Corrections to 2020 Instructions for Form 1040 Schedule H, Line 27


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On the 2020 Instruction for Form 1040 Schedule H, line 27, the corrections to the chart in the instructions are the following.

  • Column 3, Enter the amount if any, from Schedule H, line 8e, on…, Row 4, 1040-SS

The instructions should say, "See the instructions for line 12 in the Instructions for Form 1040-SS" instead of, "The income tax return for your territory".

  • Column 4, And you entered an amount on Schedule H, line 8d, Row 4, 1040-SS

The instructions should say, "See the instructions for line 11 in the Instructions for Form 1040-SS" instead of, "See the instructions for line 12 in the Instructions for Form 1040-SS".

The instructions have been updated as of May 27, 2021. Copies of the form posted on that you may have downloaded prior to May 27, 2021, are still useable.