Economic Stimulus Payment: Marketing Products for Partners


Thông báo: Nội dung lịch sử

Đây là một tài liệu lưu trữ hoặc lịch sử và có thể không phản ánh luật pháp, chính sách hoặc thủ tục hiện hành.

Updated April 1, 2008

The IRS is encouraging various partners and stakeholders such as charities, churches and governmental organizations to assist in efforts to reach out to those Americans who may be eligible for the 2008 economic stimulus payment but who normally have no requirement to file a tax return.

This page contains marketing products developed by the IRS that partners and stakeholders may find useful in their outreach efforts. New products are in production. Please check this page regularly.

One Page Flyers (All pdf)

Envelope Stuffer

Radio Public Service Announcements (mp3)

Print Public Service Announcements


Economic Stimulus Payment Logos

Guide for Benefit Recipients and Volunteers

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