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Filing a supplemental claim for the Employee Retention Credit
On Sept. 26, 2024, the IRS announced a Third-Party Payer Supplemental Claim Program. Additional information can be found at TPP supplemental claim and FAQs for TPP supplemental claims.
As detailed in the linked news release and webpages, TPPs who filed aggregated claims for more than one client have an opportunity to correct and/or consolidate the claims they filed on or before Jan. 31, 2024.
E-file Forms 1099 with IRIS
The Information Returns Intake System (IRIS) Taxpayer Portal is a system that provides a no cost online method for taxpayers to electronically file Form 1099 series. This free electronic filing service is secure, accurate and requires no special software. This may be especially helpful to any small business that currently sends their 1099 forms on paper to the IRS. Through it they can submit automatic extensions, make corrections and reduce expenses related to paper filing. The Taxpayer Portal allows you to enter data to create Forms 1099 by either keying in the information or uploading a .csv file. For more information see Publication 5717, IRS Portal User Guide PDF.
E-file information returns
Information returns, Form 1099 series and Form W-2, required to be filed on or after January 1, 2024-
- require electronic filing by filers of 10 or more returns in a calendar year
- require filers to aggregate almost all information return types covered by the regulation to determine whether a filer meets the 10-return threshold and is required to e-file their information returns.
This includes Forms W-2, e-filed with the Social Security Administration.
Form W-2/SSN data theft: Information for businesses and payroll service providers
This email scam uses a corporate officer’s name to request employee Forms W-2 from company payroll or human resources departments. The email is sent to an employee in the payroll or human resources departments, requesting a list of all employees and their Forms W-2. See the full article for steps to take in contacting the IRS if businesses and payroll service professionals received the email and/or lost data to this scam.
Worker classification
Worker classification (independent contractors vs. employees)
Are you or your help independent consultants or employees? Before you can know how to treat payments you make for services, you must first know the business relationship that exists between you and the person performing the services.
Voluntary Classification Settlement Program
The Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP) is a voluntary program that provides an opportunity for taxpayers to reclassify their workers as employees for employment tax purposes for future tax periods with partial relief from federal employment taxes.
Employees and employment taxes
Employment taxes for businesses
This is the starting point on for employment tax information. These links provide good, basic information on employment taxes and worker classification (independent contractors vs. employees).
Businesses with employees
This section briefly discusses a variety of topics that employers and/or businesses who have employees should know.
Correcting employment taxes
Information on correcting errors on previously filed employment tax returns.
Outsourcing payroll and third-party payers
Many employers outsource some of their payroll and related tax duties to third-party payroll service providers. They can help assure filing deadlines and deposit requirements are met and greatly streamline business operations.
Voluntary Certified Professional Employer Organizations (CPEO) Program
The IRS to establish a voluntary certification program for professional employer organizations (PEOs). PEOs handle various payroll administration and tax reporting responsibilities for their business clients and are typically paid a fee based on payroll costs.
Staying up to date
Subscribe to a variety of electronic newsletters from this page, including:
- e-News for payroll professionals - information specifically affecting federal payroll tax returns
- e-News for tax professionals - news for tax professionals, links to resources on and local news and events by state
- e-News for small businesses - information about IRS small business outreach products and programs
Electronic options
E-file employment tax forms
Generally, employers must report wages, tips and other compensation paid to an employee by filing the required form(s) to the IRS. You must also report taxes you deposit by filing Form 941, Form 943, Form 944, Form 945, and Form 940 on paper or through e-file. A fee may be charged to file electronically.
You can also e-file corrected employment tax returns Form 941-X, Form 943-X, and Form 945-X. The Form 940 e-file program allows you to electronically file an amended Form 940.
Electronic deposit required
Federal tax deposits must be made by electronic funds transfers (EFT).
You can make payments through your business tax account, through Direct Pay for businesses, using the government's free Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) or through one of the following methods that may charge a fee:
- Ask your financial institution to initiate an automated clearing house (ACH) credit payment on your behalf
- Ask a trusted third party, such as a tax professional or payroll service, to make the payment for you
- Ask your financial institution to make a same-day tax wire payment for you
Taxpayer identification number (TIN) on-line matching
TIN matching gives the authorized user the opportunity to match 1099 payee information against IRS records prior to filing information returns. An authorized payor is one who has filed information returns with the IRS in at least one of the two past tax years.
Other information for payroll professionals and employers
Retirement plans for small businesses
Are you looking for information on employee retirement plans in order to provide better service to all your clients?
EITC toolkit for employers
Four out of five eligible workers file for and get the EITC they earned. Employers can help more eligible workers get this important financial boost by telling their workers about EITC.
Social Security Administration (SSA) – Business services online
The Business Services Online (BSO) Suite of Services allows organizations, businesses, individuals, employers, attorneys, non-attorneys representing Social Security claimants, and third parties to exchange information with Social Security securely over the internet. These services include:
- File W-2s/W-2Cs online — This service offers fast, free, and secure online W-2 filing options to CPAs, accountants, enrolled agents, and individuals who process W-2s (the Wage and Tax Statement) and W-2Cs (Statement of Corrected Income and Tax Amounts).
- Verify employees’ Social Security numbers — The Social Security Number Verification Service allows employers to verify the names and Social Security numbers of current and former employees for wage reporting purposes only.