OMB #1545-2212

The IRS would like to better understand how individuals make financial decisions about a range of topics such as managing money, getting a loan, saving for retirement, and paying taxes. As part of this effort, IRS has asked Fors Marsh Group (FMG), an established research company, to conduct in-depth phone interviews with taxpayers.

Invitation letters were sent to randomly selected taxpayers inviting them to participate in the interviews on a first-come, first-served basis. Participation is voluntary. You can be certain that all information you provide will be used for research purposes only.

A copy of the IRS letter that invites taxpayers to participate in the interviews is provided below.

Sample 2020 Financial Literacy and Tax Compliance Invitation Letter PDF

We hope you will decide to participate in this study. Learning about your experiences will help us to better understand the issues faced by taxpayers and how we can better assist them. Together we have an opportunity to advance our understanding. Thank you.