News Releases for April 2005 | Internal Revenue Service

News Releases for April 2005


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IRS Names New Members to TE/GE Advisory Group

IR-2005-54, April 28, 2005 — Seven new members of Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (ACT) will begin terms in June.

2005 Tax Filing Season Sets Records

IR-2005-53, April 28, 2005 — E-file, home computer filing, and use of break last year's records. The release includes the filing season statistics.

IRS, Stakeholder Groups Form Partnership to Answer M-3 Questions

IR-2005-52, April 26, 2005 — List of frequently asked questions set up by the IRS in partnership with stakeholder groups. Offers Help for Small Businesses

IR-2005-51, April 25, 2005 — Free resources to help the nation’s 45 million small business and self-employed taxpayers.

IRS Offers Small Businesses New Retirement Plan Resource Guide

IR-2005-50, April 25, 2005 — Free CD for learning about setting up and maintaining IRA-based retirement plans.

IRS, Treasury Release Guidance on Expatriation Reporting Requirements

IR-2005-49, April 22, 2005 — Treasury and IRS officials announce revised expatriation information reporting and an updated Form 8854.

IRS Seeking ETAAC Applicants

IR-2005-48 — Applications sought to fill seven vacancies on the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee.

Free File Still Available; Innovative Process Leads to Record Year

IR-2005-47 — The no-cost tax preparation and electronic filing program is available for taxpayers feeling the press of April 15.

E-file 7.8 Percent Ahead of Last Year as Tax Deadline Approaches

IR-2005-46 — As April 15 approaches, more taxpayers continue to e-file their tax returns.

IRS Strengthens Withholding Compliance Program; Reduces Paperwork for Employers

IR-2005-45 — Employers will no longer be required to send copies of potentially questionable W-4 forms.

Agreement Identifies U.K. Pension Arrangements for Tax Treaty Benefits

IR-2005-44— The Competent Authorities of the United Kingdom and the United States have reached a mutual agreement on the qualification of certain U.K. pension arrangements for treaty benefits.

Filing Extensions Available by Phone or Computer

IR-2005-43 — Taxpayers who are not ready to file by April 15 have options for filing for an extension.

E-file 7 Percent Ahead of Last Year

IR-2005-42 — With more taxpayers choosing the quick and easy option, the 2005 tax filing season is shaping up to be a strong one for e-file.

IRS Invites Taxpayers to Apply for Taxpayer Panel

IR-2005-41 — Panel provides a forum for citizens from each state to make suggestions IRS decision making.

News Release and Fact Sheet Archive

News releases and fact sheets from November 2002 forward and an archive of news releases and fact sheets in PDF format back to 1997.