- 2.3.12 Command Code ACTON
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- General
- Case Control Using Command Code ACTON
- Batch ACTON
- Terminal Response Command Code ACTON
- Exhibit 2.3.12-1 ACTON Input Format
- Exhibit 2.3.12-2 ACTON Sample Inputs
- Exhibit 2.3.12-3 ACTON Error Messages
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 3. IDRS Terminal Responses
Section 12. Command Code ACTON
2.3.12 Command Code ACTON
Manual Transmittal
January 16, 2025
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.3.12, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Code ACTON.
Material Changes
(1) Updated signature for Chief Technology Officer.
(2) Updated references of Wage & Investment (W&I) to Taxpayer Services (TS).
(3) Updated Internal Controls in IRM section.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.3.12, dated November 14, 2023, is superseded.Audience
LB&I, SB/SE, TE/GE, Taxpayer Services (TS)Effective Date
Rajiv Uppal
Chief Technology Officer
Purpose:» This IRM contains procedural steps for employees to create data processing (DP) control bases for IMF and BMF entities and modules using command code ACTON.
Audience:» These procedures apply to IRS employees designated to make data processing (DP) adjustments to Business and Tax entities. Operating Divisions: LB&I, SB/SE, TS.
Policy Owner:» The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for overseeing all aspects of our systems that operate the nation’s tax infrastructure.
Program Owner:» IT.
Primary Stakeholders:» Large & Medium-Sized Business (LB&I), Small Business/Self Employed (SB/SE), and Taxpayer Services (TS)
This IRM and the contained subsections provide the user the necessary information on how to use Command Code ACTON.
Command Code ACTON was developed to allow users to establish control bases, to update or close control bases that are open, to correct name controls on dummy accounts excluding history only accounts, to append history items to modules on IDRS, and to generate TC 902s to secure tax modules and their related entity data from the Master File.
The Entity Project Lead is responsible for reviewing and implementing the Work Requests that affect ACTON and for updating the contents of this IRM.
The ECC(Entity Command Code) Project Lead is responsible for reviewing and implementing the Work Requests that affect ACTON and for updating the contents of this IRM.
Acronyms Unique to IDRS
Acronym Definition IMF Individual Masterfile BMF Business Masterfile TIF Taxpayer Information File TC Transactions Code CC Command Code
A control base is appended to a module on IDRS to record the employee to whom a case is assigned and other case control information. See IRM 2.3.11 for the format and contents of the Control History Group as displayed by CC TXMOD.
The presence of an open control base on a module indicates that the module is controlled for the purpose of adjustment, correspondence with the taxpayer, or other action. A control base in a tax module indicates that the module is under control to the assignee. A control base in an entity module signifies that all modules in the account are, in effect, controlled.
Control bases may be updated when necessary to indicate changes in status or actions taken on a case. The presence of an open control base will cause the retention of the module on IDRS.
A history item is appended to a module on IDRS to record significant action without placing a module under control. See IRM 2.3.11 for the format and contents of the Action History Group as displayed by CC TXMOD.
The requested module must be present on IDRS in order for a history item to be appended. Use CC MFREQ if necessary to establish a module on the TIF.
Once entered, a history item cannot be altered or added to; additional history items may be input however. The appending of a history item alone will not generate a TC 902, nor is its presence a criterion for the retention of a module on IDRS.
When establishing an entity on IDRS, appending a history item with activity code "ENTC" will cause IDRS to retain the entity posted transactions on the entity module for 49 days from the date that the history item was input.
If the entity is on IDRS, but the entity posted transactions are not and this information is needed for research, append a history item with an activity code of "ENTC" and then use CC MFREQ to request a re-extract of the entity from the Master File to bring the posted entity transactions to IDRS. The previously appended history item will cause the transactions to be retained.
Command Code ACTON with Definer "D" may be used to delete a History Item. Action item to be deleted must be the current (latest) item on database. Program will not search backwards trying to find the action item. Employee number on the input command must match number on database. Action item must have been added with ACTON (i.e., source code " G" on database). Program will not delete action items from other command codes.
Command Code ACTON may be used to establish control bases, to update or close control bases that are open, to correct name controls on dummy accounts excluding history only accounts, to append history items to modules on IDRS, and to generate TC 902s to secure tax modules and their related entity data from the Master File.
ACTON generates a TC 902 only when establishing a dummy account or module on the TIF or when updating the name control on a dummy account. If the requested account and/or module is already present on the TIF and a TC 902 must be generated, use CC MFREQ, which generates a TC 902 for every accepted input. See IRM 2.3.10 for MFREQ input instructions.
Most ACTON fill-ins for data fields are optional and various combinations of these elements may be input. Input fields are required and/or chosen based on which prerequisite command code is used and the type of action being taken. Exhibit 2.3.12-1. for description and validity of ACTON input fields.
A valid input of CC ENMOD, SUMRY, TXMOD, LPAGD, ADJ54, FRM34, FRM77, STAUP, DRT24, DRT48, ACTON or REINF (when default from SUMRYR) must precede each ACTON input request, Pertinent input data from these command codes is stored in terminal memory and need not be re-entered as part of the ACTON request. All prerequisite commands store the TIN and the file source. In addition, CC ENMOD and CC TXMOD store the MFT, the plan number/report number if applicable, and the tax period for use by ACTON. When using ACTON following CC LPAGD make sure that the message "REQUEST COMPLETED-TIN STORED FOR ACTON" has been received before attempting an ACTON input request. Exhibit 2.3.12-1. for instructions regarding use of ACTON following LPAGD.
Generally, the research sequence for controlling a module will be the use of CC SUMRY, followed by TXMOD, followed by an ACTON request. CC TXMOD input is not necessary however, if SUMRY shows that the account is not on the TIF or that the tax module to be controlled is not on the file.
When a SUMRY request yields the message " NO DATA AVAILABLE" , verify that the input TIN and file source are correct to prevent the establishment of a dummy account with erroneous account data, and then proceed from SUMRY directly to an ACTON request for the specific tax period. This will establish the dummy module on IDRS with an open control base and, for non-NMF accounts, generate a TC 902 to bring the requested tax module and its related entity data from the Master File to IDRS.
If SUMRY shows that the requested tax module is present on the TIF, TXMOD must be input before entering an ACTON request for that module, or the error message "INITIATE TXMOD" will result. Although BATCH ACTON does not require this procedure it is recommended that prior control bases research be done. This is to direct the examiner's attention to possible control or other pertinent information in the module.
When a SUMRY request indicates that a memo account is present on the file (indicating that the account has been resequenced to another TIN, use caution when establishing a new control base on any module within the account. If an ACTON request is input to establish a new control base, all old account data is deleted from the TIF, a dummy module is established, and a TC 902 is generated to reactivate the account. If there is an open control base or other important information present in the memo account, this information is lost. Also, since an account merge has taken place, care should be taken before attempting to reactivate the account.
When a SUMRY request is made and there is only one tax module present in an account, the SUMRY request returns a TXMOD display of that module. If this is not the module to be controlled, input TXMOD for the MFT, plan number and tax period desired. This will result in a SUMRY display. Now input ACTON, re-entering the MFT, plan number and tax period of the module to be controlled.
Once a control base has been established on a module, the original entries may be altered and/or a record of any significant action taken may be appended to the Control History Section by the input of an additional ACTON request. The ACTON request must reference the established control sequence number (e.g. "CO2" ), and can include as few as one or as many as all of the optional input fields. Exhibit 2.3.12-2. for sample inputs.
All ACTON control base entries are recorded by control sequence number in chronological order in the Control History Section. A changed record is available for display as appended or altered, immediately after the ACTON input is accepted and can be inspected using CC ENMOD or CC TXMOD. All history items are recorded in chronological order in the Action History Section and can also be inspected immediately using CC ENMOD or CC TXMOD.
ACTON has the ability to establish control bases, update control bases or establish history items on multiple tax modules as long as the TIN is the same for each module. Batch ACTON provides for batch processing of a maximum of 10 control bases or 10 history items on one screen input. Since Batch ACTON information is duplicated — ONLY use ACTONB when the same information is desired in all control bases
Batch ACTON requires a command code definer of "B" .
The tax modules in lines 4 through 12 will be updated with the same input data on lines 2 and 3.
Activity code
Case status code
Category code
Employee number
IRS received date -
The first 3 lines of the screen must be valid and consistent before the batch lines are processed. Errors from line 1 through 3 will be reflected on line 24. Errors encountered on batch work lines will be displayed to the right of the affected line. The error message will begin in column 40.
Several ACTON and ACTONB error messages dealing with MFT, Tax period or Group number, have been abbreviated to accommodate the length constraints of the batch work line.
Batch ACTON will not update EPMF.
History items or control bases cannot be mixed on the same input screen. Also control bases cannot be established (i.e. C#) and updated (i.e. Cnn) on the same screen.
After an error is encountered, screen information may be corrected and reinput.
ACTONB will not establish or update any history items or control bases until the entire screen can be processed.
Tax modules can be input in any sequence but duplicate tax modules are not permitted and entity inputs can only be done on the first three lines.
Terminal Input: Exhibit 2.3.12-2. for ACTON sample input.
Terminal Response:
Invalid Response: Error messages are displayed in inverse video beginning in position 1 of line 24. Correct the error and re-enter the screen. Exhibit 2.3.12-3. for ACTON error messages.
System Error Response: System error messages are displayed in inverse video beginning in position 1 of line 24. System errors reflect a problem relating to the availability of a file or an error with a common subroutine. In many cases an RPA should be notified, and a print made of screen input and response to aid in analysis and correction of programming or data base problems. See the Miscellaneous Error Messages section of IRM for definitions of these messages and corrective measures.
Valid Response: If the ACTON request is accepted, the input screen is redisplayed and "REQUEST COMPLETED" is displayed on line 24.
Input Format Command Code ACTON

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example of the input screen for CC ACTON with the fields defined in the table below.
Record Element Description
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer "B " , "D" or blank |
3 | 1 | 7–8 | MFT Code — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY. |
4 | 1 | 10–15 | Tax Period — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY. |
5 | 1 | 17–21 | Name Control Field |
(a) If the account is not on the TIF, the name control must be input and must not be followed by the slash "/" . | |||
(b) If a real account is present on the TIF, it is not necessary to input the name control. If input it must match the TIF name control and must not be followed by the slash " /" . | |||
(c) If a dummy account is present on the TIF with all blanks in the name control field, an input name control followed by a slash "/" is required. | |||
(d) If a dummy account other than a history only account is established on the TIF with an incorrect name control, input ACTON with the correct name control followed by a slash "/" . Any transaction input made prior to the name control change will have to be reinput. Use CC TERUP if the error is discovered soon enough. | |||
Note that you cannot change the Name Control on a real account or a history only account using Command Code ACTON. | |||
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | Name Control — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required if the account is not on the TIF or the TIF name control on a dummy account is blank. Must be preceded by a blank and followed by a blank or slash "/" . |
5.2 | 1 | 17–21 | Name Control Change Indicator (slash "/" ) — Must be input when requesting a name control change to a dummy account on the TIF. Entering the correct name control followed by a slash "/" updates the incorrect dummy name control with the screen input Name Control and generates a correct TC 902 to the Master File. |
6 | 1 | 23–25 | Plan /Report Number — Required only if the prior command is other than TXMOD and the request is for MFT CODES 46, 68, 74, 75 OR 76.Valid plans for MFT 46 are 000, 100-599 and 700-999; MFT 68, 001-999; MFT 74 75, 76, 001-999; MFT 84, 000, 100-999; MFT 85 and 86, 000, 100-499. |
7 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
7.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
7.1 | 2 | 1–2 | History Group Number — Must be "H" or "H#" for history item input and must be followed by a comma. |
8 | 2 | 5–14* | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
9 | 2 | 16* | Case Status Code — Must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . Required with " C#" but optional with "Cnn" . Invalid with "H" . Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line; then the field must be followed by a blank. See Case History Status Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for definitions of case status codes. |
10 | 2 | 18–21* | Control Category — Must be approved by the National Office. See Category Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for a list of approved control categories. Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . |
11 | 2 | 23–24 | ORIGINATOR CODE — must be two numeric characters or blank. Only required with a control category of "PREA" . This field is never followed by a comma. |
12 | 3 | 1–10* | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" . |
13 | 3 | 12–19 | IRS Received Date — Must be 8 numeric characters in MMDDYYYY format or be input as an asterisk "*" . The asterisk "*" will cause the current date to be generated. A future date is invalid. Also, any date which is more than one year old is valid only if the Old Date Indicator is " V" . Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . This field is never followed by a comma. |
14 | 3 | 20* | Old-Date-Indicator — Optional; must be "V" if an IRS Received Date over one year old is entered else blank. It may not be used with the asterisk (*). |
15 | 4–12 | 1–3 | Control Group Number (See Elements 7 and 7.1 above). This is a required field if the batch work line is present.This field must be followed by a comma. |
16 | 4–12 | 5–6 | MFT Code — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. This is a required field if the batch work line is present. It must be followed by a comma. |
17 | 4–12 | 8–13 | Tax Period — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. This is a required field if the batch work line is present. When MFT is 46 or 76, it must be followed by comma. |
18 | 4–12 | 15–17 | Plan/Report Number. Valid for MFT 46, 68, 74 , 75, 76, 84, 85 or 86. |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. | |||
**Note: Commas are required following elements 7–14 whether or not the related field is input; the only exception to this is when the related field is the last item to be input on that screen line. For a control base update ("Cnn" ), only those fields which are being changed are required. |
Establishing a new control base on an existing account after ENMOD or TXMOD inquiry:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The graphic above is an example of the CC ACTON screen for establishing a new control base on an existing account after CC ENMOD or TXMOD with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
3.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
4 | 2 | 5–14* | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
5 | 2 | 16* | Case Status Code — Must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . Required with " C#" but optional with "Cnn" . Invalid with "H" . Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line; then the field must be followed by a blank. See Case History Status Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for definitions of case status codes. |
5 | 2 | 18–21* | Control Category — Must be approved by the National Office. See Category Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for a list of approved control categories. Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . |
6 | 3 | 1–10* | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" . |
7 | 3 | 12–19 | IRS Received Date — Must be 8 numeric characters in MMDDYYYY format or be input as an asterisk "*" . The asterisk "*" will cause the current date to be generated. A future date is invalid. Also, any date which is more than one year old is valid only if the Old Date Indicator is " V" . Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . This field is never followed by a comma. |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Establishing a new control base after an ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, OR SUMRY request:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The graphic above is an example of the CC ACTON screen for establishing a new control base after CC ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP OR SUMRY Request with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 1 | 7–8 | MFT Code — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY. |
4 | 1 | 10–15 | Tax Period — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. This is a required field if the batch work line is present. When MFT is 46 or 76, it must be followed by comma. |
5 | 1 | 17–21 | NAME CONTROL (a) If the account is not on the TIF, the name control must be input and must not be followed by the slash "/" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (b) If a real account is present on the TIF, it is not necessary to input the name control. If input it must match the TIF name control and must not be followed by the slash " /" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (c) If a dummy account is present on the TIF with all blanks in the name control field, an input name control followed by a slash "/" is required. |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (d) If a dummy account is established on the TIF with an incorrect name control, input ACTON with the correct name control followed by a slash "/" . Any transaction input made prior to the name control change will have to be reinput. Use CC TERUP if the error is discovered soon enough. |
5 | 2 | 16* | Note that you cannot change the Name Control on a real account using Command Code ACTON. |
5 | 2 | 18–21* | Name Control — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required if the account is not on the TIF or the TIF name control on a dummy account is blank. Must be preceded by a blank and followed by a blank or slash "/" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | Name Control Change Indicator (slash "/" ) — Must be input when requesting a name control change to a dummy account on the TIF. Entering the correct name control followed by a slash "/" updates the incorrect dummy name control with the screen input Name Control and generates a correct TC 902 to the Master File. |
6 | 2 | 1–2 | History or Control Group Number Field |
6.1 | 2 | 1–2 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
7 | 2 | 5–14* | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
8 | 2 | 16* | Case Status Code — Must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . Required with " C#" but optional with "Cnn" . Invalid with "H" . Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line; then the field must be followed by a blank. See Case History Status Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for definitions of case status codes. |
9 | 2 | 18–21 | Control Category — Must be approved by the National Office. See Category Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for a list of approved control categories. Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . |
10 | 3 | 1–10 | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" . |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Establishing a new control base on an EPMF account:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example of CC ACTON screen for establishing a new control base on an EPMF Account with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 1 | 7–8 | MFT Code — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY. |
4 | 1 | 10–15 | Tax Period — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. This is a required field if the batch work line is present. When MFT is 46 or 76, it must be followed by comma. |
5 | 1 | 17–21 | NAME CONTROL (a) If the account is not on the TIF, the name control must be input and must not be followed by the slash "/" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (b) If a real account is present on the TIF, it is not necessary to input the name control. If input it must match the TIF name control and must not be followed by the slash " /" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (c) If a dummy account is present on the TIF with all blanks in the name control field, an input name control followed by a slash "/" is required. |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (d) If a dummy account is established on the TIF with an incorrect name control, input ACTON with the correct name control followed by a slash "/" . Any transaction input made prior to the name control change will have to be reinput. Use CC TERUP if the error is discovered soon enough. |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | Note that you cannot change the Name Control on a real account using Command Code ACTON. |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | Name Control — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required if the account is not on the TIF or the TIF name control on a dummy account is blank. Must be preceded by a blank and followed by a blank or slash "/" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | Name Control Change Indicator (slash "/" ) — Must be input when requesting a name control change to a dummy account on the TIF. Entering the correct name control followed by a slash "/" updates the incorrect dummy name control with the screen input Name Control and generates a correct TC 902 to the Master File. |
6 | 1 | 23–25 | Plan /Report Number — Required only if the prior command is other than TXMOD and the request is for MFT CODES 46, 68, 74, 75 or 76. Valid plans for MFT 46 are 000, 100-599 and 700-999; MFT 68, 001-999; MFT 74,75, 76, 001-999. |
7 | 2 | 1–2 | History or Control Group Number Field |
7.1 | 2 | 1–2 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
8 | 2 | 5–14* | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
9 | 2 | 16 | Case Status Code — Must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . Required with " C#" but optional with "Cnn" . Invalid with "H" . Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line; then the field must be followed by a blank. See Case History Status Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for definitions of case status codes. |
10 | 3 | 18–21* | Control Category — Must be approved by the National Office. See Category Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for a list of approved control categories. Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . |
11 | 3 | 1–10 | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Correcting the IRS received date on an open control base:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example of screen for CC ACTON for correcting the IRS Received Date on an open control base with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
3.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
4 | 3 | 12–19 | IRS Received Date — Must be 8 numeric characters in MMDDYYYY format or be input as an asterisk "*" . The asterisk "*" will cause the current date to be generated. A future date is invalid. Also, any date which is more than one year old is valid only if the Old Date Indicator is " V" . Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . This field is never followed by a comma. |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Establishing a new control base with an old IRS Received Date using the Old Date Indicator:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example screen for CC ACTON for establishing a new control base with an old IRS Received Date using the Old Date Indicator with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 1 | 7–8 | MFT Code — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY. |
4 | 1 | 10–15 | Tax Period — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY. |
5 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
5.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
5.1 | 2 | 1–2 | History Group Number — Must be "H" or "H#" for history item input and must be followed by a comma. |
6 | 2 | 5–14* | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
7 | 2 | 16* | Case Status Code — Must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . Required with " C#" but optional with "Cnn" . Invalid with "H" . Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line; then the field must be followed by a blank. See Case History Status Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for definitions of case status codes. |
8 | 2 | 18–21* | Control Category — Must be approved by the National Office. See Category Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for a list of approved control categories. Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . |
9 | 3 | 1–10* | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" . |
10 | 3 | 12–19 | IRS Received Date — Must be 8 numeric characters in MMDDYYYY format or be input as an asterisk "*" . The asterisk "*" will cause the current date to be generated. A future date is invalid. Also, any date which is more than one year old is valid only if the Old Date Indicator is " V" . Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . This field is never followed by a comma. |
11 | 3 | 20* | Old-Date-Indicator — Optional; must be "V" if an IRS Received Date over one year old is entered else blank. It may not be used with the asterisk (*). |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Correcting the name control on a dummy account:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example screen for CC ACTON for correcting the name control on a dummy account with fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 1 | 7–8 | MFT Code — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY. |
4 | 1 | 10–15 | Tax Period — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. This is a required field if the batch work line is present. When MFT is 46 or 76, it must be followed by comma. |
5 | 1 | 17–21 | NAME CONTROL (a) If the account is not on the TIF, the name control must be input and must not be followed by the slash "/" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (b) If a real account is present on the TIF, it is not necessary to input the name control. If input it must match the TIF name control and must not be followed by the slash " /" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (c) If a dummy account is present on the TIF with all blanks in the name control field, an input name control followed by a slash "/" is required. |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | (d) If a dummy account is established on the TIF with an incorrect name control, input ACTON with the correct name control followed by a slash "/" . Any transaction input made prior to the name control change will have to be reinput. Use CC TERUP if the error is discovered soon enough. |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | Note that you cannot change the Name Control on a real account using Command Code ACTON. |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | Name Control — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required if the account is not on the TIF or the TIF name control on a dummy account is blank. Must be preceded by a blank and followed by a blank or slash "/" . |
5.1 | 1 | 17–21 | Name Control Change Indicator (slash "/" ) — Must be input when requesting a name control change to a dummy account on the TIF. Entering the correct name control followed by a slash "/" updates the incorrect dummy name control with the screen input Name Control and generates a correct TC 902 to the Master File. |
6 | 2 | 1–2 | History or Control Group Number Field |
6.1 | 2 | 1–2 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
7 | 2 | 5–14 | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
8 | 2 | 16* | Case Status Code — Must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . Required with " C#" but optional with "Cnn" . Invalid with "H" . Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line; then the field must be followed by a blank. See Case History Status Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for definitions of case status codes. |
9 | 2 | 18–21 | Control Category — Must be approved by the National Office. See Category Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for a list of approved control categories. Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . |
10 | 3 | 1–10 | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" . |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Transferring an open control base from one employee to another:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example screen for CC ACTON for transferring an open control base from one employee to another with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
3.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
4 | 2 | 5–14 | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
5 | 3 | 1–10 | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" . |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Closing a control base:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example screen for CC ACTON for closing a control base with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
3.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
4 | 2 | 6 | Case Status Code — Must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . Required with " C#" but optional with "Cnn" . Invalid with "H" . Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line; then the field must be followed by a blank. See Case History Status Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for definitions of case status codes. |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Recording a history item:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example screen for CC ACTON for recording a history item with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer blank |
3 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
3.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
3.1 | 2 | 1–2 | History Group Number — Must be "H" or "H#" for history item input and must be followed by a comma. |
4 | 2 | 5–14 | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. |
Establishing multiple control bases with Batch ACTON:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example screen for CC ACTON for establishing multiple control bases with Batch ACTON with the fields defined in the table below
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer B |
3 | 1 | 7–8 | MFT Code — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. Required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY. |
4 | 1 | 10–15 | Tax Period — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. This is a required field if the batch work line is present. When MFT is 46 or 76, it must be followed by comma. |
5 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
5.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
5.1 | 2 | 5–14 | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
6 | 2 | 16 | Case Status Code — Must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . Required with " C#" but optional with "Cnn" . Invalid with "H" . Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line; then the field must be followed by a blank. See Case History Status Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for definitions of case status codes. |
7 | 2 | 18–21 | Control Category — Must be approved by the National Office. See Category Codes in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 for a list of approved control categories. Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . |
8 | 3 | 1–10 | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" . |
9 | 3 | 12–19 | IRS Received Date — Must be 8 numeric characters in MMDDYYYY format or be input as an asterisk "*" . The asterisk "*" will cause the current date to be generated. A future date is invalid. Also, any date which is more than one year old is valid only if the Old Date Indicator is " V" . Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . This field is never followed by a comma. |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. | |||
Updating multiple control bases with Batch ACTON:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example screen for CC ACTON for updating multiple control bases with Batch ACTON with the fields defined in the table below
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer B |
3 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
3.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
4 | 2 | 4–14 | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
5 | 3 | 1–10 | Assignee Employee Number — Must be 10 numeric characters or be input as an asterisk * . The asterisk * will cause the terminal operator's employee number to be generated. Must be followed by a comma unless it is the last field input on the line. Required with "C#" , optional with "Cnn" , and invalid with " H" . |
6 | 3 | 12–19 | IRS Received Date — Must be 8 numeric characters in MMDDYYYY format or be input as an asterisk "*" . The asterisk "*" will cause the current date to be generated. A future date is invalid. Also, any date which is more than one year old is valid only if the Old Date Indicator is " V" . Required with "C#" , optional with " Cnn" , and invalid with "H" . This field is never followed by a comma. |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. | |||
Recording history items with Batch ACTON:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The above graphic is an example screen for CC ACTON for recording history items with Batch ACTON with the fields defined in the table below
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code — " ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer B |
3 | 1 | 10–15 | Tax Period — See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. This is a required field if the batch work line is present. When MFT is 46 or 76, it must be followed by comma. |
4 | 2 | 1–3 | History or Control Group Number Field |
4.1 | 2 | 1–3 | Control Group Number — Must be "C#" for the establishment of a new control base or "Cnn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing control base. The Control Group Number field must be followed by a comma** (see footnote) if "C#" is input or followed by a comma or blank if "Cnn" is input. |
4.1 | 2 | 1–2 | History Group Number — Must be "H" or "H#" for history item input and must be followed by a comma. |
5 | 2 | 5–14 | Activity Code — Must be 2–10 alphanumeric characters and must be on the approved list of activity codes. Authorized activity codes can be found in section 14 of IRS Processing Codes and Information Document 6209 and in local IDRS bulletins. Required for history item input; optional for case control or update input. |
*Note: The above Record Element Specification describes the maximum input for CC ACTON. The character positions for the optional fields marked by an asterisk are variable. | |||

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The Graphic above is an example of the CC ACTON screen for deleting an Entity History Item after CC ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, ENMOD, FRM34, SUMRY, TXMOD REQUEST with the fields defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1-5 | Command Code - "ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer - "D" |
3 | 1 | 10-13 | Name Control |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The graphic above is an example of the CC ACTON screen for deleting a TAX Module History Item after CC ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, ENMOD, FRM34, SUMRY, TXMOD REQUEST with the field defined in the table below:
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1-5 | Command Code - "ACTON" |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC Definer - "D" |
3 | 1 | 7-8 | MFT Code - See IRM 2.3.8, Standard Validity Criteria. A required field if ACTON follows ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF, RELES, STAUP, or SUMRY |
4 | 1 | 10-15 | Tax Period - See IRM 2.3.8 Standard Validity Criteria. |
5 | 1 | 17-20 | Name Control |
1. | ACCOUNT OR MODULE NOT ON TIF — The requested account or module must be present on the TIF when inputting a control base update ("Cnn" , nn = 01–99), or a history item (" H#" or "H" ) using CC ACTON. |
2. | ACCOUNT TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE—RETRY — The requested account is temporarily unavailable retry in a few minutes. |
3. | ACTIVITY CODE FORMAT ERROR — The activity code field is not followed by a comma, but there is additional data following on the screen line. |
4. | ACTIVITY CODE LENGTH ERROR — The activity code when input, must be 2–10 characters in length. |
5. | ADD2CTRL ERR nn — An error was encountered in the ADDCTRL subroutine. For a more detailed explanation, please refer The UNISYS Programmer’s Guide to Shared Subroutines located in DOC-IT under the current year http://docit.web.irs.gov/docit/drl/objectId/0b007562807400ee. |
6. | ASSIGNEE NUMBER FORMAT ERROR — The assignee number field is not followed by a comma, but there is additional data following on the screen line. |
7. | ASSIGNEE NUMBER INVALID — The assignee number must be numeric or be input as an "*" . |
8. | ASSIGNEE NUMBER LENGTH ERROR — The assignee number when input, must be 10 characters in length. |
9. | BATCH DOES NOT UPDATE EPMF ACCTS — Batch ACTON cannot be used for EPMF. |
10. | BATCH WORK LINE ERROR — An error was encountered on the batch work line. |
11. | C# REQUIRES ASSIGNEE NUMBER ENTRY — The establishment of a new control base requires the input of an assignee number. |
12. | C# REQUIRES CASE STATUS ENTRY — The establishment of a new control base requires the input of a case status. |
13. | C# REQUIRES CONTROL CATEGORY ENTRY — The establishment of a new control base requires the input of a control category. |
14. | C# REQUIRES IRS RECEIVED DATE ENTRY — The establishment of a new control base requires the input of an IRS received date. |
15. | CASE STATUS FORMAT ERROR —The case status field is not followed by a comma, but there is additional data following on the screen line. |
16. | CASE STATUS INVALID — The input case status must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" . |
17. | CASE STATUS LENGTH ERROR — The case status when input, must be a single character. |
18. | CASE STATUS OR CATEGORY REQUIRED — The activity code field is followed by a comma, but neither a case status nor control category was input. |
19. | CONTROL CATEGORY INVALID — The input control category must be a valid 4-character code. |
20. | CONTROL CATEGORY REQUIRED — The case status field is followed by a comma, but a control category was not input. |
21. | CONTROL CATEGORY RFDL UPDATE INVALID — An attempt was made to change the control category of an established control base from "RFDL" to another control category. This is not permissible. |
22. | DATA IN NON-INPUT FIELD — Data is present in a non-input field. For example, the name control was not preceded by a blank or was not followed by a blank or slash (/). |
23. | DATA PRESENT AFTER OLD DATE INDICATOR — The rest of the screen line following the IRS received date must be blank. |
24. | DATA PRESENT AFTER ORIGINATOR CD — The rest of the screen line following the originator code must be blank. |
25. | DATA PRESENT ON BATCH WORK LINES — Command code definer of "B" not present and there is data on batch work line. |
26. | DATA PRESENT ON LINE 24 — Line 24 is reserved for messages to the terminal user. |
27. | DUP MODULE — Attempting to update or create a tax module with a duplicate MFT and tax period using ACTONB. |
28. | FILE SOURCE INVALID WITH COMMAND CODE — Accounts with the requested file source cannot be processed by ACTON. |
29. | GRP MIX INV — Batch does not allow the mixing of history and case control items nor the mixing of established (C#) or updated (Cnn) case control items. |
30. | GRP# FORMAT ERR — Control base input ("C#" or "Cnn" ) and history item input ("H#" or "H" ) require that the group number be followed by a comma or that the rest of the screen line be blank. |
31. | GRP# INVALID — The history or control character must be "C " or "H" . The input of a control character of "C" requires that the control sequence number be "#" or 01–99. The input of a history character of "H" requires that the history sequence number be "#" or omitted. |
32. | GRP# LENGTH ERR — The group number field must be 1–3 characters in length. |
33. | GRP# REQUIRED — Each ACTON request requires the input of a group number. |
34. | HISTORY GROUP REQUIRES ACTIVITY CODE — The activity code is required for history item input. |
35. | HISTORY GROUP USES ACTIVITY CODE ONLY — The case status, control category, assignee number, and the IRS received date fields must be omitted for history item input. |
36. | IMPROPER INITIALIZATION — There is a discrepancy in the data received by ACTON from the prior command code. Restart the command code input sequence. |
37. | INITIATE TXMOD — Input data is valid and there is a matching module on the TIF, but the prior command code is SUMRY. This indicates that the terminal operator may not have considered any control information on the module. |
38. | INVALID CC DEFINER — Command code definer must be "B" or spaces. |
39. | INVALID DATA PRESENT AFTER CONTROL CATEGORY — The rest of the screen line following the control category must be blank only if the control category is not "PREA" . |
40. | INVALID ORIGINATOR CODE — Code must be in valid range and numeric. |
41. | IRS RECEIVED DATE INVALID — The input IRS received date is invalid or is not in MMDDYY format. |
42. | IRS RECEIVED DATE LATER THAN TODAY — The input IRS received date is later than today's date. |
43. | IRS RECEIVED DATE OVER ONE YEAR OLD — The input received date is more than 1 year prior to today's date and the OLD DATE INDICATOR is not "V" . |
44. | IRS RECEIVED DATE REQUIRED — The assignee number field is followed by a comma, but an IRS received date was not input. |
45. | LPAGD INPUT INVALID — ACTON cannot accept the information stored in terminal memory by the prior command LPAGD because the letter request was made with no TIN; or there was an error during LPAGD processing. Restart command code sequence with SUMRY, TXMOD or ENMOD. |
46. | MATCHING SEQUENCE NUMBER NOT FOUND — An open control base with the requested sequence number was not found on the TIF. |
47. | MFT FORMAT ERR — The MFT must be followed by a comma in the batch work lines. |
48. | MFT INVALID — The MFT is invalid. |
49. | MFT MISMATCH WITH STORED DATA — The prior command is TXMOD and the MFT input on the screen does not match the MFT stored in the terminal memory by CC TXMOD. |
50. | MFT MUST BE INPUT — The prior command code is other than ENMOD or TXMOD therefore, the MFT must be entered on the screen. |
51. | MFT OR PERIOD INVALID FOLLOWING ENMOD — The prior command code is ENMOD and the MFT and tax period if entered, must be 00 and 0000 respectively. |
52. | MFT REQUIRED — MFT must be input. |
53. | MFT/TIN INC — The MFT is inconsistent with the TIN. |
54. | NAME CONTROL CHANGE REQUEST INVALID — The input name control is followed by a slash "/" , but already matches the TIF name control. |
55. | NAME CONTROL ERROR — The requested account is not present on the TIF and the screen name control is blank or in check digit format, or, a slash follows the screen name control. |
56. | NAME CONTROL INVALID — The input name control contains invalid characters or no account can be found on the TIF and the name control is in CK-DIGIT format or is followed by a slash "/" . |
57. | NAME CONTROL MISMATCH WITH TIF — The input name control does not match the TIF name control. Only the Name Control on a DUMMY ENTITY can be changed, NEVER a real entity, so this message will display anytime anyone tries to change a Name Control on a real entity. |
58. | NO CONTROL RECORD ON TIF — An attempt was made to update a nonexistent control base. |
59. | NO CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBERS AVAILABLE — Maximum number of groups exceeded. |
60. | NO ENT UPDATE — Batch ACTON does not allow ENTITY updates. |
61. | NO HISTORY GROUP NUMBERS AVAILABLE — Maximum number of history groups exceeded. |
62. | NO TIF NAME CONTROL — Name Control must be input. |
63. | OLD DATE INDICATOR INVALID— The OLD DATE INDICATOR must be a "V" if an IRS RECEIVED DATE over one year old is entered; else it must be a blank. It may not be used with an asterisk (*). |
64. | ORIGINATOR CD ONLY FOR CATEGORY CD PREA — Originator code is only required for category code "PREA" . |
65. | PLAN/REPORT NUM INCONSISTENT WITH TIN — The plan/report number is inconsistent with the TIN or MFT. |
66. | PLAN /REPORT NUMBER INVALID — IfMFT is 46, the range is 000, 100-599, 700-999; If MFT is 68 range is 001–999;If MFT is 74, 75 or 76 range is 001–999. |
67. | PLAN/REPORT NUMBER MISMATCH WITH STORED DATA — The prior command is TXMOD and the plan number input on the screen does not match the plan number stored in terminal memory. |
68. | PLAN/REPORT NUMBER MUST BE INPUT — The prior command is other than TXMOD, therefore, the plan/report number must be entered on the screen. |
69. | PLAN/REPORT NUMBER REQUIRED — The plan /report number must be present when requesting an EPMF or MFT 46, 68, 74, 75 or 76 tax module. |
70. | PLEASE CORRECT ACCT NAME CONTROL — The TIF name control must be corrected. |
71. | PLEASE INPUT CORRECT NAME CONTROL — Name control required. |
72. | PRIOR CC xxxxx EXECUTED AT DIFFERENT SC (xx) FROM ACTON SC (xx) — Either ACTON or its prerequisite was executed using @SC and the other was not. |
73. | PRIOR COMMAND CODE INVALID — The prior command code stored in terminal memory is not ACTON, ADJ54, DRT24, DRT48, ENMOD, FRM34, FRM77, LPAGD, REINF (when default from SUMRYR), RELES, STAUP with CC-DEFINER of "S" , SUMRY, or TXMOD. |
74. | SCREEN INFORMATION INCOMPLETE — The update of an existing control base ("Cnn" ), requires that at least one of the following fields be input, activity code, case status, control category, assignee number, or IRS received date. |
75. | STORED TIN INVALID — The TIN stored in terminal memory by the prior command is invalid — please make a print of screen input and response if possible and notify RPA. |
76. | TAX PERIOD MISMATCH WITH STORED DATA — The prior command is TXMOD and the tax period input on the screen does not match the tax period stored in terminal memory. |
77. | TAX PERIOD MUST BE INPUT — The prior command is other than ENMOD or TXMOD, therefore, the tax period must be entered on the screen. |
78. | TIF NAME CONTROL MISMATCH OR BLANK — The name control of a dummy account on the TIF is blank and no name control was entered on the screen, or the screen name control was not followed by a slash " /" . |
79. | TXPD INVALID — The tax period is invalid. |
80. | TXPD LENGTH ERR — No data may be input following the tax period on the batch work line. |
81. | TXPD REQUIRED — Tax period must be input. |
83. | TXPD/MFT INC — The tax period is inconsistent with the MFT. |
84. | UPDATE ERR — Error occurred while attempting to update TIF — for details see line 24 of screen input. |