Contributions in aid of construction for regulated water and sewerage disposal utility companies


Thông báo: Nội dung lịch sử

Đây là một tài liệu lưu trữ hoặc lịch sử và có thể không phản ánh luật pháp, chính sách hoặc thủ tục hiện hành.

For contributions made after December 31, 2020, a special rule applies to contributions to the capital of water and sewerage disposal utilities. Under the general rule, any contribution in aid of construction or any contribution by a government entity to the capital of a corporation is not eligible for exclusion from income under section 118. Under the special rule, any amount of money or property received after December 31, 2020, as a contribution in aid of construction or a contribution to the capital of a regulated public utility which provides water or sewerage disposal services is eligible for exclusion from income under section 118. For additional information, see IRC § 118.