November 2002 News Releases | Internal Revenue Service

November 2002 News Releases


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IRS Offers New Toll-Free Numbers to Assist Taxpayers

IR-2002-130 -- IRS announces two new toll-free numbers -- one to help small business owners and a Refund Hotline for those who need help with refunds.

IRS Launches Newsletter for Federal, State and Local Government Entities

IR-2002-129 -- IRS launches a newsletter to help federal, state and local government entities understand tax laws.

EFTPS Users Have Fewer IRS Tax Penalties

IR-2002-128 -- IRS research says businesss that pay taxes through Electronic Federal Tax Payment System have fewer IRS penalties assessed.

IRS Reminds Taxpayers They Can Use Stock Losses to Reduce Taxes

IR-2002-127 -- The IRS reminds taxpayers that their stock losses may help to reduce their tax burden.

IRS Selects American Arbitration Association to Prepare Arbitrators’ List for Tax Shelter Cases

IR-2002-126 -- IRS selects a firm to supply a list of arbitrators for tax shelter cases.

IRS Announces New Arbitrage Outreach, Seeks Comments On Tax-Exempt Bond Forms

IR-2002-125 -- IRS announces outreach efforts in arbitrage area and creates additional tax-exempt bond stakeholder groups and sub-groups.

IRS Grants Tax Relief to Storm Victims

IR-2002-124 (Rev. 11/25) -- Special tax relief is available for residents in 67 counties in five states affected by Nov. 10, 2002, tornadoes and storms. An update to the 11/22 issuance of IR-2002-124.

IRS Outlines Revised Filing Requirements for 527 Political Organizations

IR-2002-123 -- IRS outlines new reporting requirements that exempt many state and local political organizations from filing certain forms.

IRS Advises Tax Professionals to Apply Soon for E-Filing

IR-2002-122 -- IRS urges tax professionals to file e-file applications soon so they can file e-file returns for their clients in 2003.

Millions in Tax Refund Checks Go Undelivered

IR-2002-121 -- The IRS looks for nearly 97,000 taxpayers whose refunds have gone undelivered.

IRS Releases Tax Exempt Bonds Continuing Professional Education Text

IR-2002-120 -- The second edition of the Tax Exempt Bond Continuing Professional Education textbook is available.

David B. Palmer Named Chief of Criminal Investigation

IR-2002-119 -- IRS names a new chief for its Criminal Investigation Division.

IRS Proposes User Fee for Certain Offer-In-Compromise Requests

IR-2002-118 -- IRS issues proposed regulations, which, if adopted, would require a $150 user fee for many Offers-In-Compromise.

IRS Seeks Nominations for TE/GE Advisory Committee

IR-2002-117 -- IRS seeks nominations for vacancies on the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Advisory Committee.