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These tables below were originally published in the IRS Data Book, which is IRS Publication 55B, and are complied by various divisions throughout the IRS. The IRS's fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30.

IRS Costs Data

The following tables detail the costs incurred by the IRS. The first set of tables details operating costs and gross collections, while also showing the cost of collecting $100. The other tables show costs by budget activity (e.g., processing, enforcement, and credits) and location (only offered for 1995-1999).

IRS Collections, Costs, Personnel, and U.S. Population
by Fiscal Year

Costs Incurred by the IRS
by Budget Activity and Fiscal Year

• By Office, District, or Region
1998 XLS     1997 XLS      1996 XLS     1995 XLS

Workload Data

The tables below detail the number of cases in both Appeals and Chief Counsel.  Each table shows the number of prior year cases pending, received, closed, and cases pending as of the close of the fiscal year.

Appeals Workload
This table provides information on the workload of IRS's Appeals Office. The Appeals mission is to resolve tax controversies, without litigation, on a basis that is fair and impartial to both the taxpayer and the Government. The Appeals Office considers cases that involve examination, collection, and penalty issues. Taxpayers who disagree with the IRS findings in their cases may request an Appeals hearing. The local Appeals Office is separate and independent of the IRS office that proposed the tax adjustment, collection action, or penalty.
by Status and Type of Case and Fiscal Year

Chief Counsel Workload
Attorneys in the Chief Counsel's Office serve as lawyers for the IRS. They provide guidance to IRS and to taxpayers on the correct legal interpretation of the Federal tax laws, represent the IRS in litigation, and provide all other legal support the IRS needs to carry out its mission.
by Office and Type of Case or Activity and Fiscal Year

Chief Councel Workload: Tax Litigation
by Type of Case and Fiscal Year

Employee Data

The IRS compiles data on its employees on a fiscal year basis. These tables show breakouts by budget activity, personnel type and for earlier tax years, by office. Composition of IRS employees compared to non-military and total Federal labor forces are also available.

IRS Personnel Summary
by Employment Status, Budget Activity, and Type of Personnel and Fiscal Year

IRS Labor Force
by Race, National Origin, and Gender, Compared to National Totals for Civilian and Federal Labor Forces and Fiscal Year

Internal Activities

Some internal evaluation results are also available to the public. From 1995 to 1998, the IRS published data on its own internal audits and security activities. Audits are broken out by type of audit and the staff time allocated for conducting these audits.

The internal security activities detail employee and non-employee violations by outcome, as well as various financial accomplishments.

Finally, on a yearly basis, the IRS publishes details of information returns received, number of contacts, and additional tax and interest assessed. These data can be found in the Information Reporting Program tables.

• Internal Audit
by Type and Staff Time and Fiscal Year
1998 XLS     1997 XLS     1996 XLS     1995 XLS

• Internal Security Activities
by Type and Financial Accomplishment and Fiscal Year
1998 XLS     1997 XLS     1996 XLS     1995 XLS

Issuing Refunds  |  Enforcing Laws

Assisting Taxpayers  |  Managing the System

IRS Tax Compliance Activities  |  Taxpayer Compliance Research