Partners have the choice of reporting their volunteers at the partner level or site level. However, care must be taken not to report volunteers more than once. Military sites should complete this form at the site level. Mail, fax or email this form, or a similar listing containing the same information, to your local SPEC territory office by February 3 but no later than February 15. As new volunteers report to the site(s), additional submissions are required by the 3rd of each month. Current year Form 13206, or Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct Agreement - VITA/TCE Programs should be available at the site and/or partner level as proof of volunteer certification for as long as the volunteers are working in your VITA/TCE program or until a new Form 13615 is secured for the new filing season. If Form 13206, or Form 13615, are not located at the site, the coordinator is required to have a method in place to track volunteer certification levels and be able to provide this information upon request. See Publication 5683, VITA/TCE Handbook for Partners and Site Coordinators.