Taxpayers Can Connect with the IRS on Their Phone | Internal Revenue Service

Taxpayers Can Connect with the IRS on Their Phone

Thông báo: Nội dung lịch sử

Đây là một tài liệu lưu trữ hoặc lịch sử và có thể không phản ánh luật pháp, chính sách hoặc thủ tục hiện hành.

IRS Tax Tip 2018-96, June 21, 2018

Anyone with tax questions can just grab their phone for answers. The IRS has a mobile app, IRS2Go, which is available for free to use on Android and iOS devices. It’s also available on Amazon. Taxpayers use the app to:

  • Check the status of their refund. Taxpayers can check on their refund status within 24 hours after the IRS receives their e-filed return, or about four weeks after mailing a paper return.
  • Make a payment. The app offers easy access to mobile-friendly payment options like IRS Direct Pay. This offers the taxpayer a free, secure way to pay directly from their bank account. Users can also make a credit or debit card payment through an approved payment processor.
  • Find free tax preparation assistance. Eligible taxpayers can access free tax software from their mobile device to quickly prepare and file their taxes and get their refund. Taxpayers who got an extension of time to file their taxes can use the app to file through the October extended filing deadline.
  • Get Helpful Tips and Information. Taxpayers can use the app to link to IRS accounts on social media. Users can do things such as watch helpful videos and access IRS tweets. Taxpayers can also use the app to sign up to receive IRS Tax Tips by email.
  • Stay Secure. Users can use IRS2Go to create login security codes for certain IRS online services. This allows the taxpayer to retrieve codes through IRS2Go instead of using text messages.

IRS2Go is available in both English and Spanish.

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