Ask the healthcare provider's office to use this template on the provider's letterhead and replace the bracketed information.


<Insert Today's Date>

<Insert Parent/Guardian's Name and Address>


Re: <Insert Child's Name>

To Whom It May Concern:

According to our records <Child's Name> was a patient of <Name of Your Practice> during <Insert Year on The Notice>.

Our records show the child has been a patient since <Time Period>, they received services on <Insert the Dates You Provided Services During the Tax Year on the Notice> and their address was listed as <Street Address, City, State, Zip Code> during this time.

Our records also reflect that the child’s parent or guardian during this time was <Parent's or Guardian’s Name(s)> and their address was listed as <Street Address, City, State, Zip Code>.


<Signature of Employee>
<Insert Name>
<Insert Title>
<Insert Phone Number of Employee>