5160 | 072, 911 |
5165 | 072, 911 |
5200 | 115, 518, 520 - 527, 532, 533, 547, 549 |
5210 | 012, 911 |
5220 | 015, 017, 911 |
5230 | 014, 019, 911 |
5240 | 021, 911 |
5250 | 020, 911 |
5260 | 004, 016, 027, 911 |
5261 | 004, 911 |
5300 | 533 |
5301 | 115 |
5302 | 115, 250, 400, 469, 470 |
5305 | 115 |
5400 | 115, 529, 539, 544, 590 |
5511 | 063, 120, 911 |
5512 | 063, 120, 911, 912, 914 |
5513 | 063, 120, 911 |
5514 | 063, 120, 911 |
5515 | 063, 120, 911 |
5516 | 063, 120, 911 |
5517 | 063, 120, 911 |
5518 | 063, 120, 911 |
5519 | 063, 911 |
5520 | 063, 911 |
5521 | 063, 120, 911 |
5522 | 063, 120, 911 |
5523 | 063, 120, 911 |
5524 | 063, 120, 911 |
5610 | 034, 036, 912, 914 |
5611 | 912, 914 |
5620 | 070, 071, 703, 912, 914 |
5630 | 040, 912, 914 |
5631 | 912, 914 |
5640 | 032, 037, 065, 066, 912, 914 |
5641 | 912, 914 |
5644 | 911, 912, 914 |
5645 | 095, 096, 911, 912, 914 |
5646 | 911, 912, 914 |
5647 | 078, 911, 912, 914 |
5648 | 098, 099, 703, 911, 912, 914 |
5649 | 036, 095, 096 |
5650 | 033, 912, 914 |
5651 | 070, 071, 912, 914 |
5652 | 912, 914 |
5653 | 912, 914 |
5654 | 041, 703, 911, 912, 914 |
5655 | 041, 703, 911, 912, 914 |
5656 | 041, 703, 911, 912, 914 |
5657 | 041, 703, 911, 912, 914 |
5658 | 044, 911, 912, 914 |
5659 | 044, 911, 912, 914 |
5660 | 022, 912, 914 |
5661 | 036, 912, 914 |
5662 | 912, 914 |
5663 | 912, 914 |
5664 | 018 |
5665 | 703, 706, 708, 914 |
5666 | 036 |
5667 | 036 |
5668 | 036 |
5669 | 036, 911, 912, 914 |
5670 | 068, 069, 912, 914 |
5671 | 068, 069, 912, 914 |
5672 | 068, 069, 703, 912, 914 |
5673 | 044, 703, 911, 912, 914 |
5674 | 702, 911, 914 |
5675 | 702 |
5890 | 081 |
5891 | 081 |
5892 | 081 |
5893 | 081 |
5894 | 081 |
5895 | 081 |
5900 | 911 |
5901 | 006, 911 |
5902 | 912, 914 |
5903 | 912, 914 |
5998 | 912, 914 |
5999 | 912, 914 |
6001 | 108, 162, 471 |
6010 | 108, 400 |
6011 | 108, 400 |
6110 | 108, 142, 162, 610, 630, 640, 650, 660, 810, 820, 830, 840, 850 |
6111 | 108, 142, 162, 610, 630, 640, 650, 660, 810, 820, 830, 840, 850 |
6112 | 108, 142, 610, 630, 640, 650, 660, 670, 820, 830, 840, 850 |
6120 | 108, 142, 162, 611, 621, 631, 641, 651, 671, 681, 811, 821, 831, 841, 851, 871, 881 |
6121 | 108, 142, 162, 611, 621, 631, 641, 651, 671, 681, 811, 821, 831, 841, 851, 871, 881 |
6122 | 108, 142, 162, 611, 621, 631, 641, 651, 671, 681, 811, 821, 831, 841, 851, 871, 881 |
6130 | 108, 142, 612, 622, 632, 642, 652, 662, 682, 812, 832, 842, 872 |
6131 | 108, 142, 612, 622, 632, 642, 652, 662, 682, 812, 832, 842, 872 |
6132 | 108, 142, 612, 622, 632, 642, 652, 662, 682, 812, 832, 842, 872 |
6140 | 108, 142, 162, 613, 623, 633, 643, 653, 683, 813, 833, 843, 853 |
6141 | 108, 142, 162, 613, 623, 633, 643, 653, 683, 813, 833, 843, 853 |
6142 | 108, 142, 162, 613, 623, 633, 643, 653, 683, 813, 833, 843, 853 |
6150 | 108, 142, 614, 634, 644, 654, 664, 684, 834, 844, 854 |
6151 | 108, 142, 614, 634, 644, 654, 664, 684, 834, 844, 854 |
6152 | 108, 142, 614, 634, 644, 654, 664, 684, 834, 844, 854 |
6170 | 108, 142, 615, 635, 645, 815, 835 |
6171 | 108, 142, 615, 635, 645, 815, 835 |
6172 | 108, 142, 615, 635, 645, 815, 835 |
6180 | 108, 162, 616, 636, 646, 656, 676, 816, 846, 856 |
6181 | 108, 142, 616, 636, 646, 656, 676, 816, 846, 856 |
6182 | 108, 142, 616, 636, 646, 656, 676, 816, 846, 856 |
6190 | 162, 400 |
6195 | 400 |
6200 | 108, 162, 400, 460, 465 |
6201 | 162, 402 |
6310 | 108, 162, 170, 210, 258, 259, 273, 274, 407, 412, 435, 436, 441, 442, 469, 470, 505, 532, 536 |
6320 | 514 |
6330 | 108, 400, 469, 470 |
6400 | 170, 210, 312, 313, 314, 400, 435, 436, 442, 469, 470, 501, 532, 541, 542, 547 |
6510 | 108, 162, 691, 692 |
6520 | 141, 400, 469, 470, 501, 503, 504, 507, 514, 532, 533, 547, 549 |
6530 | 108, 162, 400 |
6540 | 108, 141, 162, 400, 501, 547 |
6545 | 108 |
6550 | 142, 162, 400, 6XX, 8XX |
6560 | 108, 142, 162, 400, 6XX, 8XX |
6565 | 400, 501 |
6570 | 108, 162, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 404 |
6575 | 108, 162, 400 |
6580 | 108, 162, 441, 442, 446, 447 |
6590 | 443, 448 |
6600 | 108, 141, 162, 400, 490 |
6700 | 221, 400 |
6737 | 018, 911 |
6738 | 912, 914 |
6800 | 101, 140, 210, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 312, 313, 314, 400, 404, 405, 435, 469, 470, 503, 532, 547 |
6801 | 156, 400 |
6810 | 107, 108, 162, 400 |
6900 | 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 400, 401, 496 |
6901 | 308, 311, 400 |
6905 | 174, 400, 490 |
6907 | 173, 400, 490 |
6910 | 400, 510, 539 |
6920 | 400, 490 |
6950 | 400, 469, 470 |
6980 | 305 |
6985 | 303, 304 |
7001 | 110, 111, 112, 210, 221, 250, 400, 907 |
7002 | 115, 170, 210, 250, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 469, 470, 527, 533, 549 |
7003 | 210, 250 |
7004 | 115, 250, 496, 519, 538, 570 |
7005 | 115, 250, 548, 570 |
7006 | 115, 250, 548, 570 |
7007 | 115, 250, 548, 570 |
7008 | 115, 250, 548, 570 |
7009 | 210, 250, 498 |
7011 | 912, 914 |
7012 | 912, 914 |
7013 | 912, 914 |
7014 | 912, 914 |
7015 | 912, 914 |
7016 | 912, 914 |
7017 | 912, 914 |
7018 | 912, 914 |
7100 | 302, 303, 304, 305 |
7220 | 400 |
7500 | 906, 907 |
7610 | 210, 306, 309, 409, 414 |
7620 | 210, 307, 310, 409, 414 |
7649 | 210, 308, 311, 409, 414 |
7650 | 210, 308, 311, 409, 414 |
8231 | 067, 185, 911 |
8236 | 094, 185, 911, 912, 914 |
8305 | 064, 186, 911, 912, 914 |
8306 | 057, 186, 911 |
8322 | 011, 186, 911 |
8323 | 040, 186, 911 |
8331 | 067, 185, 911 |
8332 | 077, 186, 911 |
8335 | 097, 185, 911 |
8336 | 094, 185, 186, 911, 912 |
8343 | 094, 186, 911, 912, 914 |
8345 | 043, 911 |
8346 | 043, 911 |
8347 | 043, 911 |
8348 | 043, 911 |
8349 | 186, 702, 911 |
8351 | 046, 185, 911 |
8405 | 064, 186, 911 |
8406 | 057, 186, 911 |
8422 | 011, 186, 911 |
8423 | 040, 186, 911 |
8431 | 067, 185, 911 |
8432 | 077, 186, 911 |
8435 | 097, 185, 911 |
8436 | 094, 185, 186, 911, 912 |
8443 | 094, 186, 911, 912, 914 |
8445 | 043, 185, 911 |
8446 | 043, 185, 911 |
8447 | 043, 185, 911 |
8448 | 043, 185, 911 |
8449 | 186, 702, 911 |
8451 | 046, 185, 911 |
8531 | 911, 912 |
8536 | 094, 185, 911, 912, 914 |
8636 | 094, 185, 911, 912 |
8731 | 067, 185, 911, 912 |
8736 | 094, 185, 911, 912 |
9998 | 140, 162, 400, 402, 481 |
This table lists the forms used in the IRM.
Form Number | Form Title |
Form 23C (RRACS 006) | Summary Record of Assessment/Assessment Certificate (RRACS Form) |
SF 224 | Statement of Transactions (Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service Form) |
Form 813 | Document Register |
Form 813-A | Recap of Document Registers |
Form 1331 | Notice of Adjustment |
Form 2158 | Credit Transfer Voucher (RRACS Report) |
Form 2162 (RRACS 025) | Summary of Assessment Certificates Issued (RRACS Report) |
Form 2162 (RRACS 025A) | Summary of Assessment Certificates Issued for Fiscal Year Ending (RRACS Report) |
Form 2188 | Voucher and Schedule of Overpayment and Overassessments |
Form 2424 | Account Adjustment Voucher |
Form 3244 | Payment Posting Voucher |
Form 3245 | Posting Voucher -Refund Cancellation or Repayment |
Form 3809 | Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher |
Form 4028 | Service Center Control File Adjustment Record |
Form 8166 | RRACS Input Reconciliation Sheet |
RRACS consists of a set of modules. This table lists the RRACS module icons used in the IRM.
Icon Name | Functionality |
RRACS Production Menu | The main folder that contains all the RRACS icons. |
Assessment Main Menu | Module used for service center assessments and abatements. |
Client Manager | Used to log in to RRACS. Note: A login must be performed prior to accessing any of the RRACS modules. |
DBA Main Menu | Module used to perform administrator level functions, most commonly to change the accounting month or reverse accounting journal entries. |
HQ Reports Main Menu | Module used to print all RRACS headquarters reports. |
Journal Research | Module used to retrieve previously entered journals. |
Maintain Local Agency Location | A utility that logs the user into a specific location (service center or headquarters). |
MCCRACS | A terminal emulator that allows direct access to the RACS IBM host mainframe. Runs using terminal commands. Most commonly used to change RACS password, transfer files, or to run SQL queries. |
RACS Main Menu | Module used to perform accounting entries and journals. |
SPC Reports Main Menu | Module used to print all RRACS service center reports. |
Trial Balance | Module used to display debit, credit, and net account balances for a given service center or headquarters. |
Update User Workstation ID | A security utility that updates current workstation and disconnects any other workstations that the user may be logged into. |