The tax year 2023 94x Modernized e-File (MeF) Assurance Testing System (ATS) information is contained below.

Separate testing is required for annual and quarterly 94x forms

If you have passed ATS for the tax year 2023 quarterly forms and you support the annual 94x forms, you will need to contact the e-Help Desk to test the annual forms.

TY 2023 94x MeF annual forms ATS scenarios

TY 2023 94x MeF quarterly forms ATS scenarios

Note: The same scenario posted for the 94x quarterly scenario 12 is posted at the link above for the 94x annual scenario 12.

For information and questions regarding ATS, please contact the e-Help Desk at 866-255-0654.

Modernized e-File (MeF) Assurance Testing System (ATS)

Tax year 2023 94x MeF schemas and business rules