Clarifications for Instructions for Form 1065-X, Amended Return or Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR)


通知 :歷史內容


Please note the following clarifications for the Instructions for Form 1065X under the headings shown.
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Purpose of Form
Bipartisan Budget Act

Use Form 1065X if you are filing on paper to make an Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR) for a previously paper filed Form 1065.
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Adjustment Year.
  The partnership tax year in which:
(i) In the case of an adjustment pursuant to the decision of a court in a proceeding brought under section 6234, such decision becomes final;
(ii) In the case of an administrative adjustment request (AAR) under section 6227, such AAR is filed; or
(iii) In any other case, a notice of final partnership adjustment is mailed under section 6231 or, if the partnership waives the restrictions under section 6232(b) (regarding limitations on assessments), the waiver is executed by the IRS.
Reviewed Year.  The partnership’s tax year to which a partnership adjustment relates. 
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Section 2—BBA AAR
Items C and D

References to “statement to each reviewed year partner that identifies the partner’s share of any adjustment to a partnership-related item” or “statement of its share of the BBA AAR adjustments” mean the Form 8986, Partner’s Share of Adjustment(s) to Partnership-Related Item(s).
References to “partnership adjustment tracking report” mean the Form 8985, Pass-Through Statement – Transmittal/Partnership Adjustment Tracking Report. 
See the instructions for Form 8985 and Form 8986 for further information.