Taxpayers can monitor their IRS information online | Internal Revenue Service

Taxpayers can monitor their IRS information online

Thông báo: Nội dung lịch sử

Đây là một tài liệu lưu trữ hoặc lịch sử và có thể không phản ánh luật pháp, chính sách hoặc thủ tục hiện hành.

IRS Tax Tip 2018-121, August 7, 2018

Taxpayers can access their federal tax information through a secure login at After logging in, the user can view:

  • The amount they owe
  • Their payment history
  • Tax records
  • Key information from their most recent tax return as originally filed

A taxpayer can monitor their personal tax account by keeping track of payments and taxes owed. This online information is the same as what’s provided by IRS representatives.

Taxpayers who owe can pay from their bank account or with a debit or credit card. Taxpayers who need more time to pay can also apply for a payment plan, including an installment agreement. Other payment options are available at

First-time users must authenticate their identity through the Secure Access process. Additional information about secure access can be found at Returning users can log in with their user name and password.

The account balance will update no more than once every 24 hours, usually overnight. After making a payment, users should allow up to three weeks for it to appear in the payment history.

The IRS continues to add features to help individual taxpayers conveniently monitor their account information online.

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