Correction to the 2017 and 2018 Instructions for Form 1099-B, Box 9 "Unrealized Profit or (Loss) on Open Contracts" -- 2018-JUN-21


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If you have a copy of the 2017 and/or 2018 Instructions for Form 1099-B, please note the following.

For the 2017 Instructions for Form 1099-B PDF on page 11, Box 9, the second sentence should read “Do not include amounts related to contracts that were open on 12/31/16 and were transferred to another broker during 2017.”

For the 2018 Instructions for Form 1099-B PDF on page 11, Box 9, the second sentence should read “Do not include amounts related to contracts that were open on 12/31/17 and were transferred to another broker during 2018.”