IRS Research Conference

2004 IRS Research Conference
June 2–3
Washington, D.C.

This section contains selected papers and other materials produced by IRS employees and others for the 2004 IRS Research Conference that was held on June 2–3, 2004, in Washington, DC. These materials are included in the proceedings of the conference—The IRS Research Bulletin: Recent IRS Research on Tax Administration and Compliance, Publication 1500. Each item is appropriately identified below.

The views expressed in these materials are those of the authors and are not necessarily the official positions of the Internal Revenue Service.

For more information about the proceedings volume or a particular item, please send us an email message.

All research papers are available as PDF files. A free Adobe Acrobat reader is available for download, if needed.

Foreword and Table of Contents PDF

Conference Program PDF

Conference Attendee List PDF

Keynote Address PDF

Senator Charles Grassley
Senate Finance Committee

Measuring and influencing voluntary compliance

Criminal Investigation Enforcement Activities and Taxpayer Noncompliance PDF
Jeffrey Dubin, California Institute of Technology, February 2005

Audit Information Dissemination, Taxpayer Communication, and Compliance: An Experimental Approach PDF
James Alm, Georgia State University; Betty Jackson, University of Colorado at Boulder; and Michael McKee, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, February 2005

Statistical Analysis of Compliance Using the NRP Data: Detection Controlled Models PDF
Jonathan Feinstein, Yale University, June 2004

Tax administration and compliance in other countries

Compliance Research at the Canada Revenue Agency PDF
Greg Maloney, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, February 2005

Translating the Compliance Model into Practical Reality PDF
Tony Morris and Michele Lonsdale, New Zealand Inland Revenue, February 2005

Tax Credits: The UK PerspectiveSummary PDF
Medhi Hussain, Inland Revenue, United Kingdom, May 2004

Issues in IRS management / administration of the tax system

IRS Human Capital: Hiring and Attrition of Employees in Compliance Occupations PDF
Alex Turk and Thomas Mielke, Internal Revenue Service, February 2005

Internet-Based Customer Service: Organizational Experiences PDF
IRS, Wage and Investment Division; and Stefano Grazioli, University of Virginia, May and June 2004

Measuring taxpayer compliance burdens

The Tax Compliance Burden of Small Businesses—A Profile of 50 Businesses PDF
Donald Deluca, Arnold Greenland, Sean Hennessy, Audrey Kindlon, and Michael Stavrianos, IBM Consulting, February 2005

Evaluating the Ability of the Individual Taxpayer Burden Model to Measure Components of Taxpayer Burden: The Alternative Minimum Tax as a Case Study PDF
Allen Lerman, Treasury Department; and Peter Lee, Internal Revenue Service, February 2005

New developments in IRS enforcement strategies

Relational Mining for Compliance Risk PDF
David DeBarr, MITRE Corporation; and Maury Harwood, Internal Revenue Service, February 2005

Designing a System for Structured Assessment of Compliance Risk PDF
John Lowrance, SRI International; and Rajesh Ragoobeer, Internal Revenue Service, February 2005

Compliance Risk Modeling and Resource Allocation in LMSB PDF
William Trautman, Internal Revenue Service, May and June 2004

Compliance with the Earned Income Tax Credit

IRS Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Initiative: Status Report to Congress PDF
February 2005

Appendix C from IRS Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Initiative: Status Report to Congress PDF
February 2005

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