- 4.2.1 General Examination Information
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Terms
- Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Identification and Control Numbers
- Safety and Security Resources
- Combat Zone
- Substantiation of Combat Zone
- Examination Guidance for Combat Zone Participants
- Compelling Reason Suspense Procedures
- Combat Zone - Additional Resources
- 1254 Suspense
- Reopening of Closed Cases
- Collateral Referrals
- Collateral Referral Procedures: Initiating Area
- Collateral Referrals: Receiving Area
- General Appeals Guidelines
- Cases Not Fully Developed
- New or Reopened Issues
- Disagreements With Appeals Determinations
- Docketed Case Examination Assistance
- New Information Received in Appeals
- Examination Assistance Request Package
- Examination Assistance Point of Contact Actions
- Examiner Secures New Information and Related Case File
- Examiner Responsibilities
- Examiner Returns New Information and Related Case File
- Examination Assistance Point of Contact
- New Issues Raised by Counsel
- Litigation Affecting the IRS
- Notification to Area Counsel in State Court Suits
- Suits for Recovery of Erroneous Refunds
- Assistance to Chief Counsel or U.S. Attorney
- Awards of Litigation and Administrative Costs in Tax Cases
- Statute Expiration Reports
- Taxpayer Notification of Assessment Statute Expiration and Acceptance of Voluntary Payments on Expired Statute Returns When Taxpayer Was Contacted for Examination
- Guidelines for Cases with Expired Statutes Where the Deficiency Cannot Be Determined
- Guidelines for Cases with Expired Statutes Where the Deficiency Can Be Determined or there is No Change to Tax
- Guidelines for Cases with Expired Statutes Where the Taxpayer Makes a Voluntary Payment
- Processing Returns and Accounts of the President and Vice President
- Blind Trust Income Tax Returns Filed by Presidential Appointees
- Reporting Allegations of Tax Violations Involving Senior Treasury Officials
- Compliance Examination Procedures
- Reporting Misconduct of IRS Employees or Officials
- Income Tax Bonds Under IRC 332(b) and IRC 905(c)
- Property Blocked by Foreign Funds Control or Vested by Office of Foreign Assets Control
- Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Information
- Investigation and Disposition
- Payor Failure to Withhold Tax at Source
- Witness Security Program
- Taxpayer Advocate Program
- Extensions of the Replacement Period of Involuntarily Converted Property
- Identification of Bad Payer Information
- Awards Received by Informants
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 4. Examining Process
Chapter 2. General Examining Procedures
Section 1. General Examination Information
4.2.1 General Examination Information
Manual Transmittal
September 23, 2022
(1) This transmits revised IRM 4.2.1, General Examining Procedures, General Examination Information.
Material Changes
(1) Significant changes to this IRM are listed in the table below.
Prior Reference | New Reference | Description of Change |
IRM, Acronyms | N/A | Added BOD and PSP |
IRM, Safety and Security Resources | N/A | Added links to existing IRM guidance for safety and security resources |
IRM, Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer (PDT) and Caution Upon Contact (CAU) Indicators | IRM, Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer (PDT) and Caution Upon Contact (CAU) Indicators | Moved under Safety and Security Resources |
IRM, Request for Armed Escort | IRM, Request for Armed Escort | Moved under Safety and Security Resources |
IRM, Special Situations: Combat Zones | IRM, Combat Zone | Moved and added content regarding the postponement period |
IRM, Substantiation of Combat Zone | IRM, Substantiation of Combat Zone | Moved and added guidance on how to determine a Combat Zone participant |
IRM, Examination Guidance for Combat Zone Personnel | IRM, Examination Guidance for Combat Zone Participants | Moved and added definition of a compelling reason, also added a chart with case closing guidance |
IRM, Compelling Reason Suspense Procedures | IRM, Compelling Reason Suspense Procedures | Moved and added guidance for examiners to inform taxpayers to email combatzone@irs.gov when returning from a combat zone, also moved the definition of a compelling reason to the section above |
N/A | IRM, Combat Zone, Additional References | Added additional resources section |
IRM, Reopening of Closed Cases | N/A | Added content to define a clearly defined substantial error |
IRM, Collateral Examinations | N/A | Changed title to Collateral Referrals. Further defined collateral activity |
IRM, Collateral Examinations Procedures: Initiating Area | N/A | Changed title to Collateral Referral Procedures. Added guidance on completing and submitting Form 6229 |
IRM, Collateral Examinations: Receiving Area | N/A | Changed title to Collateral Referrals: Receiving Area. Added content describing the responsibilities of the receiving area |
IRM, Taxpayer Notification of Assessment Statute Expiration and Acceptance of Voluntary Payments on Expired Statute Returns When Taxpayer Was Contacted for Examination | N/A | Changed guidance. The undated notification letter is signed by the designated manager within the responsible area, not the immediate manager. |
IRM, Witness Security Program | N/A | Changed guidance from contacting the SAC to emailing the Witness Security Coordinator at *SBSE Witness Security Coordinator |
IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Program | N/A | Eliminated note regarding Appeals resolution because it was moved to IRM, Problem Solving |
IRM, IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98) | N/A | Content moved to IRM, IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98) |
Throughout | N/A | Minor editorial changes have been made throughout this IRM and website addresses were reviewed and updated as necessary. |
Effect on Other Documents
This material supersedes IRM 4.2.1, dated May 29, 2019.Audience
Small Business and Self-Employed (SB/SE), Large Business and International (LB&I), and Wage and Investment (W&I) examiners.Effective Date
(09-23-2022)Lori L. Caskey
Director, Examination-Field and Campus Policy
Small Business/Self-Employed
Purpose. This IRM section provides information on various topics as shown in the table of contents. References to other resources, such as related IRMs and websites are included when applicable and provide additional guidance as needed to ensure a thorough understanding of the topic.
Audience. These procedures apply to examiners in Small Business and Self-Employed (SB/SE) Field Examination, SB/SE Speciality Examination, Large Business and International (LB&I), and W&I.
Policy Owner. The Director, Examination - Field and Campus Policy, who is under the Director, Headquarters Examination, owns the policy in this IRM.
Contact Information. To recommend changes or make any other suggestions related to this IRM section, see IRM, Providing Feedback About an IRM Section - Outside of Clearance.
This IRM provides information for general examination procedures that examiners should understand and apply in the performance of their duties.
By law, the Service has the authority to conduct examinations under Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, Subtitle F – Procedure and Administration, Chapter 78, Discovery of Liability and Enforcement of Title, Subchapter A, Examination and Inspection.
The following IRC sections, Rev. Procs, and Delegation Orders provide the authority for various topics as referenced within this IRM:
IRC 332(b) - Complete liquidations of subsidiaries
IRC 905(c) - Applicable rules
IRC 6501(a) - Limitations on assessment and collection
IRC 6532(b) - Periods of limitation on suits
IRC 7121 - Closing agreements
IRC 7405 - Action for recovery of erroneous refunds
IRC 7430 - Awarding of costs and certain fees
IRC 7508 - Time for Performing Certain Acts Postponed by Reason of Service in Combat Zone or Contingency Operation
IRC 7605(b) -Time and place of examination
Rev. Proc. 64-22, Statement of some principles of Internal Revenue tax administration.
Rev. Proc. 2005-32, Examination of returns and claims for refund, credit, or abatement; determination of correct tax liability.
Rev. Proc. 2010-11, Forms and Instructions.
Rev. Proc. 2012-18, Ex Parte communications between appeals and other Internal Revenue Service employees.
Rev. Proc. 2016-22, Appeals Functions.
Rev. Proc. 2018-58, Time for Performing Certain Acts Postponed by Reason of Service in a Combat Zone or a Federally-Declared Disaster.
Delegation Order 4-7(formerly DO-57, Rev. 9) - IRM, Delegation Order 4-7 (formerly DO-57, Rev. 9).
Delegation Order 4-47(New) - IRM, Delegation Order 4-47 (New).
SBSE Delegation Order 1-23-33, Authority to Grant Extensions of Time to Replace Involuntarily Converted Property Under Section 1033 of the Internal Revenue Code - IRM
26 CFR 301.7508-1, Time for Performing Certain Acts Postponed by Reason of Service in a Combat Zone or a Federally-Declared Disaster.
The Director, Examination Headquarters, is the executive responsible for providing policy and guidance for SB/SE Examination employees and ensuring consistent application of policy, procedures and tax law to effect tax administration while protecting taxpayers’ rights. See IRM, Examination Headquarters, for additional information.
The Director, Examination - Field and Campus Policy, reports to the Director, Examination Headquarters, and is responsible for the delivery of policy and guidance that impacts the field examination process. See IRM, Examination Field and Campus Policy, for additional information.
Field Examination General Processes (FEGP), which reports to the Director, Examination - Field and Campus Policy, is the group responsible for providing policy and procedural guidance on standard examination processes to field employees. See IRM, Field Examination General Processes, for additional information.
All examiners must perform their professional responsibilities in a way that supports the IRS Mission. This requires examiners to provide top quality service and to apply the law with integrity and fairness to all.
Income tax examiners and their managers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with the examination procedures and information contained in this IRM, as well as other resources, such as those listed in IRM, Related Resources, below.
The following table lists terms and their definitions that are used in this IRM:
Term Definition Appeals The IRS Independent Office of Appeals Senior Treasury Official For purposes of this IRM is defined as: -
All individuals within the Treasury Department serving in Executive Levels I through V.
All individuals within the Treasury Department serving in the Senior Executive Service or positions classified above grade general schedule (GS)-15 (or comparable pay band).
All individuals within the IRS in grade GS-15 (or comparable pay band) serving in positions centralized in the IRS Executive Resources Board.
All individuals within the Treasury Department (other than IRS) in grade GS-15 (or comparable pay band), which the Deputy Secretary may designate.
Treasury Department The Office of the Secretary and all agencies, bureaus, and other organizational elements within the Department of the Treasury. -
The following table lists commonly used acronyms and their definitions used throughout this IRM:
Acronym Definition AARS Appeals Account Resolution Specialists ADP Automated Data Processing ATE Appeals Technical Employee AUR Automated Underreporter BOD Business Operating Division CAU Caution Upon Contact CI Criminal Investigation DOJ Department of Justice EA Examination Assistance IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IRP Information Reporting Program LB&I Large Business & International LTA Local Taxpayer Advocate OEP Office of Employee Protection PDT Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer PSP Planning and Special Programs SAC Special Agent in Charge SAMC Situation Awareness Management Center SB/SE Small Business/Self-Employed TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service TC Transaction Code TIGTA Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration TS Technical Services WPV Workplace Violence WSC Witness Security Coordinator
Helpful information can be found on websites, including, but not limited to the following:
AUR HQ Payer Agent Coordinator
EA Routing Instructions
Office of Employee Protection
The similarity of taxpayers' names and the voluminous flow of documents require the use of permanent identifying numbers coupled with taxpayers' names. These numbers are necessary for automated data processing (ADP) purposes to ensure positive control of each tax account and all related transactions. Some standard titles and abbreviations used are as follows:
Social security number (SSN)—the number assigned to an individual for social security purposes, tax account purposes, or both.
Employer identification number (EIN)—the number assigned for any tax purpose to a person other than an individual. Also means the identification number which is assigned to an individual who is required to file a return with respect to their liability for any tax other than income, estate, or gift taxes.
Document locator number (DLN)—the number assigned to each return or other document introduced into processing for control and file reference purposes.
Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)—the number assigned to individuals who are required for U.S. tax purposes to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain a SSN issued by the Social Security Administration.
Internal revenue service number (IRSN)—the number used in place of a required TIN during processing.
The spacing of the digits in identifying numbers is an integral part of the number. The proper spacing must be observed in all instances. The spaces may be indicated by using hyphens, blank spaces, etc. For example, EIN as 00-0000000; and, SSN as 000-00-0000.
The foregoing identification and control numbers do not preclude the use of reference or control numbers such as Tax Court docket numbers, Criminal Investigation (CI) case numbers, reference numbers used in connection with the collection of delinquent accounts, or other numbers or codes used for control or reference purposes.
The IRS takes security very seriously. The safety and welfare of every employee is very important. This section provides links to resources for guidance on employee safety in the workplace and in the field.
Some of the guidance below is from (or refers to) guidance in IRMs that are not specific to employees in examination functions. For example, Collection’s IRM 5.1.3, Safety, Security, and Control, was written specifically for revenue officers (ROs). However, other employees in SB/SE and employees in other functions may also refer to these procedures (see IRM, Program Scope and Objectives, and IRM Exhibit 1.11.2-2, Most Common Reasons to Review the IRM).
Potentially dangerous taxpayers - Employees must be alert to Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer (PDT) or Caution Upon Contact (CAU) designations on an IDRS transcript. If present, refer to:
IRM, Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer (PDT) and Caution Upon Contact (CAU) Indicators, below
IRM 25.4.1, Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer
IRM 25.4.2, Caution Upon Contact Taxpayer
Office of Employee Protection (OEP)
Pseudonyms - Section 3706 of the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98) from 26 USC 7804, dated July 22, 1998, provides that any employee of the IRS may use an IRS Pseudonym if adequate justification for the use of a pseudonym is provided by the employee, including protection of personal safety; and such use is approved by the employee's supervisor before the IRS pseudonym is used. Refer to:
IRM, Use of a Pseudonym
IRM 10.5.7, Use of Pseudonyms by IRS Employees
Weapons - Employees in examination functions are prohibited from carrying a weapon in IRS facilities (see IRM, Prohibited Items) or the field. Even though some positions involve some potential for risk when contacting a taxpayer (or a third-party), Employees in examination functions are not authorized to carry and/or use a firearm in the performance of official duties. This restriction includes pepper spray, "Halt!" , dog repellent, or any "intermediate" weapon (see IRM, Weapons Restriction).
Armed escorts - When an employee feels they need an armed escort, they must immediately report the facts causing the need to their group manager. Armed escorts may be requested by IRS employees when they intend to meet with taxpayers who have been designated by the OEP as PDT or CAU, or in other circumstances where the employee and the group manager believe any interaction during the performance of duties may pose a risk of injury to the employee. For additional guidance, see:
IRM, Request for Armed Escort, below
IRM, Armed Escort to Contact a Taxpayer
Assaults and Threats - Occasionally, a taxpayer (or a third-party) will assault, threaten, or intimidate an IRS employee. Refer to the following for guidance:
IRM, Definition of Terms, for the definitions of assault, threat, and intimidate
IRM, Assault Procedures, for applicable guidance for assaults during the performance of official duties
IRM, Threat / Intimidation Procedures, for applicable guidance including threats of harm, suicide threats, written or other non-verbal threats, and reporting procedures
IRM, Assault / Threat / Intimidation — Reporting Procedures, for information on reporting assaults and threats to TIGTA as well as other resources
IRM, Threats, Assaults, and Bribes, for additional information
Threat and Assault Reporting, for instructions on how and when to report a threat and/or an assault
Safety in the workplace - Violence in the workplace includes, but is not limited to, an actual or perceived threat of force, abuse, damage, physical battery, assault, bomb threat/event or terrorist attack. The workplace includes federal facilities, telework locations, alternate work sites and locations where IRS employees conduct official business. Refer to the following for guidance:
Document 13402, Workplace Violence Prevention and Response Desk Guide
IRM, Safety and Security Overview, and all IRM subsections related to Personal Safety, Bribery Attempts, Assault/Threat Incidents/Abusive Practitioners, Reporting Assault/Threat Incidents, Written Assault/Threat Report, Significant Incidents, Bomb Threats, Suspicious Packages and Letters, Other Incidents to report to TIGTA
IRM, Workplace Violence (WPV)
IRM, Threats, Assaults, and Bribes
Safety in the field - Field employees face an inherent level of risk because of the nature of their work. There are important steps employees can take when planning field visits to minimize risk.
Be alert for PDT or CAU indicators on IDRS transcripts (see (2) above). If there is a PDT/CAU indicator or other information indicating a risk to safety, consider an armed escort (see (5) above) or meet with the taxpayer in the office
Consider advising local law enforcement where you will be conducting official business (do not name the taxpayer)
Ensure your manager knows and consider letting other office staff know when you will be in the field
Use your official IRS ID Media when identifying yourself
Consider pairing with a manager or co-worker if you have concerns about your safety in the field
Refer to IRM, No Trespassing Signs, for guidance on entering areas with posted "No Trespassing" signs
If you do not feel safe in the taxpayer’s place of business, immediately leave the site and call your group manager or contact TIGTA
For additional safety information and guidance see:
IRM 1.4.6, Resource Guide for Managers, Managers Security Handbook
IRM, Safety Do’s and Don’ts
IRM, Safety Issues in the Field
Office Resources
Emergency and Safety
Recognize the Signs
SAMC Incident Reporting
Emergency and Safety Information
Document 12963, A Guide to the Office of Employee Protection (OEP) Programs
The IRS has two servicewide employee safety programs designed to warn employees of taxpayers who have been designated as potentially dangerous and/or should be approached with caution:
Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer (PDT) Program
Caution Upon Contact (CAU) Taxpayer Program
The Office of Employee Protection (OEP) has sole responsibility for administering the PDT and CAU programs. The OEP enhances the safety of IRS employees by taking the following actions:
Making PDT and CAU determinations
Maintaining the PDT and CAU indicator databases
Providing information and feedback to employees, managers, and executives
OEP maintains two IRMs that provide guidance and information:
IRM 25.4.1, Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer, provides procedures and guidelines for referring and designating taxpayers under the PDT program. See IRM Exhibit 25.4.1-1, Display of PDT Indicator, for a listing of documents and systems that display the PDT indicator
IRM 25.4.2, Caution Upon Contact Taxpayer, provides procedures and guidelines for referring and designating taxpayers under the CAU program. See IRM Exhibit 25.4.2-1, Display of CAU Indicator, for a listing of documents and systems that display the CAU indicator
The OEP performs PDT and CAU five-year reviews, which consist of reviewing the taxpayer against established five-year renewal criteria. See IRM, Five-Year Review of PDT Records and IRM, Five-Year Review of CAU Records, for additional information.
The OEP Office of Employee Protection website provides additional guidance and information such as the following:
Definition of assaults, threats, and intimidation
Process of reporting assaults, threats, and intimidation
Criteria for PDT
Criteria for CAU
Explanation of relationship between TIGTA and the OEP
"A Guide to the Office of Employee Protection Programs" desk guide
Spotlight on Safety brochure
Spotlight on Safety newsletter
Frequently asked questions
The TIGTA Office of Investigations (OI) has primary responsibility to provide armed escorts for IRS personnel who in the course of their official duties have been threatened with bodily harm indicating the need for such protection. See IRM, Armed Escort Assignment.
When an employee feels they need an armed escort, they will immediately report the facts causing the need to their group manager. Armed escorts may be requested by IRS employees when they intend to meet with taxpayers who have been designated by the OEP as PDT or CAU, or in other circumstances where the employee and the group manager believe any interaction during the performance of duties may pose a risk of injury to the employee.
If the group manager determines that an armed escort is necessary, they will request such protection in writing via a memorandum, not to exceed two pages, to the TIGTA-OI special agent in charge (SAC) of the appropriate TIGTA-OI field division. To ensure the safety of IRS and TIGTA-OI personnel, as well as guarantee the operational integrity of the armed escort, a request must be submitted at a minimum one week prior to the scheduled appointment date. If a request is submitted with less than a one week notification, it may require a postponement of the appointment or an alternate meeting location.
All armed escort requests will be reviewed by the respective TIGTA-OI SAC. Armed escorts will be provided on a case-by-case basis. If the TIGTA-OI SAC determines that an armed escort is not warranted, IRS management may seek a reconsideration of the denied request by contacting the TIGTA-OI SAC who rendered the decision. If a resolution cannot be reached and the requesting IRS management official still believes an armed escort is warranted, the IRS management official can request a final reconsideration from the TIGTA-OI, Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations (DAIGI)-Field Operations.
Since TIGTA-OI has primary responsibility for providing armed escorts, IRS management may not request or alternatively seek assistance from CI if the request for an armed escort has been denied. If CI receives a request for an armed escort from an IRS employee or management official, CI will refer the IRS employee or management official to the nearest TIGTA-OI office.
Unless specifically asked for assistance by TIGTA-OI, CI will no longer be responsible for providing armed escorts to IRS employees except as noted in paragraph (1) above. If CI assistance is needed, the TIGTA SAC will forward the request in writing to the appropriate CI Director, Field Operations, for concurrence.
If an armed escort is being considered for a taxpayer designated a PDT, contact TIGTA-OI directly. The memorandum should contain the following information:
Taxpayer name
Taxpayer social security number
Taxpayer contact number(s)
Taxpayer home address
Assigned IRS employee name, position, and contact information
Supervisor name, position, and contact information
Description of the tax issue
Description of activity to take place
Phone number of IRS employees or others who will attend
Location of activity
Any contacts or statements related to the taxpayer that caused concern
Any other information related to the subject that would indicate an armed escort is warranted
If an armed escort is being considered for a taxpayer designated as CAU, the requesting employee or management official must contact the OEP and obtain the basis for the OEP's designation. IRS management must evaluate this information and if it is decided an armed escort is still needed, proceed with the memorandum. The memorandum should contain the following information:
Taxpayer name
Taxpayer social security number
Taxpayer contact number(s)
Taxpayer home address
Assigned IRS employee name, position, and contact information
Supervisor name, position, and contact information
Basis for the OEP CAU designation
Description of the tax issue
Description of activity to take place
Number of IRS employees or others who will attend
Location of activity
Any contacts or statements related to the taxpayer that caused concern
Any other information related to the subject that would indicate an armed escort is warranted
If an employee is requesting an armed escort for reasons other than PDT and CAU, IRS management must evaluate the situation. If IRS management concurs with requesting an armed escort, prepare a memorandum. The memorandum should contain the following information:
Taxpayer name
Taxpayer social security number
Taxpayer contact number(s)
Taxpayer home address
Position, grade, function, and POD information, if the taxpayer is an IRS employee or contractor
Assigned IRS employee name, position, and contact information
Supervisor name, position, and contact information
Background information concerning the taxpayer
Description of activity to take place
Number of IRS employees, management officials, and or others who will attend
Location of activity
Any contacts or statements related to the taxpayer that caused concern
Any other information related to the subject that would indicate an armed escort is warranted
When an actual threat or assault has been made, TIGTA has primary jurisdiction and must be contacted. For contact information, refer to the TIGTA-OI website.
Certain taxpayers in a combat zone are provided tax relief and require special processing. A combat zone is an area designated in an Executive Order by the President of the United States. For additional information on combat zones, refer to IRM, Combat Zone - Additional Resources.
IRC 7508, postpones the deadlines for certain acts performed by taxpayers and the IRS. The acts covered by IRC 7508 generally include:
Filing any return of income, estate, gift, employment or excise tax
Payment of any income, estate, gift, employment, or excise tax
Filing a petition with the Tax Court for redetermination of a deficiency
Allowance of a credit or refund of any tax
Filing a claim for credit or refund of any tax
Bringing suit upon any such claim for credit or refund
Assessment of any tax
Collection of the amount of any liability in respect of any tax
The postponement primarily applies to individuals who serve in the Armed Forces in a combat zone or qualified hazardous duty area (and to persons performing qualifying services outside such area), or who participated in a contingency operation. Refer to IRM, Individuals Covered, for additional information on individuals covered.
Generally, the postponement period (also referred to as the "time to be disregarded" ) starts when a combat zone participant enters a combat zone and ends 180 days after their exit from the combat zone/qualified hazardous duty area (or the last day they have qualifying service outside of the Combat Zone/qualified hazardous duty area).
The taxpayer’s Master File account may reflect combat zone indicators. See IRMs referenced below for additional information:
IRM, Combat Zone, for information on combat zone –C freeze and indicators located on IMFOLE.
IRM Exhibit 4.4.1-1, Reference Guide, for information on combat zone indicator literals displayed on AMDISA.
IRM Exhibit 4.4.1-3, Combat Zone, for procedures on setting and releasing the combat zone indicator.
When Master File does not indicate the taxpayer is a combat zone participant, written substantiation, such as a copy of the military or civilian orders or a statement issued by the Department of Defense (DOD) attesting that the combat zone qualifications are met, is acceptable. See IRM through IRM, Combat Zone Qualified Individuals and Areas, for additional examples of acceptable documentation.
The examiner must document the case file for the substantiation of the combat zone requirements.
When it is determined that a taxpayer is entitled to a postponement period under IRC 7508, the examiner should suspend all examination activity.
The examiner must then evaluate the case to determine if it should be closed, or if a "compelling reason" exists for continuing to suspend the case for the remainder of the postponement period. A compelling reason to suspend the examination exists when one of the following is present:
There is evidence of fraud, malfeasance, collusion, concealment or misrepresentation of fact.
There is a clearly defined substantial error or large, unusual or questionable item warranting the suspension of the case.
No-changing/surveying the case would result in serious criticism of the IRS’s administration of the tax law.
No-changing/surveying the case would establish a precedent that would seriously hamper subsequent attempts by the IRS to take corrective action.
If a compelling reason exists, the examination should be suspended until the end of the postponement period. The decision to postpone the examination must be approved in writing by the territory manager and a copy of the written approval must be maintained in the case file. The examiner must document the case fie with all actions taken and conclusions reached related to the decision. Refer to IRM for guidance on how to suspend the case.
If a compelling reason does not exist to suspend the case, document the case file with all actions taken and conclusions reached related to the decision to close the case, and refer to the table below for case closing guidance based on the status of the case. This guidance applies to open cases with a status code less than status 90 (even if a signed report has been received).
Case Status Closing Guidance Not started Survey the case according to the applicable IRM section: -
IRM, Survey Before Assignment.
IRM, Survey Before Assignment - Claims for Refund and Requests for Abatement.
IRM, Decision to Survey a Return.
IRM, Claims for Refund - Survey After Assignment.
Started - books and records have not been reviewed Survey the case according to the applicable IRM section: -
IRM, Decision to Survey a Return (including procedures for issuing Letter 1024).
IRM, Claims for Refund - Survey After Assignment (including procedures for issuing Letter 570).
Started - books and records have been reviewed
(includes cases where the 30-day letter was issued or a signed agreement was received)Close the case as follows: -
Unless (b) or (c) applies, close the case No-Change. See IRM, No-Change (No Adjustments) (including procedures for issuing Letter 3401).
For claims for refund or requests for abatement, allow the claim or request in full. See the applicable procedures in IRM 4.10.11, Claims for Refund and Requests for Abatement.
For non-filer cases, close the case Disposal Code 33 - Opened in Error. If contact was made with the taxpayer, issue Letter 4392.
Started - closed to Technical Services and a notice of deficiency was issued Technical Services should prepare a supplemental report to reduce the deficiency to zero and issue a no-change report to the taxpayer. Rescission procedures should not be used because rescission procedures require the consent of the taxpayer. -
After the territory manager has approved the decision to postpone the examination, the following procedures apply.
If contact was made with the taxpayer, the examiner must notify the taxpayer the examination is being suspended in accordance with IRC 7508. The examiner should also explain that the deadline for the IRS to make an assessment of tax is extended and the taxpayer’s deadline for taking certain actions with the IRS will also be extended (e.g., filing any return of income, estate, or gift tax; paying any income, estate, or gift tax; filing a claim for credit or refund of any tax, etc.).
The examiner should ask the taxpayer to notify the IRS when they return from the combat zone, by sending an email to combatzone@irs.gov (as instructed on IRS.gov). The examiner should refer the taxpayer to Publication 3, Armed Forces' Tax Guide, for additional information.
The case must be forwarded to Technical Services for suspense (see IRM Exhibit 4.4.1-3, Combat Zone). Technical Services will hold the case in suspense until the end of the postponement period, at which time it will be returned to the examination group for continuation of the audit.
IRC 7508, Time for Performing Certain Acts Postponed by Reason of Service in Combat Zone or Contingency Operation
26 CFR 301.7508-1, Time for Performing Certain Acts Postponed by Reason of Service in a Combat Zone
Publication 3, Armed Forces’ Tax Guide
IRS Questions and Answers on Combat Zone Tax Provisions
Combat Zones Approved for Tax Benefits
IRC 112, Certain Combat Zone Compensation of Members of The Armed Forces, for identification of military income that is not taxable.
Refer to the IRMs in the following table for additional information
Refer to IRM For information on: IRM Exhibit 4.4.1-1, Reference Guide AIMS guidance for combat zone cases. IRM Exhibit 4.4.1-3, Combat Zone Procedures on setting or releasing the combat zone indicator. IRM, Combat Zone IRM, Combat Zone IMF Procedures Master File identification of combat zone cases. IRM, Military Power of Attorney (POA) for Representation of Deployed Military Personnel Representation before the IRS. IRM, Combat Zone Exclusion of Income Military income that is not taxable. IRM, Combat Zone Qualified Individuals and Areas Taxpayers who qualify for the tax exclusions and a list of current combat zones. IRM, Combat Zone Computation of Suspense Period Time periods allowed for the combat zone suspense period. IRM, Time Disregarded by Reason of Combat Zone Service Computation of the suspense period. IRM, Deadlines Postponed Penalties and interest calculations from the postponed due date or actual filing date. IRM, Individual Covered Combat zone participants. IRM Exhibit 25.6.23-3, Instructions for Updating the Statute on AIMS Using AIMS alpha code RR for special statute situations.
Examination Technical Services holds cases pending a court decision or business unit guidance. Cases may be held in 1254 suspense under the following circumstances:
The facts in the case to be suspended are the same or similar to an issue pending in a federal court.
The issue is similar to one that is under consideration in District Court in another jurisdiction, but only if a Form 906, Closing Agreement on Final Determination Covering Specific Matters, has been secured, usually by Appeals.
Chief Counsel or another business unit has identified the issue as a suspense issue.
For cases held in 1254 suspense pending a court decision, the facts in the case to be suspended must be so similar to those in the pending case that a decision in one will ultimately decide the other.
The examiner must discuss any case being considered for 1254 suspense with the group manager. The group manager must contact the area Examination Technical Services function to determine whether the case meets the criteria for 1254 suspense.
Prior to forwarding a case to Examination Technical Services for 1254 suspense, the examiner must:
Develop the case to the fullest extent possible.
Ensure a partial agreement is assessed if a case has other issue(s) that do not meet 1254 suspense criteria. See instructions for preparing partially agreed reports in IRM, Partially Agreed Cases. The only issues that may be placed in 1254 suspense are unagreed issues meeting the 1254 suspense criteria.
If a partial agreement cannot be secured, the case should not be sent to 1254 suspense. Prepare an unagreed report for all issues pursuant to the instructions in IRM, Unagreed Case Procedures (SB/SE Field and Office Examiners only). If the taxpayer fails to file a protest, close the case for issuance of a statutory notice of deficiency.
Ensure an examination report addressing the unagreed issue(s) being suspended is shared with the taxpayer and a copy is retained in the case file, for purposes of IRC 6404(g).
Ensure a claim disallowance that addresses the unagreed issue(s) being suspended is in the case file, if applicable. A claim allowance must also be included in the case file should the taxpayer’s position prevail.
Ensure there are at least 24 months remaining on the statute of limitations. If not, secure an extension prior to sending the case to Examination Technical Services for 1254 suspense.
Complete Form 1254, Examination Suspense Report, and ensure the key case is identified.
See IRM, Suspense Cases, for additional guidance.
There may be times when an examiner should consider reopening a tax year that was previously examined and closed. IRC 7605(b), Restrictions on Examination of Taxpayer, provides that "No taxpayer shall be subjected to unnecessary examination or investigation, and only one inspection of a taxpayer's books of account shall be made for each taxable year unless the taxpayer requests otherwise or unless the Secretary, after investigation, notifies the taxpayer in writing that an additional inspection is necessary."
Rev. Proc. 2005-32 provides information on reopening closed cases. The following sections provide information the examiner must consider prior to the reopening of a closed case:
Rev. Proc. 2005-32, Section 4.01, Closed Case - provides definitions of a closed case.
Rev. Proc. 2005-32, Section 4.02, Reopening - defines what constitutes a “reopening.”
Rev. Proc. 2005-32, Section 4.03, Taxpayer contacts and other actions that are not examinations, inspections or reopenings - provides a list of four categories of contacts the IRS makes with taxpayers and certain other actions taken by the IRS that are not examinations, inspections, or reopenings.
The IRS will not reopen any case closed after examination by an area office or campus to make an adjustment unfavorable to a taxpayer unless one criteria discussed below is met, see Rev. Proc. 2005-32, Section 5.01 and IRM, Policy Statement 4-3, Cases closed by District Directors or Service Center Directors will not be reopened except under certain circumstances, for additional guidance):
There is evidence of fraud, malfeasance, collusion, concealment or misrepresentation of a material fact.
The prior closing involved a clearly defined substantial error based on an established IRS position existing at the time of the previous examination. "Clearly defined" means the error is clearly apparent as opposed to a potential or possible error. "Substantial" refers to the dollar amount of tax that would not be assessed if the case was not reopened.
Other circumstances exist which indicate failure to reopen would be a serious administrative omission. See Rev. Proc. 2005-32, Section 5.02, Other circumstances permitting reopening, for additional information.
All IRS initiated reopenings to make adjustments unfavorable to a taxpayer must be approved by the territory manager. The examiner must prepare Form 4505, Reopening Memorandum, for approval by the group manager and territory manager prior to starting the examination. See IRM, Delegation Order 4-7, Notice of Additional Inspection of Books of Account.
When a reexamination of the taxpayer's books and records is necessary, Letter 939 (DO), Reopening Letter, must be prepared by the examiner and sent with Form 4505 to the territory manager for signature. The examiner must issue Letter 939 (DO) to the taxpayer at the time the reexamination is started.
Once the approval has been obtained to reopen a closed case and Letter 939 (DO) is issued (if required), the examiner should contact the taxpayer using the appropriate initial contact letter. See IRM, Making Initial Contact. For guidance on report writing procedures, see IRM, Reports For Cases Reopened By Examination.
A collateral referral is made when an exchange of information between business operating divisions (BOD) or areas within the same BOD, is essential to resolve an issue of material consequence. A collateral referral is not limited to a request for information but also includes a request for an examination of returns that cross area offices or BODs.
A collateral referral is only made when the information cannot be obtained from the taxpayer, the taxpayer’s representative or third parties. The examiner must make every reasonable effort to secure the information rather than to routinely make a collateral referral.
Examples of collateral referrals include:
Interviewing a taxpayer, in-person, when summonsing a taxpayer or obtaining sworn testimony.
Obtaining documents that cannot be acquired via mail or a secure electronic transmission method.
Serving a summons.
Examining returns.
Before making a collateral referral, the examiner must perform IDRS research to determine if the taxpayer located within the jurisdiction of the other office is currently under examination (ERCS/AIMS status 12 through 18). If the taxpayer is under examination, the examiner (with the approval of their group manager) should directly contact the examiner located in the other jurisdiction to exchange information pertinent to the issues.
SB/SE Planning and Special Programs (PSP) coordinates the routing of a collateral request, see IRM, Collateral Referrals.
Form 6229, Collateral Examination, is prepared as early as possible in each examination to request or exchange information between areas to resolve an issue(s) of material consequence.
The examiner assigned the return will prepare Form 6229, per the instructions below. The examiner must maintain a copy of the completed/approved form in the electronic case file.
The narrative section of Form 6229 must include sufficient background information to clearly state the issue(s). The examiner should attach additional information, if needed, and a copy of the out-of-area return, if available.
The information requested must be specific to the issue(s).
The form must include the examiner's name and telephone number so the receiving area has the correct examiner to contact for clarification of the issue, if needed.
The group manager must review Form 6229, to ensure it is complete and includes all necessary documents. The group manager will then send it to their territory manager along with a completed Form 3210, addressed to the PSP territory manager. If the territory manager concurs with the referral, they will forward both forms to the PSP territory manager in the originating group’s area. PSP contacts are listed in the Employee Group Code Listing, located at http://mysbse.web.irs.gov/examination/examorg/hq/ecs/psp/default.aspx.
The area PSP submits Form 6229 to the appropriate PSP office having jurisdiction for the out of area/operating division taxpayer, see IRM, Collateral Referrals.
Collateral referrals involving tax shelter cases must be identified as such on the top of Form 6229.
All collateral referrals receive priority screening by the receiving PSP office. A decision will be made within 20 days of receipt, whether or not the receiving office will work the collateral referral, see IRM, Collateral Referrals.
If the collateral referral requires an examination of a return(s), the receiving PSP office will secure the relevant returns and establish AIMS controls, see IRM, Collateral Referrals.
The receiving area must acknowledge receipt of the request by completing Part 3 of Form 6229 and return it to the initiating area.
The receiving examiner must include his/her name, address, telephone number and date received. If the case is reassigned, the new examiner must notify the initiating area of the change.
Part 4 of Form 6229 is used for subsequent communications with the initiating area.
The receiving examiner must provide a clear, concise response to each question raised.
If the receiving area believes the results of the collateral referral would not justify the time and cost involved, the following steps are taken:
The receiving group manager prepares a declination memo setting forth the basis of the decision and forwards it to the territory manager for approval.
The group manager attaches the approved declination memo to the Form 6229 and forwards it to the respective PSP office who will route it to the initiating office.
Territory managers should attempt to resolve disagreements between the initiating and receiving areas. Area Directors will resolve any disagreements between the respective territory managers.
If the collateral referral results in a finding of nationwide interest, the receiving area will furnish the information to Technical Services who will share it with Headquarters using Technical Coordination Report procedures. See IRM, Technical Coordination Report, for additional information.
For collateral referrals involving tax shelter cases, the receiving area will acknowledge receipt of the collateral referral and provide a status report to the requesting group within 45 days and provide subsequent status reports every 30 days.
This section provides general information related to how Appeals works an examination case and the formal procedures for Examination staff to voice concerns about a case settled by Appeals.
Appeals will not return cases to Examination when the case is not fully developed and the taxpayer has not presented new information or evidence. Instead, Appeals will attempt to settle the case on factual hazards.
The appeal process is not a continuation or an extension of the examination process. Appeals will not raise new issues and will focus dispute resolution efforts on resolving the points of disagreement identified by the parties.
A new issue is a matter not raised during an examination.
In resolving disputes, Appeals may consider new theories and or alternative legal arguments that support the parties' positions when evaluating the hazards of litigation in a case. However, the Appeals officer will not develop evidence that is not in the case file to support the new theory or argument.
The discussion of new or additional cases or other authorities (e.g., revenue rulings or revenue procedures) that supports a theory or argument previously presented does not constitute consideration of a new issue.
A change in computation is not a new issue.
Appeals will not reopen an issue on which the taxpayer and the IRS are in agreement.
The restrictions on raising a new issue do not apply to new issues raised by taxpayers. For this purpose, the term "new issue" means issues identified by Appeals in non-docketed cases.
Appeals will not raise a new issue in a docketed case. A new issue in a docketed case is any adjustment to or change to an item that affects the petitioner's tax liability that was not included in the notice of deficiency and is raised or discussed during consideration of the case. However, Appeals will consider any new issue the government raises in its pleadings and may consider any new evidence developed by Examination or Counsel to support the government's position.
This section provides formal procedures for Examination to voice concerns about a case settled in Appeals. These procedures are not intended to replace any informal procedures currently in use at the area level. Management in Examination and Appeals can continue to address and resolve disagreements over case resolution at the lowest possible level. These formal procedures are used when the informal process results in Examination still having unresolved significant concerns about the disposition by Appeals of an issue.
Formal disagreement is expressed by written dissent. The written dissent must clearly state the reason(s) for dissent, the rationale supporting the reason(s) for the dissent, and whether Examination requests a conference with the appropriate Appeals executive (Director, Examination Appeals; Director, Collection Appeals or Director, Specialized Examination Programs and Referrals). The rationale for the dissent should include the following:
Citation of the specific facts that were not considered, or given enough weight, if Examination believes Appeals did not properly consider the facts.
Citation of the applicable law (e.g., IRCs, Treas. Regs., Rev. Ruls., court cases, etc.) that was not considered and or accorded different weight if Examination believes there was unsound application of the law by Appeals.
Dissents should be forwarded to the appropriate Appeals Director (Examination Appeals, Collection Appeals, or Specialized Examination Programs and Referrals) via the *AP Formal Dissents centralized mailbox within 90 days (extensions may be mutually agreed upon) of receipt of an ACM by Examination. The appropriate Director will retrieve the formal dissent from the centralized mailbox and send Examination an acknowledgment of receipt.
Upon receipt of the dissent, the Appeals Director will determine whether a reply to the dissent is appropriate, and guided by IRM, Policy Statement 8-3 (Formerly P-8-50), and existing regulations and statutes, whether the case should be reopened.
The above procedures do not preclude the exchange of non-case specific information that occurs through advisory boards or between analysts in Examination and Appeals.
Rev. Proc. 2016-22 describes the practices for the administrative appeals process in cases docketed in the United States Tax Court (Tax Court). See IRM 8.4.1, Procedures for Processing and Settling Docketed Cases, for additional information. These procedures do not apply to cases docketed in United States District Court or the United States Court of Federal Claims.
Jurisdiction of a docketed case must remain with the Office of Chief Counsel (Counsel) or the Office of Appeals (Appeals). Therefore, when Appeals receives "new information" (see IRM from a taxpayer, representative or counsel of record for a docketed case that merits analysis by Examination, Appeals can request examination assistance (EA). Appeals retains jurisdiction of the case while the new information is under review by Examination.
When Appeals receives new information in a non-docketed case, Appeals generally releases jurisdiction of the case and returns it to the originating function to examine the new information and make an audit determination. See IRM, Verification of New Material or Request for Further Development - ATE.
In docketed Tax Court cases, a power of attorney is not required from the counsel of record. An attorney who is admitted to practice before the court becomes the counsel of record by filing a petition or entering an appearance in the case. A counsel of record is authorized to act on behalf of the taxpayer in the court proceedings, access the tax information of the person they represent and represent the taxpayer before the Internal Revenue Service. In a case docketed in the Tax Court, anyone other than the counsel of record must be eligible to practice before the IRS and, in order to be recognized, must present a Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, or other power of attorney.
Standardized docketed case EA procedures ensure:
Examination is able to provide EA to Appeals by analyzing new information provided by petitioning taxpayers, consistent with its mission, and
All petitioning taxpayers receive consistent treatment when they provide new information not previously made available to Examination.
Examination Assistance Exception. If the docketed case is IRS Campus-sourced and meets the exception in paragraph (2) of IRM, Taxpayer Provides New Information, Appeals will review the new information and proceed with normal consideration. If the case does not meet the exception, Appeals will generally request EA.
"New information" is information received in Appeals from the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record not previously made available to Examination for consideration prior to issuance of the IRS Notice, relating to issues:
Previously examined,
Raised in the petition, or
Raised by the Government in its pleadings.
For this purpose, an IRS Notice includes a Notice of Deficiency, a Notice of Final Determination, Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment (FPAA), a Notice of Determination of Worker Classification or any similar document that outlines the Service’s position on the particular tax matter and provides Tax Court rights.
New information includes:
New information, evidence or documentation.
A relevant new issue for which Counsel has provided advice indicating that the issue does not require a formal amendment to the Tax Court petition.
A new theory or alternative legal argument presented by the taxpayer that warrants analysis by Examination before Appeals can fully evaluate the hazards of litigation.
Appeals will prepare an EA request package and forward it via encrypted email to the EA Point of Contact (EA POC) within the appropriate originating function. The EA request package will include the following electronic files:
Form 14361, Docketed Examination Assistance Request – Jurisdiction Not Released, completed by Appeals.
Form 14362, Docketed Examination Assistance Issues and Results, partially completed by Appeals and used by Examination to approve or deny the EA request, and provide EA results to Appeals.
IRS Notice and relevant attachments to the IRS Notice, if available.
Appeals will use the EA Routing Instructions posted on the Appeals website to determine the correct EA POC based on guidance in IRM
Generally, within five (5) business days of receiving the EA request package from Appeals, the EA POC will review Form 14361 and Form 14362 to ensure:
There are at least 45 calendar days from the date Appeals sent the request to the due date shown on Form 14361, Part F, Explanation.
There are at least 60 calendar days from the date Appeals sent the request to the Tax Court calendar date shown on Form 14361, Part F.
The issues to consider are identified on Form 14362, Part C, Issues and Results.
The EA POC must communicate the decision to approve or deny the EA request to the Appeals Team Manager (ATM) within 30 calendar days or less.
If the EA request is approved, the EA POC completes Form 14362, Part B, Examination Assistance Approved/Denied, indicating approval, and sends the digitally signed form to the ATM via encrypted email. The EA POC will personally provide the EA or assign and forward the EA request package to the examiner, via encrypted email. See IRM
If the EA request is denied, the EA POC completes Form 14362, Part B, by using the drop-down menu to indicate the reason the request was denied, and sends the digitally signed form to the ATM via encrypted email.
After the Appeals Technical Employee (ATE) is notified of the examiner assignment, they will promptly contact the examiner using available means (e.g., phone, email, Skype, etc.) to arrange for timely and efficient delivery of the new information and relevant administrative file information.
The ATE and examiner will coordinate and agree upon a method of delivery of the new information and related administrative file information. The method of delivery may include, but is not limited to:
Providing workspace in the Appeals office for the examiner to perform EA.
Mailing/shipping using standard procedures, including Form 3210, Document Transmittal.
Using available electronic means of transmitting information, such as encrypted email, Enterprise e-Fax (EEFax), etc.
The ATE will maintain physical possession of original tax returns, executed statute extensions, and required Tax Court-related documents. If the examiner needs any of these documents to perform the requested EA, the ATE will provide copies. If the examiner is providing EA in Appeals workspace, the ATE may provide the entire original administrative file to the examiner and secure the file from the examiner at the end of the business day.
The examiner will:
Appropriately charge time for EA activities. LB&I and SB/SE field examiners will charge time to activity code 822, Details out of Industry or Area to: Appeals Division. Campus correspondence examiners will charge time and volume to Organization Function Program (OFP) code 91969. Campus AUR examiners will charge time to the applicable OFP code.
Complete the assigned EA by the due date specified on Form 14361, Part F.
Review and analyze the EA issues using the information received from Appeals.
Prepare workpapers to support the EA findings (as applicable).
Record the findings and EA time charged on Form 14362, Part C.
Complete Form 14362, Part D, Examiner’s Information.
Obtain manager’s approval, if required, on Form 14362, Part E, Manager’s Approval.
Send the approved Form 14362 and any related electronic workpapers to the ATE via encrypted email or other electronic method agreed upon by the ATE and examiner.
Return applicable items to the ATE. See IRM
Conduct any communications with Appeals in accordance with the ex parte rules. Appeals will invite the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record to participate in any substantive discussion of the disputed issues between Exam and Appeals. See IRM 4.2.7, Ex Parte Communication Procedures.
Appeals will issue Letter 4642, Docketed Case Examination Assistance, to inform the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record that Appeals requested EA from Examination and will share any information provided by Examination with the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record for review and comment.
The examiner will not:
Prepare tax computations or create an examination report.
Issue an IDR. See IRM (3).
Provide a summary of the results to the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record.
Provide any assurances as to the final tax impact of the EA to the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record, as Appeals may base final settlement on additional factors, such as the hazards of litigation.
Pursue the development of any issues not currently before the Tax Court for the specific case without written concurrence (i.e., email) of the assigned Counsel attorney.
Although not required, the examiner has the discretion to:
Contact the assigned Counsel attorney at any time during the EA process.
Verbally ask questions or request additional information from the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record to clarify the new information received from Appeals but only after receiving the written concurrence (i.e., email) of the assigned Counsel attorney. To avoid potential Tax Court discovery issues, the examiner must not issue an information document request (IDR). The examiner must document the conversation as well as information requested, date requested, date due, and requested method of delivery on Form 9984, Examining Officer’s Activity Record, or a workpaper.
If the examiner opts to interact with the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record as outlined above, the examiner must first contact the assigned Counsel attorney to secure the name of the appropriate party for such interaction in writing (i.e., email).
Prior to requesting EA, the ATE will inform the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record of the critical importance of providing all information in support of their position to the ATE at the beginning of the Appeals process. Appeals will only request EA once on a case; therefore, the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record should have provided all necessary information to the ATE prior to the examiner receiving the EA request.
All administrative case file information including original documents and electronic files (e.g., CD-ROM, flash drive, etc.) provided by the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record through the ATE to the examiner will be returned to the ATE in the manner they were received.
The examiner will provide Appeals with any new information received and retained by the examiner from the taxpayer, representative or counsel of record during the EA.
The examiner will use Form 3210 to track and acknowledge receipt of information returned to the ATE.
Appeals will use the EA Routing Instructions posted on the Appeals website to determine the correct EA POC. The following table provides the general business rules for determining the EA POC by Primary Business Code (PBC).
Primary Business Code Originating Function and EA POC Information 190—195 W&I Campus Cases—Forward EA requests to the appropriate, designated Campus Liaison (CL). Depending on the specific Campus (by PBC) there may be different CL EA POCs for the following programs: -
ASFR—Automated Substitute for Return
CORR—Campus Correspondence Examination
EITC—Earned Income Tax Credit
The CL will review and approve/deny the initial request. If approved, the CL may personally provide the EA or assign the EA work to another examiner.201—207 SB/SE Field Examination Cases—Forward to the appropriate, designated EA POC as follows (based upon information in the case file and AIMS/IDRS): -
If the Exam group is known, the EA POC will be the current Exam group manager. If approved, the EA POC may assign the EA to the original examiner or another examiner.
If the Exam group no longer exists or cannot be determined, the EA POC will be the Territory Manager.
If the Territory no longer exists or cannot be determined, Appeals will contact the Area PSP office for assistance in determining where to route the EA request. The Area PSP will not decide whether to approve or deny the EA request.
212 SB/SE Field Employment Tax Cases—Forward to the appropriate, designated EA POC as follows (based upon information in the case file and AIMS/IDRS): -
If the Exam group is known, the EA POC will be the current Exam group manager.
If the Exam group no longer exists or cannot be determined, the EA POC will be the Territory Manager.
If the Territory no longer exists or cannot be determined, the EA POC will be the Chief Employment Tax.
213 SB/SE Field Estate & Gift Tax Cases—Forward to the appropriate, designated EA POC as follows (based upon information in the case file and AIMS/IDRS): -
If the Exam group is known, the EA POC will be the current Exam group manager.
If the Exam group no longer exists or cannot be determined, the EA POC will be the Territory Manager.
If the Territory no longer exists or cannot be determined, the EA POC will be the Chief, Estate and Gift.
214 SB/SE Field Excise Tax Cases—Forward EA requests to the appropriate, designated PBC 214 (Excise Tax) EA POC. -
If the Exam group is known, the EA POC will be the current Exam group manager.
If the Exam group no longer exists or cannot be determined, the EA POC will be the Territory Manager.
If the Territory no longer exists or cannot be determined, the EA POC will be the Chief Excise Tax.
295—299 SB/SE Campus Cases —Forward EA requests to the appropriate, designated CL. Depending on the specific Campus (by PBC) there may be different CL EA POCs for the following programs: -
ASFR—Automated Substitute for Return
AUR—Automated Underreporter
CORR—Campus Correspondence Examination
EITC—Earned Income Tax Credit
3XX LB&I Examination Cases—Forward EA requests to the appropriate, designated EA POC as follows (based upon the PBC): -
If the Examination Group Code is known, the EA POC point will be the current Examination/Compliance Manager (Group/Team Manager).
If the Examination group no longer exists or cannot be determined, the EA POC will be the Compliance Territory Manager.
If the Territory no longer exists or cannot be determined, Appeals will contact the Compliance Function Director Field Operations (DFO) for assistance in determining where to route the EA request. The DFO will not decide whether to approve or deny the EA request.
In general, Counsel will not raise new issues, unless the grounds are substantial and the potential effect on tax liability is material. See Chief Counsel Directives Manual (CCDM), Raising New Issues in Tax Court Cases.
The legal work of the IRS is performed by the Office of Chief Counsel. Referrals to the Associate Area Counsel office should be considered in unrelated tax issue matters.
The IRS ordinarily will not intervene in litigation in state courts between private litigants even though the purpose of the parties is to obtain a decree or judgment affecting the federal tax liability of one or the other of the parties to the litigation. In those cases arising in state courts between private litigants, to which officials of the IRS have not been made a party but which may have a direct bearing upon the construction of an internal revenue code, or upon the government's title or right to possession to property which has been seized, the IRS may intervene or take other appropriate steps in connection with the proceeding. See IRM, Policy Statement 4–10 and CCDM, Intervention.
When pending proceedings come to the attention of examiners, a memorandum report of the proceeding should be made to the Associate Area Counsel office. Area Counsel will determine whether the IRS should intervene or take any steps in connection with the proceeding.
Examiners may determine a taxpayer erroneously received a payment of money in the form of a tax refund. IRC 7405 provides that any portion of tax which has been erroneously refunded may be recovered by civil action. IRC 6532(b) provides that a general suit under IRC 7405 may be brought within two years. Begin computing the two-year period from the day after issuance of the refund check or the date the direct deposit cleared. Examiners should contact Chief Counsel, Procedure and Administration, if there is a potential statute problem. If any part of the refund was induced by fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact, suit may be brought at any time within five years from the day after issuance of the refund check or the date the direct deposit cleared. See IRM, Unassessable Erroneous Refunds, and IRM, Collection Methods for Category D Erroneous Refunds, for additional information.
Assessable erroneous refunds may also be recovered by administrative action within the applicable period of limitation upon assessment and collection. The type of tax involved is determinative of the type of administrative action available. Ordinarily, recovery by suit is utilized because administrative recovery is barred by the statute of limitations on assessment. Any contemplated collection activity based on administrative recovery should be coordinated with Counsel.
The erroneous refund suit is limited to erroneously refunded amounts that exceed the litigating threshold established by the Department of Justice (DOJ).
A recommendation for an erroneous refund suit to the Associate Area Counsel should be accompanied by the administrative file, a copy of any request made to the taxpayer for voluntary payment, a copy of the taxpayer's refusal to make voluntary payment, transcript of account, and a narrative report containing the following information:
The type of tax involved and the amount of money expected to be recovered.
The date the period of limitations on collection will expire.
A brief statement that administrative remedies are impractical or have been exhausted, including the reasons that administrative actions have not been effective.
Facts, evidence, and other matters necessary for development of the case.
Brief personal history of the taxpayer or other facts that might have a bearing on the suit.
Location of the principal executive office, date of incorporation, state of incorporation, and the name and address of the statutory agent for service if the taxpayer is a corporation.
A statement of the exact legal premise for recovery of the erroneous refund.
After the narrative report and other related documents are prepared, the examiner will submit the entire case file to the group manager for review. If the manager agrees, the case will be referred to Area Counsel using locally established procedures. For example, the manager may request Technical Services (TS) conduct a further technical review and prepare the advisory request, or an area may have an agreement with its Area Counsel and TS to send requests for technical assistance directly to Area Counsel (TS should receive a copy of the request if bypassed).
When examiners are needed to assist Area Counsel or the Office of the United States Attorney, the Area Director will honor requests and assign an examiner to provide the services needed in the litigation of cases.
Examiners will not discuss the merits of the case with the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s attorney when consulting with them or examining pertinent books and records.
Every effort will be made to comply with a request by the date specified. If is not possible to comply with the request for assistance, the party who initiated the request will be notified.
In suits initiated by or against the IRS, the Disclosure Office or Field Collection-Advisory receives and processes requests from U.S. Attorneys or Chief Counsel for data or documents. Basic data in refund suits, other than suits involving Trust Fund Recovery Penalty assessments, is requested directly from the campus. For additional information, see IRM, Types of Litigation Controlled by Advisory.
A DOJ attorney may request assistance prior to or during a trial resulting in Counsel requesting a supplemental investigation by an examiner. See CCDM, When Supplemental Investigation Is Warranted. The request may be formal or informal. If formal, Counsel will request a supplemental investigation by preparing a memorandum to the Area Director (or comparable level of management) for the area in which the case arose. See CCDM, Procedure for Supplemental Investigation.
Electronically stored information (ESI) is subject to discovery in litigation if it is relevant to the case. ESI includes, but is not limited to, email and other electronic communications, word processing documents, spreadsheets, electronic calendars, telephone logs, Internet usage files, metadata, voice mail, text messages, and network access information. For additional information regarding ESI, see IRM, Preserving Electronically Stored Information in Litigation Cases.
IRC 7430 provides for the award of costs, attorneys' fees and other expenses to a "prevailing party" in any civil tax action brought in a federal court of the United States, if the taxpayer has met the requirements of IRC 7430(b) and the IRS does not establish that its position was "substantially justified" . The position of the IRS will be "substantially justified" if it had a reasonable basis both in law and in fact. A party who meets the requirements of IRC 7430(b) may also qualify as a "prevailing party" if the liability of the taxpayer as determined by a judgment in the proceeding is equal to or less than the liability of the taxpayer which would have been determined if the United States had accepted a qualified offer of the party under IRC 7430(g) and none of the exceptions of IRC 7430(c)(4)(E)(ii) apply. If the qualified offer rule applies, a showing of substantial justification by the United States does not preclude the taxpayer from receiving an award under IRC 7430. This paragraph is not applicable to litigation in state courts.
The law also applies to taxpayer suits for refunds as well as a wide variety of litigation such as suits to reduce a tax claim to judgment, to enforce a levy, to foreclose a tax lien, to recover an erroneous refund, to establish transferee liability, or to enforce a summons.
The law provides that an award may be made only if the taxpayer has exhausted all available administrative remedies within the IRS, did not unreasonably protract the proceeding, has substantially prevailed with respect to the amount in controversy or has substantially prevailed with respect to the most significant issue or set of issues presented, and satisfies the net worth requirements. Even if the taxpayer satisfies all of the above requirements, the taxpayer will not be treated as the prevailing party if the United States establishes that the position of the United States in the proceeding was substantially justified, unless the qualified offer rule of IRC 7430(c)(4)(E) applies.
IRC 7430 also allows a taxpayer who prevails before the IRS in an administrative proceeding to request reimbursement of reasonable administrative costs incurred in defending the taxpayer's position.
Taxpayers must file their requests with the IRS personnel who have jurisdiction over the tax matter underlying the claim for costs. If the taxpayer does not know who has jurisdiction over the tax matter, the taxpayer may send the request to the IRS office that considered the underlying matter. See Treas. Reg. 301.7430-2(c)(2).
Administrative cost awards under IRC 7430 are considered by Appeals in non-docketed cases. Therefore, requests for IRC 7430 administrative cost awards in non-docketed cases should be routed to the Appeals office personnel who considered the taxpayer’s matter.
Administrative cost awards under IRC 7430 are considered by Counsel in docketed cases. Therefore, requests for IRC 7430 administrative cost awards in docketed cases should be routed to Counsel.
Regardless of whether the case is docketed or non-docketed, all requests for IRC 7430 administrative cost awards with respect to an administrative proceeding related to requests for damages for Bankruptcy Code violations should be routed pursuant to the instructions in Treas. Reg. 301.7430-2(c)(2).
There is no IRS form for requesting an IRC 7430 administrative cost award. Taxpayers and their representatives may file a request for an IRC 7430 administrative cost award by mailing a letter or Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement, to the IRS. If the examiner is unsure if a Form 843 is requesting an IRC 7430 administrative cost award, they should consult with the lead or group manager.
A statute expiration report is required when the period for assessment or the assessment period that was extended by consent has expired. See IRM, Barred Assessments/Barred Statute Cases, for guidance and a list of exceptions to the reporting requirement.
SB/SE area office employees should refer to IRM, Statute Expiration Reporting Responsibilities and Procedures for SB/SE Area Office Involved Directly With or Providing Support for Tax Return Examinations, for guidance.
LB&I field operations and campus employees should refer to IRM, Statute Expiration Reporting Responsibilities and Procedures for LB&I Field Operations and LB&I Campus Employees, for guidance.
W&I campus examination employees should refer to IRM, Responsibilities of W&I Examination Operations at Campuses, for guidance.
IRM, Policy Statement 4-65, provides that the IRS shall not make any effort, real or implied, to solicit voluntary payments of a deficiency or taxpayer delinquent account barred by statute. However, payments made by the taxpayer completely of their free will shall be accepted.
Taxpayers must be notified in writing of assessment statute expiration if they were contacted for examination. The appropriate notification letter depends on whether a deficiency can be determined. See IRM and IRM for additional guidance. The responsibilities for preparing the notification letter, mailing and routing are the following:
The undated notification letter, signed by the designated manager within the responsible Area, along with the completed Form 3999, Statute Expiration Report, are forwarded to the Area Director (or comparable level of management) via second-level management.
The Area Director (or comparable level of management) signs the Form 3999 and the letter is date-stamped and mailed by his or her secretary or staff assistant. The date of taxpayer notification is entered in Box 7 of Form 3999.
A copy of the notification letter and the Form 3999 are forwarded back to the manager via second-level management.
The Area Director (or comparable level of management) retains a copy of the Form 3999 and the applicable taxpayer notification letter. The final Form 3999 and a copy of the taxpayer notification letter are sent forward to the Examination Director (or comparable level of management).
In multi-year and related examinations, it is not necessary to separately process the year in which the statute expired. The return can follow the case file through the normal examination process. However, a copy of the final approved Form 3999 must be in the case file.
If the examination has not reached the point where the deficiency can be determined, prepare Letter 5318, Deficiency Case Discontinued Due to Statute Expiration-Deficiency Undetermined. Letter 5318 explains that the examination has been discontinued because the statutory period in which the IRS can legally issue a refund or assess a deficiency has expired.
If the deficiency can be determined or the case is a no-change, prepare Letter 5321, Deficiency Case Discontinued Due to Statute Expiration-Deficiency Determined, and an unagreed or no-change examination report.
The report can be a copy of a report previously furnished to the taxpayer, a revision of that report or an initial report prepared after statute expiration. However, adjustments that give the taxpayer a beneficial "double deduction" are prohibited as discussed in 26 CFR 1.161-1, e.g., capitalizing an item previously expensed and allowing a depreciation deduction in subsequent years. IRC 6401(a) provides that the term overpayment includes any payment of any internal revenue tax which is assessed or collected after the expiration of the period of limitation applicable. It will generally be possible for the taxpayer to file a timely claim within two years and have any payment refunded. This permits a double deduction if a report includes issues that involve subsequent returns. See IRM, Unagreed Cases: Reports, for guidance on unagreed reports.
The report should reflect the deficiency or no change to tax resulting from issues that have been developed to a point where the IRS's position is reasonably sound. Letter 5321 advises the taxpayer " you have no legal obligation to pay the amount shown on the enclosed report."
In order to show the statute has expired and the taxpayer is under no legal obligation to pay the deficiency, include the following statement in the "Other Information" section of the report: "You will not be assessed a deficiency for (year) and are under no obligation to pay the deficiency shown on this examination report."
The purpose of the report is to help the taxpayer in filing subsequent returns and to furnish the amount of the deficiency if the taxpayer elects to make a voluntary payment.
If the taxpayer inquires about making a voluntary payment, they should be informed the payment will be accepted and can be mailed to the office contacted. The subject of voluntary payments should not be discussed unless the taxpayer inquires about voluntary payments. If the taxpayer makes a voluntary payment:
Prepare and process Form 3244-A, Payment Posting Voucher-Examination, treating the payment as an advance payment. See IRM, Form 3244-A, and IRM, Completion of Form 3244-A for IRC 6603 Deposits.
Prepare Form 3198, Special Handling Notice for Examination Case Processing, following the instructions in IRM (1), Closing Cases Involving Expired Statute Returns, and submit the case for normal processing. Voluntary payments are sent to Excess Collection File.
Prepare and issue Letter 5319, Deficiency Case-Voluntary Payment Received After Statute Expiration, acknowledging receipt of the payment.
The individual income tax returns for the President and Vice President are subject to mandatory examinations and cannot be surveyed. See IRM, Mandatory Examination.
Copies of the returns to be examined will be transmitted by the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement to the SB/SE, Director, Examination.
The area responsible for the examination will be determined by the SB/SE, Director, Examination or their designee. After a determination is made as to the area having jurisdiction, copies of the returns will be transmitted to the area planning and special programs (PSP) territory manager for control and assignment to the appropriate field group. The transmittal memorandum will contain the following instructions:
Regardless of discriminant index function (DIF) score, the returns will be examined.
IRS personnel, including specialists, will be assigned to the examination as appropriate.
The Examination Area Director, or their designee, will arrange for contact with the authorized representative of the President and or Vice President for the examination.
All relevant IRM procedures will apply to these returns.
Upon receipt, the group should ensure Project Code 0207, Treasury Mandates, and Source Code 46, have been input for the primary and any prior or subsequent year returns.
The returns must be assigned within 10 business days of receipt in the group. The returns require expeditious handling at all levels to ensure prompt completion of the examinations.
Related returns, including estate and gift tax returns, will be handled in accordance with procedures relating to all taxpayers.
The location of the returns of the President and Vice President will be monitored at all times throughout the examination process.
The returns should be kept in an orange folder at all times.
The returns should not be exposed to viewing by other employees.
The returns should be locked in a secure drawer or cabinet when the examiner is away from the work area.
The returns should be processed similar to the examination of an employee return per IRM 4.2.6, Examination of Employee Returns, with the exception of the following:
The returns of the President and Vice President are mandatory examinations and cannot be surveyed.
The returns are subject to mandatory review and must be closed directly to the Employee Audit Reviewer in Baltimore Technical Services. The "Other" box in the "Forward to Technical Services" section of Form 3198 must be checked and the examiner should notate "President (or Vice President) Examination; Forward to Baltimore Technical Services." The examining area will notify Baltimore Technical Services when the return is being forwarded.
Baltimore Technical Services will provide Centralized Case Processing (CCP) with advance notice when the return is being closed.
Taxpayers who are presidential appointees are permitted to file their individual income tax returns through a trustee of a blind trust. IRM, Terms, defines a blind trust as a device used to give management of one's investments to an outside person over whom the beneficiary has no control.
Extreme caution should be exercised not to violate a blind trust. All correspondence, inquiries, etc., should be directed to the authorized trustee unless the power of attorney indicates otherwise. No information regarding the source or nature of a blind trust can be disclosed. See IRM, General Information and Instructions, and Rev. Proc. 2010-11, for additional information.
Allegations of income tax evasion or allegations concerning the willful failure to file any tax return by a senior Treasury official where prosecution is recommended, where the fraud penalty under IRC 6663 is asserted, or the fraudulent failure to file penalty under IRC 6651(f) is asserted when prosecution is not recommended, will be reported to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue will immediately report the allegations to the Deputy Secretary of Treasury or to the Secretary of Treasury.
Upon recommending the assertion of the fraud penalty under IRC 6663 or the fraudulent failure to file penalty under IRC 6651(f) (for a "senior Treasury official" ) where prosecution has not been recommended by the CI function, the territory manager will provide the Area Director (or comparable level of management) with a memorandum, for forwarding through channels, to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The memorandum will contain the following information:
Taxpayer name, residence address, and social security number.
Taxpayer position, now held, which qualifies him or her as a "senior Treasury official."
Brief summary of the findings and the tax years involved.
Additional civil taxes and penalties.
All information received concerning misconduct of IRS employees or officials will be reported to TIGTA via the local TIGTA office or by a report to the TIGTA hotline using one of the following methods:
Online—complete and submit the online form on TIGTA's web page at: http://www.treasury.gov/tigta/contact_report.shtml
Email—send a secure email message to the TIGTA Hotline Complaints Unit at Complaints@tigta.treas.gov
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
PO Box 589
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-0589
A bond for the purpose of securing payment of internal revenue taxes is collateral security offered by the taxpayer, representative or a third party, which satisfies the provisions of IRC 7101 and 26 CFR 301.7101–1.
If an IRC 332(b) liquidation is not completed within a single year, the recipient corporation must sign a waiver of the statute of limitations on assessment and may be required to file a bond.
The recipient corporation must waive the statute of limitations on assessment for each year that falls wholly or partly in the liquidation period. Form 952, Consent to Fix Period of Limitation on Assessment of Income Taxes, is used to extend the period of assessment of all income taxes of the receiving corporation on the complete liquidation of a subsidiary under IRC 332. See 26 CFR 1.332-4.
Under a three year corporate liquidation plan, the recipient corporation may be required to file a bond in case nonrecognition treatment is later lost. See 26 CFR 1.332-4(a)(3).
Under IRC 905(c), in the case of any credit sought for a foreign tax accrued but not paid, the Area Director or Director of Field Operations, as a condition precedent to the allowance of a credit, may require a bond from the taxpayer.
A bond under IRC 905(c) is filed using Form 1117, Income Tax Surety Bond. Form 1117 will be executed by the taxpayer or representative and approved by the Area Director (or comparable level of management) on behalf of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
No period of limitations is established under either IRC 905(c) or IRC 6501(a) for the furnishing of a bond requested pursuant to IRC 905(c) for a foreign tax credit based on an accrual of a foreign tax. Such bond may be required from a taxpayer at any time and the foreign tax credit may be disallowed without regard to any period of limitations if a taxpayer refuses to furnish the bond. See Rev. Rul. 73-573.
If IRC 332(b) or IRC 905(c) issues are present, examiners should contact their Area Counsel for help in determining whether to secure a bond and what the terms should be. Any bonds secured will be held by Collection Advisory. See IRM 5.6.1, Collateral Agreements and Security Type Collateral, and IRM 5.6.2, Maintenance, for additional information.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Department of Treasury administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on U.S. foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States. OFAC acts under Presidential national emergency powers, as well as authority granted by specific legislation, to impose controls on transactions and freeze foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction.
On September 24, 2001, the President of the United States issued an executive order that immediately froze U.S. financial assets of and prohibited U.S. transactions with 27 different entities. These entities include terrorist organizations, individual terrorist leaders, a corporation that serves as a front for terrorism, and several nonprofit organizations.
Treasury Directive (TD) 15-43 (May 3, 2007, reaffirmed September 8, 2011) delegates to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue the authority of the OFAC to investigate and review for compliance with economic sanctions programs persons that the IRS has the authority to examine for compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act provisions in Title 31 (31 U.S.C. 5311 et seq.). The authority to investigate and review includes, but is not limited to, the authority to compel the production of documents and information and otherwise to examine a person’s compliance with OFAC-administered economic sanctions. IRM, Delegation Order 4-47 (New), addresses the Commissioner of Internal Revenue’s authorization under TD 15-43 with respect to conducting reviews for compliance with economic sanctions programs.
Information regarding blocked property of aliens and foreign corporations may be obtained from records located in OFAC. When such information is requested by area offices, a request detailing the desired information will be forwarded to the SB/SE Area Director.
Requests should contain clear instructions on what is requested and why. OFAC collects the information for bank regulatory purposes and needs to know who will be the end user of the information and how the information will be used; e.g., by a revenue agent to conduct an examination. Make the request in a letter sent to the address listed on the contacts page of the Office of Foreign Assets Control website and include the subject line "Records Request from Federal Agency" .
Information obtained from the records of OFAC with respect to blocked accounts will be considered to be of a confidential nature and the source thereof will not be disclosed to taxpayers or their representatives, nor will such information be used in any legal proceeding without written authorization from headquarters.
OFAC will pay all taxes legally assessed against a former owner whose property has been vested by that office if the tax is attributable to taxable income accruing prior to the date of vesting. This is conditional upon a proper determination of the taxes, where there is no non-vested property from which the taxes may be realized, and there are vested funds available for payment of the taxes.
Investigation of returns will be made under the general procedure prescribed for investigation of income tax returns. If the owner has property vested by OFAC, any deficiency in tax liability arising from income realized prior to vesting or from income earned on non-vested property will be asserted under the general prescribed procedures. Preliminary (30-day) letters or statutory notices of deficiency in cases where communication cannot be had with the owner or representative, should be addressed in care of the party or agency having custody of the property. Under war conditions, such address may be treated as the taxpayer's last known address.
If all the property of the owner has been vested, the preliminary (30-day) letter, as well as the statutory notice of deficiency, should be addressed to the owner, in care of Justice Dept., Civil Division, Office of Foreign Assets Control. Visit the Office of Foreign Assets Control website for additional information on the OFAC.
If the owner of the property or the party having custody of the property (in situations in which the property has not been vested by OFAC) does not agree to any proposed deficiencies, the parties will have the right to a protest. Any reasonable request for an extension to the 30-day letter should be given favorable consideration, provided the interests of the government are adequately protected.
If Appeals consideration is not requested, the case file will be forwarded to the LB&I, Withholding, Exchange and International Individual Compliance (WEIIC) PSP program manager. The file will include the audit report and a statement of reasons why an agreement was not reached. In cases where agreements were concluded in vested cases, the file will be noted to assess in the name of the OFAC, for the former owner. Likewise, agreed assessments in non-vested cases will be made in the name of the owner in care of the person, party, or agency having custody of the property.
In cases of blocked or vested property, where it is determined the payor failed to withhold tax at the source on income, the amount required by statute to be withheld will be asserted against the payor agent. In cases where it is determined that income arising, but not paid, prior to blocking or vesting was turned over to OFAC without withholding, the liability of the payor agent for withholding will be promptly reported to the LB&I, Withholding, Exchange and International Individual Compliance PSP program manager for adjustment.
Federal agencies have always recognized a duty to protect informants and witnesses from threats or possible danger resulting from their assistance to the government by furnishing information or by testifying on behalf of the government in the prosecution of individuals. See IRM, Protection and Maintenance of Informants and Witnesses.
The IRS has the authority to temporarily protect an informant or witness until a determination is made by the DOJ that the person qualifies for protection under its Witness Security Program.
The IRS has the authority to approve all confidential expenditures for other protective arrangements undertaken by the IRS for an informant or witness who does not qualify for or is refused protection under the DOJ's Witness Security Program, in an investigation which is not under jurisdiction of the U.S. Attorney's Office.
Examination personnel who become aware of or have indications that the taxpayer assigned may be a person in the Witness Security Program will immediately suspend the examination. No subsequent attempts by examination employees will be made to contact a protected witness.
The examiner will prepare a memorandum addressed to the territory manager detailing the following facts and circumstances:
Any examination action taken to date
Facts indicating that the taxpayer is enrolled in the Witness Security Program
Relevant facts involved in the tax matter, e.g., year under examination, information needed, etc.
After the group manager and territory manager (TM) review and approve the memorandum, the TM will email the memorandum to the SB/SE Witness Security Coordinator (WSC) at the following email address *SBSE Witness Security Coordinator. The SB/SE WSC works in Operations Support, Business Support Office, Fraud Policy and Operations. The WSC is the liaison between the IRS and the United States Marshall Service. -
Upon receipt by an IRS employee of information alleging a threat or possible danger to a past or present government informant or witness or family member, as a result of furnishing information or otherwise cooperating with the government, the employee will email the information immediately to the WSC at *SBSE Witness Security Coordinator.
The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) helps taxpayers resolve problems with the IRS and recommends changes to prevent problems through two types of advocacy—case-related and systemic. See IRM, Philosophy of Advocacy. TAS has identified criteria that qualify taxpayers for TAS assistance. TAS Criteria 1-9 reflect situations requiring acceptance of taxpayer cases to be worked by TAS.
TAS refers to Criteria 1-4 as "Economic Burden" cases, Criteria 5-7 as "Systemic Burden" cases, Criteria 8 as "Best Interest of the Taxpayer" cases, and Criteria 9 as "Public Policy" cases. See IRM, TAS Case Criteria.
All inquiries meeting TAS criteria should be documented on Form 911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance (And Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order), and forwarded to TAS by the most expeditious method available.
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Problems that meet TAS criteria do not necessarily need to be sent to TAS if they can be immediately resolved by the function. All IRS employees should handle potential TAS cases with the taxpayer's best interest in mind. For other taxpayer problem resolutions, see IRM, Problem Solving.
If TAS accepts a Form 911 that is related to a taxpayer under examination, it will be forwarded to Examination for review by the responsible group. The group manager will refer to the Service Level Agreement between the National Taxpayer Advocate and the Commissioner of their respective division for procedural guidance.
Examiners should charge time expended on TAS activities to miscellaneous examination Activity Code 671, Taxpayer Advocate, per IRM 4.9, Examination Technical Time Reporting System. Time charged to this code should only include actual time spent on TAS activities. Examination time should be charged to the case in the usual manner.
The statute of limitations on assessment may be extended by IRC 7811(d) and should be confirmed in writing with TAS.
The provisions of IRC 1033, Involuntary Conversions, allow for the deferral of gains realized on the disposition of compulsorily or involuntarily converted property when a taxpayer purchases similar property within the specified replacement period. When the taxpayer is unable to replace the property within the normal replacement period, they can request an extension of the replacement period by writing to the Area Director. The Area Director will forward the taxpayer's request for an extension of time to Technical Services (TS) for consideration. TS will take final action to approve or deny the request as delegated by IRM, Delegation Order SBSE 1-23-33, Authority to Grant Extensions of Time to Replace Involuntarily Converted Property Under Section 1033 of the Internal Revenue Code. See IRM, Involuntarily Converted Property, for additional information.
If the converted property is owned by several taxpayers under the jurisdiction of different Area Directors' offices, the TS national coordinator will conduct the investigation to determine whether reasonable cause exists for not replacing the converted property within the required time period.
During the preliminary review of IRP data, examiners may determine that information provided by the payer is incorrect.
Bad payer data is defined as any situation where the payer made an error on the information return of a type that could occur on other information returns. When errors have occurred on ten or more of these documents filed by one payer or transmitter, bad payer data exists. Examples of bad payer data include but are not limited to:
Duplicate filing of Forms W-2 or 1099;
Corrected Forms W-2 or 1099 not identified as a corrected, thus appearing to duplicate the original filing;
Misplaced decimals;
Additional digits added to amounts;
Nontaxable income reported as taxable; and
Income reported on the wrong form.
When examiners determine that bad payer data exists, they will briefly explain the identified error on a copy of the IRP and email it to the AUR HQ Payer Agent Coordinator, by selecting the coordinator from the AUR Coordinator Site - "Ogden" .
Informant awards for confidential services are often received from the Bureau of Customs, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Secret Service, local Police Departments, Whistleblower program, and other similar sources. It is imperative that the source of income not be revealed in the examiner's report and that the identify of the informant be protected. See IRM, Confidentiality of the Whistleblower, for additional guidance on confidentiality.
If during the examination, unidentified income reported on the return or unreported income is discovered, the taxpayer may explain that the income was received for services of a confidential nature.
If verification of the source of income is necessary, then verification should be secured through inquiry of the official in charge of making the payment
If the official is in the same locality as the examiner, then the official will be interviewed personally without any written communication or other report. If a personal interview is not possible, the examiner will prepare for the personal signature of the Area Director, a letter to the official marked "Confidential - To be opened by addressee only" requesting verification of the payment for confidential services.
If the taxpayer states that the unidentified or unreported income was received for services of a confidential nature, the case will be processed in the usual manner without disclosing the source of the payment.
In the case file, the description of the income will state "miscellaneous income -source verified."
Correspondence used to verify the source of income will not remain in the case file but will be maintained in special file, confidential in nature, under the personal control of the Area Director.