To be used to value certain charitable interests in trusts. Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code 7520, the interest rate for a particular month is the rate that is 120 percent of the applicable federal midterm rate (compounded annually) for the month in which the valuation date falls. That rate is then rounded to the nearest two-tenths of one percent. For example, the rate that is 120 percent of the applicable federal rate (compounded annually) for January 2025 is 5.10 percent. That rate is then rounded to the nearest two-tenths of one percent or 5.2 percent for purposes of IRC 7520. Valuation month 120% of applicable federal midterm rate Section 7520 interest rate Revenue ruling January 2025 5.10 5.2 Rev. Rul. 2025-01 For prior years' rates, please refer to Section 7520 interest rates for prior years. Also, see the index of Applicable federal rates (AFRs) rulings. Related Estate and gift taxes What's new — Estate and gift tax Forms & publications Forms and publications: Estate and gift tax