2.8.3 AIMS Command Code AMDIS Program Scope and Objectives Background Authority Responsibility Program Management and Review Program Controls Terms/Acronyms/Definitions Related Resources AMDIS and AMDISA Error Messages Command Code AMDISA Exhibit 2.8.3-1 Command Code AMDIS Exhibit 2.8.3-2 Command Code AMDIS Exhibit 2.8.3-3 Command Code AMDIS Exhibit 2.8.3-4 Command Code AMDIS Exhibit 2.8.3-5 Command Code AMDISA Exhibit 2.8.3-6 Command Code AMDIS Exhibit 2.8.3-7 Command Code AMDISA Exhibit 2.8.3-8 Command Code AMDIS(A) Exhibit 2.8.3-9 AMDISA Screen Two -- General Pertinent Information Exhibit 2.8.3-10 AMDISA Screen Three -- Closing Information Exhibit 2.8.3-11 AMDISA Screen Four -- Excise Information Exhibit 2.8.3-12 AMDISA Screen Five -- Appeals Information Exhibit 2.8.3-13 AMDISA Screen Six -- Employee Plans Information Exhibit 2.8.3-14 AMDISA Screen Seven --Historical Information Exhibit 2.8.3-15 AMDISA Screen Eight --BBA Information Exhibit 2.8.3-16 AMDIS -- Summary Screen Exhibit 2.8.3-17 TIN Change Screen Part 2. Information Technology Chapter 8. Audit Information Management System (AIMS) Section 3. AIMS Command Code AMDIS 2.8.3 AIMS Command Code AMDIS Manual Transmittal December 02, 2024 Purpose (1) This transmits revised IRM 2.8.3, Audit Information Management System (AIMS), AIMS Command Code AMDIS. Material Changes (1) IRM 2.8.3 Replaced Wage and Investment (WI, W&I) with Taxpayer Services (TS) throughout the IRM. (2) Exhibit 2.8.3-9 AMDIS screen two updated to add TOTAL-ASSET-AMT and ECI. (3) Exhibit 2.8.3-9 AMDIS screen two General Pertinent Information updated to reflect the correct information for Lines 17 and 18. Effect on Other Documents IRM 2.8.3, dated December 08, 2023, is superseded. Audience This IRM is intended for the general use of IDRS system personnel from all four Business Operating Divisions (TS, SB/SE, LB&I and TE/GE) and Appeals accessing the Audit Information Management System. Effective Date (01-01-2025) Rajiv Uppal Chief Information Officer (12-02-2024) Program Scope and Objectives This IRM section provides the instructions for the Audit Information Management System (AIMS) command code AMDIS. AMDIS is used to display Taxpayer’s Account Information stored on the AIMS Database as it progresses through examination. Records used are IMF, BMF, EPMF and NMF. Purpose: This transmits revised IRM 2.8.3, Audit Information Management System (AIMS), AIMS Command Code AMDIS. Audience: The audience for this IRM section are users of the Audit Information Management System (AIMS). Policy Owner: Information Technology, Chief Information Officer. Program Owner: Information Technology, Applications Development, Compliance, Business Compliance Management System Branch AIMS Related Section. Primary Stakeholders: IDRS users from Appeals, LB&I, SB/SE, TE/GE and TS Program Goals: To provide explicit instructions for the use of command code AMDIS in entering and requesting data. (01-02-2024) Background As a result of a study, it was concluded that Examination had a need for a new information management system. The study group recommended a terminal assisted Audit Information Management System (AIMS). A stand alone direct access terminal system was considered along with the enhancement of IDRS. Enhancement of IDRS was determined to be clearly the best choice for the Service. This new system satisfied Examination Division's current needs for accurate and timely inventory controls, better control of assessments and up-to-date management reports. The system traces examination results through final determination of tax liability including Appeals and Tax Court. After the successful implementation of AIMS for the Examination Division, control of returns in Appeals was added to AIMS. As of January 1, 1977 control of Exempt Organization returns was added and on October 1, 1977 control of Employee Plan returns was added. (01-02-2024) Authority During the summer of 1973, the Deputy Commissioner established a Task Force to identify ADP requirements of Compliance functions, and to make appropriate recommendations to satisfy their needs. (01-02-2024) Responsibility Headquarters AIMS Related Section is responsible for maintaining procedures related to AIMS programming. (01-02-2024) Program Management and Review Command Code AMDIS is managed by Work Requests which are submitted for changes and also by tickets which are submitted by users for corrections. (01-02-2024) Program Controls IRS implements access control measures that provide protection from unauthorized alteration, loss, unavailability, or disclosure of information. SACS controls all the IDRS user accesses and permissions. (01-01-2022) Terms/Acronyms/Definitions The following table defines acronyms frequently used throughout this IRM section: Acronym Definition PBC Primary Business Code SBC Secondary Business Code EGC Employee Group Code TIN Taxpayer Identification Number (01-05-2025) Related Resources TS, SB/SE, TE/GE/ APPEALS (01-01-2018) AMDIS and AMDISA When AMDIS or AMDISA is input with the TIN and File Source ONLY, the output display returned will be a summary screen of all modules - in tax period order - present on AIMS See Exhibit 2.8.3-16. If only one module is present on AIMS, then the Output Display defaults to screen-one See Exhibit 2.8.3-8. When AMDIS is input with the TIN, File Source, MFT (or Plan Number or Plan Report Number) and Tax Period, then screen-one will be the output display See Exhibit 2.8.3-8. If the modifier "A" is added to CC AMDIS and input with the TIN, File Source, MFT (or Plan Number) and Tax Period, then up to eight screens will be output. Each screen has a fixed format See Exhibit 2.8.3-8, See Exhibit 2.8.3-9, See Exhibit 2.8.3-10, See Exhibit 2.8.3-11, See Exhibit 2.8.3-12, See Exhibit 2.8.3-13, See Exhibit 2.8.3-14 and Exhibit 2.8.3-15. Note: If the requested tax period is not present on the AIMS then a Summary Screen of available modules will be displayed (see Exhibit 2.8.3-16). Screen-one displays general pertinent information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-8. Screen-two displays general pertinent information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-9. Screen-three displays closing information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-10. Screen-four displays excise information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-11. Screen-five displays Appeals information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-12. Screen-six displays Employee Plans information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-13. Screen-seven displays Historical Information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-14. Screen-eight displays BBA Information See Exhibit 2.8.3-15. CC AMDIS(A) stores the input entries for use by subsequent command codes. (01-01-2011) Error Messages Command Code AMDISA On input of CC AMDIS and AMDISA if any errors are encountered, any of the following messages may appear on line 13: FOR EGC XXXX SOURCE CODE 79 INVALID FOR NMF MFT 34 EGC XXXX must be 72XX or 77XX or 79XX INVALID MFT MFT field is blank or date in field does not meet standard validity checks. Correct and Re-enter. INVALID PLAN NUMBER Plan number not numeric. Correct and re-enter. INVALID PLAN-RPT-NUM Self-explanatory. INVALID TAX PERIOD Tax period does not meet standard consistency checks. Correct and re-enter. INVALID TIN Input TIN and/or File source indicator do not meet standard validity criteria. Correct and re-enter. MFT 46/76/84/85/86 - PLAN-RPT-NUM MUST BE INPUT Self-explanatory. MFT/TIN INCONSISTENT TIN is SSN and MFT is not valid for SSN or TIN is an EIN and MFT is not valid for an EIN. Correct and re-enter. NO DATA REVERSE VALIDITY ON AIMS No AIMS Data on the AIMS account on the valid side will automatically reverse the validity with an ‘*’ give this error message and vice versa for the invalid side PLAN-RPT-NUM NOT VALID FOR NMF CASES PLAN-RPT-NUM must not be input with display file source "N" PLAN-RPT-NUM ONLY VALID WITH MFT 46/76/84/85/86 Self-explanatory. REQUESTED RECORD NOT AVAILABLE No record on AIMS for TIN, FS, MFT & TAX-PRD input SYSTEM ERROR ON ACCESS/UPDATE Input/output error while accessing AIMS Database TIN/FS INCONSISTENT FS not consistent with TIN. Correct and Re-enter TIN CHANGED TO XXXXXXXXX Match is on a changed TIN. Re-Enter new TIN Exhibit 2.8.3-1 Command Code AMDIS 1. File Source "N" only a. Input Display Title: Input display for Command Code AMDIS with file source N. Description: This represents a screen shot of a input display for Command Code AMDIS for file source N. Line 1 consist of AMDIS, 1 space and 11 X’s and 1 N. Line 2 consist of 2 X’s, 1 space, 6 X’s, 5 spaces and 3 X’s. The rest of the screen is blank. The element number, line number, screen position and element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. b. Record Element Description ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 1 1-5 CC AMDIS 2 1 7-18 TIN and FILE SOURCE 3 2 1-2 MFT 4 2 4-9 Tax Period - YYYYMM 5 2 11-13 Plan Report Number 6 2 15-17 Plan Number Exhibit 2.8.3-2 Command Code AMDIS 1. All File Sources except "P" or "N" a. Input Display Title: Input display for Command Code AMDIS for all file sources except P or N. Description: This represents a screen shot of a input display for Command Code AMDIS for all file sources except P or N. Line 1 consist of AMDIS, 1 space, 12 X’s. Line 2 consist of 2 X’s, 1 space and 6 X’s. The rest of the screen is blank. The element number, line number, screen position and element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. b. Record Element Description ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 1 1-5 CC AMDIS 2 1 7-18 TIN and File Source 3 2 1-2 MFT 2 - Digit Numeric 4 2 4-9 Tax Period - YYYYMM Format 5 2 11-13 Plan Report Number Exhibit 2.8.3-3 Command Code AMDIS 1. File Source "P" only a. Input Display Title: Input display for Command Code AMDIS for file source P only. Description: This represents a screen shot of a input display for Command Code AMDIS for file source P only. Line 1 consist of AMDIS, 1 space 11 X’s and the letter P. Line 2 consist of 2 X’s, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space and 3 X’s. The rest of the screen is blank. The element number, line number, screen position and element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. b. Record Element Description ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 1 1-5 CC AMDIS 2 1 7-18 TIN and File Source ‘P’ 3 2 1-2 MFT 2 - Digit Numeric 4 2 5-10 Tax Period - YYYYMM Format 5 2 15-17 Plan Number - 3 Digit Numeric Exhibit 2.8.3-4 Command Code AMDIS FORMAT FOR INPUT SCREENS 1. AMDIS AND TIN ONLY INPUT WILL YIELD SUMMARY SCREEN AS OUTPUT DISPLAY SEE EXHIBIT 2.8.3-16 (Note: If only one tax module exists then SCREEN ONE is displayed.) Title: Format for Input screens for Command Code AMDIS. Description: This represents a screen shot of a format for input screen for Command Code AMDIS with AMDIS and TIN only as input. Line 1 consist of AMDIS, 1 space and 12 X’s. The rest of the screen is blank. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-5 Command Code AMDISA Input Display for AMDISA is the same format as the input for AMDIS Output Display Upon the input of CC " AMDISA" , if no errors are encountered and there is a match on AIMS with the TIN, File Source, MFT (or PLAN NO.) and Tax Period, then up to eight output screens may be displayed. Screen One of AMDISA will display the general pertinent information about the Taxpayer's account. See Exhibit 2.8.3-8. Screen Two of AMDISA will display the general pertinent information about the taxpayer's account. See Exhibit 2.8.3-9. Screen Three of AMDISA will display the accounts closing information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-10. Screen Four of AMDISA will display the Excise information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-11. Screen Five of AMDISA will display the Appeals information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-12. Screen Six of AMDISA will display the Employee Plans information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-13. Screen Seven of AMDISA will display Historical information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-14. Screen Eight of AMDISA will display BBA Information. See Exhibit 2.8.3-15. If a screen does not contain information, then that page will not be displayed. ELEMENTS PRECEDED BY AN ASTERISK (*) WILL BE: DISPLAYED ONLY IF PRESENT ON TIF SECTIONS. Upon input of CC AMDIS, if no errors are encountered, and there is a match on the AIMS with the TIN, FILE SOURCE, MFT, and Tax period five valid responses or output displays are possible: Full Account Display (Screen One only); See Exhibit 2.8.3-8. TC 424 Display (Screen One only); Line 8 of See Exhibit 2.8.3-8. Match on TIN only Display (Summary Screen); See Exhibit 2.8.3-16. Tin-Change Record Display (Tin-Change Screen); See Exhibit 2.8.3-17. Output Display All records except File Source "P" . For File Source "P" , the "AIMS-SER-NUM" heading will be changed to "PLAN-NUM " and the PLAN NUMBER will be displayed not the Serial Number. FORMAT FOR INPUT SCREENS 1. AMDISA AND TIN ONLY INPUT WILL YIELD SUMMARY SCREEN AS OUTPUT DISPLAY SEE EXHIBIT 2.8.3-16. (Note: If only one tax module exists then SCREEN ONE is displayed.) Title: Format for Input screens for Command Code AMDIS. Description: This represents a screen shot of a format for input screen for Command Code AMDIS with AMDISA and TIN only as input. Line 1 consist of AMDISA and 12 X’s. The rest of the screen is blank. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-6 Command Code AMDIS FORMAT FOR INPUT SCREENS 1. AMDIS, TIN, MFT (or PLAN-NUM), AND TAX-PRD INPUT WILL YIELD SCREEN ONE OF AMDIS AS OUTPUT DISPLAY SEE EXHIBIT 2.8.3-8. (Note: If the tax period requested is not found on AIMS, then reverts to Summary Screen.) Title: Format for Input screens for Command Code AMDIS. Description: This represents a screen shot of the format for input screen for Command Code AMDIS with AMDIS, TIN, MFT, or PLAN NUMBER and TAX PERIOD. Line 1 consist of AMDIS, 1 space and 12 X’s. Line 2 consist of 2 X’s, 1 space, 6 X’s, 5 spaces and 3 X’s. The rest of the screen is blank. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-7 Command Code AMDISA FORMAT FOR INPUT SCREENS 1. AMDISA, TIN, MFT (or PLAN-NUM), AND TAX-PRD INPUT WILL YIELD SCREEN ONE TO EIGHT AMDISA SCREENS SEE EXHIBIT 2.8.3-8 THRU 2.8.3-15. (Note: If the tax period requested is not found on the AIMS, then Summary Screen is displayed.) Title: Format for Input screens for Command Code AMDIS. Description: This represents a screen shot of a format for input screen for Command Code AMDIS ith AMDISA, TIN, MFT, or PLAN NUMBER and TAX PERIOD. Line 1 consist of AMDIS, 1 space and 12 X’s. Line 2 consist of 2 X’s, 1 space, 6 X’s, 5 spaces and 3 X’s. The rest of the screen is blank. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-8 Command Code AMDIS(A) Full Account output display AMDIS or AMDIS (A) DISPLAY SCREEN ONE Title: Full account output display for Command Codes AMDIS or AMDISA . Description: This represents a screen shot of a full account output display for Command Codes AMDIS or AMDISA screen one. Line 1 consist of AMDISA, 12 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, literal *PLAN- RPT- NUM, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal NM-CTRL, 1 space, 4 X’s and literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space, 35 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT 29 TEGE, 3 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, 1 space and 7 X’s. Line 3 consist of literal ASED, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash, 4 X’s, 2 spaces, literal *DATE-OF-DEATH, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash, 2 X’s, 1 spaces, 1 forward slash, 4 X’s, *, literal LCC, 9 spaces, literal OPNG-CRTN-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash and 4 X’s. Line 4 consist of literal SOURCE-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 34 X’s, 2 spaces, literal EXAM-START-CD/DT, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash and 4 X’s. Line 5 consist of literal *CLAIM-AMT/DT,, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, 2 spaces, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal *JT-INVSTGTN, 2 spaces and literal *CORR-RECD-DT/VOL, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash, 2 X’s, 1 forward slash, 4 X’s and 1 space,2X’s. Line 6 consist of literal *DIF-SCORE, 1 space, literal DIF-LEVEL, 1 space, 5 X’s, dash, literal *DIF/DIS-RSN-CD, 1 space, 1 X, literal *FORM-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s, literal *LIN-LNK, 1 space and 10 X’s. Line 7 consist of literal ACTY-CD, 1 space, 3 X’s, literal *MF-TC, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s , 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal *SUSP-CD, 1 space, 1 X, literal *DIS-IND, 1 space and 1 X. Line 8 consist of literal *SPOUSE-IRA-CD, 1 space, 1 X, literal *RETN-REG-IND, 1 space, literal *AIMS-FRZ-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 1 X, 8 spaces, literal *SPOUSE-SSN, 1 spaces and 12 X’s. Line 9 consist of literal STATUTE- XTR-CTN-IND, 1 space, 1 X, 2 spaces, literal PARTIAL-AGRMT-IND, 1 space, 1 X, 2 spaces, literal TC-300-IND, 1 space, 1 X, literal *SPOUSE CHANGE IND, 1 space, 1 X and 5 spaces. Line 10 consist of literal PBC, 1 space, 3 X’s, literal SBC, 1 space, 5 X’s, 1 space, literal POD, 1 space, 3 X’s, 2 spaces, literal *SC TRANSFERRED FROM, 1 spaces 3 X’s, literal AMSOC-TRANSFER-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s. Line 11 consist of literal EGC/DT, 1 space, 4 X’s, 2 spaces, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 11 spaces, literal PRIOR-EGC/DT, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal PRIOR-SBC, 1 spaces, 4 X’s and 3 spaces. Line 12 consist of 1 space, literal CURRENT-STATUS-CD/DATE, 6 spaces, literal AOC, 1 space, 3 X’s, 4 spaces, literal PRIOR-STATUS-CD/DATE, 6 spaces, literal PRIOR-AOC, 1 space and 3 X’s. Line 13 consist of literal 90 CLOSED,19 X’s, 1 space, literal MM/DD/YYYY, 1 space 2 X’s, 1 space, 26 X’s, 1 space, literal MM/DD/YYYY. Line 14 consist of literal PROJ-CD, 1 space, 4 X’s, literal *TRACK-CD, 1 space, 4 X’s, literal *TEGE-SP-DF, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal PUSH-CD, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, literal PICF-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space , literal *TC 424 RECORD and 1 space. Line 15 consist of literal *DISP-CD/DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 2 x’s forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, literal *CLS-PBC, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, literal *XREF -DLN, 1 space, 14 X;s, literal *VER-ASSMT-CD, 1 space, 1 X and 4 spaces. Line 16 consist of literal RET RECVD DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X;s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal *DELQ-RET- IND, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space, literal RET-PSTING-YR, 1 space, 4 X;s, literal UPDT-CD, 1 space, 1 X, literal *PR-UPDT-CD, 1 space and 1 X. Line 17 consist of literal *CAF-IND, 1 space, 1 X, literal *AGING-RC, 1 space, 3 X’s, literal *AIMS-OPEN-CTRL-NUM, 1 space, 12 X’s, literal *FLOWTHRU-IND, 1 space 1 X, literal *TC424 CD, 1 space and 1 X. Line 18 consist of literal *MF/IRS EMP-SECOND SSN, literal *AIMS-IRS-EMP-CD, 1 space, 1 X, literal *ICE-IND, 1 space 1 X, 1 space, literal *COMBAT ZONE PARTICIPANT and 6 spaces. Line 19 consist of literal NM-LN-YR, 1 space, 4 X’s, literal MF-NAME-LINE, 1 space and 35 X’s, 1 space, literal SC/AO-TRANSF-CD, 1 space, 1X. Line 20 consist of literal *ADD-CHG-CYC, 1 space, 6 X’s, 6 spaces, literal CONT-OF- PRIMARY-NAME., 1 space and 35 X’s. Line 21 consist of literal *INSP-RETURN: ACCEPTED, 3 spaces, literal *ACT-IND, 1 space, 1 X, 4 spaces, literal STREET, 1 space and 35 X’s. Line 22 consist of literal *BANKRUPTCY, 2 spaces, literal *FRGN-RET-IND, 1 space , 1 X, 2 spaces, literal CITY, 1 space, 22 X’s, 2 spaces, literal STATE, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 spaces literal ZIP, 1 space, 9 X’s. Line 23 consist of literal *THIS IS THE ONLY TAX PERIOD AVAILABLE ON AIMS FOR THIS TIN**PCC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 4 X’s. Line 24 is blank. Elements with an asterisk will be displayed only if present on the TIF sections. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE 1: IF MFT IS 52 OR 53, GENERATE LITERAL "DECD" IN TX-PRD FIELD. LINE 3: IF MFT IS 52 OR 53, DISPLAY "DT-OF-DEATH> XX/XX/XXXX" AFTER ASED. LINE 7: DISPLAY UP TO EIGHT MF TRANSACTION CODE LITERALS. INFORMATION COMPILED FROM TIF-80, 81, 88, AND 89. ELEMENTS PRECEDED BY AN ASTERISK (*) WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY IF PRESENT ON TIF SECTIONS. Command Code AMDIS OR AMDIS (A) 1. TC424 Record Output Display If the matching record on AIMS is a AIMS TC424 record (the account was placed on AIMS by CC AM424, the display will be a standard AMDIS output display See Exhibit 2.8.3-8. Except, the literal "TC424 RECORD" will appear on line 8. 2. Match on TIN only display Command Code AMDIS, input with TIN and File Source only, will display summary data on all accounts on AIMS for the given TIN and F/S. This processing will also happen if the MFT (PLAN NUMBER), Tax Period input do not match a record on AIMS but the TIN, F/S did have a match. Multiple summary screens for a single TIN are possible. Note: If the CC AMDIS(A) is input with the TIN and File Source only and there is only one module (tax period) on AIMS - a summary screen is not necessary - therefore screen one will be displayed. Exhibit 2.8.3-9 AMDISA Screen Two -- General Pertinent Information Title: AMDISA Screen Two . Description: This represents a screen shot of AMDISA screen two general pertinent information. Line 1 consist of AMDISA, 12 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, literal *PLAN- RPT- NUM, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal NM-CTRL, 1 space, 4 X’s and literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space, 35 X’s, 15 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, 1 space, and 7 X’s. Line 3 consist of literal *AIMS-OPENING-SOURCE-CD, 1 space 2 X’s, 3 spaces, literal RETURN-FORM-NUMBER, 1 spaces, 8 X’s, literal *NBAP-LTR-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s and forward slash, 4 X’s. Line 4 consist of literal TECH-SERVICES-CD/DT, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 6 spaces, literal PRIOR-TECH-SERVICES-CD/DT, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s. Line 5 consist of literal *SURVEY-REASON-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 4 spaces, literal * TEFRA-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space, 9 X’s, literal TDC-CD, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, and 25 X’s. Line 6 consist of literal *ASSET-CLASS-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, literal *AUDIT-CD, 1 space, 15 X’s, 3 spaces, literal *C-F IND, 1 space, 1 X, 5 spaces, literal EITC-PROJECT-CD, 1 space and 1 X. Line 7 consist of literal TOT- POS-INCOME-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s and minus sign, 4 spaces, literal *TOTAL-ASSEST-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 1 X, comma, 3 X’s, comma, 3 X’s, comma, 3 X’s, comma, 3 X’s, comma, period, 2X’s, 3 spaces. Line 8 consist of literal *REOPENING-IND, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space, 15 X’s, 1 spaces, literal *CONVERSION-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s and forward slash, 4 X’s, literal *CLEANUP-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s and forward slash, 4 X’s and 1 space. Line 9 literal EXAM-NAICS-CD, 1 space 6 X’s, 2 spaces, literal *RET/5546/LABELS NOT REQ and 4 spaces. Line 10 consist of literal *TEGE-OPEN-CASE-GR, 1 space, 4 X’s, literal *TEP-CASE-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 2 spaces, literal VCAP-IND, 1 space, 1 X, 5 spaces, literal HISTORIC-ACT-CD, 1 space, 3 X;s and 7 spaces. Line 11 consist of literal *ARDI-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space, 28 X’s, 15 spaces, literal *TIES-IND, 1 space, 1 X, 4 spaces, literal *ELF RETURN and 1 space. Line 12 consist of literal *ESTIMATED-TAX-IND, 13 spaces, literal *PRIOR-TIN, 1 space, 3 X’s, dash, 2 X’s, dash, 4 X’s, 6 spaces, literal *TIN-CHC-CYCLE, 1 space, 6 X’s and 1 spaces. Line 13 consist literal BOD-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s, 3 spaces, literal CLIENT-CD, 1 space, 3 X’s, 5 spaces, literal *X-REF-TIN, 1 space, 3 X’s, dash, 2 X’s, dash, 3 X’s, 1 space, literal *OPENING-DLN, 1 space, 14 X’s. Line 14 consist of literal GROSS-ESTATE-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 1 X, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, 2 X’s, minus sign, 1 space, literal ADJ-TAXABLE-GIFTS, 1 space, 1 space, dollar sign, 1 X, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, 2 X’s, minus sign. Line 15 consist of literal *TRANSFER-IDRS-NUM, 1 space, 10 X’s, 2 spaces, literal *ID-THEFT-50X-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s, 3 spaces, literal *ID-THEFT-52X-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s and 9 spaces, Line 16 consist of literal *CRIMINAL-RESTITUTION-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 2 spaces, literal *RR-99-40-IND, 1 space, 1 X and the rest of the line is blank Line 17 consist of literal PICF-CD, 1 X, 1 space, 38 X’s, the rest of the line is blank. Line 18 consist of literal PCS-1-YR-ASSESS-DT, 1 space, 10 X’s,1 space, literal PCS-1-YR-CLS-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space, 30 X’s, 2 spaces. Lines 19-22 are blank. Line 23 consist of 56 spaces, literal *PCC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s and 1 space, Line 24 consist of literal EMP, minus sign, pound sign, 10 X’s, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, 002, literal OF, 1 space, 007, 1 space, literal NEXT PAGE, 1 space and 3 Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-10 AMDISA Screen Three -- Closing Information Title: AMDISA Screen three . Description: This represents a screen shot of AMDISA screen three closing information. Line 1 consist of AMDISA, 12 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, literal *PLAN- RPT- NUM, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal NM-CTRL, 1 space, 4 X’s and literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space, 35 X’s, 15 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, 1 space, and 7 X’s. Line 3 consist of literal LAST-AMT-PUT-IN-CUM, 1 space, dollar sign, 1 X, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 2 X’s, minus sign, 2 spaces, literal *AMCLSI-REF-NUM-160-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma 2 X’s and minus sign. Line 4 consist of literal EXAM-CUM-ASSMNT-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 1 X, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 2 X’s, minus sign and the rest of the line is blank. Line 5 consist of literal MAN-ASSMNT-AMT, 6 spaces, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and the rest of the line is blank. Line 6 consist of literal UNAGREED-AMT, 8 spaces, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and the rest of the line is blank. Line 7 consist of literal EXAM-ADJ-AMT, 8 spaces, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign, 16 spaces, literal *INTERNATL-EXAM-RESULTS, 1 space, 3 X’s and percent sign. Line 8 consist of literal AIMS/EXAM-RESULTS, 3 spaces, dollar sign, 2 X‘s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and the rest of the line is blank. Line 9 consist of literal *WHIPSAW-IND, 1 space, 1 X, 2 spaces, literal *AUTO-LONG-CLOSURE-IND, 1 space, 1 X, 19 spaces, literal *RPT-EX-CYC-CD, 1 space, 6 X’s, forward slash and 1 X. Line 10 consist of literal APPLICABLE-CREDIT-ADJ-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign, 1 space, literal *3121Q-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, 1 space, literal *DELQ-RET-CD, 1 space, 1 X and 3 spaces. Line 11 consist of literal *GR-CASE-, 1 space, 4 X’s, 4 spaces, literal *DSUE-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign 19 spaces, literal *FRAUD-COND-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s and 6 spaces. Line 12 consist of literal *EXAM-GR, 1 space, 2 X’s, 3 spaces, literal *EXAM-TECH-CD, 1 space, 1 X, literal *INTERNATL-EXAM-TIME, 1 space, 3 X’s, percent sign, 3 spaces, literal *EXAM-TIME, 1 space, 5 X’s, 1 space, 1 X and 6 spaces. Line 13 consist of literal *EO-CASE-ISSUE-CD, 1 space, 3 X’s, 8 spaces, 1 asterisk, 11 X’s, 40 spaces. Line 14 consist of literal *EXAM-CLAIM-AMT-DISALLOWED, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign, 17 spaces, literal *CLAIM-HOURS, 1 space, 5 X’s, 1 space, 1 X and 3 spaces. Line 15 consist of literal *CLAIM-REJN-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 33 spaces, literal *CLAIM-TYPE, 1 space, 1 X and 10 spaces. Line 16 consist of literal *RELATED-RETURN-ALPHA-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 5 spaces, literal *RELATED-MFT-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s, 9 spaces, literal *AMCLSS-IND, 1 space, 1 X and 10 spaces. Line 17 consist of literal *RELATED-TIN, 1 spaces, 12 X’s, 6 spaces, literal *RELATED-TAX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 5 spaces, literal *FAXED AGREEMENT and 7 spaces. Line 18 consist of literal *INSTALLMENT-AGREEMENT-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 31 spaces, literal *PAYMENT-CD, 1 space, 1 X and 10 spaces. Line 19 is blank. Line 20 consist of literal *NOL-CF-DISL, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, 2 spaces, literal *NOL-IND, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, 2 spaces, literal *CR-TYPE, 1 space and 1 X. Line 21 consist of literal *DEL-RTN-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign, 11 spaces, literal *AMENDED-RTN-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 8 spaces. Line 22 is blank. Line 23 consist of 57 spaces, literal *PCC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 4 X’s, Line 24 consist of literal EMP, minus sign, pound sign, 10 X’s, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, 003, literal OF, 1 space, 007, 1 space, literal NEXT PAGE 004 and 35 spaces. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-11 AMDISA Screen Four -- Excise Information Title: AMDISA Screen four . Description: This represents a screen shot of AMDISA screen four excise information. Line 1 consist of AMDISA, 12 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, literal *PLAN- RPT- NUM, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal NM-CTRL, 1 space, 4 X’s and literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space, 35 X’s, 15 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, Line 3 consist of 29 spaces, literal *EXCISE SECTION* and 34 spaces. Line 4 consist of literal ABSTRACT-CODE, 6 spaces, literal DISPOSAL-CODE, 7 spaces, literal ABST-TIME, 10 spaces, literal RESULTS, 6 spaces, literal CLAIM-TIME. Lines 5-19 consist of 5 spaces, 3 X’s, 17 spaces, 2 X’s, 13 spaces, 4 X’s, period, 1 X, 9 spaces, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign, 5 spaces, 5 X’s, period, 1 X and 1 space. Lines 20 -22 are blank. Line 23 consist of 57 spaces, literal *PCC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 4 X’s, Line 24 consist of literal EMP, minus sign, pound sign, 10 X’s, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, 004, literal OF, 1 space, 007, 1 space, literal NEXT PAGE 005 and 35 spaces. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-12 AMDISA Screen Five -- Appeals Information Title: AMDISA Screen five . Description: This represents a screen shot of AMDISA screen five appeals information. Line 1 consist of AMDISA, 12 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, literal *PLAN- RPT- NUM, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal NM-CTRL, 1 space, 4 X’s and literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space, 35 X’s, 15 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, Line 3 consist of 26 spaces, literal *APPEALS SECTIONS* and 37 spaces. Line 4 consist of literal APPL-CD, 1 space, 3 X’s, 28 spaces, literal PRIOR-APPL-CD, 1 space, 3 X’s and 24 spaces. Line 5 consist of literal APPL-CLOSING-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 18 X’s, 2 spaces, literal APPL-TRANSFER-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash 4 X’s, and 14 spaces. Line 6 consist of literal APPEALS-RESULTS-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign, 4 spaces, literal COUNSEL-RESULTS-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign, 3 spaces . Line 7 consist of literal APPL-ADJ-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 51 spaces. Line 8 consist of literal CNSL-ADJ-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 51 spaces. Line 9 consist of literal APPL-GRADE, 1 space, 1 X, 7 spaces, literal APPL-TIME, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, 1 X, 9 spaces, literal CNSL-GRADE, 1 space, 1 X, 9 spaces, literal CNSL-TIME, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space and 1 X. Line 10 consist of literal APPL-CLAIM-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 52 spaces. Line 11 consist of literal APPL-CLAIM-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 52 spaces. Line 12 consist of literal EXAM-CLAIM-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 52 spaces. Line 13 consist of literal APPL-EXTRACT-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, and 58 spaces. Lines 14-22 are blank. Line 23 consist of 57 spaces, literal *PCC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 4 X’s, Line 24 consist of literal EMP, minus sign, pound sign, 10 X’s, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, 005, literal OF, 1 space, 007, 1 space, literal NEXT PAGE XX and 36 spaces. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-13 AMDISA Screen Six -- Employee Plans Information Title: AMDISA Screen six . Description: This represents a screen shot of AMDISA screen six employee plans information. Line 1 consist of AMDISA, 12 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, literal *PLAN- RPT- NUM, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal NM-CTRL, 1 space, 4 X’s and literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space, 35 X’s, 15 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, Line 3 consist of 30 spaces, literal *EP SECTION* and 37 spaces. Line 4 consist of literal NUM-OF-PARTCP, 1 space, 8 X’s, 23 spaces, literal PLAN-TYPE, 1 space, 1 X and 24 spaces. Line 5 consist of 45 spaces, literal FORM, 1 space, 6 X’s and 24 spaces. Line 6 consist of literal PNLTY-AMT, , 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 57 spaces. Line 7 consist of literal DED-CLAIMED, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 51 spaces. Line 8 consist of literal TAXES-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 57 spaces. Line 9 consist of literal ADJ-TO-SBSE-TS-LB&I, 1 space, dollar sign, 2 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma 3 X’s, minus sign and 44 spaces. Line 10 consist of literal TOT-TRUST-ASSMNT-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, minus sign and 41 spaces. Line 11 consist of literal EP-CLSNG-AGREEMNT-RSLTS-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s and 35 spaces. Line 12 consist of literal EP-PIC-NAICS-CD, 1 space, 6 X’s and 58 spaces. Line 13 consist of 46 spaces, literal COND-CD, 1 space, 2 X’s and 24 spaces. Lines 14-22 are blank. Line 23 consist of 57 spaces, literal *PCC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 4 X’s, Line 24 consist of literal EMP, minus sign, pound sign, 10 X’s, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, 006, literal OF, 1 space, 007, 1 space, literal NEXT PAGE XX and 36 spaces. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-14 AMDISA Screen Seven --Historical Information Title: AMDISA Screen seven. Description: This represents a screen shot of AMDISA screen seven historical information. Line 1 consist of AMDISA, 12 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, literal *PLAN- RPT- NUM, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal NM-CTRL, 1 space, 4 X’s and literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space, 35 X’s, 15 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, Line 3 consist of 26 spaces, literal *AIMS STATUS-CD HISTORY* and 30 spaces. Line 4 consist of literal ST - STATUS, 5 spaces, literal ST- STATUS and 55 spaces. Line 5 consist of literal CD -CD-DT, 5 spaces, literal CD -CD-DT and 55 spaces. Lines 6-13 consist of , 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 8 X’s, 3 spaces, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 8 X’s and 53 spaces. Lines 15-22 consist of 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 8 X’s and 68 spaces. Line 23 consist of 57 spaces, literal *PCC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 4 X’s, Line 24 consist of literal EMP, minus sign, pound sign, 10 X’s, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, 007, literal OF, 1 space, 007, 1 space, literal NEXT PAGE XXX and 35 spaces. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-15 AMDISA Screen Eight --BBA Information Title: AMDISA Screen eight. Description: This represents a screen shot of AMDISA screen eight BBA information. Line 1 consist of AMDISA, 12 X’s, 1 space, literal MFT, 1 space, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, 6 X’s, 1 space, literal *PLAN- RPT- NUM, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal NM-CTRL, 1 space, 4 X’s, 2 spaces and literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space, 35 X’s, 15 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, 1 space and 7 X’s, Line 3 consist of 26 spaces, literal *BBA PARTNERSHIP* and 37 spaces. Line 4 consist of literal EARLY-ELECT-INTO-BBA-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space 8 X’s, 2 spaces, literal NAP-Dt, 1 space, 2 X’s , forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s, 2 spaces, literal AUDIT-CTRL-NUM, 1 space, 10 X’s. Line 5 consist of literal ELECT-OUT-OF-BBA-CD,1 space, 1X, 5 spaces, literal 6235(a)(1)-DT, 1 space, literal (PPA DEADLINE), 1 space, 2X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s, 1 space, literal PPA-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s. Line 6 consist of literal ELECT-OUT-K1-COUNT, 1 space, 3 X’S, 23 spaces, literal FPA-DL-DT, 1 space, 2X’s, forward slash, 2X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s, 1 space, literal FPA-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X;s forward slash and 4 X;s. Line 7 consist of 1 space, literal IU-PS-ADJ-YR-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X;s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, period, 2 X’s, minus sign, 15 spaces, literal PUSH-OUT-ELECTION-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s. Line 8 consist of literal IU-PUSHED-OUT-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X;s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, period, 2 X’s, minus sign, 13 spaces, literal PUSH-OUT-REVOCATION-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s. Line 9 consist of 50 spaces, literal PUSH-OUT-DEFAULT-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s. Line 10 consist of 1 space, literal IU-REDUCTION-AMT, 1 space, dollar sign, 3 X;s, coma, 3 X’s, coma, 3 X’s, period, 2 X’s, minus sign, 11 spaces, literal PUSH-OUT-CD, 1 space, 1 X and 21 X’s. Line 11 consist of 1 space, literal IU-ADJ-YR, 1 space, 6 X’s, 28 spaces, literal PUSH-OUT-PACKAGE-RECD-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s. Line 12 consist of literal ADD-MOD-DAYS-CURRENT, 1 space, 3 X’s, 3 spaces, literal ADD-MOD-DAYS-CUM, 1 space, 4 X’s, 8 spaces, literal MOD-TYPE-CD and 13 spaces. Line 13 consist of literal MOD-REQUEST-DECISION-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space, 12 X’s, 9 spaces, 1 X, 1 space and 30 X’s. Line 14 consist of literal MOD-DETERMINATION-LTR-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 12 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces and 30 X’s. Line 15 consist of 8 spaces, literal MOD-EXTENSION-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s, 11 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces and 30 X’s. Line 16 consist of 11 spaces, literal MOD-WAIVER-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 12 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces, and 30 X’s. Line 17 consist of 4 spaces, literal MOD-REQUEST-RECVD-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X's, forward slash, 4 X’s, 12 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces and 30 X’s. Line 18 consist of 11 spaces, literal FPA-WAIVER-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 4 X’s, 12 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces and 30 X’s. Line 19 consist of literal BBA-CHAPTER-2-2A-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 1 space, 16 X’s, 9 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces and 30 X’s. Line 20 consist of literal 6225(c)(7)-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s, 2 spaces, literal MOD-WAIVER-DT-CD, 1 space, 1 X, 6 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces and 30 X’s. Line 21 consist of literal 6235(a)(3)-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s forward slash and 4 X’s, 26 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces and 30 X’s. Line 22 consist of literal 6235(a)(2)-DT, 1 space, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash and 4 X’s, 26 spaces, 1 X, 2 spaces and 30 X’s. Line 23 consist of 57 spaces, literal *PCC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 4 X’s. Line 24 consist of literal EMP, minus sign, pound sign, 10 X’s, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, literal 008, 1 space, literal OF, 1 space, literal 008, 1 space, literal NEXT, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, 2 X’s and 36 spaces. Please click here for the text description of the image. Exhibit 2.8.3-16 AMDIS -- Summary Screen Title: AMDIS summary screen, Description: This represents a screen shot of AMDIS summary screen. Line 1 consist of AMDIS, 1 space, 12 X’s, 53 spaces, literal *PDT*. Line 2 consist of 11 spaces, literal ST-, 4 spaces, literal SER/RPT, 29 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT-, 7 X’s, 2 spaces, literal PRJ, 2 spaces, literal FRZ and 1 space. Line 3 consist of literal MFT, 1 space, literal TX-PRD, 1 space, literal CD, 1 space, literal PBC, 1 space, literal NUMBER, 7 spaces, literal EGC, 2 spaces, literal NC/CD, 1 space, literal SC, 1 space, literal PICF, 3 spaces, literal ASED, 6 spaces, literal CRTN-DT, 2 spaces, literal -CD, 2 spaces, literal -CD and 1 space. Lines 4-7 consist of 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 6 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 12 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 2 spaces, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 1 X, 3 spaces, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 5 X’s, 1 space, 8 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 1 X. Line 8 consist of 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 6 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 12 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 2 spaces, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 1 X, 9 spaces, literal TC-424, 1 space, literal DATE=, 1 space, 8 X’s and 3 spaces. Line 9 consist of 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 6 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 12 X’s, 4 spaces, literal TIN CHANGE REC, 1 space, 3 X’s, dash, 2 X’s, dash, 5 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s and 14 spaces. Line 10-16 consist of 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 6 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, 3 X’s, 1 space, 12 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s, 2 spaces, 2 X’s, 2 spaces, 1 X, 3 spaces, 2 X’s, forward slash, 2 X’s, forward slash, 5 X’s, 1 space, 8 X’s, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space and 1 X. Line 17 consist of the literal (THE ABOVE LINE WILL REPEAT FOR ALL AVAILABLE TAX MODULES.) and the rest of the line is blank. Line 18 is blank. Line 19 consist of literal NM-LN-YR, 1 space, 4 X’s, 20 space, literal PRIMARY-NAME, 1 space and 35 X’s. Line 20 consist of 16 spaces, literal CONTINUATION-OF-PRIMARY-NAME and 35 X’s. Line 21 consist of literal *ADD-CHG-CYC, 1 space, 6 X’s, 21 spaces, literal STREET and 35 X’s. Line 22 consists of 29 spaces, literal CITY, 1 space, 22 X’s, 2 spaces, literal STATE, 1 space, literal STATE, 1 space, 2 X’s, 1 space, literal ZIP, 1 space and 9 X’s. Line 23 is blank. Line 24 consist of literal EMP, dash, pound sign, 10 X’s, 1 space, literal PAGE, 1 space, literal 001, 1 space, literal OF, 1 space, 3 pound signs, 1 space, literal NEXT PAGE, 1 space, 3 pound signs and 35 spaces. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE 6: THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A TRANSFER SUMMARY LINE. THE XXX AFTER THE "TRANS FROM" LITERAL IS THE AIMS PRIOR PBC. LINE 8: THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A SUMMARY LINE FOR MODULES CREATED BY CC AM424 THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FULLY ESTABLISHED ON THE AIMS. LINE 9: THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF TIN-CHANGE RECORD. Exhibit 2.8.3-17 TIN Change Screen Title: TIN change screen. Description: This represents a screen shot of the TIN change screen for Command Code AMDIS. Line 1 consist of literal AMDIS, 1 space 12 X’s. Line 2 consist of 2 X’s, 1 space, 6 X’s, 46 spaces, literal JULIAN-DT, 1 space and 7 X’s. Lines 3-6 are blank. Line 7 consist of 7 spaces, literal TIN CHANGED TO , 2 spaces, 12 X’s, 1 space, 4 X’s and the rest of the line is blank. Lines 8-24 are blank. Please click here for the text description of the image. More Internal Revenue Manual