Emergency Financial Aid Grants Under the CARES Act for Form 8917


Thông báo: Nội dung lịch sử

Đây là một tài liệu lưu trữ hoặc lịch sử và có thể không phản ánh luật pháp, chính sách hoặc thủ tục hiện hành.

The COVID-Related Tax Relief Act of 2020 updated CARES Act information about education grants and although these grants still aren't includible in your gross income, expenses paid with the grants can now be used to figure the tuition and fees deduction (for 2020 expenses only, because the tuition and fees deduction expired after December 31, 2020), the American opportunity credit, and the lifetime learning credit. For more information, see Higher Education Emergency Grants Frequently Asked Questions on IRS.gov