Examples of agricultural and horticultural purposes | Internal Revenue Service

The following list contains examples of activities that show an agricultural or horticultural purpose.

  • Promoting various cooperative agricultural, horticultural, and civic activities among rural residents by a state and county farm and home bureau
  • Exhibiting livestock, farm products, and other aspects of agriculture and horticulture
  • Testing soil for members and nonmembers of the farm bureau on a cost basis, the results of the tests and other recommendations being furnished to the community members to educate them in soil treatment
  • Guarding the purity of a specific breed of livestock
  • Encouraging improvements in the production of fish on privately-owned fish farms
  • Negotiating with processors for the price to be paid to members for, but not acting as an agent to help members sell, their crops
  • Nonprofit association that operates an educational rodeo show promoting agriculture

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