IRS Written Determinations are documents the IRS is required to make " to public inspection..." pursuant to the provisions of I.R.C. Sec. 6110. The documents prepared for release each week are made available to the public every Friday morning, and can either be retrieved from the list below or directly from the Written Determinations download folder.

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Tìm Trợ Giúp
Số UILC Chủ đề Ngày Phát Hành
200230005 170.09-00 Donees of Charitable Contributions in General 07/26/2002
200230005 170.18-00 Recordkeeping and Return Requirements 07/26/2002
200230005 501.32-00 Income Inures v. does Not Inure to Private Individual 07/26/2002
200230005 513.00-00 Unrelated v. Not Unrelated Trade or Business 07/26/2002
200230004 664.00-00 Charitable Remainder Trusts 07/26/2002
200230003 2702.00-00 Special Valuation Rules for Transfers in Trust 07/26/2002
200230002 302.04-00 Redemption from Noncorporate Shareholder in Partial Liquidation 07/26/2002
200230001 482.09-00 Services 07/26/2002
200230001 482.11-00 Transfer or Use of Intangibles 07/26/2002
200229056 404.00-00 Deduction for Contributions of Employer to an Employee's Trust or Annuity Plan and Compensation Under a Deferred-Payment Plan (Deduct. v. Not Deduct.) 07/19/2002
200229055 404.00-00 Deduction for Contributions of Employer to an Employee's Trust or Annuity Plan and Compensation Under a Deferred-Payment Plan (Deduct. v. Not Deduct.) 07/19/2002
200229054 404.00-00 Deduction for Contributions of Employer to an Employee's Trust or Annuity Plan and Compensation Under a Deferred-Payment Plan (Deduct. v. Not Deduct.) 07/19/2002
200229053 507.00-00 Termination of Private Foundation Status 07/19/2002
200229052 507.00-00 Termination of Private Foundation Status 07/19/2002
200229051 415.00-00 Limitations on Benefits and Contributions Under Qualified Plans 07/19/2002
200229050 414.08-00 Church Plan 07/19/2002
200229049 412.06-00 Minimum Funding Waiver 07/19/2002
200229048 401.00-00 Qualified Pension, Profit-Sharing, and Stock Bonus Plan 07/19/2002
200229048 408.00-00 Individual Retirement Accounts 07/19/2002
200229047 1362.01-03 Late Elections 07/19/2002
200229046 2055.00-00 Transfers for Public, Charitable, and Religious Uses(Deductible v. Not Deductible) 07/19/2002
200229046 664.00-00 Charitable Remainder Trusts 07/19/2002
200229046 1001.00-00 Determination of Amount of and Recognition of Gain or Loss 07/19/2002
200229045 1362.01-03 Late Elections 07/19/2002
200229044 9100.22-00 Other 07/19/2002